Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 143 The Action of the Imperial Court

Gucheng on this side is in danger and will be conquered by the rebels of Luwang City at any time. And the reinforcements in the Xuanyuan court are too late to come. There is no other reason, but the things in the Western Camp army can't be dealt with for a while. Although Wang Qi and the two also have some means to do things, this army's expedition is not just that the problems in your army have been dealt with, so that they can go on the expedition.

Things in the imperial court are generally interlinked, and one department is involved in another department. After this matter comes down, you don't have to go through a few departments. You don't want to get it done. So this goes back and there. Wang Qi and the two of them have finished the things in the Western Camp army. In the whole Western Camp army, what should be investigated and what should be done, although there were also some minor accidents and frictions. For example, what does the crime have to do with which official and which descendant is it? However, with the power given by the Prime Minister, although these problems are a little troublesome, they are not impossible to deal with.

Although Wang Ye usually has a bad time with ordinary people, the situation is different at this time, and Liu Taishi also knows it. There is no intention to embarrass the two hands. Everything is business. This Master Liu is not stupid. At this time, he doesn't open his eyes to embarrass Wang Ye, which is not that he can't get with Wang Ye, but that he can't get with himself. If Wang Ye took this opportunity to tell the emperor that the reason for the slowness of things is that Liu Taishi interfered with it, it is not worth the loss.

Three or five days have passed since Xuanyuanhong was angry on the hall that day. In the early morning, a group of leaders of the Xuanyuan court gathered on the main hall of the Forbidden City to discuss the national affairs together.

"Wang Aiqing, what I told you before, but it's done?" Xuanyuanhong sat on the dragon chair and asked loudly.

Wang Ye slowly walked out of the officer's queue and bent down and replied, "I want to reply to the emperor, Weichen has been done, just waiting for the emperor to issue an order."

Xuanyuanhong saw that Wang Ye's answer was so neat that he did not find any reason to prevaricate himself. Presumably this matter must have been done. Immediately, the face also eased a lot, and there was no such severity. Yes, Wang Aiqing did this quickly. Since this matter has been handled properly, the army will set off tomorrow and go to the coastal state to flatten those traitors and thieves! What do you think, Aiqing?

"To the emperor, Weichen has played it." It was the secretary of the Ministry of War who spoke. He is also half a big old man, saying that he is not very old, just a flower armor. The surname is Chen Mingfang.

Xuanyuanhong also knew that someone would come out to say something, so he had no dissatisfaction with Lord Chen, the secretary of the Ministry of War, and just asked, "What does Aiqing have to say? Isn't it appropriate for Ai Qingjue's army to leave for the coastal Shizhou to calm down the chaos tomorrow?

"To reply to the emperor, Weichen does not have any objection to the fact that the emperor will let the army go on an expedition tomorrow. Of course, this rebellion was given as soon as possible, which is good. If the rebels grow up over time, it will be very detrimental to our court. Chen Shangshu said.

Xuanyuanhong was puzzled and said, "Since Aiqing also understands this truth and has no objection to my expedition, what do you have to say? Is there any objection to the generals on this expedition?

Xuanyuan Hong saw that many difficult things had been done, and the army's expedition was just waiting for a word of himself, so he also put a lot of peace of mind. When asked, he was also much more patient. He didn't want to be hang these officials out of the Meridian Gate and beheaded like those days ago. However, when asked these words, Xuanyuanhong was also worried. He was also afraid that Chen Shangshu would say something again, so that the Western Camp army could not go out as soon as possible. So I didn't expect that these ministers could not return something except to raise some objections? Chen Shangshu wanted to repay something at this time, but he didn't expect that the emperor would be so nervous, which was really inexplicable.

Chen Shangshu said unconsciously, "I will return to the emperor. Weichen had no objection to the emperor's determination, the generals of the expedition of the Western Camp army. It's just that I have something to say to the emperor where my western battalion army went on an expedition.

"What does Aiqing mean? This expedition of the Western Camp was for the rebellion of the coastal amnesty state. Tomorrow's army will go on an expedition. If you don't go to the state to calm the chaos, where are you going!? What nonsense!" Xuanyuan Hong thought that Chen Shangshu had any objection to the expedition generals, but it was not. In the end, Chen Shangshu said that he had something to say about the expedition.

Which of the civil and military officials of the Man Dynasty did not know that the Western Camp army was going to pardon the coastal state to calm the chaos. Not to mention the officials in the hall, I guess the eunuchs and concubines in the harem know it. But in front of him, as a minister of the Ministry of War, such an important position is still talking nonsense here. How can he not make Xuanyuan Hong angry?

Chen Shangshu was also shocked by the sudden anger of Xuanyuanhong. He quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, I am guilty, I am guilty, and I will die."

Xuanyuanhong saw his appearance and said angrily, "You still know you are guilty!? As a minister of the Ministry of War, how can you say such a bastard thing at this moment!? I really don't know how you are a secretary of the Ministry of War! I don't want you to die. It's enough for you to die."

Chen Shangshu was shocked when he heard the words and cried, "Your Majesty, spare my life! Emperor, please forgive your life! I'm wronged! I'm very wronged!"

Xuan Yuanhong said impatiently, "What are you wailing about? What's the dignity of a second-class man, such a gaffe on this hall! I said that it was enough for you to die, and I didn't mean to kill you. However, judging from your appearance, it is not suitable to be the secretary of the Ministry of War. You are also old, otherwise you wouldn't have said such nonsense here today. I think you'd better go back to your hometown."

This Chen Shangshu is really unlucky today. Originally, I just wanted to report to the emperor that the recent trend of the rebels in Luwangcheng, who rebelled in the coastal amnesty state, let the Western Camp army on the expedition have a clear place to go. Otherwise, this army stirs up the masses and rushed to the state like a tiger and wolf, but it did not meet the rebels of Luwang City, and did not kill this morale. You know, this Western Camp army is not easy to rectify it like this.

But I was just about to report it, but I didn't expect the emperor to be so urgent. Before I could say anything, I was asked to death by the emperor's questions. I didn't allow myself to say more, and I was inexplicably convicted and lost this official position. However, it was really unlucky that I didn't see the almanac clearly when I went out today.

In fact, this can't be all about Xuanyuanhong. Xuanyuanhong has been addicted to the song and dance for many years and doesn't care about the court. However, in those years, nothing serious happened to the Xuanyuan Empire to let his emperor ask. Even if there are some big or small things, they are also suppressed by the corrupt officials below, and they will not let your emperor know. Now that there is a big event and a great rebellion, it is the Xuanyuan that pulls out of the wine. After all, this rebellion is too serious for anyone to hide it. It's not easy to have something to do. Although Xuanyuanhong is playful, he is not a confused person. He knows that this rebellion is not a small thing.