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Chapter 101 Life-saving Straw

Put down the teacup in your hand and recited some eyebrows, but it was still stuck there. The fire-headed military stewer said, "You recited a little, and there are still some well-known ones, but there are other followings?"

The firehead military stewor is still thinking about what the following is. Helpless, this brain has been filled with money, food, drink and entertainment and other things. Now I can't think of it. Although the dog can jump off the wall in a hurry, the dog is in a hurry and can only jump off the wall and can't jump into the sky, can it? So at this time, although the fire-headed military stewer knew that he couldn't recite it, he was going to lose his head, and he was also desperate in his heart, thinking about it. But the more anxious you are, the more you can't think of it. The most important thing is that the fireman can't remember what the military rules below are at all, so it's useless to think anxiously.

Wang Ye looked at the fire-headed military stewer thinking hard and felt a little funny in his heart. Anyway, it is necessary to wait for the little guard to call the person in charge of the punishment in the barracks of the Western Camp Army, and simply wait for the fireman to think about it, which is also giving the fireman a chance. However, if the little guard called the person in charge of the punishment in the barracks of the Western Battalion, and the Firehead Army stewmer still did not tell the following, he would not show mercy to the Firehead Army stewmer. He would definitely kill him to deter the rest of the soldiers in the army.

Sure enough, as Wang Ye expected, he drank another cup of tea, and the eight soldiers kneeling in front of him still didn't recite a word. Of course, only the fireman recited the front part of the Xuanyuan court's military rules, and then there was no follow-up. Seeing that the little guard still didn't come, Wang Ye said to these people, "Just now, outside this door, I heard shouting and shouting in this room. It was really lively. It can be seen that several of them are not those dull people? Since it's not, why can't those people speak now?

Wang Ye's words made the eight soldiers kneeling on the ground beat again. Most importantly, Wang Ye mentioned the gambling in this room just now. What's more, these eight people's hearts are very afraid. At this moment, except for the seven fire-headed military stewer, they all scolded the fire-headed army stewer in their hearts. They greeted the 18 generations of the fire-headed army stewer, and they were even more vicious. They have begun to curse the fire-headed military stewer to cut off their sons and grandchildren. If it is in trouble for the Prime Minister to be in front of him, I'm afraid that these seven soldiers will all go forward and strang by the fireman. Usually, unless there is no money to gamble all day and night, sometimes, even if there is no silver, you have to think of some evil ways to find some gambling.

But no matter how crazy and desperate gambling is, it is also unattended on weekdays. Anyway, no matter what kind of gambling, nothing will happen. However, these days are different. The people of the whole imperial city, whether it is the small people in the market, the beggars beggars in the streets and alleys, the princes and ministers, the scholars and doctors who serve as officials in various departments and courts, all know that the emperor has issued the imperial edict to let the prime minister come to the Western Camp army of the Xuanyuan court to rectify military affairs, that is, that is, These days are coming. At such a june time, which of the soldiers of the whole Western Camp dares to indulge as before? They have already restrained the usual set. Even if they are not used to it, they have to restrain it. After all, it's only been past these days, and I'm as happy as before.

If you haven't had this kind of heart for a few days, then wait for your relatives to send you to the end. However, although the soldiers in the Western Camp Army were used to being lazy, they did not dare to be careless when the emperor sent the Prime Minister to inspect. After all, they were happy every day before, and they waited for these days. However, the fireman didn't figured out what everyone could think of. Even at this jux, he couldn't stand the gambling in his heart and forced himself to find a few people to play with him.

It is said that these soldiers also refused. After all, they all know that the prime minister has praised the imperial edict and wants to inspect the barracks of the Western Camp army. If they are found, it will be a death penalty. Even if you don't die, you will be peeled off. However, this fireman was used to being rampant and domineering. Seeing that these people were actually evasion and unwilling to gamble, now they were coerced and lured, and these people agreed half.

