Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 271 Two women were teased

Mu Nanqing was so surprised to say the word cow demon. Zhang Xun's opinion, the word cow demon must not be simple, otherwise, Mu Nanqing would not have been like this. Zhang Xun was also curious about the origin of this cow demon, which shocked Mu Nanqing so much.

Zhang Xun has also heard of some powerful characters in this cultivation world, but this is the first time he has heard of this cow demon. I don't know where the cow demon is.

Before Zhang Xun could speak, Li Qianye asked Mu Nanqing: "Xiaoqing, looking at your shocked expression, what is that bull demon? Hasn't there ever been an unrivaled monster?

Mu Nanqing put away the shocked expression, shook his head and said, "That's not true. This bull demon is just a person's nickname, and it's not a big demon.

Zhang Xun said, "Is this person nicknamed Niu Mo very powerful? It shocked you like this."

Mu Nanqing nodded and said, "This man, nicknamed Niu Mo Daxian, is really powerful. Its degree is as powerful as the master of Cangyu in those years.

When Zhang Xun and Li Qianye heard this, they both took a breath of cold air. They didn't expect that this person nicknamed Niu Mo Daxian had such a ability to be compared with Cangyu. Since this cow demon fairy is so powerful, why haven't we heard of its name? Zhang Xun asked puzzledly, it is impossible for such a powerful figure to remain in the world of cultivation.

Li Qianye also nodded, agreed with Zhang Xun's words, looked at Mu Nanqing, and waited for her to say the reason.

"This bull demon immortal is a person in the far west. There is not much contact with the land of our China. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. I can know that this cow demon fairy is also seen in some books in our Kuimen Academy. Munanqing Road.

"Where is this far west? How far is it from this land of China? Why don't all the people over there know?" Hearing about Qingxiamen in the Western Regions, Li Qianye has been curious about how far this western land is from the land of China. Qingxiamen in the Western Regions, such a large sect, cannot be in the land of China for many years. It seems that this western land must be very far away.

Mu Nanqing didn't expect that Li Qianye didn't even know where the far west was, but after being surprised, he still explained it to Li Qianye. The far west is located west of the land of China. So far, no one can say clearly how big the land in the west is. It is also far away from our land of Shenzhou. In the far west, if you want to come to our land of Shenzhou, it is to cross Zhongyue Shenzhou, and Zhongyue Shenzhou is very large. Although it is not as vast as the far west, it is also several times larger than our land of China.

Li Chibaye heard about the region of the world for the first time. Originally, he thought that it was about the same size as the earth, but he didn't expect it to be so big. Through Li Lingbing's memory, Li Qianye also knows how big the land of China is, which is no smaller than a continent on the earth.

And the Zhongyue Shenzhou will still be several times bigger than the land of Shenzhou, so it won't be too big? And the far west, according to Mu Nanqing, no one knows how big it is from ancient times to the present. It seems that this planet is much bigger than the original earth.

"So this Zhongyue Shenzhou and the far west land are so big, so this practitioners are also much more than our Shenzhou land?"

Mu Nanqing shook his head and said, "The far west, Zhongyue Shenzhou, the cold north, Yannan, and our land of Shenzhou are the five regions in this world. Among them, the west is the largest, and the south is the most scarce. The land of cold north and Zhongyue Shenzhou are average, and our land of Shenzhou is the most natural aura between heaven and earth, so although the area is small, it has the largest number of practitioners.

Li Qianye nodded and finally understood. No wonder they have never heard of the bull demon immortals in the far west. It's so far away, unless the bull demon fairy has killed the land of China, otherwise it's powerful. It's impossible to hear its name.

Zhang Xun is very interested in the bull demon immortal. After all, this bull demon immortal is a person who can be compared with his father Cangyu. Xiaoqing, how much do you know about this cow demon fairy?

"My understanding of this bull demon immortal is only seen in the book, and I don't know whether it is true or not. This cow demon immortal is different from the master of Cangyu. The master of Cangyu became famous in the world at a young age, and when this cow demon immortal debuted, it was already an ancient and rare year.

