blood clan

Chapter 162 Harvest

Chapter Sixty-two Harvest

The dog-headed leader is much stronger than ordinary dog-headed people. He has greater attack power and faster speed, and even his combat skills are much better than other dog-headed people. Every time Jack dodged or received attacks from other dog-headed people, he attacked Jack, which left a few scars on Jack's body.

After Qi Wanxiang arrived, a big fireball roared and hit the dog-headed leader. When he dodged, Qi Wanxiang successfully approached another dog-headed man. When the dog-headed man attacked Jack, Qi Wanxiang directly cut off his throat and turned him into another A painted black round bead.

After seeing Qi Wanxiang join the battlefield, the dog-headed leader barked a few times in a hurry, and I don't know what it means. After hearing the barking of the dog-headed leader, the other two dog-headed people quickly retreated to his side, and even the dog-headed people who waited for the opportunity to launch a sneak attack and fight with others in the distance quickly gathered to him. Only the white-robed dog-headed man who fought with Linda ran over after attacking Linda again.

Looking at the dog-headed people gathered in front of him, Qi Wanxiang counted them carefully. Counting the dog-headed leader and the white-robed dog-headed man, there are still eight in total, and more than 30 were killed by Qi Wanxiang and several people in a short time. However, these eight dog-headed people survived the battle, which is obviously similar to elites. Of course, their combat effectiveness is much better than other dog-headed people.

And Liu Peng, Tata, Linda and Anne also rushed behind Qi Wanxiang and Jack, and the two groups formed a confrontation. The injured people on Qi Wanxiang's side also began to recover quickly under the repair of their own dark energy.

And on the other side of the dog-headed man, after the white-robed dog-headed man arrived, under his muttering, a white light appeared from his hand. As soon as the light broke away from his fingers, it floated on the injured dog-headed people. And these dog-headed wounds began to recover quickly under the stimulation of white energy.

When Qi Wanxiang and others first fought, Qi Wanxiang only used hand-to-hand combat. He thought he had lost the ability to cast spells. After seeing Liu Peng's fireball in a blink of an eye, I remembered that this guy was happily playing with flames on his fingers when he added the skill of 'vampire hug'.

In the later battle, Qi Wanxiang naturally used some simple spells. Without blood drinking, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Even when fighting, he was not used to fighting directly with his fists.

Looking at the confrontation between the dog-headed man and his side, Qi Wanxiang shouted in a low voice: "Darkness spreads." Then a thick black fog came from his body, and then quickly spread to the dog-headed man.

At the moment when the black fog enveloped the dog-headed man, Qi Wanxiang and the people behind him shot at the dog-headed man like shells. When they thought about it, the dog-headed man who lost his sight was like meat on the cutting board and let them cut it.

Qi Wanxiang thinks that the best way now is to kill the dog-headed leader or the white-robed dog-headed man first, which is the most correct strategy. Because one of them is the leader of the dog-headed team, and the other is the key to keeping the dog-headed team fighting. No matter who kills them, it is very important for Qi Wanxiang and others.

Therefore, Qi Wanxiang focused his attack on the dog-headed leader. When Qi Wanxiang and others approached, a group of dog-headed people actually had no reaction. Qi Wanxiang thought that they must have been scared, and now they are obviously restrained by the leader, otherwise they would definitely escape.

With flames wrapped around his right hand, Qi Wanxiang grabbed the neck of the dog-headed leader. He was bound to solve the current battle at one time. Because he is anxious about the dark beads that are almost all over the ground now.

But just as Qi Wanxiang's hand approached the neck of the dog-headed man's neck, a sadistic smile suddenly appeared on his face. As if laughing at Qi Wanxiang, an uneasy mood rose in Qi Wanxiang's heart.

"They can't see us under the 'spread of darkness'. This is just my illusion." Comforting himself again and again in his heart, Qi Wanxiang's hand was closer to the neck of the dog-headed man's leader. However, just as his hand was about to grab the dog-headed man's neck, Qi Wanxiang's heart inexplicably raised a dangerous alert.

While withdrawing his sight from the neck of the dog-headed leader, Qi Wanxiang also withdrew his hand to launch the attack. At this moment, he found that the huge axe in the hand of the dog-headed man had roared and cut his calf.

While Qi Wanxiang's body retreated, the flame in his hand had turned into a fireball and then quickly shot into the face of the dog-headed leader. And he did not forget to shout "be careful", which was to remind others in case they were tricked by dog-headed people.

