Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 96 Gambling

When I entered the camp, I saw that it looked the same as the camp where the helmet armor was placed. It was messy and there were things everywhere. Pots and pans and so on were thrown all over the floor. The stove and cupboard are covered with a thick layer of greasy things, and I don't know how long it has been cleaned. Cutting knives, stir-frying pots and shovels, and rice buckets for leftover food for soldiers, are also covered with stains, flies and some unknown insects flying around.

The whole camp of the Firehead Army is full of an unspeakable smell. Meat, musty, rotten, mixed in. Although it doesn't make people who suck in their noses nause, it is also unacceptable. Wang Ye covered his mouth and nose, turned around inside, and another burst of anger gushed out.

Seeing that there was no one left or right, the soldiers on one side were ready to run inside to see where everyone had gone, and the prime minister did not come out to greet them. They are all soldiers in the army, and this little guard also doesn't want to see the scene that just happened to the fat quartermaster, which was staged in the tent of the Firehead Army. The first Prime Minister may forgive, and the second time it should not be so easy to talk. At that time, he will push out one or two to kill their heads, and don't it make people panic in this army?

Wang Ye saw that the soldier wanted to run in to find someone, so he did not stop him. He also had a lot to ask the soldiers in the fire-headed army, and the time was a little tight. If the soldiers in the fire-headed army came out by themselves, he didn't know when he would wait. Suddenly, Wang Ye stopped the little guard and asked him not to go in to find someone.

The little guard looked at Wang Ye puzzledly. I don't know why the Prime Minister is so like this? Wang Ye did not explain to the little guard, but just listened to something, and then pushed away the little guard in front of him, with a gloomy face and strode in. The little guard was puzzled and wanted to ask the Prime Minister why it was like this, but when he saw Wang Ye's gloomy expression, it was even more terrible than when he beat and scolded the fat quartermaster just now, so he did not dare to ask more to involve him. Hurry up and run behind Wang Ye.

Wang Ye walked into a house with a gloomy face. Because there have been no soldiers for a long time, the firehead army also demolished tents and built houses directly in some places. After all, there are always fireworks in the firehead army, and the camp is not very safe. When marching and fighting, there was nothing we could do, but now there is nothing we can do. Of course, we will tear down the tent. And how can this camp be comfortable to live in a solid house?

Before I walked to the door of the house, there were bursts of laughter and noise, as if there were many people gathering in it for fun. When I arrived at the door, I heard clearly why it was noisy inside. Only bursts of shouts of buying big and small were heard in the room, and some echoes followed. After the shouting, there was another sound of clapping joy and dejected complaints. It turned out that a soldier was gambling and having fun in this room.

Wang Ye stood in front of the door and listened to the sound. His face was red and white, and his face was much darker, just like having his own father-killing enemy in this room. The little guard on one side was frightened. At this time, the little guard also understood why the Prime Minister did not let himself come to find someone just now, but ran over in person, but he heard the laughter of these gambling soldiers in this room, which was heard by the Prime Minister.

The little guard knows very well about gambling in this army. There has been no war in the imperial court for a long time, and the soldiers in the army have long been used to laziness. When nothing happened, they all went to gamble here. Although the Xuanyuan court is corrupt, the system is very open and does not restrict industry and commerce. The country's commerce is very developed, so the taxes of the court have always been sufficient, otherwise there would not be so much money to corrupt the princes and ministers in the court, and there would not be so much money to have fun.

The country's taxes are sufficient, and the military pay below is also very large. These soldiers got military rations and had nowhere to spend, so they all gathered to gamble. Although some soldiers got military salaries and used them in other places and did not participate in this gambling, they were also used in improper places, spent in the land of fireworks and willow leaves, and sent them into the hands of Ying Yingyan. It is used on the right path, but there are few. It was this little guard who also spent a lot of silver on this gambling.

Looking at Wang Ye's face, the little guard was also worried about a group of soldiers in the room. These unlucky people who don't know whether they are alive or dead, when is it not good to gamble? However, he gambled here when the emperor wanted to rectify the barracks. I used to play here all the time. What's wrong with this rest time? Now the Prime Minister who inquires about the matter comes and stands outside the door. Your ugly deeds are also in the eyes of the Prime Minister, but it depends on how you unlucky ghosts will end up. I'm afraid that every 100 military sticks will be light this time, and the possibility of life is difficult to protect.

At this time, a group of soldiers in the room were still shouting and gambling money, completely unaware that the Prime Minister had stood outside the door and listening to everything in the room. Wang Ye had a gloomy face in front of the door. After a moment of silence, he stepped forward and kicked the door open. Poor Wang Ye was originally a scholar and an old man. The most important thing was the official of the Xuanyuan court, who served as the prime minister. It was not a person who should have used his hands and feet, but today he entered the barracks, but he moved this old leg again and again. In anger, he had already forgotten the titles of scholars, ancient old people, and court officials. At this time, they only felt that only by doing some tampering can they vent their anger.

When the little guard saw that the Prime Minister finally couldn't help kicking open the door, he said bitterly in his heart. The Prime Minister finally couldn't help it. These unlucky people who gambled in the room were really going to be in great trouble. The little guard can't do anything for the comrades in the room. They can only follow the Prime Minister into the room, and then bless these comrades in their hearts not to lose their lives because of this.

A group of soldiers in the room were gambling and yelling that they completely forgot that it was in operation, but not in the casino. But in this situation, this barracks is not a barracks, and it has long been a casino. Everyone gambled happily, but suddenly the door of the house was kicked open. Everyone was stunned, stopped shouting, looked at the door, and looked at Wang Ye in front of the door puzzledly. I don't know who this person is and why he kicked open their door here?

There are not many things in the hall. There are a few simple tables and chairs. There is a long table in the middle of the room. There are seven or eight soldiers surrounding the table, and there is nothing else. At first glance, it's really not like the stove of a fire army in the army, but it's really similar to the casino in the Lefang. The soldier holding a shaking object in the middle of the long table looked at Wang Ye standing in front of the door and asked, "I don't know what to call this adult?" What's the matter with our fire-headed army?" At a glance, I knew that it was the soldier who was a banker in this gamble. He must not be a nobody when he saw Wang Ye's extraordinary clothes. Therefore, although he was kicked open the door by Wang Ye, disturbed the elegance of his own people, and made himself a little unhappy, he did not dare to say some cruel words on these words to avoid encounter a hard one. Go, the one who was in the way didn't kick it away, but lost his foot. Although this banker soldier has never seen the official clothes of the prime minister of the imperial court, looking at Wang Ye's momentum and the official clothes in his life, he knows that Wang Ye's history is not small.

Wang Ye had a gloomy face and looked coldly at the eight gambling soldiers in the room. He was silent for a moment and did not say anything, but stared at the eight gambling soldiers in the room. The sharp look in Wang Ye's eyes stared at the eight soldiers, which made the eight soldiers feel uncomfortable. If this look could kill people, I'm afraid I would have died at this moment. All eight of them felt a chill behind their back, and there was also an inexplicable fear in their hearts.