blood clan

Chapter 160 The Vampire's First Support

Chapter 60 The First Support of Vampires

Just as Qi Wanxiang picked up the dark beads on the ground, an emotionless voice sounded in his heart: "Successively killed the enemy and obtained three 'soul stones'. Killing the enemy has gained a total of 1,500 experience points, which has been distributed equally to you and your pet, and you finally get 250 points of experience points.

While this unpreceed voice disappeared, Qi Wanxiang's head appeared in his mind. On the right side of the avatar are two long strips, followed by a bright red long head are 500 percent small words, while behind the pale black strip is followed by 5% small letters. Below the avatar are four small gray squares arranged in a 'field' shape. On the right side of these four small gray squares, there are two or five small light red squares.

On the right side of the small gray square, there is a long light yellow strip, which is much longer than the red and light black strips above. However, this yellow strip is only bright in the first half, and the back is gray. Behind the long bar is the words 150 percent.

How familiar this scene is to Qi Wanxiang, and how similar it is to the character attribute bar in the lower right corner of the DOTA operation panel. Unexpectedly, when I was in such a strange world, I didn't know whether I was traveling through, I actually felt the game again. I don't know whether to be happy or sigh at this time?

This head obviously represents Qi Wanxiang himself, while the red and light black long strip on the right represents his life and the energy in his body. If the four grays are right, it should be his four skills. And the yellow strip is undoubtedly the damn experience strip, and he doesn't know what the last five light red squares are.

After calming downs, Qi Wanxiang once again focused on the strange images that appeared in his mind. Blood, energy, experience and so on in the image are probably correct. Now he mainly has to study the gray square of his suspected skill bar and what the light red square next to it is.

When focusing on the first part of the gray square, a line of words clearly appeared in Qi Wanxiang's thinking: "The first embrace of vampires: After being recognized by a blood clan, you will have the opportunity to become a blood clan, that is, the legendary vampire. This is a very powerful ability, which will not only make a qualitative leap, but also make you feel the faint dark energy around your body.

After reading the first square, Qi Wanxiang couldn't help thinking, "It seems that this skill must be added, otherwise I have to rely on Jack and Linda all the time? No wonder the energy in my body will be zero. It turns out that I'm waiting here."

When the spiritual power moved to the second square, the words that appeared in my mind were: "God Soldier Blood Drink: Legend has it that this is a treasure knife used by Cain. Even if it is held in the hands of shrimp like you, it is still extremely sharp. Blood drink is a magical weapon that can constantly absorb the awareness of killing and evolve itself. I believe that after having it, you will say goodbye to the era of shrimp.

After reading the second square, Qi Wanxiang couldn't help slanderingly, "I just took back my blood drink. This is a waste of skill or anything. He actually said that he is a shrimp, but at present he is really like a soft-footed shrimp."

When the spiritual power fell on the third square, the words in the mind became: "Resurrection: This is a very chicken rib existence. It can tightly resurrect your dead pets, puppets and magic weapons. Of course, it can't resurrect yourself, that is, together as a The rest of the camp can't be resurrected."

"This explanation is really nothing to say. There is no doubt about the strength of the skill, but when Qi Wanxiang saw the energy that needs to be consumed, he had a crazy impulse to ask for the whole 500 energy of Nima." After reading it this time, Qi Wanxiang almost cursed.

The last square made Qi Wanxiang smile. When his spiritual power fell here, the words that appeared in his mind were: "Demon King's transformation: a very powerful spell, which is also pressure-free compared with the concave and convex man's transformation. It makes you change into a demon god in the alien world and regard killing as the meaning of your survival. You must be careful when using it. , be cautious.

After watching the demon king's change, Qi Wanxiang scolded in his heart again: "Obviously, I was able to control my mind when the demon king changed, and there was no previous madness and irrational madness. How could Nima 'view killing as the meaning of her survival'?"

After reading the brief introduction of these four skills, Qi Wanxiang suddenly felt that he could add a skill at any time. It seems that I have a skill point for a long time. It will only be activated after killing the enemy. There is really no limit to it.

At this time, Qi Wanxiang vaguely felt that someone was approaching him. Qi Wanxiang looked up and found that Linda and Liu Peng were holding a dark bead. They were next to the tower. As soon as they walked to him, Qi Wanxiang opened his mouth and said, "Don't you feel anything about holding beads in your hands? Or is there no strange sound in my mind?"

Hearing Qi Wanxiang's inexplicable question, Linda and Liu Peng looked at each other and shook their heads to show that there was no problem. After looking at Qi Wanxiang's strange expression, they looked down at the beads in their hands again.

After hearing their answers and seeing their movements, Qi Wanxiang realized that only he had this feeling. Before he had time to do anything with them, Qi Wanxiang concentrated his spirit on the five light red squares.

When the spiritual power was completely on the first square, a snow-white giant wolf appeared in Qi Wanxiang's mind this time, with a few big words floating next to it: "Jack, one of the first pets to follow Qi Wanxiang, has a strong melee ability, especially the power of physical explosion. There is no doubt about the loyalty to Qi Wanxiang.

