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Chapter 257 Incitement

While Mu Nanqing and Li Qianye were talking, Zhang Xun had already arrived in front of the thunderstorm. Although Thunderstorm mainly practices this "Thunder Arrow", as a master of the extreme period, how can there be no close skills? However, there was no other weapon in this thunderstorm, just used the bow in his hand to fight against Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun's sword split on the bow of the thunderstorm, and the purple-black true qi instantly spread to the bow of the thunderstorm, and the momentum did not decrease, but still went to the thunderstorm. Thunderstorm has also had a fight with Zhang Xun's father, Cangyu, so he also knows something about this "Magic Soul Curse" skill, otherwise he would not be able to recognize Zhang Xun's skill. But when the thunderstorm was against Cangyu before, the skills shown by Cang Yu were not the same as those shown by Zhang Xun now.

Although I have also seen Cangyu look like Zhang Xun now, it is not like Zhang Xun who spreads that true anger directly to his opponent as he is now. And the thunderstorm also found this unusual atmosphere. Ordinary people's true qi hits others by various means, which is generally destructive, but now Zhang Xun's true qi is absorbing the true qi injected into the bow before the thunderstorm. After absorbing the true qi in the bow, it goes to the thunderstorm.

And the thunderstorm at this time also found the unusualness of this true qi, so I wanted to break away, but I couldn't. I just felt that the true qi in my body was gushing out, and I couldn't help but be anxious. Zhang Xun felt that the true qi in his body was constantly growing, and a grand true qi was constantly coming to his body.

However, when Zhang Xun saw the expression of the thunderstorm, he also knew what was going on. He must be absorbing the true energy of the thunderstorm again. I remember that in the small mountain village of Shennongjia, I was able to practice only after absorbing the true spirit of the Jiuyou Liyuan. At that time, Li Yuan also fainted after being absorbed by himself. If I suck away the true breath of the thunderstorm today, I will definitely hurt the thunderstorm.

The bright personality of the thunderstorm makes Zhang Xunqi very fond of him, so he doesn't want to suck away all the true energy in the thunderstorm's body. Moreover, Zhang Xun was also afraid. He had only absorbed the two moves transformed by the true qi of the thunderstorm. The true qi in his body was so surging, as if it was about to overflow. If you absorb the true qi in the body of the thunderstorm, how can you withstand it with the current skill?

Although after absorbing all the true qi in the thunderstorm body, you may be able to cultivate your skills to a higher level. But Zhang Xun also knows that things must be contrary to this principle. Everything in the world, all things, to reach the peak, it is impossible to think of a temporary breakthrough. You must step by step, slowly, and let your body and everything have an adaptation process, so that you can become a real master.

Zhang Xun thought of this and quickly took back the sword in his hand and put away his skills. Then the purple-black true qi on his body slowly faded and returned to Zhang Xun's body. The thunderstorm is still shocking, and I also know that if Zhang Xun doesn't put away his skills, then the thunderstorm will definitely be seriously injured today. It will take a lot of time to recover. However, what the thunderstorm doesn't know is that if he put away all his skills when he felt that he was about to be absorbed by Zhang Xun, he would be fine.

Zhang Xun saw that the thunderstorm was full of shock, and he smiled and arched his hand and said, "Lei Master, thank you for your mercy."

Thunderstorm doesn't know why Zhang Xun's "Magic Soul Curse" skill is different from what he knew on Cangyu before, it can also be seen that the skill practiced by Zhang Xun is the "Magic Soul Curse". That is to say, Zhang Xun is really the descendant of Cangyu.

"It is worthy of being the descendant of the master of Cangyu. At this age, he has such a powerful skill and cultivation that he can take over my three arrows. It seems that another great hero is about to appear in my shadow Kunlun. The thunderstorm put away the bow and looked for Zhang.

Zhang Xun said modestly, "Lei Zhangmen is flattered. It is purely a fluke that the younger generation can take over the three arrows of Lei Zhangmen. Lei Zhangmen is also merciful."

Thunderstorm is an extremely refreshing person. Zhang Xun was able to stop at a critical moment just now, and he was also grateful for the thunderstorm. Now Zhang Xun is so modest that he has not said wild words at all because he won his thunderstorm. In addition, he has confirmed Zhang Xun's identity. The thunderstorm is now very fond of Zhang Xun. He laughed a few times and said, "Okay! Very good! Unexpectedly, Kunlun, after the disappearance of the master of Cangyu, a figure who can make Kunlun stand up again in this world of cultivation has appeared. My thunderstorm will also fully support Zhang Xun to be my new master of Kunlun! Haha... Unexpectedly, my thunderstorm also coincided with Xiao's old devil. Haha..."

Xiao Jueran heard the words and snorted coldly, but didn't say anything. The thunderstorm laughed a few times, patted Zhang Xun on the shoulder and went to the hall. Everyone saw that Zhang Xun's identity had been confirmed by the thunderstorm. Everyone present saw it with their own eyes and had no objection. Moreover, Zhang Xun's skill cultivation was also recognized by everyone. After all, it was not anyone who could take over the three arrows of the thunderstorm.

