Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 204 Internal Skills

"You still came to save me!? You'd better take care of yourself first! You go away first and stay away from here. Don't you see that it's difficult to fight over there? Zhang Xun said to Li Qianye angrily.

Li Qianye pulled up Zhang Xun and ran to the side. Zhang Xun was very anxious, but his strength was exhausted in the battle with Lu Wangcheng just now, and now even the strength to break free from Li Qianye, a weak woman, is gone. I had to run behind Li Chiba. He looked back at Mo Ling again, hoping that Mo Ling would fight with Lu Wangcheng and not be defeated.

"Your cultivation is not low. On that day, I didn't fight with you attentively in the government office of Amnesty State, but now I have this opportunity. Lu Wangcheng, want to ask for good advice from you. Lu Wangcheng said to Mo Ling with a sneer.

Mo Ling also smiled and said, "The skills you practice here are from the same as Marshal Lu. You don't have to talk about this trick, right? It's just that I just saw the moves used by Marshal Lu. It seems that Marshal Lu's "Dque Xuanyin" skill has been practiced on top of me. How dare you call it a high move in front of Marshal Lu?

"Don't dare, dare. Whose cultivation is higher? It's not that it can be said that it can be said. If you have fought, you will know it, right? Lu Wangcheng said coldly.

"Ha ha... Then please ask Marshal Lu to show mercy. With that, Mo Ling raised his sword and went to Lu Wangcheng. The strength produced by the "Dque Xuanyin" skill was injected into the sword with all its strength by Mo Ling. Therefore, although the speed of this sword is not fast, the force contained in it is by no means small.

"Eacon's little skill!" Lu Wangcheng did not pay attention to Mo Ling's initiative. The * in his hand is to face Mo Ling, but he is not shy at all. It seems that he is very confident that he can take this move.

Mo Ling's sword is in front of him, just like the dragon crossing the river. And Lu Wangcheng* raised above his head, like a tiger going down the mountain. Both sides went all out to meet each other. Under one move, although Lu Wangcheng's skill cultivation is slightly higher, it is not much higher than that of Mo Ling. In addition, the cultivation of the two sides comes from one door. It can be said that both sides know each other well, so Lu Wangcheng and Mo Ling have not taken advantage of each other.

Unlike Lu Wangcheng, Mo Ling uses a sword. This swordsmanship is also pointed out by Ye Jianxian, the master of Jianzong in Yingkunlun. This night sword fairy is known as the first sword master of Shadow Kunlun. On top of this swordsmanship, he is not even the master of the Shadow Kunlun Gate, and the vicissitudes of life are not as good as him. Of course, all this is just the night sword fairy boasting. Because in Shadow Kunlun, whether you are convinced or not, there is a common view that in this Shadow Kunlun Demon Gate, no one can defeat the vicissitudes of the doorkeeper, no matter what side you are.

Of course, this night sword fairy has not been taught by Yu Cangyu. Therefore, many people believe this statement made by Ye Jianxian himself. Because this night sword fairy is indeed a little powerful. His "night dance" can be called a classic in swordsmanship. This "Night Dance Shuanghua" swordsmanship is not only powerful and lethal, but also has a beautiful posture, just like that dance. Therefore, it also got the elegant name of "Night Dance Shuanghua".

Just what many people can't understand is how such an obscene person can this night sword fairy create such a beautiful and powerful swordsmanship? Although there is no exact statement about this matter, there are also many statements spread throughout the world of cultivation. It is said that this night sword fairy was originally a useless person. Looking at his current appearance, you will know that he must have had some shit luck to practice this set of swordsmanship.

And the "dog luck" of the night sword fairy is that the night sword fairy is a flower-like wife. However, his wife is not an ordinary woman, but the daughter of a decent leader of a famous sect. As for the specific sect of this sect, no one can tell. However, this matter is also groundless, so it's just a matter of saying that no one takes it seriously.

Although Mo Ling has been instructed by the Night Sword Fairy, he has not learned the "Night Dance Shuanghua" of the Night Sword Fairy. It's just that this night sword fairy has passed some moves. But Mo Ling only got the guidance of the night sword fairy and had a good sword practice, which was much better than Lu Wangcheng, who just learned some shallow swordsmanship.

Mo Ling knows a lot about this "Dque Xuanyin" skill. Knowing that Lu Wangcheng's strength created by the "Dque Xuanyin" skill is applied to only the limbs, so the speed of Lu Wangcheng is very fast. But just now, Lu Wangcheng consumed most of this strength in order to crack Zhang Xun's sword spirit. At this time, the speed has been greatly reduced. Lu Wangcheng is also very wronged. In fact, Zhang Xun's sword spirit looks extremely domineering, but the force contained in it is very small, not as sharp as it looks. However, Lu Wangcheng saw that Zhang Xun's cultivation was very strange. Whether it is the sword in Zhang Xun's hand or the dark true air emitted by Zhang Xun's whole body, all this makes Lu Wangcheng dare not underestimate the sword spirit emitted by Zhang Xun.