"But the older you are, the more unfathomable your cultivation will be. When this bull demon immortal debuted, he was the practitioners who fought all over the far west. All the major sects in the far west were unable to fight back. The largest sect in the far west, the head of Qingxiamen at that time, and five elders, were all killed by the bull demon immortals. If the Taishang head of Qingxiamen did not go out of the mountain, use The demon blood tripod suppressed this cow demon fairy, and I'm afraid Qingxiamen will be destroyed.

"Was this bull demon immortal suppressed to death by the elder of Qingxiamen with a demon blood tripod?" Zhang Xundao.

Mu Nanqing shook his head and said, "No, although the elder of Qingxiamen is powerful and the demon blood tripod is also a rare magic soldier, but in the end, the cultivation of the bull demon immortal is strong and let him escape. However, after this war, this bull demon immortal also has self-knowledge and knows which gate schools that have been passed down for thousands of years. The profound background is not something that you, a person with high skills can challenge. So I haven't been in trouble with Qingxiamen.

"I think the bull demon Taoist priest who is opposite Qingxiamen today is probably the disciple of the bull demon immortal. His master did not dare to provoke the people of Qingxiamen, but this apprentice was not afraid at all. Li Qianye looked at the Taoist priest and said.

"The ox demon immortal dominates the world and rarely meets opponents. Of course, his descendants will not be much worse. Dare to fight against the people of Qingxiamen also shows his own strength.

Zhang Xun nodded and said, "The war just now can also show that this cow demon Taoist priest is indeed extraordinary."

When everyone was talking about this cow demon Taoist priest, the cow demon Taoist priest ran away, but surprisingly, the people of Qingxiamen did not catch up. There is also speculation that this Taoist priest is unpredictable and powerful, and perhaps the people of Qingxiamen dare not act rashly.

This war is just a scenery along the road. So many practitioners present basically went to see the decent Tianluo array, so they saw that the people of Qingxiamen and the cow demon Taoist priest had left, and they did not stay. They dispersed and went to the Shennong altar.

After Zhang Xun and the others arrived at the Shennong altar, they found that there were already many practitioners in this place. It was not like they came here for the ancient Yuanli, as if they were holding some immortal cultivation conference here.

Zhang Xun looked around and found that many people came to the Sword Villa that day, and the people of Lingtian School and Qixianmen were also mixed in, but they did not see Jianling and Hongxuan. Presumably, these things do not need to be maintained by these two leaders, and both have disciples below to operate.

In front of the Shennong altar, ten miles are all moved to flat ground by decent people. In this open space, nothing can be seen, but it has shaken the sky, and the mysterious light is overflowing. There are many decent disciples who perform their skills in it. It seems that this Tianluo array is at a critical time.

The onlookers were all isolated from the ground by decent disciples. Everyone is also talking about it. I don't know when this decent Tianluo array will be completed. At that time, they will lead Luo Zhuo out and see how this decent man deals with Luo Zhuo.

"Brother, I saw that the weak water religion and the people of Qingxiamen have appeared. It seems that they are also going to find this ancient Yuanli. With these two major forces to deal with this matter, it will take a lot of effort for this decent person to get the ancient Yuanli smoothly. Munanqing Road.

"Ge...." Li Qianye smiled and said, "The more powerful there are, the better. It's better to trigger a period of earth-shaking war."

"A war may be inevitable, but once all major forces intervene, it will hinder me." Zhang Xun was a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, nerd, just wait and see what happens. Your cultivation is extremely strange. As long as you hide in the dark, even if you are a powerful master, you can't detect your breath. At that time, when you lurk in the dark and the forces of both sides are defeated, you will take action. Li Qianye began to play the role of his military division.

Mu Nanqing also agreed and said, "Sister Li is right. With your current skills and cultivation, it is undoubtedly a pebble to fight against these masters. It can only be taken at the right time and the sword is biased, so that we can win surprisingly.