The crowd was magnificent and entered the hall again. A few days ago, Xiao Juran let his disciples send invitations in Ying Kunlun, so that the people who originally belonged to Ying Kunlun came to gather in this infernal faction. At that time, Xiao Juran was strict on the invitation and wanted to re-select the master of Ying Kunlun, so that all the sects that were originally Ying Kunlun were sent to the meeting. If they did not come, they would not be counted as Ying Kunlun in the future.

Although everyone doesn't know what Xiao Jueran is going to do, they see that Xiao Jueran said in this invitation with rules, like that. For a while, they don't dare to neglect it. Even if they still regard Ying Kunlun as the matter, they are all coming, and there are only a few who don't come.

So there are still many people who come to this infernal sect this time. The hall of this infernal sect is already overcrowded. However, this still can't come to this infernal faction, and the people who participated in this Kunlun Demon Conference were full. Those young people who don't have enough generation and can't do well have to wait and see outside.

This is the territory of the Infernal faction, which is the home of the old devil Xiao. Xiao Juran sat at the head of the hall, Zhang Xun stood aside, and the thunderstorm and Mu Lingkong were also side by side. Originally, Kunlun was dominated by these five sects, but now there are only three people on the stage. Mo Ling was seriously injured and spread in the shadow Kunlun. Everyone also understood and scolded Hong Xuan for Mo Ling's peace. He also praised Xiao Jueran for taking a breath for himself as a person in Kunlun, which also seriously injured Hongxuan. This is still one of the few praises of Xiao Juran.

Jiuyou Liyuan did not appear, and even the people of Jiuyouzong did not appear this time. Although people in Yingkunlun are a little unhappy, they also know that this Jiuyou Sect is like this. Although it was not known by what means did the master of Cangyu join Li Yuan to Yingkunlun, in the decades after Cangyu disappeared, Jiuyouzong was one of the quietest sects in Yingkunlun. Just like not being a member of Shadow Kunlun, if you don't come this time, you may really be separated from Shadow Kunlun.

The people in the hall are competing with Zhang Xun and thunderstorms today. Who else came and who didn't come to talk about it? There was a lot of noise. Xiao Juran, as the landlord, took the lead in speaking. He got up and pressed his hand and motioned to be quiet. After everyone's voice was silenced, he said, "Everyone, my relatives, Xiao Juran, let you come to my infernal faction this time. What's the reason? I am also strict on the invitation. The family can't be ownerless for a day, and the country can't be without a king for a day. We, a big sect like Kunlun, can't have a master for a day?

After Xiao Jueran's words, the demons below nodded one after another. Xiao Juran also said, "Since its establishment, under the leadership of the master of Cangyu, our shadow Kunlun has also dominated the real world for a while. However, the master of Cangyu has disappeared for more than dozens of years, and our shadow Kunlun has not been as good as before and has been suppressed by the decent people everywhere. That decent person wants to get rid of my shadow Kunlun. In this battle of Baidi City, and the previous battle of Lingtian's attack on Qingyuan Mountain of Kunlun Mingxiao School, which is to be able to get rid of this decent purpose!"

Xiao Jueran's words are extremely provocative. Hearing this, the demons below scolded the decent one after another. When Ying Kunlun set up a new door owner, he must be decent and beautiful. Mu Lingkong signaled the excited demons below to be quiet and said, "That decent man, grasped the cause of death of one or two disciples, and insisted on putting this charge on our shadow Kunlun's head. Do you think that the land of China is so vast that there are countless people, and it's just what we see in front of our eyes? Are the skills I practiced by Kuimen and the hair practiced by the Mingxiao School only what our two sects can practice? That decent person obviously wants to borrow this matter to destroy my shadow Kunlun!"

Xiao Jueran and Mu Lingkong summoned the shadow Kunlun demons to this infernal faction. First, they wanted to establish Zhang Xun as the new Yingkunlun door master, and secondly, they also wanted to borrow the whole shadow Kunlun to deal with the decent next attack. Therefore, now Xiao Juran and Mu Lingkong do not mention Zhang Xun as the new master, but first list this decent crime and incite the emotions of the demons of Kunlun. These shadow Kunlun demons have long been suppressed by decent people. Now that Xiao Juran and Mu Lingkong are incited, their dissatisfaction is infinitely developed. They are like beating chicken blood, emotionally excited, and swearing decent people. For decent people, they only hate that they can't eat their meat and eat their bones.

When Li Qianye saw the atmosphere in the hall, he thought to him: Sure enough, all the leaders have the talent for speech.

"In the shadow Kunlun, there are many sects. In the decades when the master of Cangyu disappeared, we have not been able to choose a master who makes the whole shadow Kunlun be convinced. However, if you want to deal with that decent person, you can't make everyone convinced by the master who is powerful and just right. And Zhang Xun and Zhang Shaoxia around me are the most suitable doorkeepers now. Xiao Juran said.

