Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 221 Help Mo Ling

"But such a thing, even if I don't do anything, has hurt my little sister, which is inevitable. I also know that if it goes on like this, something will happen eventually. It's another year's exchange conference, and I'm also extremely happy, because I can meet Xuan Ninghua again. I believe she is the same."

"Unlike last time, this exchange conference was held by our Tianjian Villa. As I expected, the Lingtian School sent Xuan Ninghua and his brother Shang Ming and others. Looking for a place where there is no one, Xuan Ninghua and I vented the pain of lovesickness that we haven't seen in the past year. Only then did we know that we had fallen deeply in love with each other. We confided the sadness of lovesickness with each other and immersed in the joy of meeting each other.

"I also told Xuan Ninghua about my little sister Fu Liu. I want to know what Xuan Ninghua thinks about this matter. But what I didn't expect was that Xuan Ninghua had the same troubles as me. My trouble is that my little sister Fu Liu is, while Xuan Ninghua's trouble is her brother Shang Ming. Xuan Ninghua's situation is the same as mine. She has always regarded her brother Shang Ming as her brother, and she has no love for Shang Ming. However, Shang Ming likes Xuan Ninghua very much, which also makes Xuan Ninghua very distressed.

"I thought no one knew about our meeting, but it was seen by a younger brother of Xuan Ninghua. Of course, this younger brother also knew that Shang Ming liked Xuan Ninghua. In order to please Shang Ming, he told Shang Ming. Shang Ming is very narrow-minded. Of course, he can't see that Xuan Ninghua and I are so good. It's to find a way to disassemble the two of us.

"Shang Ming inquired about me everywhere in order to deal with me. This is to ask my little sister Fu Liu. Shang Ming also knew that my little sister Fu Liu liked me, but I didn't fall in love with her. I only loved Xuan Ninghua. My little sister Fu Liu is a very simple woman, who can't play with this old and cunning Shang Ming. Shang Ming said to my little sister: It's easy for me to fall in love with her. As long as the two of us have made a great gift, and when the raw rice is cooked, I just can't be irresponsible. Are you still afraid of not getting me then?"

"My little sister is simple-minded. How could she think about these things? She immediately shook her head repeatedly and dared not agree. But how could Shang Ming give up? He talked for a long time and finally coaxed my little sister. My little sister is also waiting for herself in her room according to Shang Ming's arrangement. But Shang Ming found me, found a reason, and pulled me to drink. But I don't know that under his arrangement, he was drunk.

"When I woke up, I found that I was in a **. I was dizzy and looked around in a daze. After seeing where I was, I was shocked. It turns out that this is my little sister Fu Liu's room. I was shocked. Just as I was about to get out of bed, I found that my little sister was naked by my side. Her eyes were full of panic. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't say a word. I was trembling there.

"I was also stunned at that time. I didn't know what was going on. I remember I was drinking with Shang Ming. I pushed the little sister with my hand, but I found that the little sister had no reaction at all, like a piece of wood. I hurried to find my clothes and put them on first. Just as I found the clothes and was about to wear them, the door opened.

"There were many people outside the door, led by Shang Ming, and then there were my master and some disciples. Of course, Xuan Ninghua was also among them. Everyone looked at me and my little sister incredulously. The bright-eyed person could see at a glance what we had just done, or what I had just done to my little sister Fu Liu.

"Although I didn't do this, I also know that someone set me up. But I still didn't dare to look into my master's eyes, let alone Xuan Ninghua. Because I know that the facts are in front of me at this time. No matter how I explain or say it, others will not believe me. And my brain at that time was completely blank. I just wanted to say something, but I couldn't say anything.

"And my little sister Fu Liu still didn't respond at all after everyone opened the door of the room. Let your body be exposed in front of everyone. After a while, the little sister seemed to see something afraid of, and her eyes were full of panic, but she still didn't say a word. Suddenly, he got out of bed like crazy, grabbed a sword, and committed suicide.

"All this happened to the little sister so suddenly that I didn't react, and the people outside the door didn't react. In this way, the little sister died in front of my eyes. At that time, I didn't expect that the little sister would commit suicide. By the time I realized it, the little sister had died in front of my eyes. At that time, I shouted Fu Liu's name and hugged her. Suddenly, there was a slap behind him, and his whole body was beaten out.

"I stood up with severe pain and found that the master was glalling at me, but the palm of my hand still did not put down. I just knelt down and said loudly: Master! I didn't do it, you have to believe me! The master smiled bitterly and said, "The facts are in front of you. How can you believe you as a teacher?" It's not just you and me here, it's in full view of the public! At that time, I also understood that even if the master believed that I didn't do it, others would not believe it, others would not believe it, and the master would not save me.

"Master sighed and said to me: You and my master and apprentice have been cultivated by me for so many years. Others don't know you, but I still don't know you? By your nature, you must not do such a thing. Maybe there is a reason for this. But today this happened in full view of the public. As a teacher, I can't protect you anyway, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the disciples of the whole Tianjian Villa.