However, just as soon as Qi Wanxiang's voice fell, he shouted "Ah" on his right. Obviously, not everyone will be as cautious as Qi Wanxiang, and they don't have the ability to respond as quickly as him.

If Qi Wanxiang knew that the dog-headed man is a kind of creature that lives in the crypt or dense jungle, and has an infrared vision ability of about 100 meters, it will be affected by the vision in bright sunlight. He would not have made such a mistake. Instead of launching the 'dark spread', he gave the dog-headed man an advantage.

There is a cloud in the art of war: know yourself and know your enemy, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles. Qi Wanxiang's failure this time is because he doesn't understand the dog-headed man, or none of them understands the dog-headed man, otherwise they would have stopped Qi Wanxiang's stupid behavior.

Qi Wanxiang had no time to think about how the dog-headed man saw through the actions of his group, so he opened his mouth and shouted, "Everyone retreated. The 'dark spread' seems to have no effect on them. Be careful," and Qi Wanxiang also had time to shout this sentence.

The dog-headed leader turned his head and easily dodged the fireball sent by Qi Wanxiang. After that, he bowed his body, waved the huge axe in his hand, and quickly rushed to Qi Wanxiang. At this time, Qi Wanxiang was in the surprise of being attacked instead of a sneak attack. He didn't have time to make any effective counterattack, but just dodged his huge axe.

The huge axe waved by the dog-headed leader attacked Qi Wanxiang like a storm. Obviously, he also knows that now is the best time to attack Qi Wanxiang. Therefore, his attack is not merciless, typically killing you when you are sick.

In other directions, Jack was attacked at the beginning because he rushed too hard. The wound on the shoulder blade, which happened to last for a long time, was once again opened by a huge animal bone in the dog-headed man's hand, and the blood was left along the wound. If it weren't, Annie would have nailed a 'shadow arrow' straight into the dog-headed man's head at a critical moment, and Jack would probably have fallen into the same danger as Qi Wanxiang.

Because of her own agility, Linda dodged the attack of the white-robed dog-headed man. This time, Linda found a white-robed dog-headed man and originally planned to avenge her. However, in this situation, it is rare for Linda to dodge this attack.

Liu Peng planned to lean on after launching the fireball, but after seeing the dog-headed man easily dodging his fireball, he decisively stopped moving forward. However, the dog-headed man took the opportunity to rush to Liu Peng and launched a fierce offensive.

Only the tower that has been killing efficiently. This time, it still became a sharp blade when it was close to the dog-headed man. After another successful splitting the dog-headed man in half, it returned to a human form in the distance.

After the initial panic, Qi Wanxiang finally stabilized his mood. While steadily dodging the huge axe of the dog-headed leader, he began to think about countermeasures. Without the blood drink, Qi Wanxiang is like a tiger with a tooth extracted, and the attack means are much less.

After successfully dodging the axe of the dog-headed leader, Qi Wanxiang did not retreat this time. In the surprised eyes of the dog-headed leader, Qi Wanxiang approached him and roared, "Dark bondage", and then the dog-headed leader found that he could not move.

Without any hesitation, Qi Wanxiang directly stuck the throat of the dog-headed leader, and then quickly crushed his throat before the 'dark bondage' failed. The duration of the dark bondage is very short, and Qi Wanxiang must end his life quickly. Qi Wanxiang had already figured out the attack action just now when he dodged.

Jack still used the way of fighting for his life. After two more attacks on his body, he successfully solved the two dog-headed men. During this period, Anne successfully killed a dog-headed man, and the tactic was still to nail the 'shadow arrow' directly into the dog-headed man's head.

Tata still has the highest number of killings. This time, he is still in front of others and killed three dog-headed people in one go. After the fireball attack was fruitless, Liu Peng kept pressing the fireballs on the doghead one by one when the dog-headed man approached. At the eighth fireball, he finally ended the life of the dog-headed man. While lamenting the tenacious vitality of the dog's head, it also made Liu Peng tired.

The battle between Linda and the white-robed dog-headed man was the most tragic battle. Finally, Linda tried her best to get hurt and directly cut off the head and claw of the white-robed dog-headed man. But he also left 23 wounds on his body.

At this time, Qi Wanxiang also withdrew the 'dark spread', and there was no standing dog-headed man on the field, even the lying dog-headed man. Because the killed dog head has turned into dark beads in the faint black fog.

Qi Wanxiang looked at the painted black beads on the ground and could no longer control his excitement and began to pick them up crazily. In the end, with the help of others, Qi Wanxiang got 44 black beads, which was really a bumper harvest.