But with this promise, he stepped into the ghost door. In order to prevent the Prime Minister from gambling when he came, they also hid in the innermost room of the fire-headed barracks account. However, he didn't expect that when he was gambling, the Prime Minister had stood outside quietly and listened.

In fact, it is not good for the remaining seven soldiers to blame this crime at this time. As the saying goes: one slap can't make a sound. These soldiers are also good gamblers on weekdays, and they have been gamblers who have been fighting side by side with this fire army stewart for a long time. Therefore, the firehead military stewmer came up today, so he went to look for these people, but he didn't look for others. This fireman also knows that no one dares to come to play when looking for others today, but these people are still a little likely to come to play. Sure enough, when the fireman first saw these people, several people also refused, saying that the Prime Minister was going to patrol the camp, but now he can't play. If he wants to play, he has to wait until the Prime Minister finishes patrolling the camp and set a place to have a good time.

After listening to these people's excuses, the fire-headed military steward was unhappy. At this time, the fire-headed military stewer was already full of gambling in his heart, and he didn't care about several people's refusals. With a harsh word, these people who are also looking forward to it, and they agreed. So these people have been caught now, and I guess they are going to kill the head, but they have to blame the fireman, which is also a little shirked responsibility. After all, if you firmly disagree with the fire-headed military management to gamble in advance, then the fire-headed military management will not put the knife on several people's necks and force you to come, right? Now he is caught by the prime minister, but he blames others, but he doesn't think of his responsibility.

If the sweat on the face of the fire-headed military stewer just now makes it look like he has just washed his face, then at this moment, it should be described as follows: at this time, the face of the fire-headed military stewlet has been splashed with a cup of tea, and the sweat on his face is the size of beans. On the tip of the nose, it was already mixed together and landed on the ground in front of him. If this fireman goes out as he is now, others must think that this man must have done some hard work just now, or he has done it for a long time.

When Wang Ye saw his words, the few people who knelt on the ground had nothing to say back to him. Wang Ye also understands, what can these people say back? At this moment, it's already like this. I guess I just can't say a few words to save my life. With a sneer, Wang Ye said to these people again, "Have you all used this thought on gambling to win money? Now even this simple, every Xuanyuan court soldier must know the military rules that he must know? By the way! Didn't you, who claims to be the stew manager of the Firehead Army, have you recited some just now? Why don't you continue? If you can recite some. Just say the five below, and I will let you go today, and the rest will not be investigated.

The unlucky ghosts who were pulled by the fire-headed military steward heard Wang Ye's words and were immediately overjoyed. I thought that today, no one could save them except for the emperor's decree. However, I didn't expect that the prime minister would have the intention of letting them go. Even if you are grateful. Of course, the Prime Minister did not say that he would definitely let go of his group of people. He wanted to let the fireman who was going to be beaten with thousands of knives and say the five military rules below to let him go.

At this time, the seven people's eyes were all looking at the fire-headed military stewmer, hoping that the fire-headed military stewunuch could make a magic pen and say the five military rules below in one breath and save the lives of their own people. If it can really be like this, it will be easy to be a cow and horse for this fireman in the future. As long as you can save your life, it will be the reborn parents and parents. The vicious words that scolded the fire-headed military stewer in their hearts had long been left behind by these people. At this moment, these seven people are all like the immortal gods looking at the rescuers. Looking at the fireman, they all expect the fireman to quickly say the five military rules below, and then everyone is fine, just as a false alarm.

Looking at the fire-headed military stewer, I hope that the life-saving words can be said quickly. But after waiting for a moment, there was nothing, which really made these people anxious. Originally, he felt that he would die this time, but the prime minister gave life, but he couldn't catch his group. Just now, looking at the firehead military stewor, he can still recite some, so these people still hold a glimmer of hope. However, after a while, I still didn't say a word. It really made these soldiers who had managed to catch the life-saving straw anxiously. They just wanted to come forward and open the stewman's mouth and let him speak faster.