Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 219 Xiao Ke

The horror of war is incomprehensible to those who have not personally experienced it, and they cannot experience the horror and helplessness in it. War only brings destruction and killing, and there will never be a bloody hero complex. This is war.

The noisy street in the past is now empty. Li Qianye stood there quietly, inexplicably melancholy. I remember that when I first came to this world, the first person who was good to me was Meng Shili. Although Li Chiba also knew that it was not really good to Li Chiba, but to Li Lingbing, he couldn't forget the friendship after all. When I returned to this amnesty city, I remembered that a few days ago, Meng Shili's conversation with himself in the small embroidery building was like what happened yesterday, but now heaven and man are separated, and people and ghosts are different.

Zhang Xun knew that Li Qianye was in a bad mood now, so he didn't say anything, just looked at Li Qianye quietly. Li Qianye was silent for a long time and said to Zhang Xun, "Let's go. Go to my house and have a look. Xuanyuan Yu will also go there to find us.

Zhang Xun came to the main gate of Li Qianye's mansion for the first time. Last time he came here to find Li Qianye, he knew that the main door would not let him enter, so he learned the way of the gentleman on the beam and entered from the side. Now when I look at Zhumen in front of me, I know how big Li Chiba's family is.

Knocked on the door, but no one came out for a long time. Li Chiba shook his head, sighed, and said to Zhang Xun, "It seems that all the servants in my family have run away." He simply pushed hard, but he didn't move at all. Seeing this, Zhang Xun stepped forward, carried his skills, pushed it vigorously, and only heard the sound of "grabbing" inside. It should be that the lock made of wood behind the door was inferred by Zhang Xun.

The two entered the yard and found that it was in a mess. Some things in the house were thrown out, and the flowers and plants on both sides of the road were also trampled on, as if they had been robbed. Compared with the former magnificent, the current Li family is dilapidated. Li Qianye looked at all this blankly and walked back.

Entering the main hall of Li's mansion, it was the same as the outside, and all valuable things were looted. Zhang Xun looked around and said, "Last time I came here, I still saw some nurses. How could they be robbed?"

"Without the owner's food, won't the dog find food by himself? Of course, these people are not as good as dogs. Dogs have no food to eat and won't eat their owners' things. Li Qianye picked up a piece of porcelain and took it in his hand to look at it. Although others don't know about my father's rebellion. But after the amnesty state was controlled by the rebels, the officials of the original Xuanyuan court were killed. When the rebels were there, they didn't dare to make trouble. As soon as the rebels left, there was no one in the state city to take care of, and those unstable people did not make trouble. Just now, you can see that the street is empty. There are few shops on both sides of the street that dare to open, so they open the door, which is also half open. How dares to open openly.

"You mean that your family is now like this, not done by outsiders, but by the original servants in this family?"

Li Qianye threw away the fragments in his hand, shrugged his shoulders at Zhang Xun, and spread out his hand and said, "I don't know if it was made by my servants themselves, or by people outside, or whose family colluded with people outside. But these are also irrelevant. Anyway, I won't stay in this family. These belongings are simply dispensable for me. I'm just a little annoyed to see that a good home was made like this. After all, this is also my home.

"Okay. There is nothing to see here. Follow me to my small embroidery building to see if some of my things are still there. With that, Li Qianye walked out. Zhang Xun looked at the room again, shook his head with a sigh, and also walked out.

Through the garden, Zhang Xun and Li Qianye found that the garden was not much damaged. It seems that there is nothing worth taking here, so few people come here, and the garden is also preserved. When he came to the bottom of the embroidery building, he found that the door was closed. Li Qianye was happy. It seemed that his boudoir had not been looted.

When I opened the door, I thought there would be a cloud of dust coming, and the smell of moldy would enter my ears and nose, but it was not. The whole room was clean, the windows were bright, and there was no dust at all. This surprised Li Chiba. Entering the small living room downstairs, Li Qianye was very happy. After all, he was not looted here.

walked upstairs to see his room. As soon as he was ready to go upstairs, there was a rapid sound of footsteps upstairs. Li Qianye wondered who was upstairs. A "missary" told Li Qianye the answer. The person upstairs is Li Chiba's close maid, Xiao Ke.

"Miss!" When Xiao Ke saw Li Qianye, he immediately rushed up, hugged Li Qianye and cried. Li Qianye patted Xiao Ke on the back comfortingly and comforted him softly, "Don't cry, don't cry. I know you have been wronged."

Xiao Ke came down from Li Qianye's body, wiped his tears and said, "Miss, after you left that day, Xiao Ke was really uncomfortable and thought he would never see you again. Now I'm so happy to see you appear in front of me safely.

When Li Qianye saw Xiaoke's care for him, he was also warm in his heart. He smiled and said to Xiao Ke, "Well, since you are happy, don't cry anymore. Miss, didn't I appear in front of you well?"

