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Chapter 230 Water Monster

Yu Wenxuan and He Chong did not pay attention to the people in the Kunlun Demon Gate at all, so they simply listened to Xuan Ninghua's words. It's just that Xuan Ninghua is timid and afraid of things. Immediately, the two ordered a few words with the men behind them. He took a few confidants and got on the boat that the disciples had no time to take away.

The two are practitioners and masters. So don't use some tools to drive the ship like ordinary people. It was to carry the skill and a mysterious light came out. The ship was powered and quickly went to the river.

"Senior sister? If the two of them have gone, what should we do? Do you want to go with me?" A disciple of the Lingtian School asked Xuan Ninghuadao. After all, they are not acting alone this time, but by the three schools. Therefore, in this aspect, it is better to advance and retreat together to avoid things. There are other words. That's why this disciple asked Xuan Ninghua if she wanted to follow her.

Xuan Ninghua sneered and said, "What are we doing there?" Are you going to die with those two idiots? Don't think how vulnerable the people in this magic door are. Today, the disciples at this ferry are just some peripheral disciples. In the White Emperor City, there are not only Kuimen masters, but also many other masters from all walks of life. The people in the devil's door must have set up some array of ambush in the river, just waiting for us to cross the river and throw ourselves into the trap.

"But..." The man was about to say something, but he was stared at by Xuan Ninghua's phoenix eyes, and he swallowed his words and dared not say anything.

"I know you are also worried. If these two go and do not return, our Lingtian faction will be said to be greedy and afraid of death. Let the people of Qixianmen be the vanguard with the people of Tianjian Villa, but our Lingtian faction will hide behind. But you should know that even if it is possible to fall into other people's words, we can't follow it now. The people in this door are already several Jiazi on the isolated island in the river. I am very familiar with everything around the White Emperor City. In this river, many formations were also laid by the people in this door. If we go there now, not to mention whether we can kill the people in the demon gate in the White Emperor City, it is a problem to climb the White Emperor City. All right, don't say too much. We first returned to the back of the ferry and waited to see if the two of them came back. It is said that Xuan Ninghua is going back.

After listening to Xuan Ninghua's words, the disciple was relieved. What the elder sister said is not wrong at all. The people in this gate have been here for many years. How can they not arrange arrays in this river to resist the invasion of foreign enemies? There is no preparation, just kill it rashly. Isn't it a dead end? Even if you are scolded for being greedy and afraid of death, it is better than losing your life inexplicably. He quickly followed Xuan Ninghua back.

The vast disciples behind him didn't dare to ask anything more when they saw Xuan Ninghua walking back. They all went back.

It is said that Na Yu Wenxuan and Na He Chong each led several confidants, a total of more than ten people. Under the skills of these masters, the ship will soon reach the river. The river surface where Baidi City is located is very vast, and the water flow is also very rapid. If ordinary people have been driving since then, without those years of sailing experience, they really can't control the direction of the ship.

"Big Brother. The current is getting faster and faster. This ship is simply out of control. What should we do now? If we don't think of a way, we will be taken to the bottom of the river by this current. Several disciples who followed Yu Wenxuan and He rushed to look at the uncontrollable boat in the torrential river and were anxious.

He Chong and Yu Wenxuan also have no choice. After all, both of them grew up on that mountain, and they came into contact with the water surface of these rivers. For a while, I didn't know what to do. But these two are the leaders, and they also know that they can't show a frightened look. Otherwise, the little brother behind him will see that the two leading brothers are like this, so their little self-confidence will collapse in an instant.

"Don't panic! What are you afraid of with me!? Yu Wenxuan roared at the disciples behind him, scaring those who were afraid. He turned around and said to He Chong, "Brother He Chong, I think this river is a little strange. You can see that although the river here is a little wider, you can also see the shore. Is there such a big wind? How can there be such a big wave for no reason? There must be some reason, and maybe there are some monsters in this river.

He Chong nodded and said, "Brother Yuwen is very true. I think this river is also strange. It's not certain that there are any monsters. Maybe it's also the array arranged by the people in the demon gate here.

The ship was swaying in the river. Yu Wenxuan and He Chong had nothing to do, so they had to let the ship drift with the tide. Yu Wenxuan was also annoyed. If it goes on like this, maybe the disciple is right. There is really no way to get to the White Emperor City, and he will be washed downstream by the river. However, there is no way to return to this anxiety. Now it's impossible to transfer the bow back. But even if he can go back, Yu Wenxuan will not go back. If you go back in such a gray way, many decent people will laugh to death without Xuan Ninghua and those who stay at the ferry. Therefore, this is absolutely impossible to go back, and we can only bravely go to the White Emperor City.

