Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 235 Kill the Water Demon

Now the whole head of the water demon seems to be rotten, flowing with milky white ** everywhere, emitting a bad smell, which makes people feel nauseous and disgusting. The upper mouth was also cut a huge wound by Xuan Ninghua's move just now, like a rabbit's mouth, into three pieces, which looked extremely funny and horrible.

Xuan Ninghua flew into the air, and the true air all over her body was exerted, wrapping Xuan Ninghua's whole body. In an instant, behind the water demon, the moon ring also rowed the huge body of the water demon. At this time, the water demon was already completely skinned under the repeated blows by He Chong and Yu Wenxuan just now. Now he has suffered another fatal blow from Xuan Ninghua, which directly cuts the body of the water demon into two halves. The huge wound appeared under the head of the water demon.

This is fatal. The whole body of the water demon fell down and could not stand up. The fatally injured body twisted crazily on the ground, which was even larger than just now. Xuan Ninghua also retreated, away from this completely furious water demon. And the huge body of the water demon, in a crazy twist, has already turned this small island upside down. Everything on the island has been scattered by the crazy water demon, as if it had experienced a big war. That was a small hill that was about to collapse, but now it has been completely leveled by the water demon.

Even if the water demon has been seriously injured and has entered a state of rampage, Xuan Ninghua still has no intention of letting the water demon go. It is also a skill to carry out the ring of the moon, and a move of the cloud gong in the phoenix whistling formula is to hit the water demon. Two-month ring, wrapped in light red true air. True air is attached to this moon ring wheel, making the whole moon ring wheel look extremely huge. The two-month ring wheel rotated inside the true air and flew quickly to the water demon. And the true air outside the moon ring wheel has formed a huge moon ring wheel. This huge moon ring wheel, wrapped in two smaller moon ring wheels, directly kills the water demon. The power is much more powerful than the move just now to save Song Qing.

The sharp weapon pierced, perhaps the sound of cutting the body, came to the ears of everyone who were still on the island. Xuan Ninghua's move is the fifth layer of Feng Xiaojie. Its power is self-evident, but it is like cutting tofu. If you cut the huge body of the water demon in half, you know how its power is. Yu Wenxuan and He Chong, although like Xuan Ninghua, are the first descendants of their respective sects. Maybe Xuan Ninghua is not the first descendant of her Lingtian School. After all, there is still a senior brother Shang Ming on her Xuan Ninghua. It's just that Shangming is now on Huangquan Road.

To be correct, Yu Wenxuan and He Chong, as well as Xuan Ninghua, are the best among their peers in their respective sects. But Yuwenxuan and He Chong's skills are too different from Xuan Ninghua's. The first reason for this is that Xuan Ninghua itself is a once-in-a-century cultivation wizard. It is at this age that it has entered the middle of the day, and it is not far from the extreme period of that day. If you devote your practice, it is estimated that you can achieve it in more than ten years. Yu Wenxuan and He Chong are much different from Xuan Ninghua in terms of their talent. But this is also not comparable. After all, talent comes from nature. The day after tomorrow is hard work, and it is also something that cannot be changed by nature.

And secondly, because of the skills of this spiritual school, Feng Xiaojue is very unique. In this world of cultivation, the talent of a practitioner is of course important. However, the skills practiced by this practitioner cannot be ignored. A good skill can make the strength of this practitioner soar in the short term, and also make a waste material become a master. Of course, there are also some anti-sky practitioners who can create their own unique skills. For example, Cang Yu, the master of Ying Kunlun.

Therefore, the reason why this Lingtian School can become the first sect in the world of cultivation is also because the skills in this sect are very powerful. It can make the disciples in this school, whether talented or useless. Is it hardworking or lazy? In a word, more or less will allow you to have some skills to practice again. Of course, this Lingtian faction claims to be the first sect in the world of cultivation, and it is also his own Lingtian faction. Or the decent person in this world of cultivation just gives him a face to the spiritual school. As for the people in Kunlun, they simply sneered at it.

You said that your Lingtian school is the first sect in the world of cultivation. Is our shadow Kunlun weaker than your Lingtian school? In fact, the strength of Ying Kunlun is much higher than that of the Lingtian School. After all, there are more than ten large and small sects in Yingkunlun, and his Lingtian faction is powerful and can't beat this group of people. However, in the eyes of people in the world of cultivation, Ying Kunlun is not a sect, but just an organization. However, the Lingtian School is a serious sect. Therefore, strictly speaking, this first sect in the world of cultivation still belongs to the Lingtian sect.

Yu Wenxuan and He Chong also know the power of Xuan Ninghua. After all, he is also a disciple of the three schools of decent, and he is more or less cooperative. But today, I was shocked to see that Xuan Ninghua actually cut the water demon into two pieces. I didn't expect this woman to be so powerful. Such a skill may not be comparable among people of their generation.