"Ye! As long as Miss is well, Xiao Ke won't cry. Xiao Ke nodded stupidly.

Li Qianye smiled softly, then thought of something, and whispered to Xiao Ke, "Alas... The last time I ran away, I implicated you again. My father and Brother Meng didn't punish you after that, did they? I hurt you. I'm sorry, Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke shook his head quickly and said, "Miss, don't say that. Brother Meng came forward, but the master did not embarrass me. It's just that I've been worried about you these days. It's great to see that the young lady is fine now.

"So what's going on in my family? Why is it so messy? Who robbed it? Li Chiye asked.

"Alas... Since you left, this amnesty city has become more and more unstable. Originally, those rebels were here, but some people still didn't dare to do anything randomly. But as soon as the rebels left, the city of Amnesty became chaotic. No one took care of this amnesty state city. Some ruffians and hooligans robbed things everywhere, leaving the whole amnesty state city, and everyone is in danger. Xiao Kedao.

"No wonder when we first entered the city, we found that the street was empty, and no one dared to open the shops on both sides."

"Who dares to open the door? As for the appearance of our Li family, it was made by the servants of this family in collusion with the people outside. A few days after the rebels left, the master and Master Meng didn't know where they had gone, and there was no one to take care of the house. At first, Butler Wang still watched. But I didn't expect that the housekeeper Wang was a wolf-hearted person. Seeing that Master and Master Meng had not come back for a long time, he began to think about our Li family.

"But he was also afraid that the master would come back at any time, so he did not dare to occupy Li's house, so he found some people outside and looted Li's house together with some family members. Miss's embroidery building is deep in this garden. That day, they fought outside because of the uneven share of the stolen goods, so they did not destroy the young lady's embroidery building. And I hid here and didn't dare to go out because I was scared at that time. Xiao Kedao.

Li Qianye had long expected that this would be the result, but he was not surprised. He said to Xiao Ke, "Those things are gone. Anyway, my father and Brother Meng are gone now, and there will be no one in this family. It's just that these days have been hard for you. Well, Miss, I'll give you this house. You can live here in peace and don't be a subordinate anymore.

After hearing this, Xiao Ke was shocked and said anxiously, "Miss, why are you doing this? Are you going to leave here? Never come back? Didn't Master and Master Meng come back? Miss, don't leave me, okay?"

Li Qianye smiled bitterly and said to himself, you stupid girl, how can you know what happened to me? How can you know my suffering? I'm going to leave here, but I won't never come back. I will come back to see you. I don't know where the master has gone, but he will never come back. As for Brother Meng. Li Qianye sighed. He is dead."

"Ah!" Xiao Ke grew up in surprise and didn't believe it was true. Why did Master Meng die? Miss, what's going on!? Why didn't the master come back?

Li Chiba shook his head and said, "Xiao Ke, there are some things that you still don't know. Live a good life in the future. I gave you this Li house. You have already found a happy man for yourself, take your family, and move to this Li house together. This spacious house is enough for your family to enjoy. Ha ha..."

Xiao Ke immediately knelt down and cried, "Miss, you have always been very kind to Xiao Ke. You have never regarded Xiao Ke as a subordinate. You have always treated him as a sister. Xiao Ke knows. But this Li family is your home. How can you give it to Xiao Ke? If the master comes back, Xiao Ke will not be easy to explain. Xiao Ke can't have this Li family.

"Don't worry. I also said just now that he will never come back. Just stay at ease." Li Qianye thought that it was not good to give this family to Xiao Ke. After all, the Li family is too big. The whole city of Amnesty can't find a second mansion like this. Such a big gift, how can Xiao Ke, a child born in a poor family, dare to be under him? He said, "Since you are willing to accept it, I won't force you, Miss. But miss, I only have one small request. I hope you can agree with Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke wiped his tears and said to Li Qianye, "Miss, if you have any requirements, just say, as long as Xiao Ke can do it, Xiao Ke will definitely not refuse."

"If you don't want to accept my family, then don't leave here, okay? Just continue to live here and help me take good care of this house. When I come back later, I can still see a complete home. I can still see you."

When Xiao Ke heard this, he immediately nodded and agreed. Even if the young lady doesn't say it, Xiao Ke won't leave. In fact, Xiao Ke has no place to go. This place is Xiao Ke's home. Miss, don't worry. When Miss is away, Xiao Ke will definitely help her take good care of her home and clean up everything. Whenever the young lady comes back, she will see a complete home.

Li Chiba smiled with satisfaction, but he stopped talking, took Xiao Ke's hand, and went to the boudoir upstairs. Zhang Xun was a little embarrassed. Did he follow him or not? Finally, I decided to stay downstairs.