Although Lu Wangcheng's speed is not as fast as before, it is not slow. But no matter how fast the speed is, Lu Wangcheng can only rampage and will not use any smart knife method. Although Mo Ling's swordsmanship may not be better than others, it is much more powerful than Lu Wangcheng in front of him.

If the cultivation of the two practitioners is too different from each other, it is useless for you to have excellent foreign skills. It's like the embroidered pillow stuffed with straw. Although it looks good outside, it has no inner strength. This fight is gorgeous, but it doesn't have much practical effect.

And if the inner kung fu is skillful, but the foreign kung fu is not good, it is useless. Just like that person has a lot of strength, but he can't fight a child who can fight skillfully. Just like it has hundreds of millions of wealth, but it won't work. That is, it can't be used effectively. But this has strong internal kung fu, which is much more practical than the powerful foreign kung fu. After all, in this real world, it is generally based on practicing internal kung fu. If you have not practiced your inner kung fu, you can't be said to be a true person. Moreover, practicing inner family kung fu is also the way to break the heaven and become an immortal. Moreover, the comparison in this cultivation world is generally dominated by fighting methods, that is, the cultivation of the inner family.

However, Mo Ling knew that Lu Wangcheng's cultivation is above himself. If he is an inner family's cultivation and fights with Lu Wangcheng with this "dique Xuanyin" skill, he will definitely die. Therefore, he also used his own masterful internal swordsmanship to deal with this Lu Wangcheng.

Mo Ling used this "Dque Xuanyin" skill with the swordsmanship in his hand, and suddenly flew around, and countless small swordsmanships flew to Luwang City. Lu Wangcheng was shocked. Just now, the man didn't know his details and what kind of skill he practiced. Even if he released his sword spirit, he didn't dare to be careless.

But the Mo Ling in front of him has the same skill as Lu Wangcheng, and Lu Wangcheng also knows it. But why can Mo Ling also release sword spirit? Lu Wangcheng doesn't understand. But this is not the time to make him understand. That small sword spirit will not give Lu Wangcheng time to think about these problems.

The advantage of cutting the horse also lies in the broad body of the knife. Not only is the knife fatal, but also powerful. At this critical moment, you can also make a shield in front of you. Lu Wangcheng is not an idle person. After blocking these swords, he turned to attack, and waved * to go with Mo Ling. For a while, the sword was in the shadow, and the fight was insoluble.

After all, Mo Ling was slightly better in this foreign swordsmanship, and Lu Wangcheng was also consumed some true qi by Zhang Xun. At this time, he felt that he was not Mo Ling's opponent. In his heart, he also scolded Zhang Xun and Mo Ling for being despicable. Unexpectedly, they fought with him one and regretted not calling Meng Shili, otherwise they would have been able to give the Mo Ling the result today.

Lu Wangcheng thought that this is a battlefield after all, not a ring for one person to win or lose. If I keep fighting with this Mo Ling in order to vent my anger, it will also delay the war. At that time, I can't beat this Mo Ling's death, and it will be a big deal if it delays the matter of Master Ming Ruins. Anyway, on this battlefield, it's nothing to escape, not to mention that the other party is also the coach. Thinking of this, Lu Wangcheng did not fight with Mo Ling, but tried his best to force Mo Ling away and retreat.

Li Qianye and Zhang Xun were looking at each other and shouting happily. This real-life fight is with the TV. What I used to hear from others was much better. Zhang Xun was also attracted by the fight between Mo Ling and Lu Wangcheng. First, I feel that the skills of both of them are not low, and they can also learn from them well. Second, he is also worried about whether Mo Ling will make any mistakes. After all, Mo Ling said before that Lu Wangcheng's skills were above his Mo Ling, and he didn't know whether he could defeat Lu Wangcheng in the battle with Lu Wangcheng. Therefore, Zhang Xun also did not dare to look at the changes on the court carelessly, waiting for Mo Ling to save Lu Wangcheng in case he could not defeat Lu Wangcheng.

However, when Zhang Xun and Li Qianye were looking at it, they found that Lu Wangcheng actually retreated. It seemed that they were unwilling to fight with Mo Ling. Li Qianye suddenly scolded that Lu Wangcheng was not a thing. How can the fight between men run directly? Still in front of so many people, I really don't care at all.

Mo Ling saw that Lu Wangcheng retreated and did not catch up. He also knew that Lu Wangcheng just didn't want to pester himself more, so as not to miss this military event. Mo Ling was also secretly glad that if Lu Wangcheng desperately wanted to fight with him, he didn't know how long he could hold on. After all, Lu Wangcheng's skill cultivation is above his Mo Ling. Even if he has some clever swordsmanship, he can only be undefeated in the short term. It is also very difficult to defeat Lu Wangcheng. Lu Wangcheng is also worried, otherwise he really doesn't know how to end it.

