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Chapter 106 Wang Ye's Concerns

At this time, when Wang Ye became the head of the Wang family, the official was still small. Previously, Wang Ye was just a minister of that department. Although he was already the best official, he was still not included in the list of the three public, and he could not be regarded as a top magist. When the Wang family came to Wang Ye's generation, it was also a little middle-fallen. Compared with the previous owners of the Wang family, Wang Ye was also an incompetent person. But helplessly, Bianbian is Tianyou, the Wang family. Seeing that his family is a little middle-off, this good luck will come. What good luck has been sent by God? Isn't this good luck the escape from marriage caused by the daughter of the former Prime Minister Li Su? It was this evasion that made Wang Ye win the throne of the prime minister. This is really true, God bless the Wang family.

Wang Ye suffered for dozens of years before he got the official position of a minister of the Ministry of Household. I thought that this life was hopeless as an example. The Wang family could not cheer up in their own hands. After his death, they were also ashamed of those ancestors who made great contributions to the Wang family. In this grade, Wang Ye was just a small household minister before, and his heart was also dead that could be used as an example of Sangong. Fortunately, although Wang Ye has been able to continue to carry forward the huge power of the Wang family, after all, the Wang family is also an old family of the Xuanyuan court. In this fallen imperial city, there are also various complex relationships and forces, which is also extremely strong, coupled with the prestige accumulated for hundreds of years. The foundation of the Wang family is not easy to move.

But it is impossible for this to grow in Wang Ye's hands. After all, Wang Ye was only a household secretary before. He was old again, and there was no hope of promotion. This thing that the Wang family continued to carry forward was not so strong. He just wanted to be a stable official for the rest of the next few years, and he had to retreat and take care of his life at ease. As for the position of the head of the Wang family, it will also be given to his son. Let him continue to lead the whole royal family and fight in this fallen imperial city, and Wang Ye himself can give him one or two instructions behind the scenes.

But when Wang Yegang had such an idea, this good thing came. This good thing was also said before, that is, the daughter of Prime Minister Li Su escaped from the royal marriage, and then she was dismissed by the emperor and returned to her hometown. The emperor must not have expected such a thing to happen. After all, who dares to escape from this royal wedding? Only Miss Li can do such a thing regardless of the life and death of the Li family. Can you imagine the emperor's anger as soon as this happened? However, after all, Li Su has also done a lot of things for the court and made countless contributions. The emperor fell in love with him so, so he did not condemn him to death, but he also condemned him to return to his hometown and never return to the court.

After Li Su took power, the position of prime minister was vacant. Maybe the emperor himself did not think of any suitable person to replace Li Su's position. It may also be that the emperor has long noticed the king's business and intends to promote him, but this king's business is already an official to the top minister. When he is promoted, he is about to be ranked among the three princes. Now he has never had a chance. Therefore, as soon as Li Su got off the stage, he ordered Wang Ye to take over. However, such a thing is unlikely to happen. But even when the emperor was thinking about who to appoint to replace Li Su, he happened to see Wang Ye and gave Wang Ye this opportunity, which was also Wang Ye's lucky. In a word, the position of Prime Minister Wang Ye is incomparable. Inadvertently, without paying attention to this idea, he got the Prime Minister.

This is really appropriate in one sentence, which is: there is no place to find, and it takes no effort to break the iron shoes. Originally, this thought of the prime minister who could do it was dead, but he didn't expect that when he had died, this opportunity suddenly came like himself. It's still so fast and real. It can be said that this is not an opportunity, but the position of prime minister is sent directly. At that time, Wang Ye really couldn't believe his ears and felt that he had heard it wrong? When the eunuch who served the emperor pulled up the sharp voice, Wang Ye understood that all this was true. It's not that dream bubble.