Although the housekeeper Wang was ungrateful, he was only interested in gold, silver, jewelry and valuable things, but did not take away the food in Li's house. Xiaoke has also planted some fruits and vegetables by himself these days. Although there is no meat, this dinner is also delicious. At night, Li Chiba and Xiao Ke were naturally in the boudoir upstairs, and Zhang Xun also played a role in security downstairs.

I was speechless all night. The next morning, the three of them were talking about something in the garden in front of the embroidered building, but someone came in. At a glance, it was Xuanyuan Yu.

"Have you dealt with everything in the Western Camp Army?" When Li Qianye saw Xuanyuan coming, he got up and asked.

Xuanyuanyu nodded and said, "Everything that requires me to do something has been done, and there are still some things that Miao should do." After the death of Meng Shili and Lu Wangcheng, Mingxu didn't know where to escape. For a while, the rebels were leaderless, and failure was inevitable.

"Then when shall we leave for Tianyi Villa?" Li Chiye asked.

"Immediately, right away."

Li Chiye didn't expect Xuanyuanyu to be so anxious. He looked at Zhang Xun and nodded. All right, let's go immediately." Thinking about Xuanyuan Yu, who is the fourth prince of Xuanyuan's court and is deeply loved by his father, there must be a lot of things he needs to do, and there are not many things to do with them.

Li Qianye looked at Xiao Ke. Xiao Ke also understood that Li Qianye was leaving, and immediately burst into tears. Miss, are you leaving again? Xiao Ke doesn't want you to leave.

Li Qianye touched Xiaoke's head and said, "Okay, Xiaoke, don't cry. Miss, I have something very important to do. We also made an appointment yesterday. Xiaoke helps me take care of the house. When I finish everything, I will come back to see Xiaoke, so don't be sad. Miss, I won't come back again.

Xiao Ke listened to Li Qianye's words and thought about what he was talking about. He opened his mouth and finally didn't say anything, but cried silently. Li Qianye sighed and told Xuanyuanyu about Xiaoke's situation, hoping that Xuanyuanyu could use his power to protect Xiaoke and the Li family.

There is nothing that Xuanyuan Yu does not listen to Li Qianye's requirements, not to mention such a small requirement for Xuanyuan Yu. Xuanyuan Yu also agreed to give Xiaoke an idle official position and let the officials of the amnesty state take good care of him.

After settling down Xiao Ke, Li Qianye has no more concerns. Outside the city of Amnesty State, he stayed in front of Meng Shili's tomb for a while. The three set foot on the road to Tianyi Villa. He hired a carriage to let Li Qianye live alone, but Zhang Xun and Xuanyuanyu were alone, following both sides of the carriage.

The existence of Xuanyuanyu, coupled with how many people have happened before, Zhang Xun and Li Qianye are also in no mood to laugh. There was nothing to say all the way, and the speed also came quickly to Sonan Town, where the Medical Villa was located that day. The town disposed of the carriage and so on, and the three of them went to Sonan Mountain.

The flowers and plants along the way have not changed much in the months when Zhang Xun and the two left. Knocking on the door of the villa, it was still the door opened by the little disciple. However, in the past few months, the little disciple was not familiar with Zhang Xun, but he didn't know who Zhang Xun was, and he was still not allowed to enter.

Zhang Xun smiled bitterly and said, "The little disciple doesn't know me anymore. What should I do?" I looked at Li Qianye.

When he saw Li Chiba behind him, the little disciple knew who was coming. After all, Li Qianye has been here for a long time and likes to make noise. There are not many people in this Tianyi Villa, and no one knows this young lady all of a sudden.

When he entered the hall, he found that only Yilin was there alone. Yi poor should be the pine crane house. Seeing someone coming in, Yilin put down the book in her hand and read it. At first glance, he was immediately happy and stepped forward to catch Li Qianye and said happily, "Sister Chiba, you are finally back."

Li Qianye smiled and said, "Mr. Yi poor? What's wrong with Zhang Xun's eldest brother?

"Ms. Zhang." Yilin was extremely happy to see Li Qianye, but forgot that there were two people behind her. I looked at Xuanyuanyu again, but I didn't know what to call him. He said, "I've met this gentleman."

Li Qianye also introduced Xuanyuan and Yilin to each other.

Zhang Xun smiled and said to Yilin, "I have something to do with Chiba these days. I'm tired of Miss Yilin and your father to take care of my eldest brother. Zhang Xun is very grateful here." With that, he just bowed to Yilin.

Dinglin quickly said, "Mr. Zhang doesn't need to do this. It is the job of us to study medicine to save people. Why should we thank them? On the contrary, Mr. Zhang and Sister Chiba are outside these days. Did they suffer less in order to find Hengzhu that day?

"I have suffered a lot, but the good thing has been done." Li Qianye said.

Yilin said happily when she heard the words, "Really? That's great! My father and I are still worried that you can't find Tianhengzhu. After all, the people of the Xiaoxiao faction are not so talkative. Hengzhu is also a divine object on this day, and people may not borrow it.