This battle, starting with Zhang Xun and Lu Wangcheng, came to Mo Ling's repulsing Lu Wangcheng, which stunned all the soldiers present. I also understand that these people are not ordinary people, maybe they are all immortals in the world of cultivation. Previously, they were all rebel generals that Zhang Xun knew to Lu Wangcheng, and they were also appalled at this time. It turns out that his coach is not an ordinary person, but he is a man of cultivation. No wonder the young general was able to kill seven generals on his side yesterday, but this young general is not an ordinary person. It seems that the seven generals were not wronged to die.

As soon as Lu Wangcheng and Mo Ling returned to their camp, they also ignored the strange eyes around them. Lu Wangcheng picked up the whip in his hand, waved it forward, and shouted, "Kill!" Under this order, the rebels were like a tide. They killed the Western Camp army and still shouted. It seemed that they would cut more heads.

Although it was the first time to lead the war and the first time to face the battle on this battlefield, Mo Ling was not panicked at all. In Mo Ling's opinion, this is just a battle with more people, and it's nothing. On the other hand, Miss Li saw the rebels running towards her like hungry wolves. The rebels looked like hungry wolves who had not eaten for a few days, and they were like the little sheep waiting to be eaten.

The pride at this time has long disappeared. Miss Li is now white with a pretty face. She grabbed Zhang Xun's arm tremblingly and said, "Why are these rebels so scary, just like the fierce ghost who wants to ask for his life. It turns out that the battlefield is so terrible. I don't want to watch it. Send me back quickly."

Zhang Xun was extremely depressed. Before Li Qianye came, Zhang Xun knew that Li Qianye would behave like this. That day, outside Gucheng, I just saw a remaining battlefield, and I fainted in horror. Although Miss Li has been unwilling to admit that she is afraid and always says that she is just dizzy, how can Zhang Xun not know the little idea in his heart? Li Qianye is just trying to be strong.

"I knew you would be like this, so I didn't intend to let you watch it here. Get on the horse, I'll take you to the back and send someone to protect you. With that, Zhang Xun got on the horse and reached out to Li Qianye.

Miss Li doesn't have time to pay attention to Zhang Xun's jokes now. I just want to leave here with all my heart. Otherwise, if you are caught by the rebels, it will not be worse than death. Hurry up and grab Zhang Xun's hand, get on the horse, and urge Zhang Xun to leave quickly. Zhang Xun and Mo Ling looked at it. Mo Ling also knew what Zhang Xun meant and nodded. Zhang Xun knew it and went.

Mo Ling saw that the rebel would come like a hungry wolf, and also ordered the whole army to attack. The soldiers of the Western Camp have been waiting to kill the enemy for a long time. Yesterday, after Zhang Xun killed the other seven generals, he just wanted to kill him, but Zhang Xun did not order. These bellicidal soldiers could only come back. Now that the coach has issued an order, he immediately rushed forward desperately like the run-out wild horse.

Previously, the rebels killed the enemy desperately in order to have a mouthful of food to eat, but now it is different. These exiles have been completely accepted by Lu Wangcheng, and they are completely selling their lives for Lu Wangcheng. At this time, the rebels killed the enemy completely because of this killing. Therefore, bravery is not as bloodthirsty as before. After all, killing the enemy before was to cut off the head, which is not enough to scare the enemy.

And these soldiers of the Western Camp Army originally despised the rebels. Where can these troops be powerful? Killing them is not the same as playing. The soldiers of the Western Battalion are now using this rebel as a practice tool that has not been active for many years. For many years, they have had the opportunity to kill and come out of the desire that has been aggrieved for many years. After all, which soldier is not bloodthirsty, correctly speaking, which man is not bloodthirsty.

The two sides are bravely met, and it depends on who is more brave. For a moment, the soldiers on both sides were staggered like the flood. The soldiers are catching and fighting, and the generals are also against each other. No matter what happens around, I just know that there is a person who is not his own clothes in front of him, that is, waving a knife. For a moment, the shouts of killing, screams, and the staggering sound of swords were constantly thinking between heaven and earth.

The two armies in front of him were inexsoluble in the battle, but Zhang Xun sent Li Qianye back to the camp of the Western Camp army. Even if there is some distance from the battlefield, after all, it is a fight of thousands of people, and the sound is very loud. Li Qianye was scared when he heard this sound at this time. Zhang Xun saw his appearance and smiled and said, "Before, he was braver than anyone else to watch the bustle. Now there are people watching the bustle, but you are more afraid to watch it than anyone else. I really don't understand you."

Li Qianye was already annoyed by his timidity today and thought to himself: Fortunately, the dead madman was not here, otherwise he would have caught a handle to make fun of me again. Now hearing that Zhang Xun made fun of herself again, Miss Li immediately quit. He grabbed Zhang Xun's ear and said angrily, "You idiot! If you dare to make fun of your aunt, your aunt will definitely let you taste the power of your aunt!"

Zhang Xun was grabbed by the ear, and immediately shouted for pain and begged forgiveness: "You are about to let go. It hurts!" My ears are about to be pricked off by you. I don't dare to make fun of you. Just let go.

Seeing that Zhang Xun was really connected, Li Qianye let go of his hand and said, "You idiot, you have learned a lot from this dead madman!"