Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 98 Insult

Although the little guard thought so, after all, he was also a comrade in the army. He knew that the guy did not know that the prime minister was in front of him. If he didn't remind him, the unlucky man did not know when he would think of it. Even when he shouted to the soldier who asked the question, "Your Excellency asked you! Will you reply!?

The soldier who asked was drunk by the little guard and recovered. He immediately didn't care about the origin of the person who kicked open their door and disturbed their interest in gambling. Anyway, depending on its temperament, with the addition of official clothes, it will definitely not be small. So whether this person is an imperial envoy or not, these little soldiers have to serve him well, but they can't afford to offend him.

The soldier who asked this question was calculating in his heart, opened his smiling face and said to Wang Ye, "What this adult said is interesting. Both adults and I know that this is the barracks of the Western Camp of the Xuanyuan court. Since it is the barracks of the Western Battalion, it should be a place for soldiers to stay. Since it is a place for soldiers to stay, it should do something that soldiers in the army should do. There are many things that should be done. The small one is just a fireman, and he can't say anything. As for what should not be done, the small one doesn't understand, because in this barracks, there are more things that should not be done and can't be done than what should be done. A small fire-headed military stewletman only knows how to make some fine things on this firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar tea, and only know the military rules in the army. Now I can't say it all. Please forgive me. After all, the small one is just a firehead army.

When Wang Ye saw the words of the soldier who claimed to be the stew of the firehead army in the Western Camp, the unknown industry fire in his heart was much higher, even if he scolded, "You don't know what life or dead are! Since you know that this is the barracks of the Western Camp of the Xuanyuan court, you son of a bitch also said that you know some military rules in this barracks. Even if you are just a stewul of the fire army and don't know those detailed military rules, even if you don't understand the rules of the army, you won't know that you can't gamble and have fun in this army!? Not to mention that you are still a fireman in the army, that is, the mountain and wild people, the small people, the beggars beggars in the streets and alleys, and the monks who make a living by eating fasting in the ruined temple all know that this army is not gambling. But what did you ignorant dogs do here just now!?

When the little guard on that side saw the unlucky fire-headed military steward who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, he dared to mix some jokes with it and said some opportunistic jokes. He really sweated for the fire-headed military steward in his heart. The Prime Minister is already angry, but you, an unlucky man, dare to speak like this in front of the Prime Minister. It seems that God doesn't want to keep you to live in this world today. If Li Qianye saw this situation, he would have said this: I didn't know if you were dead just now. Anyway, you are dead now.

The fire-headed military stewletman thought that his semi-joking and semi-saneous words might ease the attitude of the adults in front of him. Don't look at them like this and put away the fierceness in his eyes. This fire-headed military stewer was very uncomfortable being stared at by Wang Ye's eyes. However, he didn't expect that after his words, he provoked the adult in front of him to curse.

After the fire-headed military stewer was scolded by Wang Ye, he also had some complaints in his heart. The fire-headed military stewer thought that although I was only a fire-headed military stewistrate in a small Western barracks, at least I was also an official. Although you seem to have a big official position, you must be much bigger than your own hot-headed military steweller. However, your fire-headed military stewel is a small official, or at least a court official, but you scold me one by one, saying that I don't know the military rules of this army, so why don't you know that this court officer is a rule that can't be abused at will?

I'm talking about it. What's wrong with us who just don't understand this military rule? Even if you understand, what's wrong with gambling in this barracks for this military rule? You are neither the general in charge of the army nor the imperial envoy appointed by the emperor. What are we doing here? What's the matter with you? Even if your official position is big and many levels bigger than my firehead army, you are not above my head. What does my little firehead army steward do? Even you, even a decent member, can't care about it.

The fire-headed military stewlet has a burst of complaints in his heart. He was scolded by Wang Ye again and was scolded several times in front of so many of his subordinates. The fire-headed military stewlet is usually used to be domous in this fire-headed army. How can he suffer such a birdishness? Even if he takes away the smiling face and pulls down his face He said to Wang Ye, "This adult came uninvited before, so he kicked the door of the room I was waiting for, disturbing the interest of several others, and I didn't care about you. But what the adult said just now is a little inappropriate, isn't it? What should and what should not be done in this Western Camp army have just been said. He is just a small firehead military stewant. Under the position, he is also a rude person. He has not read the book of sages like you, so I don't know what to do and what not to do in this barracks. If there is something wrong with these brothers today, this adult's famous saying is. It's just that the adult kicked open the door of the room I was waiting for. After entering the room uninvited, he didn't say anything. He just looked at me and waited, said something, and asked me in the clouds. Now he is scolding again as a son of a bitch. But it's very stupid. The title of this dog is not inconsistent. I just want to ask the adult, what's wrong with the adult coming to my fire army today?

When Wang Ye heard the words of the fire-headed military steward, he was immediately furious. Just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by the words of the little guard on one side. I only heard the little guard on that side say to the fire-headed military steward, who had already shown an impatient look in his words, "You bird! Do you know what nonsense you said!? You know the identity of the adult in front of you!? How dare you talk to adults in this tone!? Hurry up and kneel down to apologize! Ask for your own life for what happened today, otherwise, you will definitely let the people on that project fall to the ground!"

The fire-headed officer and the other seven soldiers who participated in gambling were really shocked when they heard the little guard's words. They all thought: What the little guard said was so tough, is this man really not small? The fire-headed military stewer's heart had already understood that the ten * in front of him was the imperial envoy sent by the emperor to rectify the barracks in the Western Camp. Although I already have some understanding in my heart, there are still some assumptions in the heart of this fireman. This person has not admitted himself, and may not be the imperial envoy, but just an official hanging around here. After all, in my impression, the appearance of the imperial envoy is much worse than the current situation.

I was still a little uncertain. With a trace of luck, he asked the little guard with a hypothetical attitude, "I don't know what this adult is, but I don't know. If there is some collision on this word, please forgive me.

The little guard just saw that the fireman's words to the Prime Minister were full of impatience and inquiry, and he even blamed the Prime Minister for his incompetence. Anyway, there is already some unconvincedness between these words. This little guard also knows that these stewers who have been in the army for some years are very arrogant. Usually, these stews are directly in charge of the lowest-level soldiers, and the Firehead Army is the most oily and the largest part of the whole Western Battalion, so the stewlet of the Firehead Army is usually very arrogant and domineering.