"I know that no matter what, the crime of my little sister-in-law has been determined, and I can't get rid of it anyway. That is, I don't answer the master. The master sighed and said to the disciples outside the door: First, shut Xuanlong into the dungeon, and then deal with it after the exchange meeting is over. The master also looked at the little sister lying on the ground with a sad and angry face. He looked at me again and ignored anyone who walked out. I looked at Xuan Ninghua when I went out and thought she would believe me. But... Ha ha..."

Zhang Xun said, "Is Xuan Ninghua also doesn't believe you?"

"Yes. At that time, I looked at her, hoping to see the understanding in her eyes. But I just saw puzzlement and disgust. I don't blame her either. After all, no one will forgive me at that time. This jade pendant was also a love token of the two of us when she took care of me after killing the evil dragonfly with her. But at that time, she returned it to me. I also saw the smile in Shang Ming's eyes.

"I'm not stupid. After I calmed down, I understood that all this must be done by Shang Ming. But I have no evidence to prove that so many people saw me and my little sister naked in that room. What other reason do I have to excuse myself? Master did not put me to death after dealing with this exchange meeting. After all, I am his favorite disciple, and the master doesn't want to see me die like this. It is to expel me from the teacher's door so that I can take care of myself.

Zhang Xun heard all this and sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that there would be such a story between Xuanlong and Xuan Ninghua. Zhang Xun also scolded Shang Ming's evil deeds. Fortunately, after Xuan Ninghua experienced this incident, she did not follow Shang Ming, but let Shang Ming's wishes fail.

"Before, when you fought with Li Yuan in Shennongjia, Li Yuan said that you were the descendant of Tianjian Villa, but you didn't admit it. So it was like this." Zhang Xundao.

"Alas... They are all expelled from the teacher. How can I claim to be a teacher? Now I, Xuanlong, am alone and have ventured into this world of cultivation. Haha..." Xuanlong laughed.

Zhang Xun also smiled and said, "Brother, why do you say this? Isn't there still a brother and me?"

Xuanlong patted Zhang Xun on the shoulder and smiled. I don't know where the eldest brother will go after his injury recovers? Zhang Xun asked.

"I have nothing to do, and it's the same everywhere I go. I don't know what you plan to do, brother." Xuanlong really doesn't know where to go.

Zhang Xun is of course going to the various sects of Kunlun Demon Gate. He subdued one by one, completed his father's last wish, and regained control of the shadow Kunlun. But I don't know how to tell this to Xuanlong about this. After thinking about it, Zhang Xun still decided to tell Xuanlong about everything.

"You also told me before that you should complete your father's last wish and unify the Shadow Kunlun Demon Gate. But to be honest, it is very difficult to do this with your current skills. So I still suggest that you don't be in such a hurry to go to the Five Demon Gate to find trouble.

"I also know, but the skills left by my father are too advanced. After I practiced to this first level, I can't break through. I really don't know what to do." This "Magic Soul Curse" is the most powerful of all the skills of Cangyu. Of course, this practice is not so simple.

"The master's skills are so easy to practice. However, I think you still lack experience. People always grow up in difficulties. The more you fight, the faster your skills will improve. Xuanlong Road.

Zhang Xun nodded and understood Xuanlong's words. Xuanlong's injury has just healed, so it is not suitable to go anywhere, and he still needs to continue to cultivate in this Tianyi Villa. Zhang Xun and Li Chiba also didn't know where to go for a while, so they continued to stay at Tianyi Villa.

Li Chiba has modern medical knowledge, so he studied this medical way with his poor father and daughter. Some of Li Qianye's modern medical concepts have also benefited the poverty. And using some skills to treat injuries has also taught Li Qianye a lot. But he became a little magic doctor.

After more than half a month, the news came from the world of cultivation. The Lingtian faction wanted to give an explanation to the Mingxiao faction because of the killing of Shang Ming. Unexpectedly, Minggui, the head of the Mingxiao faction, had just died, and the new leader, Mo Ling, was unwilling to be responsible for this matter at all. The people of the Lingtian faction are furious, because Shang Ming died under the skills of the Mingxu faction. This Mingxiao faction is not responsible. Who will be responsible for it? However, Mo Ling's irresponsibility is also the reason, and part of the reason is that his master died because of this Shang Ming incident. And this person was not killed by their Mingxu faction. The only suspected Mingxu also doesn't know where he has gone. Mo Ling just wants to be responsible, but he can't be responsible.

However, the people of the Mingxu faction are not responsible, and the Lingtian faction will give up? Immediately sent someone to ask for an explanation, but the Mingxu faction still did not care about this matter. The Lingtian faction was so angry that they fought and killed several disciples of the Mingxu faction at once. Mingxu School is a vein of this shadow Kunlun Demon Sect. The disciples in the sect are all unruly people, and will they allow others to kill their brothers in their sect? Immediately, in anger, he killed the people sent by the Lingtian faction, but left a person to go back to inform the people of the Lingtian faction to know that their Xiao faction was not so easy to provoke.

