Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 13 Sword

The sword shook slightly up and down and suspended in the air, and the sword body revolved around the mysterious air.

Zhang Xun and Mu Nanqing looked at the sword in a daze and were very surprised. Why did this sword appear here, in such a strange way, and so strange?

Weapons are generally made of metal materials, and some weapons for special purposes, such as those used for practice and performance, are also replaced by wood. Even if some magic weapons look very smart, they can't change the essence of their metal materials.

And this sword is very special. He doesn't look like it's made of metal. Correctly speaking, it should not be made of any kind of material that Zhang Xun has seen. He seems to be made of Xuanguang and looks very transparent. It makes people feel that when they want to touch him with their hands, their hands will pass through the sword.

The Xuanguang Sword shook silently in the air, and Zhang Xun also looked at him in a daze. Zhang Xun's heart rose again with the familiar feeling that appeared when he saw the book and Yu Jian in the pool.

Gently stepped forward and slowly stretched out his hand. When he touched the hilt of the sword, he did not penetrate it, but actually grabbed it in his hand.

"broken soul..." Zhang Xun said gently and slightly sadly.

Mu Nanqing seemed to be distracted when he saw Zhang Xun again. Since entering this hall, Zhang Xun has become strange. Mu Nanqing woke him up several times, and now it's like this again.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?" Mu Nanqing asked Zhang Xun again.

After listening to Mu Nanqing's words, Zhang Xun suddenly woke up.

"What's wrong with me? Why is the brain always controlled by inexplicable thoughts? Zhang Xun thought puzzledly.

I suddenly realized that the sword had just been held in my hand. I took it and observed it carefully.

This sword seems to be really made of Xuanguang. Hold it in your hand and you can clearly see the palm of your hand. The length of the sword is about 4 feet. The whole body is transparent, and there is a golden mysterious light wandering inside the sword.

Touching the sword body, Zhang Xun's heart emerged a kind of heroic spirit of reigning in the world, as if he mastered a sword and could control the world.

Suddenly, the sword shook violently, as if to get out of Zhang Xun's hand. Zhang Xun couldn't hold it, and the sword flew up to the jade** sky again. Then it slowly became blurred, as if it was going to disappear into the air. Just as it was about to be seen, the sword turned golden, very dazzling, and then the golden light dispersed into countless small rays flying towards Zhang Xun.

These small lights flew so fast that Zhang Xun flew into his body before he could avoid it. The rays of light flew into Zhang Xun's body in an instant, much faster than when the sword was formed just now.

Zhang Xun was frightened and felt that he had checked his body to see if there was any change. Mu Nanqing on one side also asked anxiously, "Are you all right!? Brother Zhang."

Zhang Xunzai carefully examined his body and found that the beauty was abnormal. He felt it again and found that there was nothing uncomfortable in his body.

"It's okay for the time being, but I don't know if anything will happen in the future." Zhang Xun replied.

"I think we'd better leave here. It's too weird here." Mu Nanqing looked around and said in fear.

"Then let's find a way out and go out."

After getting off the jade platform, Zhang Xun pulled Mu Nanqing and continued to walk to the end of the hall, hoping to find a way out.

The two walked quickly and soon came to the back wall of the hall. They were surprised to find a door there and pushed it with their hands. This time, it was very simple to push it open. Zhang Xun quickly took out the shining stone in his arms to illuminate it and walked in.

After entering, there is another stone road. The road is very smooth and illuminated by stones, so the road is smooth.

Walked for a rest, turned a few corners, and walked up for a while. The two went out of the stone road. After a while, they came outside.

"Finally outside!" Zhang Xun breathed the air desperately and enjoyed the freshness outside.

Mu Nanqing didn't know whether he was tired of walking or his nervous mood was finally relaxed. As soon as he came out of the cave, he sat on the ground.

After a while, Zhang Xun looked at the sky. Now it seems to be in the morning. He looked around and looked at his current position.

Judging from Zhang Xun's experience of hunting in the mountains since childhood, this is a mountain forest, and the location of the mountain forest should be at the bottom of the mountain. The mountains and forests are not too dense, and it is very convenient to go down the mountain.

Zhang Xun was particularly worried about Li Qianye. He didn't know whether she was alive or dead. After resting for a while, he pulled Mu Nanqing down the mountain. After walking for an hour, I came to the bottom of the mountain. There is a dirt road at the foot of the mountain, and Zhang Xun doesn't know which way to find Li Qianye. The clothes on the two people were wet with water and stained with a lot of dirty things in the cave. It's better to find a place where there are people to clean their clothes.

Looking left and right, I didn't know which way to walk to the town, so I chose a random direction.

At noon, the two came to a small town. I went into the city, found a tailor shop and bought clothes. He found an inn to stay and asked Xiao Er to bring hot water into the room. After cleaning, Zhang Xun went to bed and slept. Since he was involved in the strange whirlpool and appeared in the strange cave, he has not been able to rest. Now he is tired and sleepy, so he has to go to bed quickly.

When I woke up, it was the next morning. As soon as I was about to get up, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Xun quickly put on his clothes and opened the door to find that it was Mu Nanqing.

"Brother Zhang, are you awake?" Mu Nanqing smiled and said, "Let's go to dinner. I'm very hungry. By the way, ask the store where this is.

After listening, he nodded and went downstairs with Mu Nanqing.

They sat down by the window and called the second child to serve the meal. Because they were too hungry, they devoured it. Under a bowl of rice, Zhang Xun asked the shopkeeper, "Brother, what city is this?"

Hearing this, the shopkeeper looked at Zhang Xun strangely and said, " Guest, you came to us and stayed here all night. Why don't you know what our city is called? Our city is called Zhuyang City.

"Zhuyang City? Thank you, little brother. Zhang Xun smiled at the shopkeeper and said.

The shopkeeper answered and went to work.

"Xiaoqing, you walk by boat. Do you know where Zhuyang City is located?" Zhang Xun asked.

Mu Nanqing put down his bowls and chopsticks and said, "Zhuyang City is in Shennongxi in the middle of the Three Gorges. It seems that we have been swept far away by the whirlpool."

Zhang Xun couldn't help worrying when he heard this. The two of them were swept so far away by the whirlpool, so where was Li Qianye rolled up? Is it still alive? Zhang Xun was not in the mood to eat and couldn't help looking out of the window in a daze.

Mu Nanqing looked at Zhang Xun and knew that Zhang Xun was worried about Li Qianye again, and couldn't help sighing.

(The update is slow, hey, I'm sorry)