Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 23 Magic Soul Curse

Sitting in the woods, Zhang Xun recited the mind method taught by Mu Nanqing in his heart, feeling that there was an airflow around him, walking along the veins. With the movement of this airflow, Zhang Xun's whole body has undergone subtle changes, and his feeling of the things around him is becoming more and more obvious.

I recited it several times in my heart and felt this feeling that I had never experienced before. However, when Zhang Xun tried to control him, he found that he could not control it at all, and this true qi was still slowly moving in his body.

"Brother Zhang, how do you feel? Can you feel the true air in your body? Mu Nanqing asked expectantly.

Zhang Xun opened his eyes and said happily, "I felt it. When I recited the skills you taught me, this true spirit slowly moved around my body, and my body had a feeling that had never appeared before. It's just that I can't control it."

"It's good to be able to sense it. However, I'm worried about one thing. If Brother Xuanlong guesses well, then the true spirit in your body should be Li Yuan's. Then maybe the true qi you cultivate in the future is the same as that of Li Yuan.

"Then I'm going to be the same as the old thief Li Yuan, and I have to learn skills by absorbing other people's innate souls?" Zhang Xun asked.

"That's not true. The Jiuyou soul refining skill cultivated by Li Yuan cannot be cultivated by natural aura alone. It must be cultivated with innate soul and natural aura. Although Jiuyou soul refining can improve its cultivation faster than other skills, it has to absorb other people's innate souls, causing great sins. You know this big brother.

"Of course, if it only causes sins, it can't stop people from practicing. The most important thing is that when the fifth part of the soul refining skill is broken, there are already a lot of innate souls absorbed at that time, and then there will be soul reversal. Even if the ban is broken, he can only become a fairy in the end, and his whole body will become like a ghost. This kind of skill can only be practiced by a madman like Li Yuan, who is dedicated to unifying the world of cultivation and breaking the heavenly prohibition. Brother Zhang, although your true spirit comes from Li Yuan, who practices Jiuyou soul refining skills, you may not only practice Jiuyou soul refining skills.

After listening to Mu Nanqing's words, Zhang Xun said happily, "Then can I practice any skills?"

Mu Nanqing shook his head and said, "This is not true. You don't have the courage to condense the true qi by yourself. You can only rely on the evil qi in your own body to practice skills. That is to say, you can only practice those evil skills.

"Then I have practiced this skill, and I'm going to become a demon?"

Mu Nanqing said depressedly, "Is it a crooked way? It doesn't depend on what skills you practice, but on your behavior. Your father Cangyu is also practicing evil skills, which also unified the evil way and created Shadow Kunlun. Do those so-called decent practitioners do some decent things?

Zhang Xun thought about it. Hearing Mu Nanqing say something that his father suddenly thought of, he said, "That's right, Xiaoqing. Didn't you also see the cultivation skills recorded on a book of cultivation classics and jade slips found in the strange hall that day? Do you know what kind of skill is recorded?

"You were always strange that day, and I was scared and didn't look carefully." Mu Nanqing shook his head and said.

"I'm still on my body. Take it now to see if it's suitable for me to practice."

After saying that, Zhang Xun reached into his arms and gave it to Mu Nanqing.

Mu Nanqing took it over and looked through it. Mu Nanqing looked at it for a while, and his face became solemn and full of incredible.

"Brother Xuanlong, let's see what kind of skill this is. Although I have read a lot of merit codes, I haven't seen this kind of skill." Mu Nanqing handed the things to Xuanlong.

Xuanlong looked at it and was also surprised and said, "This gives me a feeling that it doesn't look like a kind of cultivation skill, but it's like it's like."

"Brother Xuanlong, does this skill give you a feeling that it does not belong to this world?"

"Yes! That's what I want to say. This skill is very strange, which is very different from the skill we practice. I don't know how the owner of this skill came to practice this skill.

"Brother Xuanlong, to tell you the truth, when I saw this skill and Yu Jian that day, a familiar feeling suddenly rose in my heart, as if this skill was once practiced, which was very strange." Zhang Xun said to Xuanlong.

Mu Nanqing suddenly said, "No wonder Brother Zhang was so strange when he saw this skill that day."

"How can you feel this way? I can't understand this skill. How can you have practiced it?" Xuanlong is very puzzled.

"I think so too, so I said it's weird."

Xuanlong and Mu Nanqing thought about it and didn't know what was going on.

"Brother Zhang, although you can practice now, you can only practice the skills of evil. Our Kuimen also belongs to the evil shadow Kunlun, and the skills are also dominated by evil, but Kuimen is respected by women, and I can't find any skills you can practice!" Mu Nanqing said to Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun touched his arms again, took out a book and said, "When I left, the old gentleman gave me this skill my father practiced before his death."

Mu Nanqing and Xuanlong were shocked to say anything after listening to Zhang Xun's words. This boy actually put the lifelong unique knowledge of the head of Ying Kunlun in his arms. He doesn't know how important this skill is?

Mu Nanqing saw it and quickly took it over to have a look, and then said, "This is really the 'Magic Soul Curse' of the master of Cangyu in those years."

After hearing this, Xuanlong said, "What a hero Cangyu was in those years. He was unique in his ability. He was invincible all over the whole land of China. Even the three decent leaders besieged together. Brother Zhang, since your father left this skill to you, you must practice well and revive your father's reputation in those years.

"But I can only feel the true qi in my body, and I can't control the true qi. Can I practice my father's such profound skills?" Zhang Xun said worriedly.

I will teach you how to control this true spirit. As long as you learn how to control, you can practice. Xiaoqing said.

"Xiaoqing, have you found it? Although Zhang Xun brothers have true anger, we can't feel it.

"Yes, I don't know if this is the reason for the sword in his body, or because Brother Zhang didn't practice for courage."

(I got guidance today and found many of my shortcomings. Although this is my first book, I still hope to write it well! If there is any problem, I will try my best to modify it! I hope everyone will support me!)