blood clan

Chapter 144 Un surprise

Seeing the strange smile at the corners of Ao Baimei's mouth, Qi Wanxiang knew that Linda might be bad. While holding the blood drink in his hands and continuing to press down the snake kiss in his hand, the wings behind him strangely emerged from his shoulders, painted black, like two sharp knives, straight to the white neck of Ao Baimei.

At this time, Shangguan Rong also came behind Qi Wanxiang. While throwing the silver flying sword in his hand to Ao Baimei, he stopped steadily behind Qi Wanxiang. Several methods in his hand were pinched, and a few strands of cyan energy came out of her body quickly. After quickly catching up with the flying sword, he quickly He lost the flying sword.

And after the flying sword injected this cyan energy, just after a 'bang' sound, it split into nine identical flying swords. After these nine flying swords were lined up, they almost stabbed Ao Baimei with Qi Wanxiang's wings.

At this time, Linda's attack reached the proud heart first. Her claws were only a few centimeters from her back, and her mouth was not far from her neck. However, at the moment of her imminent hand, two tails appeared more quickly on her arrogant buttocks. One tail quickly expanded to block Linda's attack, while the other tail pulled Linda's front crease with lightning.

Under this attack, Linda became another person who was hit by arrogantly after Zhao Meng and Jack. But it's a little sad that no one picked her up. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to hit Jack, who had just got up from the ground, but she was not hurt, and Jack was not so comfortable.

And when Linda was shot, Qi Wanxiang and Shangguan Rong attacked. This time, Ao Baimei's face changed slightly, and then she opened her mouth and flew a milky white bead from her mouth, emitting a faint white halo.

But it is this inconspicuous white bead, which is the faint white halo emerging from it. Unexpectedly, it was so easy to block the attack of Shangguan Rong and Qi Wanxiang. Shangguan Rong's flying sword was directly bounced back, and Qi Wanxiang's wings could not enter at all after touching the white halo.

The white beads are the demon elixir of the demon clan. The demon elixir they made is much more difficult than the inner elixir made by human beings. Even after the Yuanying period, their demon elixir will not break up and turn into Yuanying like the human inner elixir. Their demon elixir will be more condensed, and it is also a powerful weapon on them, which is more powerful than magic weapons.

However, when fighting, the demon clan generally does not release the demon elixir. Once it is smashed by the opponent or captures the demon elixir, the demon clan is basically abandoned. At this time, arrogantly released the demon elixir. Obviously, her life was threatened. At the same time, she was confident in the safety of her demon elixir. It was possible to capture the demon elixir. Obviously, these opponents in front of her did not have this ability.

At this time, Ao Baimei raised her right foot again and kicked Qi Wanxiang's belly fiercely, and Qi Wanxiang's body was kicked away. And as his body flew back, even Shangguan Rong behind him flew away.

However, he spit out the arrogant charm of the demon elixir, as if his physical strength had also decreased a lot. Qi Wanxiang, who was kicked away, and Shangguan Rong hit the ground without flying far. However, it seems that neither of them have been kicked away as much as the other three.

At this moment, Tata's body and the knife in his hand reappeared into a big knife. And the handle of this big knife was on the snake kiss in Ao Baimei's left hand. Ao Baimei, whose attention was completely attracted by others just now, did not find the abnormality of Tata. It was not until the cutting blade approached Aomei's thigh that she found it.

Obviously, Ao Baimei found it a little late. While a touch of blood was rising, a heartbreaking pain came from her thigh. I didn't expect that the character who had been ignored by me would launch such an incredible attack. What was more difficult for her to accept was that this guy could actually hurt his body. The body that the demon clan was proud of was so fragile and vulnerable under the sharp blade.

Where the arrogant left leg was cut, the muscles have been rolled out, but because of the blood energy that keeps rolling out of the wound, blood is constantly coming out, and then flows down her thighs to her bare feet.

Tata is composed of a murderous atmosphere, so his attack carries a fierce murderous spirit that is arrogant in all defenses. At the same time, this killing breath also penetrates with the attack and successfully invades the arrogant body. And she rushed around in her body, causing very considerable damage.

The energy in the body kept rolling, and after flying the power of nine cows and two tigers, he finally forced the strange bloody energy that had just invaded into the corner of the body. But even so, it is a delusional for Aomei to completely eliminate this energy. After a while, this strange energy actually caused a lot of damage to the body.