On the river, there were just some white-headed waves rolling, and the boats were also swaying back and down. But now it has developed into a stream of water rolling out under the river, and some whirlpools have slowly appeared on the river surface. The whole ship began not to shake left and right, but slowly rotated.

"It's not good! There has been a whirlpool on the river. Grab the things around you so as not to fall into the river!" Yu Wenxuan said loudly to the disciples on the boat. And the disciples on this ship, who don't need Yu Wenxuan to say, have long been scared to grab the port of the ship. The disciples were all scared and turned pale.

Yu Wenxuan and He Chong are also people who have experienced big scenes, and they are also calm at this time. However, the two looked at the situation in the river and said secretly in their hearts: Suffering! If it goes on like this, it is useless to grab the port of the ship. After all, if the ship is involved in the center of the whirlpool, it will be sucked into the bottom of the river. Even if you grab the port of the ship and don't fall into the river, you will be sucked into the bottom of the river with this ship. At that time, just like this ship, they would lie at the bottom of the river and feed the fish.

The waves on the river are getting bigger and bigger, and the ship is being sucked into the center by a huge whirlpool. The whole ship is also shaking more and more. Fortunately, the ship is very large, and it is the door to pick up and drop off guests to and from Baidi City, so it is very broad. Under such a big wave, in this violent shaking, the boat has not overturned.

"Ah..." With a sad scream, a disciple was thrown out of the cabin by the violently shaking ship and fell directly into the river because he lost the strength to grasp the side of the ship. This fast speed didn't have time to call for help, just left a scream, and then fell into the river to feed the fish. It can't be saved. Even if it can be saved, I guess no one dares to save it. Now I can't save my life one by one. How can I have the energy to take care of other people's life and death?

Seeing that this situation was very critical, Yu Wenxuan shouted to He Chong, "Brother He Chong! What should we do now!? Hurry up and find a way, otherwise, we will be swept into the river by the whirlpool with this boat. Seeing that he was going to die, Yu Wenxuan was in a hurry and asked if there was nothing he could do.

He Chong heard this and couldn't wait to stab Yu Wenxuan to death with a sword. It was you who shouted to kill the door just now. Now you are worried about your life, but there is nothing you can do? He is angry that he wants to spit blood. However, this is not the time to compete with Yu Wenxuan. First of all, it is to find a way to lead these disciples out of danger. Just now, one of them has fallen into the river. If all of them die here, it will be difficult to explain.

But He Chong thought about it and had no way to figure it out. After all, I'm not familiar with this water quality. In fact, with the skills of He Chong and Yu Wenxuan, they can't get out under this situation. With the cultivation of these two people's skills, they can completely carry their skills and fly to a desert island not far away. But He Chong doesn't want to leave the disciples of this ship here. After all, the lives of the disciples of this ship are not for fun.

If it spread, He Chong and Na Yu Wenxuan left a few brothers at the critical moment and fled by themselves. After that, is there any room for the two of them to stand in this world of cultivation and in this division? You know, this reputation is the most important thing for this decent person. He cherishes his feathers very much.

"Brother He Chong! Is there anything you can do!? There's nothing we can do. You and I are going to die today!" Seeing that the ship was about to be involved in the huge whirlpool, Yu Wenxuan became more and more anxious.

He Chong is in a hurry at this moment, how can he be much less than this Yuwenxuan? He shouted, "How can I do it!? If I had, I would have led you to escape!" He Chong looked around and found that another disciple had fallen into the river, and his anxiety was even more anxious. I just can't wait to let this ship fly. Lead them out of this danger.

Maybe He Chong begged at this critical moment and let the immortals in the sky feel it, thinking of saving their lives. Hearing the sound of water, the whole ship flew up and left the river. The people on the ship still did not react. The ship fell in the air again, splashing water, and drenching a group of people on the ship. Fortunately, the ship was very strong, but it fell to pieces under this huge falling force. Otherwise, all the people on this ship will fall into the river and be buried in the belly of fish.

However, even if the hull was not broken, under this huge impact, several disciples were thrown out of the ship. He Chong and Yu Wenxuan were also shocked and didn't understand what was going on. However, the two were surprised to find that the huge whirlpool on the river just now has disappeared. Although several disciples have been lost, at least most of the people on this ship can still save their lives.