Hongxuan, the head of the Lingtian School, was furious as soon as he heard the words of the disciple who escaped back. Whether Shang Ming was killed by the Ming Xiao faction or not, after this incident, the Lingtian faction and the Mingxu faction had a feud. It can also be said that this righteous road and the Shadow Kunlun Demon Gate are about to have another big war.

After Zhang Xun and Li Qianye learned the news, they also knew that Mo Ling was in trouble. During this period of working with Mo Ling, Zhang Xun also had a deep friendship with Mo Ling. Now when he saw that Mo Ling was in trouble, he had the idea of helping him. He said this idea to Li Chiba, and Li Chiba also approved.

But Zhang Xun thought of it again. This is a matter between the Lingtian faction and the Mingxiao faction. If you help Mo Ling by yourself, you may fight with Xuan Ninghua again. I don't know what Brother Xuanlong will think. Zhang Xun was also an honest person, so he talked about his ideas with Xuanlong.

After hearing this, Xuanlong said, "Mo Ling also helped us find Tianhengzhu together. Although he was also for his own business, he finally helped us. If we don't know if we are in trouble this time, forget it. But now that I know this situation, if I don't go, I won't be looked down upon. As for Xuan Ninghua, don't worry about it. I also want to go to her and tell her what happened back then. After all, I don't want to be a vicious thief in the hearts of my beloved.

Zhang Xun saw that Xuanlong also agreed with him, so he did not hesitate. The three talked about the situation with the poor father and daughter, and the poor father and daughter also said some words of care. The three left Solan Town and went to Na Mingxiao.

The whole Xiuzhen sect of the land of China is distributed in the southwest part of the land of China. These places are full of strange peaks and mountains and sparsely populated, so the aura between heaven and earth is very abundant, which is helpful for the cultivation of these practitioners. Mingxiao School is located in Qingyuan Mountain, which is not very far from Solan Mountain in Tianyi Villa. Not many people just want to go down this Qingyuan Mountain.

Several people were about to go up the mountain halfway, but they were stopped by a group of disciples of the Mingxiao School. It was the extreme battle with the Lingtian Sect that the people of the Mingxiao Sect were very careful, and even sentries were arranged on the way. It seems that Mo Ling has no confidence in this war.

After all, Ming Guigang passed away, and Mo Ling, as a big brother, can only show that he suppressed the disciples below. Many of them are not convinced by Mo Ling, and Mo Ling also knows it. But this is the time of the war with the Lingtian faction, and it is the extreme of integrity. The people in the Mingxiao faction also know that this is not the time for their own people to quarrel. Mo Ling also knew that if he could deal with these things well, it was estimated that no one in this sect would object to him and be dissatisfied with himself.

Zhang Xun asked those disciples to report to Mo Ling and let these disciples tell their names to Mo Ling. Those disciples were skeptical when they saw that Zhang Xun and others were not like the Lingtian School or decent people. After a while, the news came. Mo Ling asked them to go up.

When he arrived at this free manor, Mo Ling greeted him. Zhang Xun saw that Mo Ling was still in good condition. Knowing that he had come out in the grief of losing his master, he was also secretly happy. However, it was found that Liu Yefeng was also on one side.

"Brother Zhang Xun, Miss Li. I didn't expect to meet again so soon. How are you?" Liu Yefeng is still talking with a hippie smile.

Li Chibaye whitened his eyes and said, "It's really unlucky. I meet you, a dead madman everywhere."

Mo Ling saw that Liu Yefeng and Li Qianye bickered as soon as they met, and shook his head with a wry smile and welcomed the crowd into the house. The guest master sat down. Mo Ling looked at Xuanlong and asked Zhang Xun, "I don't know what this person is called?"

Zhang Xun got up and said, "Let me introduce you to Brother Mo Ling. This is my eldest brother, Xuanlong, who I mentioned to you before. Then he turned to Xuanlong and said, "Brother, this is Mo Ling, the head of the free school in my heart. This is Liu Yefeng.

"In Xia Xuanlong, I thanked you two here first. The two who helped my brother Zhang Xun find Tianhengzhu together also saved my life. Xuanlong is very grateful!" Xuanlong has already heard what Zhang Xun said. Liu Yefeng and Mo Ling have made a lot of efforts to find Tianhengzhu.

"Brother Xuanlong doesn't need to be courteous. Brother Liu and I are not completely helping Zhang Xun, and we also have our own business. We are just a cooperative relationship. However, it seems that Brother Xuanlong's injury has healed now, and he has not let the efforts of Brother Zhang Xun and Miss Li go to waste. If Brother Xuanlong wants to thank you, thank Miss Li more. Without Miss Li's resourcefulness, how could she find Tian Hengzhu? Mo Ling smiled.