In fact, Wang Ye is so excited that he can't believe everything in front of him. After all, this long-cherished wish that has been suffering for decades has been fulfilled. And this long-cherished wish has been realized so quickly, so neatly and neatly that it is unbelievable. Just like the thirsty passenger walking in the desert, he suddenly found an inn in front of him. His immediate first reaction was ecstatic, but then he would think: Will this be a mirage? Is it an empty phantom? Is it the devil in the desert who wants to take human life and set a trap? But although there are such concerns and fears, the desire in his heart has to let him continue to walk to the inn. When I walked in, I found that the inn was real, not the mirage, the void phantom, the trap of the devil's subordinates, but a real inn, an inn with wine and delicious food. How can this not make people ecstatic?

Although Wang Ye was extremely happy after getting the position of prime minister, he was also very worried. After all, this position of prime minister came from empty, not because of his own merit, or because Li Su returned to his hometown at his age, and no one in the court could sit in this position. Under the recommendation of these 100 officials, the emperor was satisfied with this position. And his position as prime minister can basically be said to be the emperor's temporary intention to seal himself casually, so it is not too much to be picked up. Therefore, after Wang Ye became the prime minister, he did not think about how he could rank among the three princes and continue to carry forward the Wang family as he did when he was a secretary of the Ministry of Household before.

Now that he has become the prime minister as he wished, the heroic spirit that he is worth dying for the future of the Wang family has faded a lot. This is not because Wang Ye is afraid of "greed for life and death" after he became the prime minister, but in fact, it is not. After all, it was just a household secretary before. This family is a minister and an official. If this is in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a great official. These ordinary people, the bitter people in the field, are poor and strange all their lives, and I don't know if they can meet this second-grade official. Not to mention this bitterness, the common people are just some of the following minor officials, such as some county magistrates and magistrates. I don't know how many times I can see the second-class members in this court in my life.

But in the eyes of the common people, in the eyes of some small officials, this second-grade official is big, big, big to the sky. But in the eyes of Wang Ye, who came from a rich family for generations, in the eyes of the people around Wang Ye, he is a small official. Therefore, when he was in the position of Shangshu of this family, Wang Ye did not want to go to the top all the time. Helpless, all kinds of forces, for various reasons, can't get what they want. Therefore, after the position of prime minister, Wang Ye's heart calmed down. Unlike when he was a minister of that household, he always thought that if he was alive, I could enter the Wenxuan Pavilion and Hongde Hall.

Wang Ye, who had just taken the position as prime minister, left these previous ideas behind and made some plans for his few remaining official careers. Wang Ye knew that his position as prime minister came easily, and some officials in the court would be dissatisfied with him and secretly use some means for himself. Therefore, Wang Yegang is not in a position. He is not in a hurry to do something for his family, but re-observes the pattern of the officialdom of the Xuanyuan court and make some strategies. How to keep his position as prime minister? After all, the prime minister is in hand, and the Wang family has the opportunity and power to do things.

If the position of prime minister is lost, I'm afraid he can't even do the previous household secretary. It's a good end to be able to be like Li Su. The high-level struggle on this temple is usually the result of either your death or my death. How can your opponent give you this opportunity to burn endless wildfire and the spring breeze blows again? They all pay attention to cutting grass and eliminating them all. In order to avoid future troubles. Therefore, after Wang Ye became the prime minister, he did not dare to go straight in some aspects as he had been the minister of the Ministry of Household. But now I dare not be like this. If so, it is small to offend the person who should not be offend and lose the position of prime minister, or lose your own life. If the whole royal family is involved, then the royal industry will be the eternal sinner of the royal family. I'm afraid that after death, they will face those ancestors who are waiting for themselves underground.

So Wang Ye is so careful now, not for himself, but for the sake of the whole Wang family. After all, as the head of the Wang family, Wang Ye himself must think about the future of dozens of family members of the Wang family. He can't forget the heavy responsibility he shouldered because of his temporary anger and temporary face gains and losses. So that day, in order to save his life and for his position as prime minister, Wang Ye didn't want this old face and flattered him. After all, this shame is small. If he is executed by the emperor here today and loses the position of prime minister, then the Wang family will really fall into eternal disaster. Wang Ye himself will become an eternal sinner of the Wang family.