But before Yu Wenxuan and He Chong were so happy, a roar came. This roar shocked everyone on the ship and quickly looked at the place where the sound came. At this glance, what scared the people on the ship was that their souls were scattered. For a moment, their bodies trembled like sieve.

Atop the river, dozens of feet away from the ship, a huge dragon head appeared there. To be correct, this thing is not a leader. Because the ratio of the dragon's head to the body is not very different. But the monster in front of us is much bigger than the body. There is no dragon's antlers on its head. It's just that there is a one-horn in the middle of the extremely big head, which looks extremely strange. A pair of eyes were extremely red, staring at He Chong and others. There is still mucus on the corners of his mouth, which makes He Chong and others feel extremely disgusting.

The monster screamed strangely again. A big mouth is a big boss, but the tongue in his mouth is like a snake, divided into two. The fangs in his mouth are extremely sharp and seem to be able to bite everything in the world. The ugly head is full of pimples, which makes people shudder. With this strange cry, the monster's body exposed the surface of the river again. The monster's body is more than ten feet thick, white, slightly blue and purple, and its back is full of fish-like fins.

"This... What kind of monster is this?" Yu Wenxuan was scared and incoherent by the monster and stammered to ask He Chong beside him.

How did He Chong know what this monster is? "I have never seen such a monster. This monster must be the man in this door and raised in this river. Just now, we suddenly flew into the sky. I guess this monster did it.

The disciples on the ship were all trembling with fear. If the people in front of you are the people in the devil's door, these disciples will not be afraid at all. Just pick up the weapons in their hands and fight with them. But the monster in front of him is very scary to see. How can there be a desire to resist? I just thought that my parents would not have two more legs and a pair of wings so that they can fly away from here. I regret even more in my heart. Why did my brain get hot at the ferry just now? He Chong came with Yu Wenxuan and He Chong? It should be with Xuan Ninghua and trying to stop these two people.

The hull shook again, and this time it was hit by the monster again. The waves raised by your monster pushed the whole ship down on the edge of the isolated island in the river. The ship has been grounded. Before He Chong, Yu Wenxuan and others stabilized their bodies, the monster had already rushed over. A strange mouth is wide open to bite like Yu Wenxuan and others.

Although this monster is extremely big, it is not slow at all. In an instant, it arrived in front of the ship. Yu Wenxuan and He Chong are finally more meritorious. At this moment, he carried his skills, flew away from the ship, and went to the isolated island shoal behind. But those disciples were crushed by the monster together with the ship. There was a bright red on the river, and I don't know how many of the disciples were killed or injured.

On the river, Yu Wenxuan and others are fighting hard with the monster. In Baidi City, many shadow Kunlun masters still discussed how to intercept these decent people on this river.

"This move of Mumenzhu is really a second. I can't wait to kill a soldier, but I can intercept all these decent people on this river. It's really happy. It's a pity that I didn't let me kill a few by myself. Xiao Juran said as if he had missed a good opportunity, with great regret.

"This decent person doesn't pay attention to our shadow Kunlun. Simply, I deliberately showed weakness and let the disciples at this ferry deliberately return to a great defeat, so that this decent person thought that we were all a group of incompetent people in Kunlun. Now the decent person must have arrived at Dokdo in the river. I guess the water demon has appeared. Mu Lingkong said.

Few people in Kunlun know about this water demon. So the decent person doesn't know it. This water demon used to be just a monster living in the White Emperor City. At that time, the White Emperor City had not yet been doord. When Ye Conghan, the founder of Kuimen, came to the White Emperor City, he subdued the water demon and then ordered the water demon to stay in the river outside the White Emperor City. Over the years, no foreign enemy has invaded Kuimen, so this water demon has never appeared.

This time, this decent people work together to attack Kuimen, and Mu Lingkong wants to play the role of this water demon. We can't put all our hopes on this water demon. After all, the water demon is just a monster with limited strength, and can only deal with those little people. Many masters in the sane, the water demons do not have the strength to deal with. However, with the obstacle of the water demon, it is estimated that the decent disciple will lose a lot. This is also very helpful for us.

"Hmm! It's best not to kill them all. Leave some for me to do it myself. I won't kill Xuan Ninghua of the Lingtian School this time to avenge my apprentice. Can I return to my infernal faction? I hope that Xuan Ninghua can come to Baidi City alive. I'm going to send her on the road with my own hands!" Xiao Jueran hated Xuan Ning very much.