Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 262 Counterattack

In each battle, it is the main generals of both sides who can finally decide the outcome. Therefore, now the opposition between Jianling and Xiao Jueran is very important. Because these two are the only ones who appear in front of everyone now. However, Jianling knew that the reinforcements of Kunlun were not far away and should be coming.

Xiao Juran's opposition to the sword spirit is at a downwind everywhere, and there is no power to fight back at all, and he can barely support it. However, Jianling wants to win easily, and it is not so easy. After all, Xiao Jueran can't compare with his sword spirit, and he is also much better than those shadow Kunlun disciples who hide in the dark and put cold arrows. It is impossible to kill him with one blow.

The two masters here are facing each other, and the decent disciples, led by several practitioners and some decent masters, have already killed the entrance of the Shadow Kunlun General Forum. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before they will enter the Shadow Kunlun General Forum.

When the battle came to this situation, many shadow Kunlun disciples lost their confidence and chose to give up. They found a place and fled for their lives. Only a few people were still stubbornly resisting.

Zhang Xun also didn't know where he fought with Jianling just now, but directly looked at the building of the Shadow Kunlun Temple on Laoshan Mountain. After arriving at the general altar of Kunlun, Zhang Xun was shocked and didn't expect that he had just been there for more than an hour. This decent person hit the top of Kunlun.

Zhang Xun is in a hurry. If these decent people are killed in the Yingkunlun altar, can Li Qianye and Mu Nanqing still save their lives? It must have recruited these decent people. Thinking of this, Zhang Xun did not dare to neglect at all. He quickly waved the sword in his hand and killed it.

The decent person, the more brave he fought, and the more he killed, the more red he became. He only felt that the person in front of him was simply vulnerable. However, Zhang Xun's sudden killing was given to these righteous people who were already jealous of the killing, and they drank it with a head.

As soon as Zhang Xun landed, a sword spirit came out, and three or five people fell to the ground in an instant. And Zhang Xun's offensive did not decrease, and his skills were killed in the crowd. The decent man didn't know that the suddenly killed teenager was the new master of Kunlun. It's just a master in the demon gate, that is, three or five skills are good. As soon as they rush up, they think it's a group to attack it, and take Zhang Xun down.

Now Zhang Xun is not the Zhang Xun who can't do anything a few months ago. Now Zhang Xun is a master who can pass a few moves with Xiao Jueran, Jianling and other masters. Although it is impossible to win or lose with these masters, it is not a problem to fight dozens of tricks.

There is no suspense. Several decent people who flocked up were destroyed and killed by Zhang Xun. The decent man did not expect Zhang Xun to be so brave. Even these good skills could do nothing about it and still killed him. For a while, the confidence that came out began to waver again.

Zhang Xun held the Ningguang sword in his hand and looked at these decent disciples, as if he had the momentum of being a man. At this time, someone in the decent person also recognized Zhang Xun's identity. After saying it, it made the decent person a little scared.

Why is this teenager in front of him so powerful? He is the new owner of Kunlun. Rumor has it that he is the descendant of vicissitudes and can fight with Xiao Jueran and other demons for dozens of rounds of unbeatable masters. Do such masters come to kill these rookies, or are they indestructible? Not to mention that three or five people went together, it would be useless for three or five people to die in vain.

Seeing that his master was killed, the people in the shadow Kunlun were very excited. After sweeping away the previous decadence, they all stood around Zhang Xun, but they did not dare to fight with the decent people. The feelings were also killed just now, and now it's better to focus on Zhang Xun.

"Ky! Are you the new owner of this demon gate? In order to see his dress, he is not a decent middle-aged man, perhaps a middle-aged man who is a man of cultivation and scattered people.

"I am the new master of Shadow Kunlun! I'm here! You don't think you are taking a step into my shadow Kunlun general altar!" Zhang Xun is now full of skills and full of confidence when talking.

"Hmm! Today, I am decent to eliminate the harm of this cultivation world and get rid of your evil spirits! Several people came up with me to see if the master of Kunlun was powerful enough to fight against us!" The uncle was shameless and called on the people around him to besiege Zhang Xun.

However, these decent people also know that fighting alone should not be Zhang Xun's opponent, and only when they go together can they have a chance of winning. Moreover, what kind of morality do they need to pay attention to when dealing with the people in this demon family? Let's talk about killing first.

After receiving the call of the uncle, in an instant, three people who thought they had good skills besieged Zhang Xun together with the middle-aged uncle who spoke. Zhang Xun sneered and was completely fearless. He motioned to retreat left and right, that is, he started his skills and greeted him directly.

This fight is also eye-catching. Both the decent and the people in the shadow Kunlun stopped their movements. First, let's see how the result of the fight is.