Thunderstorm was also the first to prove for Zhang Xun: "That's good! Zhang Xun Shaoxia's practice of skills is the "magic soul curse" of the master of Cangyu. That is to say, Zhang Xun Shaoxia is the descendant of the master of Cangyu. Zhang Xun Shaoxia as the new master of Kunlun is also just right. Moreover, everyone just saw the comparison between me and Zhang Xun Shaoxia, and Zhang Xun Shaoxia also showed his skills. Don't you understand the extent of this skill of being able to take over the three arrows of my thunderstorm?

The following demons all agreed. However, there are also some objections. After all, Zhang Xun is too young, and these opponents are also worried about whether this age and experience can lead them to Kunlun? However, then Xiao Juran and Mu Lingkong, as well as the thunderstorm, also explained that Zhang Xun, as the head of the Shadow Kunlun Gate, must not be able to deal with many things calmly. The three of them will certainly help each other. With the assurance of these three leaders, those voices of opposition also weakened.

The demons in this hall had a strong response. Zhang Xun also stepped forward and said to the demons, "Xiang, Zhang Xun, I have met the predecessors of Kunlun here."

Zhang Xun saluted first, but aroused the favor of the demons of Kunlun, and they returned the salute with Zhang Xun one after another. Everyone knows the origin of the junior's skills. My master Cangyu also hopes that after I learn this skill, I will replace him to take charge of Ying Kunlun and lead Ying Kunlun to stand in this world of cultivation again. And I am here today to fulfill my master Cangyu's wish to become the owner of this Shadow Kunlun Gate, and I also hope that everyone here can work together to revitalize our Shadow Kunlun after I become the Lord of Shadow Kunlun Gate.

Zhang Xunyan, there were bursts of matching sounds below. Someone also asked, since Cangyu asked your disciple to come out of the mountain to master the shadow Kunlun, which shows that Cangyu still can't let go of the shadow Kunlun in his heart. In this case, why didn't he come out by himself? Do you want your disciple to come out and continue the big task?

Zhang Xun also knows that this question will eventually be asked. Since he told Xiao Jueran and others about the death of vicissitudes, it is now announced to the public, and it is nothing. He said, "To all of you, my master Cangyu has been dead for many years. Let me be the Lord of Shadow Kunlun, which is also Master's last wish before his death.

When he said this, everyone present was shocked. Cangyu has disappeared for so many years. In Yingkunlun, most people think that there should be a reason why Cangyu should be. When they lived in seclusion, they never thought that Cangyu was dead. After all, the shocking and vulgar skills of Cangyu, the one who can kill Cangyu in this world is the immortal that day. Someone asked how Cangyu died.

Xiao Juran knew the cause of Cangyu's death, which must have inspired the hatred of the demons present for the decent one. Without waiting for Zhang Xun to speak, Xiao Juran said, "The death of the master of Cangyu is because the decent people have always been afraid that the master of Cangyu will lead us to shadow Kunlun, which will threaten their status in this world of cultivation. So I went to Kunlun Mountain and said some unwarranted crimes to the master Cangyu, so that the immortals on that day besieged the master Cangyu. At that time, the Cangyu master was already in seclusion. He didn't want to ask about this world of cultivation. He just wanted to break the heaven's prohibition, but this decent person was so vicious that he still refused to let go of Cangyu's master. Let's talk about it. This decent people say that the people in Kunlun are evil, so how good are their decent people!? I think it's more evil and evil than the people in Kunlun!"

Xiao Jueran's words came to the heart of the shadow Kunlun demons. First of all, they all scolded that the decent people are all hypocrites. On the surface, they are full of benevolence and morality, but behind their back, they do some obscene things. This vicissitudes master has disappeared and lived in seclusion, but he still has to kill them all. Isn't this worse than the people in Kunlun? However, it is reasonable to say that the people in Kunlun are evil, and the people in his decent school are all decent gentlemen.

There were even more excited people who waved their arms and called for the new doorkeeper to kill the Lingtian sect. First, they took revenge for the head of Moling, destroyed the Lingtian sect, and then went to take the Sword Villa that day, and then even flatten the fairy gate. What's more, there are warm-blooded people who don't know the thickness of heaven and earth, shouting to kill the Kunlun Mountain directly, killing the heavenly immortals who killed the Cangyu master and revenge for the Cangyu master. For a while, their blood was boiling.

Xiao Juran pressed his hand, and the hall slowly calmed down. Xiao Juran said, "I am very happy that everyone is in such a high situation. However, this is not something that can be done by our temporary blood. After all, the strength of the decent is not weak, which is still much stronger than our shadow Kunlun, so if you want to destroy that decent, you still need to think about it in the long-term way, not to mess up, and let the brothers die in vain. However! Although that decent is powerful, it is not invincible. As long as all the brothers and leaders in Kunlun can unite and obey the orders of the master, then I believe it! It's just a matter of time to destroy this shadow Kunlun!"

The people who can be in this hall are also capable and their minds are not so simple. Of course, they will not fight with the decent people because of a momentary impulse. The harsh words just now are also to vent their own situation. Now the demons in this hall, after listening to Xiao Jueran's words, nodded and said yes. After these several incitements, the whole military heart of the whole shadow Kunlun is unprecedentedly consistent.