When Qi Wanxiang saw this, his spiritual power quickly shifted to the second square. This time, he appeared in his mind a golden kitten, and the floating words next to him were: "The agile Linda is a very unqualified maid of Qi Wanxiang. Although she will not help Qi Wanxiang wash and cook, her combat effectiveness is unsurmountable. Visual".

The spiritual power fell to the third square, and the figure in Qi Wanxiang's mind was finally replaced by a human figure. The floating words next to him wrote: "This is a powerful guy who regards life as the first, but he used to care about his own life, but now it is Qi Wanxiang's life. He has good magical achievements, but at present, it's a pity that his magical ability has been lost.

"It's not done by you, pretending that life is pure?" Qi Wanxiang put his spiritual power on the fourth square after scolding in his heart. This time, he is still a human figure, but it is very hazy. The floating words next to him read: "It's the tower. , a guy born from a period of spiritual power constantly absorbing the consciousness of killing. His body is invincible and his body is impeccable, but he now has a soul left. What a tragic person, but it seems that he can still absorb the consciousness of killing.

Qi Wanxiang put his spiritual strength on the last grid. This time, it was the figure of an owl. The words floating next to her wrote: "As a daughter of a race, she can leave that kind of life and run for the future of the race. It can be said to be a great girl. Anyway, Please don't let her down. She is your eyes and an important leader in your future. Remember.

After reading these, the doubts in Qi Wanxiang's heart were relieved. Sure enough, several of them existed as their own assistants in the world, and the meaning of their independent existence had obviously been erased.

After taking a look at them, Qi Wanxiang said, "Give me this paint black round bead. This is actually what the 'soul stone' is called by the card soldier. At present, I don't know what other uses it is except for trading with Carbine."

After hearing Qi Wanxiang's words, Linda and Liu Peng handed over the black beads in their hands to Qi Wanxiang. After Qi Wanxiang took it, he looked at the three beads in his hand and sighed, "If only there was a backpack, then it could be loaded."

As soon as Qi Wanxiang's words fell, in the surprised eyes of others, a square backpack appeared on Qi Wanxiang's back, and Qi Wanxiang also felt it. Facing everyone's surprised eyes, he sighed again: "Is it really a game-like world? I forgot to give my backpack at the beginning. Have you made it up now? As he spoke, he put all three beads in his hand into the backpack behind him.

At this time, he suddenly shouted, "If only I could leave the world now, so that I can know what's going on." After saying that, he looked around expectantly.

In everyone's surprised eyes again, Qi Wanxiang finally said helplessly, "It seems that I don't have to give everything. I thought I had found the secret to leave this broken place?" After listening to Qi Wanxiang's words, the surprised color on their faces disappeared, and they changed into an idiotic indifference. It seemed that Qi Wanxiang's surprised behavior made them jump with the fright.

At this time, Qi Wanxiang suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have added his own skill. These four skills seem to be good, but after reading them carefully, Qi Wanxiang found that the first skill 'vampire's embrace' is the basis of all, as if he had become a blood clan at the beginning. With this other skill, it is meaningful.

Although the second skill is the most attractive, it does not have the most basic strong physique, just like a child holding a big knife. This skill is still useless at all. As for the third skill, Qi Wanxiang looked at the 50% gray strip next to his avatar and decisively gave up this choice.

And the last skill looks very powerful, but the last sentence of 'taking as the meaning of survival' always lingers in my mind, so that I have to give up this last skill.

After making a decision in his heart, Qi Wanxiang said in his heart, "Choose the first skill: Vampire's Embrace." While the words fell in his heart, a strong wind blew around him. In the wind, Qi Wanxiang felt the dark energy again, and once again felt the fullness of his body being filled with dark energy.

At this time, Liu Peng, Tata, Jack and Linda also felt the long-lost dark energy again, and even Anne felt the existence of shadow energy around her body. The sense of powerlessness in their hearts completely disappeared, and they were once again full of high fighting spirit. In this strange world, they were full of confidence for the first time.

After Qi Wanxiang opened his eyes happily, he found that other people were also looking at him happily. Liu Peng couldn't even wait to summon a flame, making the flame keep beating in his hand and making various movements.

After coughing twice, Qi Wanxiang said, "We have power again. This feeling is really wonderful, so that we can be more sure to survive in this strange world."

Looking at everyone looking at himself seriously, Qi Wanxiang continued, "Everyone has found that the world is very similar to games and looks different from games. There is even a piece of information in my mind, just like a gamified world. In this case, let's play an immersive game and let's complete the game together.

After listening to Qi Wanxiang's words, the others just roared together and looked at Qi Wanxiang. Qi Wanxiang looked at everyone's expressions and asked, "Don't you want to know what I saw in my mind?"

After listening to Qi Wanxiang's question, Tata looked at Qi Wanxiang and said solemnly, "Is it necessary? You won't hurt us. Why don't we just listen to you? Again, you also said that this is a world of games. Don't we just need to hold the mentality of games? Why do you have to care so much?"

After listening to Tata's words, the others nodded with approval and looked at him again with a look that made Qi Wanxiang uncomfortable. Qi Wanxiang had to quickly say, "Well, let's see what wild monsters are worth killing next."

After hearing Qi Wanxiang's words, Anne immediately said, "About a kilometer away from us, I also found a camp of humanoid creatures. It looks like they live there, but they have simple weapons and don't look easy to deal with."