Among the decent four people, the middle-aged uncle who spoke used a ghost knife. He looked extremely tough, but he didn't know what his real strength was. The other three, one of them used an orthodox sword, which was nothing new. There are also two people, one using double whips and the other using a sledgehammer. If Li Qianye saw this man who used a sledgehammer, he would definitely shout Li Yuanba.

The words are loud, and of course, this action is also swift. The middle-aged uncle who spoke raised the ghost-headed knife and cut down his head according to Zhang Xun. He was powerful and contained a thousand pounds of strength in it.

This uncle is aggressive, but Zhang Xun is not afraid at all and has no intention of retreating at all. Raise the condensed light sword in your hand and split it. It seems that the strength is very weak, as if it is going to be cut in half by this ghost knife.

But under this contact, the result is the opposite. Although the ghost-headed knife was not broken into two, it also cut a deep gap, and the uncle also suffered a huge impact and retreated repeatedly. Several people dragged behind to stabilize his body.

Just now, he was arrogant. Now after receiving this blow, the uncle was a little confused. He didn't expect that this shadow Kunlun door master was really not a false reputation. Not everyone could do it. However, I don't want to lose the scene in front of so many people. I opened the people who supported me and shouted to the people who were holding weapons, "What are you waiting for!? Let's go together! Let's see if this demon door master is awesome and can fight us!" With that, he held the already broken ghost-headed knife and killed Zhang Xun.

Those people dealt with it, and even killed the back. This uncle didn't have any new moves, and just like just now, he raised the ghost knife and split it to Zhang Xun. However, although the moves are the same, the momentum this time is completely different. On the knife body of the ghost knife, it can also be seen that there is true spirit contained in it.

The uncle split in the air and attracted Zhang Xun's attention. The other three attacked Zhang Xun's different parts in order to make Zhang Xun unable to take care of all of them.

Zhang Xun sneered. If it was Zhang Xun a month ago, he had barely mastered the skill of the "Magic Soul Curse". Perhaps he would be afraid in the face of the siege of these four people. But now Zhang Xun is completely different. The siege of these four people, in Zhang Xun's view, is like that clown.

He quickly retreated, split the knife that the uncle cut in the air, and then carried out his skills and waved a sword spirit. Although this sword spirit is not very powerful, after all, Zhang Xun's skill cultivation has not been as powerful as Xuanyuan's sword spirit. Although the power is not big, the range is quite large. And to deal with these people, although they can't be seriously injured, they can also waste some means to deal with them.

The three people who besieged Zhang Xun below did not dare to push up when they saw this sword. After all, they had just seen Zhang Xun's strength. Hurry up and change your skills to deal with Zhang Xun's sword spirit. However, the power of the sword is not as powerful as these people imagined, but it didn't take much effort to crack it.

And Zhang Xun also took advantage of this gap to kill the uncle who used a ghost-headed knife. The uncle didn't hit it, that is, he waved a big knife and hit Zhang Xun. This uncle is five and three thick, and his skills and moves are also very simple and rough. He doesn't have any moves at all. He just looks like a brutal killing and rampage.

This uncle has no moves, but Zhang Xun is different. The tall and clear swordsmanship has been played at this moment. Zhang Xun fights with this uncle, which is to dodge left and right. Jian Ruo Youlong doesn't seem to be fighting with this uncle, but as if he is playing with this uncle.

The uncle chopped horizontally and vertically. After a few moves, he didn't even touch the corners of Zhang Xun's clothes. He was so angry that he screamed. The strength in this hand has increased a little, and the true spirit contained in the ghost knife is also much more, and it is more powerful.

However, the more anxious the uncle is, the less he can beat Zhang Xun. But Zhang Xun played this uncle like a monkey. The condensed light sword flew up and down in Zhang Xun's hand and went left and right. In a short time, the clothes on the uncle were ragged by Zhang Xun.

This uncle has never been teased like this. His heart is already extremely angry, but Zhang Xun is flexible. Although his ghost knife moves are not slow, there are too few changes. As soon as he is cut out, Zhang Xun can see the route he wants to take. Of course, it is very light to avoid the uncle's attack.

The other three were also furious when they saw that the uncle was so teased by Zhang Xun. Immediately waved the weapon in his hand and killed him. Zhang Xun felt the murderous spirit, that is, he forced the uncle away with a sword and carried out his skills. The whole condensed light sword became purple and black again, like the life-threatening soul knife, killing these three people.

Zhang Xun did not fight slowly with these people like teasing the uncle this time. Instead, he used all the skills, just like the sword spirit just now. Although these people have good skills, they are only in the British period, which is far worse than Zhang Xun. Therefore, even if the three of them couldn't pass a few moves in Zhang Xun's hands, they were killed one by Zhang Xun one by one.

