Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 81 How to start

The leader looked at Liu Yefeng's timid appearance. He really didn't look like a villain who dared to break into the Li family and arrest Miss Li, so he said, "Since you know these rules, why do you have to go to the street? If you don't have food, just borrow something from your neighbors. This amnesty city will not always go on like this. I think you are also an honest person, and we won't be embarrassed by you today. Go back quickly! Don't run around on this street. If I see you, I won't forgive you! As you can see, there are no open shops in this Shizhou City. You can't buy anything even if you have gold and silver mountains.

Liu Yefeng nodded and bowed again and thanked repeatedly: "Thank you, officer! Thank you, sir! The little one is going back and doesn't dare to run around here!"

The leading official waved his hand, signaling Liu Yefeng not to say more and leave quickly. Liu Yefeng said again, "When the little ones see that several officials are in a hurry, they seem to have something to do. Can you say something with the little ones? Maybe the little ones can help."

As soon as Liu Yefeng finished speaking, an official on one side shouted, "Our adult asked you to go back, did you hear it!? Where can I ask so many questions!? What right do you have to know about our government's work!? Dare to say what you can do to help! What a good or evil thing! Get out of here! Otherwise, you will suffer some pain without hurting your skin and bones!"

Liu Yefeng just wanted to say something when he heard the words, but the leader asked the speaking official to retreat and said, "Oh! What we are doing today is just looking for people. Maybe this person will really tell us something useful.

turned around and said to Liu Yefeng, "We are looking for someone this time. Are there any strangers near your house? There are two people in total, one man and one woman.

Liu Yefeng was shocked and knew that the people they were looking for must be Li Qianye and Zhang Xun, but he was also surprised. Why did the government help the Li family find people? But now I don't allow myself to think too much. I said to the leader with a smile, "I haven't seen this little one. My family is relatively remote, and few people go there. If there are strangers, I will definitely remember it."

The leader looked at Liu Yefeng, thinking that Liu Yefeng did not dare to lie to himself, so he said, "If not, forget it! But if you see any strangers, you can go to the magistrate's office to report it! Do you know?"

Yes! Yes! Remember the little one! Be sure to report it!" Liu Yefeng agreed.

The leader nodded, took a group of officials, and went elsewhere. Liu Yefeng looked at the official of the team and smiled softly. He didn't think that he could get such an important clue by coming out to buy food. Then he used his skills and rushed back quickly to tell Mo Ling and others about these things.

Although Liu Yefeng's cultivation is not high, he is also a practitioner. How can you be easily caught by these officials? Liu Yefeng just wondered what these officials wanted to do, so he deliberately slowed down, let the officials catch them, and then ask something to come out. Sure enough, it really made Liu Yefeng ask important things.

"You asked Brother Liu to buy some food to honor you. Where is he going to buy it now? We just came outside, and you don't know that the shops outside have been closed, and there are soldiers outside. Zhang Xundao.

"Why can I help you with some advice and buy something to reward me? If you can't do this little thing well, what's the use of this madman? Don't worry, this madman is very smart. How can this little thing be difficult for him? Li Qianye was dissatisfied.

Mo Ling smiled and said, "What Miss Li said is also reasonable. This little thing is still difficult for Brother Liu. But why does Miss Li call Brother Liu crazy again?

"Hmm! He is a madman, a crazy man!" Li Qianye said.

The door of the courtyard was opened hard, and one person rushed in, but it was Liu Yefeng. Entering the room, before Liu Yefeng spoke, Li Qianye asked, "Crazy Liu! What about the food I asked you to buy? Why did you run back empty-handed? Didn't you buy anything?"

Liu Yefeng didn't pay attention to Li Qianye. He sat down and took a sip of tea and said, "I just went out. Although I didn't buy anything, I got an important news!"

Everyone's hearts jumped and asked, "What's the news? Hurry up!"

"I just walked on the street when I saw a group of government officials rushing through the street. I suddenly felt curious. Now Amnesty City has been controlled by Lu Wangcheng, but what do you want to send some government officials to do? Immediately, I wrote a little and asked something. It turns out that these government officials are looking for people! He said he was looking for two people, a man and a woman! Isn't this two a man and a woman just looking for Zhang Xun and Miss Li? Willow leaf wind.

"This is strange. Miss Li was kidnapped. Why did Lu Wangcheng send someone to look for her? Lu Wangcheng now controls Amnesty City and is doing things to win the world. He should be careful step by step. How can he help the Li family find people? Is he not afraid of searching and causing riots among the people in the amnesty state? Mo Ling said doubtfully.

Liu Yefeng said, "This is exactly what I don't understand. Is this Li Su and Lu Wangcheng have a good personal relationship? That's why you help this?"

"Good or not, just ask this Miss Li." Mo Ling pointed to Li Qianye.

"I don't know who my father is dating. However, my Li family is also a rich family in Shizhou City. Even if Lu Wangcheng wants to rebel, he has to give some face to these rich squires. After all, they are the local scorps of this land. Don't ask for the support of these local snakes, just ask for two people not to help each other. If my father asks Lu Wangcheng to help find me, there is no reason for Lu Wangcheng not to agree. Li Qianye said.

"What Miss Li said makes sense. But now Lu Wangcheng sent people to find you and Zhang Xun in this amnesty city. How should we deal with it? Willow leaf wind.

Li Qianye thought for a moment and said, "Isnzhou City big or small? If they are looking for it, they will find us here in a few days. Amnesty State City is now blocked again, and we can't go out. Even if there is no blockade, we can't go out. After all, our key people in this matter are now in Amnesty City.

"We all know this truth now, and the key is how we should deal with these officials to find you now." Liu Ye said.

"Actually, don't worry! It's not as difficult as you think."

"Why?" All three asked puzzledly.

"In my opinion, my father doesn't have much friendship with Lu Wangcheng. Even if there is, Lu Wangcheng is now doing this rebellion to win the world, and he will not be distracted and fight for my father to find me. This is known from the fact that Liu Madman is an official rather than a soldier. Lu Wangcheng just sent some mob people in the government office to look for it and make some superficial articles to give my father face.

"Ain addition. Since Lu Wangcheng is going to rebel, he will not keep staring at Amnesty State. I can't think of a few days, he will send troops to other state capitals. At that time, as soon as Lu Wangcheng's army left, the matter of looking for me and Zhang Xun will not be over? So this matter is actually nothing. You just need to deal with it simply for these two days. Maybe the mob of the government office may not be able to find us these two days. Li Qianye explained.

Liu Yefeng said, "Miss Li said this, but there are really several reasons. However, our affairs should not be careless. We should solve it as soon as possible! Just now, Miss Li also said that Lu Wangcheng's rebellion will not always be in this amnesty state. If he goes away, it will be a little difficult for us to start from him.

"Isn't it difficult? As the saying goes, there are many long dreams at night, but I'm afraid that after a long time, more irrelevant things will come out. I also need to send an explanation to Lingtian as soon as possible, and Brother Zhang Xun also urgently needs to find Tianhengzhu to treat his eldest brother, so we have to act as soon as possible!" Mo Lingdao.

"Although we know where to start, we still lack a way. I don't know what tricks Miss Li can make Lu Wangcheng tell the whereabouts of Ming Ruins?" Liu Yefeng asked. Unconsciously, Liu Yefeng and others have regarded Li Qianye as a military strategist, and they all felt that Li Qianye could come up with a good plan.