There was blood on his mouth, and the charm on his arrogant face had disappeared without a trace. With a cold face and a hoarse voice, he said word by word, "Today you are going to die." At this time, the angered arrogant Baimei has thrown away the task of capturing Qi Wanxiang alive, which was entrusted by the sect when it was about to leave.

The glory on the proud demon elixir suddenly made a big deal and quickly hit the tower that had just maintained the knife shape. At the same time, two snake kisses in her hand, shining with strange green light on the blade of the dagger, and also crossed an arc and cut straight to the tower.

At the moment when the snake kiss and the demon elixir came to the body, the tower directly turned into the magic tower. At this time, I don't know whether the bottom of the tower was intentional or unintentional, facing the shining white demon elixir, but the tower body blocked the attack route of two snake kisses.

A 'zheng' sound came from the place where the snake kissed and the Zhenmo Tower hit each other. Even with the power of the Zhenmo Tower, it trembled in the air. It can be seen how powerful this blow is.

However, the white demon elixir was sucked in by the strange suction from the bottom of the town magic tower at the moment when it was close to the town magic tower. When the demon elixir was sucked away, her body choked and almost stood unsteadily. The loss of the demon elixir still seems to have caused some damage to the arrogant body.

However, the Zhenmo Tower turned into a streamer and disappeared on Qi Wanxiang's forehead at the moment of being arrogant and stunned. It turned out that the magic tower that had just been ingested with colored demon elixir was not as easy as it seemed on the surface.

As the foundation of the demon clan, it is difficult to be refined by others. Unless the body dies, or the demon elixir is completely isolated from the body, it will continue to try to break free from the bondage and return to the body of the monster.

What Zhenmo Tower now needs to do is to return to Qi Wanxiang's divine realm and use the power of the divine realm and the fierce killing breath of Zhenmo Tower to wipe out the spiritual power of Ao Baimei in the demon elixir. Only in this way can we nag about certain benefits while severely hitting arrogance.

After gritting his teeth and looking at the Zhenmo Tower's body, Ao Baimei had temporarily forgotten the pain on her thighs and the pain brought to her by the suppression of the demon elixir. Looking at Qi Wanxiang and said hatefully, "Huang Mao child, how dares to take my demon elixir? Let's see how I make you all die."

While saying harsh words, five snow-white fox tails suddenly appeared behind her body and kept swinging behind her. Coupled with the blood from the corners of her mouth, as well as the shocking wound on her left leg and the blood flowing down her thigh after constantly emerging, forming a beautiful and sad picture.

When the fox family practices, in addition to storing most of the energy in the elixir, they will also store the energy in the body in the tail behind them. As the number of tails that store energy will continue to increase, the physical strength will also increase. Through the number of tails, it is easy to measure the strength of the fox family.

It is said that a long time ago, a genius of the fox family cultivated into nine tails and was respected as nine tails by people in the real world. However, when he later resisted the heavens, it disappeared.

Now the arrogant beauty of five fox tails is obviously liberating her magical power. After losing the inner elixir, only through this relatively perverted physical strength can she defeat Qi Wanxiang and others who were flattened by her.

Although she looked very seriously injured, she still rushed to Qi Wanxiang, who had just got up from the ground. As he ran, he shouted, "Despicable guy, he actually attacked me with French Po."

At this time, if Ao Baimei still doesn't know that the person who just cut her left thigh and took away her demon elixir is Qi Wanxiang's magic weapon, then her practice in the real world for so many years is also in vain.

"Ha ha", only one of the light smiles expresses Qi Wanxiang's mood at this moment. It seems that as long as they are defeated or take the initiative to attack, whether they are countries or individuals, they will always find a grand reason to block the crowd and find some psychological comfort for themselves.

After the loud sound of Zheng, Qi Wanxiang's blood drink was extremely dangerous to catch the snake kiss cut by Ao Baimei under the knife. Obviously, the damage she had just suffered and the murderous atmosphere that she had not completely loved in her body had caused great obstacles to the arrogant action and strength.

Now the double dagger is split like this, but I didn't expect to be easily blocked by the yellow-haired child in front of me. A sense of anger involuntarily rose from the bottom of my heart, which really printed the proverb that the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by dogs.

Although there is a lot of unwillingness in my heart, I still haven't given up. As long as you kill the person in front of you, you can get back your demon elixir. In fact, if it hadn't been for the strength consumed by Shangguan Lei in the front, there would have been nothing they could do about Ao Baimei, let alone hurt her.