In fact, what Yu Wenxuan and He Chong don't know is that this Xuan Ninghua is not as terrible as they think now. This water demon has just been hit by the two of them and has been seriously injured. Now in the face of Xuan Ninghua, how can it be as powerful as it was when he faced the two of them just now? Therefore, Xuan Ninghua can easily kill the water demon now, which is also the benefit of the two of them just now, otherwise it would not have been so smooth. After all, the water demon is also such a big monster. Xuan Ninghua is powerful, the water demon is weak, and it will not be able to deal with the water demon with one or two moves.

At this time, the water demon's whole body was broken into two parts. The tail is long and the head is slightly shorter. After all, it is a huge thing. Even if it was cut into two pieces, it did not immediately cut off its breath. Instead, it continued to twist there, which was even bigger. The milky** is also flowing everywhere. Because it is highly poisonous, the flowers and plants of those trees that are not touched by ** instantly wither, which shows their toxicity. What's more, the unpleasant smell spread around the island.

Xuan Ninghua withdrew the two moon rings and looked at the broken body of the water demon. The corners of her mouth were involved and snorted coldly. It seemed that she did not put the water demon in her eyes at all. Yu Wenxuan and He Chong, who were a little stunned, walked to the river. Bai Wu and others in the river saw that their elder sister had flattened the monster, so they hurriedly brought the ship to the island.

Bai Wu and others are also very proud, and their heads are also much higher in front of the disciples of Tianjian Villa and Qixianmen. That look was clearly saying to the disciples of Tianjian Villa and Qixianmen: "Look! What's the use of your people in Qixianmen and Tianjian Villa? Even if two people together, they can't fight against the monster! Our elder sister came, just one move and two moves, just to smooth it out easily!" Sure enough, the master sister is the master sister, and there has never been a failure!

Waiting Xuan Ninghua and Yu Wenxuan rushed into the boat, but the water demon still did not break his breath. However, the huge tail is no longer as violent as it is twisting, just a little simple wriggling. That ugly head has now been beaten into an ugly head, and it has no strength to open its big mouth. It seems that it won't be long before this water demon will die.

At the ferry of Baidi City, the people in Yingkunlun are ready to wait for the decent person to come. The characters of the five major schools of Shadow Kunlun are all here. Of course, that is, Xiao Juran's Infernal Sect, Mo Ling's Ming Xiao Sect, Mu Lingkong's Kui Men, and this leader is here. And Li Yuan of Jiuyouzong still doesn't know where to catch innocent people and practice his Jiuyou soul refining skills. I guess this world of cultivation is earth-shaking, and it has nothing to do with his Liyuan.

It should be in Li Yuan's heart that he can't wait for the more chaotic the world is. In that way, these so-called decent people will not have nothing to do all day long and specially trouble him Li Yuan. There is nothing they can do. In order to kill their masters of Kunlun, they are called the name of a demon, and then openly and justly come to trouble them, the so-called "demions".

And after a disciple of Leijianmen was injured by Xiao Jueran that day, how could he be willing to help this infernal people act? Although doing so also offended Kuimen and the Mingxiao faction, this humiliation given by Xiao Juran can't be returned now. If they are helping Xiao Juran act, then the people of Leijianmen are still not stupid? Therefore, he would rather offend this free school and Kuimen, and the disciples of Leijianmen are also unwilling to help the people of this infernal faction to participate in the matter. It's just coming out to make a show.

As for the thunderstorm, the head of the Thunder Arrow Gate, where is it now and what to do? Mu Lingkong also asked. However, these disciples of Leijianmen said that they were doing an important thing now. As for what it was, these disciples did not say anything. It's not that they didn't say it, but that these disciples said that when the head of the thunderstorm did this, they also asked, but the head did not say anything. So they really don't know. As for whether what these people said are true or not, Mu Lingkong can't guess. But Mu Lingkong also didn't care. He felt that the thunderstorm was the same whether it came or not.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with his Lei Jianmen. Even if the thunderstorm comes, it may not exert much strength. In addition, this person is not at odds with this Xiao Jueran again, and there may be extracurricular troubles when he comes. In fact, Xiao Juran's target of the disciples of Leijianmen, not the disciples of Jiuyouzong, shows that the thunderstorm is not compatible with Xiao Juran.

Thunderstorm is also a person, just like his name, with a rough personality, no trifles, and extremely bold. This personality is a little similar to Xuanlong. He is also open and aboveboard. Although he is a person in the devil's door, what he does is no worse than those so-called decent people, and he is also a great hero. Of course, people with such a personality as thunderstorm don't like people who do all kinds of bad things like Xiao Juran and always do things that are harmful to others and self-interest. It is also often scolded on some occasions that Xiao is not a thing, and the infernal faction is not worthy of a sect in Kunlun.

