Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 7 Three Souls and Seven Souls

Zhang Xun listened and said strangely, "How can it be a medical book? What I saw on this bookshelf is a real book?"

"It's really a medical book. Although I studied Western medicine, I have also studied traditional Chinese medicine. This is a medical book!"

"This doctor's treatment skills are also divided into east, west, north and south? Is the owner of this stone room both a true man and a doctor? Zhang Xun was puzzled.

"Maybe. Let's go to the next room."

came to the last room. As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Xun was shocked by the scene in front of him and saw a purple crystal coffin in the middle of the room slightly larger than the first two rooms.

"How can there be a coffin? Who is lying inside? Zhang Xun said to himself strangely.

At this time, there was a laugh outside. Zhang Xun was shocked: Who will it be? Is the owner of the stone room back? Zhang Xun just came out to see what happened, but a white-bearded old man appeared in front of the door.

"Old gentleman!" Zhang Xun called out in surprise.

The old man smiled and said, "Looking for a boy, how are you doing these days away from Zanshan?"

Zhang Xun said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't tell you when I left.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter." After saying that, he stared at Li Qianye standing behind Zhang Xun. Who is this girl?

"Sir, her name is Li Qianye, whom I met when I fell into the imperial city."

The old man smiled at Li Qianye and said, "Where is the girl from?"

Li Chiba stepped forward and said, "Hir, the little woman is from the capital."

"Then aren't you afraid of your parents worrying when you run out with the boy?"

"I have been an orphan since I was a child, so I don't have to worry about my parents."

The old man was about to ask something, but he was interrupted by Zhang Xun just as he was about to speak.

"Sir, why are you here? What is this place?"

The old man listened to Zhang Xun's words and was silent for a long time and did not answer Zhang Xun.

silently walked to the crystal coffin, bowed, and said, "Brother Cang Yu, in order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, I gave your son to me and asked me to take care of your son. Now that your son has grown up, I will bring him here according to my sister-in-law's instructions, so that he can inherit what you have learned in your life, step into the world of cultivation, and avenge you.

After saying that, the old man turned around and looked at Zhang Xun. Zhang Xun was stunned by the old man's words.

"Sir, the person lying in this coffin is the unrivaled genius who created Ying Kunlun in those years!"

"That's right, and you are the son of Cangyu."

Zhang Xun couldn't calm down for a long time. He looked ahead in a moment and said, "Am I Cangyu's son? Isn't my father a hunter? My father is Zhang Lie, a hunter! Don't you know, sir!?

The old man sighed heavily and said, "I know you can't accept it for a moment. Calm down and listen to me and listen to you. At that time, your father was extremely talented in cultivation, and it only took less than 30 years to cultivate the magic power that others may not be able to practice successfully. Your father was young and vigorous. At a young age, he practiced to the realm of congenital perfection. He felt that he was unparalleled in the world, thus offending many superior practitioners, and even offending the heavenly immortals. Later, your father unified the evil way and created Shadow Kunlun, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Tianji immortals. This Shadow Kunlun meant to fight against their Kunlun Mountain. After creating Shadow Kunlun, your father often faced enemies to seek revenge. Your father is arrogant and not afraid at all. Later, I fell in love with your mother. Your mother became pregnant with you. In order to protect your mother and let you be born safely, she lived in seclusion and decided not to ask about things in the world of cultivation, but she was still found by the heavenly immortals. In order to protect your mother, your father delayed the three heavenly immortals and let your mother escape to me. At that time, you were born and were brought to me by your mother to raise you. When you grow up, you will bring you here to inherit your father's unique skills and avenge your father. Later, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, I threw you on the mountain and let the hunter Zhang Lie pick you up, so you became Zhang Lie's son, and I lived in that small village and secretly protected you.

"Then my mother? Where has she been these years?

"Do you remember what I told you before? Your innate soul is not suitable for cultivation. Your mother was injured by Xuan Ninghua of the Lingtian School when she was pregnant with you. Xuan Ninghua is the best disciple of the Lingtian School in the past 100 years, and her strength is close to that of the three masters. If it hadn't been for your mother's skill in medicine, I'm afraid she wouldn't have survived. But later after giving birth to you, I found that your innate soul was still affected. Your mother later looked for a way to make you practice normally, but later disappeared.

Li Qianye said strangely, "Old gentleman, why can't you practice if your innate soul is injured?"

"What the true practitioners cultivate is the innate soul. People's innate souls are divided into three souls and seven souls. The three souls are divided into Benyuan, Huigen and Tianban. The seven spirits are divided into destiny, qi, center, spiritual wisdom, spirit, heaven and heaven. Benyuan, Huigen and destiny are all necessary for everyone. Without Benyuan, he will be weak and sick, and his body will be weak; without wisdom, he will be either crazy or stupid, or his head will be dull; if he loses his fate, he will be lonely and lonely and poor for a poor life. And for Qi, the center, spiritual wisdom, for the spirit, the heaven, and the pole of heaven, these six souls are cultivated by the true practitioners. Qi is the beginning of cultivation. Zhang Xun was hurt by Xuan Ninghua when she was in her mother's womb. Zhang Xun's anger is too dark, and it's not that he can't be true, but it's difficult. Even I can't help it."

Li Chiba asked again, "Then why do you still need qualifications to accept apprentices in the Xiuzhen sect? Everyone has three souls and seven souls, and they should be able to be cultivated!"

"The appearance of Benyuan, Huigen and fate determines the qualifications and circumstances of this person in all aspects. Although it is often said that people have three souls and seven souls, ordinary people actually only have two souls and one soul. Usually ordinary people can't feel the existence of other souls and six souls. Huigen's more obvious or extremely obvious people can sense the existence of the last six spirits with the help of some cultivation methods and practice one by one. The higher the Huigen appears, the higher the seniority of this person. The more the six souls are cultivated, the more the soul will appear outside the human body. Therefore, some powerful practitioners look illusory, giving people a feeling of immortality.

"So that's it. Sir, why don't you say that the last day of the three souls is forbidden?"

The reason why Tianjin doesn't say anything is that few people can feel his existence. The practitioners cultivate until the innate perfection, that is, after breaking through the celestial pole, they may not be able to feel it. Even if you feel it, it is extremely difficult to practice the divine prohibition. There are only six people in the world who can feel the existence of the forbidden. After the death of Brother Cangyu, there are only five people left. If you completely practice to break the heavenly prohibition, you can step into the ranks of immortals and escape from the pain of reincarnation forever. But in the land of China, for hundreds of millions of years, countless practitioners have broken the heavenly prohibition. Speaking of this, the old man sighed: "Alas... people are human beings, and it is not so easy to walk into immortals."