The uncle was also stunned to see that these three people had passed ten moves in Zhang Xun's hands, but they all died under Zhang Xun's sword. The hand holding the devil's knife in his hand also trembled. The arrogant arrogance just now didn't know where it had gone.

Zhang Xun saw the uncle, who looked like this now. He sneered and didn't say anything. He just looked at the uncle coldly and turned over the sword in his hand. The meaning was self-evident. Next, it was going to kill you! The uncle didn't understand what Zhang Xun meant. The murderous spirit in Zhang Xun's eyes told him what Zhang Xun would do next.

Suddenly, this uncle didn't care about his face. He just turned around and ran away, or his life was important. However, Zhang Xun would not give him a chance to escape. He flew up and stabbed the uncle's heart with a sword. The uncle also noticed the murderous atmosphere behind him. He knew that he could not run away, but he was ready to fight to death. On top of this big knife, he directly turned around and hit Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun would not have thought that the uncle would come to fight back. Unexpectedly, he quickly stabbed out the sword in his hand and replaced it with a pick, barely resisting the knife. However, after all, this uncle's performance is also very powerful. Although Zhang Xun's choice avoided letting this ghost knife and failed to hit himself, he also suffered a strong impact, and his whole body retreated for a long time.

The uncle took advantage of your illness and wanted your life. Seeing that Zhang Xun was forced to retreat by himself, he quickly followed with a knife. How can this level of attack disrupt the true spirit in Zhang Xun's body? Zhang Xun quickly reacted and waved a sword spirit, which was to hit the original uncle.

The uncle looked like a red-eyed man. He was completely not afraid of Zhang Xun's sword spirit, but split it with a knife, which was to break the sword spirit. However, I still didn't wait for him to be happy, but I felt that my heart was cold, and then my strength was quickly removed, and the ghost knife in my hand also felt that it weighed tens of millions of pounds.

looked down at his heart, but a light pierced it. And this light is the condensed sword in Zhang Xun's hand. After Zhang Xun's sword spirit was released, he threw out the condensed sword in his hand, aiming straight at the uncle's heart.

And this uncle was also thinking about cracking Zhang Xun's sword spirit, and he didn't notice anything flying like himself. In fact, it's too late to detect it. After all, this speed is too fast.

The uncle fell to the ground, and the condensed light sword that penetrated the uncle's whole body turned into a lot of light, turned into a sword and returned to Zhang Xun's hand. Zhang Xun held the light sword and shouted at the people in Kunlun behind him: "Kill me!"

These people in Kunlun, as well as the decent ones, have long been shocked by Zhang Xun's strong strength and the strange sword. Zhang Xun shouted loudly, which brought the people on both sides back to their senses. The people in Yingkunlun suddenly swept away the decline just now, shouting and shouting to kill the decent man.

And the decent people also woke up. They all lost their brave momentum just now. Seeing that the people in Kunlun were killed, there was no desire to resist. They all turned around and ran away.

This scene, before Zhang Xun appeared, was the opposite. Originally, this decent person killed a chicken in Kunlun, but now it is the opposite. This person in Kunlun has changed from the role of a chicken to a tiger.

Those who ran fast escaped their lives, but those who ran slowly became ghosts under the knife of the people in the shadow Kunlun.

The opposition between Jianling and Xiao Juran is still continuing, but Xiao Juran is now the end of the crossbow. One or two moves with the sword spirit is to be hurt by the sword spirit, but it seems that he can still barely be stabbed to death by the sword spirit, but it is not far away for such a thing to happen.

The sword spirit originally thought that after getting rid of the old demon Xiao, then he would be able to flatten the Kunlun altar in one fell swoop. However, at this time, I heard the sound of a huge group of people running down the mountain on the top of Lao Mountain, and I was also puzzled. What the hell is going on? Has he already flattened the Shadow Kunlun General Altar on Laoshan Mountain and now he has begun to retreat? But it's too fast, isn't it?

Jianling looked over puzzledly and was immediately shocked. I don't know why. He was actually chased and killed by the disciples of the Shadow Kunlun Demon Gate. Let's not talk about the strength of the two sides. Even the number of people on both sides is also his decent and dominant. How can this happen? Is it in this magic gate altar, or are there any masters? Jianling guessed.

However, seeing that he is decent is about to be defeated, now is not the time to give him the sword spirit to think, but to stab Xiao Jueran with a sword, thinking about to solve Xiao Jueran, and then to settle his decent army. However, although Xiao Jueran is now defeated by his sword spirit, he is also a master after all. He desperately avoided the key points, but let the sword spirit stab other places without hurting his life.

And Jianling can't bother to pester Xiao Jueran. After all, the following battle situation is the most important. Instead, he slapped Xiao Juran several times in a row, then drew his sword and kicked Xiao Juran down in the air. Now I also think that this time, Xiao's old demon is not dead, which is also very fateful.