Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 77 Search for Zhang Xun

Although Lu Wangcheng is extraordinary in appearance and appearance, he has not read many books. He is a rough man. He only relies on his force to sit in today's position. But in the barracks, force is enough, and it doesn't need too much.

When Lu Wangcheng saw Meng Shili hurried to find him, he was puzzled and afraid that something had happened. Lu Wangcheng is now one of Li Su's confidants and is obedient to Li Su. Although he is a rude person, he is not stupid. He knows what kind of thing he is doing with Li Su now. If this matter is defeated, the consequences will be unimaginable. This road can be said to be a road of no return, and now he is like a pawn who crossed the Chu River and Han world in chess. He has to go forward and can't turn back.

So Lu Wangcheng was worried. He thought that Meng Shili was in a hurry to find himself now, and nothing would happen. He welcomed Meng Shili into the study. Of course, this study was not made by Lu Wangcheng. He is a rough man. How could he be so elegant, but it was left by Zhou Propane, the murdered magistrate.

As soon as the two sat down and didn't wait for Meng Shi to leave, Lu Wangcheng hurriedly asked Meng Shili, "Why is Master Meng here now? Still in such a hurry, what happened? Or do you have any instructions from Prime Minister Li?

When Meng Shili saw Lu Wangcheng's appearance, he was immediately despised and thought to himself: Lu Wangcheng was also a fierce general on the battlefield, full of courage and courage. Why does it look so timid like a mouse now? With a little wind, the grass and trees are all soldiers. He is really a rough person. No wonder he can only be a pawn, not a handsome man in front of the palace.

In fact, Meng Shili also blamed Lu Wangcheng. Lu Wangcheng is indeed a rude person. Although he read few books and is uneducated, he is not as timid as a rat. Looking at his bravery in battle, you can know one or two. If it is really as Meng Shili thought, it is difficult for Lu Wangcheng to hold such a position in the army. Even if he relies on some relationships, it is not enough to maintain his power in the army and suppress these vigorous officers.

The reason why Lu Wangcheng is so careful is that what he did this time is too big. Lu Wangcheng has put his life on it. It can be said that if he does not succeed, he will become benevolent. That's why I'm so careful. If something really happens, it's really over.

Meng Shili waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, and the adoptive father didn't give any instructions."

"That's good!" After listening to Meng Shili's words, Lu Wangcheng was very calm, and his hanging heart was relieved, and then asked, "What's the reason why Master Meng is so anxious to find him?"

"I came to General Lu this time to ask General Lu for his next favor. This matter is very important to me. Please don't refuse it. Meng Shili Dao.

Lu Wangcheng said with a serious look, "Master Meng said that if he could help, he would not refuse! Please make it clear to Master Meng!"

Lu Wangcheng's answer was ambiguous. He did not pat his chest and agree immediately, nor did he say anything embarrassing. Meng Shili smiled. It seemed that Lu Wangcheng was not just a rough person, and he was more or less careful. He said to Lu Wangcheng, "Don't hide it, General Lu. This morning, a villain broke into my Li's house and took my young lady away. I want to ask General Lu to help me search this amnesty city and rescue my young lady.

Lu Wangcheng was stunned and didn't expect Meng Shili's request to be such a thing. He pondered for a moment and said, "This matter is not big, but it's not small. After all, we have just taken control of this amnesty city, and the people in the city are still in panic. If we let the soldiers search the city now, it will definitely cause panic. But he couldn't help searching. It was Prime Minister Li's daughter who arrested him. If something happens, I will feel uncomfortable.

"General Lu's words also make sense. But as General Lu said, after all, this is my young lady and the daughter of Prime Minister Li, so she must be looking for it. What's more, it's not good for us to have such a number one person here in Amnesty City. If he is just an ordinary thief looking for flowers and asking willows, that's all. If he comes for us, he will be in big trouble. After all, we are in the light and he is in the dark. If he uses some means, we can't defend against it. So this person must be found, whether it's because of saving my young lady or not!" Meng Shili suggested.

Lu Wangcheng thought about what Meng Shili said, knocked on the table and said, "Master Meng is really right. This man must be caught, and the young lady was also going to be rescued at that time. Just how should we act? We should think about the people in this city. Don't act blindly. If it causes panic, our troops may not be controlled.

"Let's send a team to search some remote places in this amnesty state city. If this person does not come out of amnesty state city, he will definitely hide in these remote places. There are not many people in these remote places, and they will not cause panic. If these places are not available, we will look elsewhere. Meng Shili suggested.

"That's right. But we are not sure about one thing. What should we do if this person is not in Amnesty City? This man is a true person. It is not difficult to come up with the amnesty of the state city. Luwang City Road.

"Now that the city of Amnesty State is under our control, and the gates have been closed. Although this man is a true person, it is not difficult to take my daughter out of the city, but if he goes out of the city, he will definitely be seen by the soldiers guarding the head of the city. It has been a while since this man took my daughter out of Li's house, and no soldiers came to report that someone had left the city gate during this period. So this man must still be in the city of Amnesty State. If this person is no longer in the city of Amnesty, we will have lost a big hidden danger. That's also a great benefit for us, but in this way, my young lady is difficult to find it. Meng Shili Dao.

"What Master Meng said is very reasonable, but I can't think of so much. Master Meng, don't worry about Miss Li's safety. At present, no soldier has come to report that someone has left the city, so this person must still be in the city of Amnesty, so Miss Li must also be there. We just need to search patiently and carefully, and we will definitely find them and rescue Miss Li. If they are no longer in Amnesty State City, there is nothing we can do, but Master Meng must put big things first now. Don't delay Prime Minister Li for these things. Miss Li has her own blessing, and nothing will happen to her. Lu Wangcheng comforted him with a pretentious attitude.

After hearing Lu Wangcheng's words, Meng Shili was angry. Meng Shili knew that Lu Wangcheng didn't want to do too much and only wanted to do what his adoptive father said. Li Qianye would not care about it. Lu Wangcheng must hope that it is best for the villain to wait for Miss Li to leave the state city.

Meng Shili asked for Lu Wangcheng, but he was a little dissatisfied, and it was not easy to vent it as Lu Wangcheng's face. He just pretended to be nothing, and said, "General Lu put the overall situation first, and what he said is also reasonable. But this is my Miss Li, the daughter of Prime Minister Li. How can I not look for her? Whether in this amnesty city or not, we have to look for it.

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course, I will send someone to look for it immediately. Lu Wangcheng agreed.

When Meng Shili saw that Lu Wangcheng was willing to help, the anger in his heart weakened a little and said to Lu Wangcheng, "Thank you, General Lu!" In the future, if General Lu is useful in the next place, he will definitely do it!"

Lu Wangcheng laughed and said, "Master Meng is polite. You and I are also colleagues now, working for Prime Minister Li. Is there anything I can do to help you? What's more, this matter is also related to the safety of Miss Li's family and the stability of our great cause. This helps you, that is, help me."

Meng Shili said, "General Lu is really profound."

Lu Wangcheng smiled and said, "I don't know what Li Cheng thinks about this matter? Have you given any instructions?"