Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 11 Giant Gate Palace

Adjusted their mood and saw that the stone gate had been opened. Zhang Xun and Mu Nanqing were ready to enter the stone gate to see if they could find a way out.

Zhang Xungang was about to ask Mu Nanqing to leave quickly, but suddenly found that something was wrong behind him. The light just came from the top of the cave, and now the space above the head suddenly becomes dark, and the bottom is brighter than before.

Zhang Xun came out from behind the boulder and saw that the three glowing stones on the top of the cave had just fallen, and the colorful stones surrounding the three glowing stones also fell to the ground. Zhang Xun walked over, squatted down, picked up a glowing stone and observed it carefully to see why the stone was shining.

Mu Nanqing saw Zhang Xun suddenly run out from behind the boulder and quickly followed him to see what Zhang Xun was doing. Mu Nanqing found Zhang Xun squatting on the ground, looking at a glowing object in his hand. He came up and found that it was a stone that had just been on the top of the cave, and now it fell down.

Mu Nanqing also looked curiously and suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Ah! Brother Zhang, look! What is this!? Mu Nanqing pointed to the light emitted by the stone and said.

Zhang Xun said doubtfully, "It's just..." Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xun opened his mouth and remained motionless. A few words faintly appeared in the light emitted by the stone. Zhang Xun opened his eyes and saw it carefully. He only saw that the words written in the light were: the fate of heaven came, and the eyes of the earth were opened; the spirit sword came out, and the gods appeared.

Zhang Xun slowly read word by word and looked at Mu Nanqing, and his eyes were full of doubts. Mu Nanqing shook her head. Obviously, she didn't know what it meant. Zhang Xun gently read these twelve words in his mouth several times and thought, what is this a hint? Tell me what's going to happen? What does the fate of heaven mean? What is the earth's eye and spiritual sword? Is there an immortal going to appear? After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of anything, so Zhang Xun put these three glowing stones in his arms. This thing is much easier to use than the fire fold. It not only emits bright light, but also illuminates a smaller space like daylight, but is not afraid of being blown out by the wind.

He took two stones in his arms and took one to walk from the lighting in his hand. The two walked into the stone gate and saw a narrow stone road behind the stone gate. Zhang Xunjin walked in front with a stone in his hand and let Mu Nanqing just follow him.

After walking for a while, I didn't see the head or see anything. Mu Nanqing pulled Zhang Xun's clothes with fear and said, "Brother Zhang, how long will it take to get out? I'm so scared."

Zhang Xun gently patted Mu Nanqing on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, Brother Zhang will definitely take you out."

For good, there is a light from the stone, which can distinguish the road. Just as Zhang Xun was about to collapse, he found that the road ahead seemed to be wider. Zhang Xun was shocked and quickly pulled Mu Nanqing forward. After a few steps, I saw a huge scarlet gate in front of me, with two stone-carved dragons standing in front of it.

The two stone dragons are tall and long, and the carving process is very smart. The image of the stone dragon is lifelike, as if they will wake up and fly away at any time. Zhang Xun and Mu Nanqing were shocked by the majestic momentum of the two stone dragons and stared for a long time before walking to the door.

"Is this place the imperial mausoleum? Ordinary people dare to make stone dragons. Zhang Xun thought about it.

When they came to the door, they just looked at the vermilion giant door from afar. Because they couldn't see the top, they didn't feel how huge it was. Now they stood under the door. When they compared with the giant door, they knew the huge gate.

"How can we open such a big door?" Mu Nanqing looked up and said degrily.

"Don't be afraid. Isn't it difficult to open the stone door just now? Didn't we still find the machine bracket to open the door? Let's look for it. I guess there is also a machine to open the door.

The two looked in front of this door again. Zhang Xun looked at the huge door with a stone and didn't find anything for a while.

At this time, a few big words suddenly appeared on the giant door, and Zhang Xun quickly retreated and saw it. A few words slowly appeared on the door.

It is written on the left door: Seeing this, it is predestined. The door on the right said, "If you pass through this fairy gate, you will see the true god."

After reading it, Zhang Xun was shocked: Does the words on this huge door have anything to do with the words revealed in the light emitted by the stone just now?

Mu Nanqing was also curious and said, "Brother Zhang, what does the words on this huge door have to do with the words in the light of the stone just now?"

Zhang Xun shook his head and said, "I don't know if it must be related, but I think it should be related." As soon as he finished speaking, the huge door rumbled, and after a while, the door opened.

As soon as the huge door opened, a light shone out. Zhang Xun narrowed his eyes and looked ahead and saw a huge hall behind the huge gate. There are many bronze lamp racks in the hall, which are full of candles. Strangely, these candles seem to have just been lit. The length of the candles is the same, and there is no wax oil flowing down, and there is no residual wax oil in the lamp groove.

But these candles do not emit particularly bright light. The light emitted when the huge door was just opened was emitted by some stones held by something like a lamp stand, which was much larger than the shining stone in Zhang Xun's hand, but the light emitted was also different. The stone in Zhang Xun's hand emits a little golden light, like sunlight, but the light emitted by this big stone is very white, not golden at all.

I looked around and saw that there was a pool in the middle of the hall. There was a place in the middle of the pool, on which there was a table, a book and a jade slip. Zhang Xun walked up along a road. I came to the table, picked up the book on the table and looked through it. Suddenly, I felt that this book was so familiar, as if the content of this book had appeared in my mind, but I couldn't think of it when I thought about it.

Zhang Xun found that this was a book of practitioners with a kind of cultivation method. Zhang Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had never learned the real skill. How could this real skill exist in his brain? Maybe he had hallucinations.

Mu Nanqing looked at Zhang Xun strangely and said, "Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Xun was stunned and said, "It's okay. I just remembered something, but I found that I was wrong."

Picked up the jade Jane beside him and looked at it. I don't understand what this is, but I also feel that this thing once belonged to me, so I picked up both things and put them on my body.

(I didn't expect that I would be on the new book list so slowly. I'm really sorry to follow the readers. I want to know if there are any readers who read my book. If so, please leave a word.)