This shadow Kunlun's reputation is mostly corrupted by this infernal people. This is the same as what the people in this door think. Thunderstorms are also good for people. I don't know why the owner of Cangyu let people like Xiao Juran into Kunlun. This Xiao Juran is simply a scum in their cultivation world. Everyone is killed, whether it is decent or evil, or maybe scattered.

In the view of thunderstorms, although Jiuyou Liyuan is the same as Xiao Jueran, he is a demon who has done all the bad things. But Li Yuan did it. He didn't blame others and dared to admit it. And Xiao Juran has done a lot of things, but he still looks like a good person, but he doesn't know what this sentence means unless he wants to do it. They all regard the people in this world of cultivation and the people in Kunlun as idiots. What's more, he indulges his disciples from doing evil and not discipline them.

Xiao Juran also knew that the thunderstorm was complaining a lot about him. Therefore, I don't like this thunderstorm, the disciples of Thunder Arrow Gate. So this opportunity is to scold the thunder explosion for not being a thing, and it is a breath. After all, if Xiao Juran wanted to scold the thunderstorm before, there was no excuse or reason to scold him. After all, Lei Bao is a decent gentleman who comes out and doesn't do anything criticized, so there is no way to scold him.

In addition, Xiao Juran himself is nothing. What right does he have to criticize others? Even if he said it, no one would want to hear it. This is like a dusty woman who sells laughter in a brothel, but she goes to laugh at other women. First of all, no matter whether others have done it or not, based on your identity as a laughing woman, you are not qualified to talk about others.

The five sects of Yingkunlun are only three sects, and the other two sects are just to join in the fun. But the actual strength should not be underestimated. First, after all, this battlefield is in this White Emperor City, where the gate is located, and the master of the whole gate is here. Second, in order to avenge his beloved disciple Sikongyu, Xiao Juran has already escaped from the bottom of his infernal faction. Not to mention that Mr. Xiao came out in person, that is, the elders of the Infernal faction, and his direct disciples also came. In a word, infernal factions, those on the table are all coming. Just leave the old, weak, sick, disabled and incompetent people in the faction.

As for the Mingxiao faction led by Mo Ling, the strength is now much smaller for the Kuimen and the Infernal Sect. Originally, Mingxiao School was the weakest among the five sects of Kunlun, except for the Jiuyou sect. Previously, he was besieged by the Lingtian faction. Although the whole family was destroyed, many disciples were killed and injured. There are not many people who can come now.

On the side of Ying Kunlun, if there are only these three sects, it is not enough to compete with those decent people. After all, there are not a few decent people who come here, and there are many people who are superb. What's more, there are some scattered people in the world, and they also want to help this decent person. However, there are scattered people in this decent school to help, so there are also some in Kunlun. There are also some small sects in Kunlun.

So the strength of these two sides is comparable in this way. Maybe in terms of this person's skills, this decent person is better than Kunlun. But this number is weaker than the people in Yingkunlun. In addition, this is the home court of Kuimen, so this battle is also a challenge for decent people.

A ship just came quickly to the ferry of Baidi City. The ship was not big, but the decent man had already arrived. It was a disciple of Kuimen Water Department, who just came back from the front. When the ship docked, several disciples came ashore and hurried to Mu Lingkong. He bent down and said, "Report to the leader! The water demon has been killed by the decent Xuan Ninghua on Dokdo. Now the decent people have come to Baidi City, and it is estimated that half an hour will come.

Although everyone's face changed dramatically when they heard the words. But I was also surprised. From the earth-shaking sound made by the water demon just now, you can imagine how huge the water demon is. It is estimated that no one here dares to say that he can deal with such a monster except the two masters, Mu Lingkong and Xiao Jueran. Even Xuanlong dared not think so.

is also amazing in his heart that Xuan Ninghua's reputation has been heard like thunder in the world of cultivation. I didn't expect that the actual strength was so high. Some people are also worried and don't know what the outcome of today's war will be.

"The water demon has been killed by Xuan Ninghua!" Although Mu Lingkong restrained the surprise in his voice, he could still see Mu Lingkong's shock. Mu Lingkong had previously arranged for the water demon to intercept the decent people, and he also knew that the three decent leaders did not come this time, so he thought that no one could kill the water demon. However, she didn't expect that Xuan Ninghua was so powerful that she could kill the water demon.

Although the water demon is just a monster, it also has many functions for them. Among other things, the water demon is also a great helper in this river to resist the invasion of this foreign enemy. Now that the water demon is dead, there is also a lot less help for Kuimen. Although the water demon is nothing for those masters, the water demon can still play a great role in dealing with those weak disciples. This is known from the boatman led by Yu Wenxuan and He Chong and others.