Zhang Xun smiled and said, "What you said is very reasonable, but I have my own opinion."

This decent Tianluo array is still being arranged, and there is nothing to see. The three stayed for a while and found that there was no conflict to see. They returned to Zhuyang City and waited for the day when the decent man acted.

Zhyang City at night is still a little lively in the daytime, and all kinds of vendors also appear on the streets. Because of the ancient Yuanli incident, during this period of Zhuyang City, it was overcrowded, and many practitioners came. And most of these practitioners are rich masters, which also gave birth to Zhuyang City, which has been much more prosperous during this period.

Li Qianye pulled Zhang Xun and Mu Nanqing and shouted all over the street. Mu Nanqing also looked at everything on the street excitedly. In her eyes, everything was so novel.

Zhang Xun also knows that Mu Nanqing has been in Kuimen since he was a child and has basically never been outside, so he is very curious about the things in the outside world. However, because of his personality, Mu Nanqing likes it and just puts it in his heart. He won't say it, let alone take any action.

"Xiaoqing! What are you doing there!? Come and have a look at these jewelry. It's so beautiful! I haven't seen it in the Central Plains. Come here quickly, and my sister will also choose a few pieces for you. Li Chiba found something like a treasure and kept shouting at Mu Nanqing, and there was no one that everyone's daughter should look like.

Mu Nanqing hesitated and thought about going, but he couldn't take a step. He looked at Zhang Xun timidly. Zhang Xun didn't understand Mu Nanqing's mind and smiled and said, "Go, your sister Li called you." Mu Nanqing was happy to hear the words and quickly ran to Li Qianye. Zhang Xun looked at Mu Nanqing's back and shook his head with a wry smile.

The two women were choosing jewelry there. Li Qianye quickly flipped up and down and bargained with the stall owner, but Mu Nanqing smiled and looked at the helplessness of the stall owner. The boss of the stall made a bitter face. Li Qianye said ten words, and he was able to take a sentence. Obviously, he was completely defeated by Li Chiba in this round of price war.

When Li Qianye just came to this stall, the owner of the stall smiled. Seeing Li Qianye dressed gorgeously, he knew at a glance that the necklace on his neck was not ordinary. The boss of this stall has been walking on the market all year round. He is extremely accurate and concludes that Li Qianye must be the young lady of a rich family.

Although I don't understand how such a rich lady can take a fancy to the goods on his stall, after all, there are guests coming, most of whom are still a wrongdoer and the slaughtered master. How can this not make the stall owner happy?

But Li Chiba's performance next stunned the boss of the stall. Unexpectedly, a woman like Li Chibaye was so powerful. When cutting the price, it was a terrible mess, a little more powerful than the aunt who went to the market to buy vegetables that day.

Originally, the boss of this stall still wanted to make a lot of money from Li Qianye, but in the end, he was cheated by Li Qianye and got a lot of jewelry, so that the old man of the stall had nothing to say. Finally, he calculated the account. Although he did not lose money, he still earned much less than ordinary customers, which really made the uncle want to cry without tears.

Zhang Xun turned around and found that there was nothing strange, and he felt bored. Looking at the crowds of people on the street, there are all kinds of people. I'm afraid that something will happen to Li Qianye and people, Zhang Xun can't rest assured, so he quickly found Li Qianye's side. Zhang Xun knew that Li Qianye was not a worry-free master. If she didn't pay attention, she would cause trouble.

The three of them walked around for a while, and Li Qianye bought a lot of things. Among them, some were for Zhang Xun and some for Mu Nanqing, but most of them were liked by Li Qianye and didn't ask if it was useful. The price was just to buy it, which was regarded as showing her posture of throwing a lot of money.

"Yo, which little lady is this? Why haven't I seen such a water spirit before? Did you come to our Zhuyang City recently to watch the fun?" A strange voice came.

Zhang Xun followed his voice and found that he was a young man, young and crowned. Wearing a white brocade suit and holding a folding fan in his hand, he is handsome and elegant, and he has a good skin. Behind him were still two big men. The two big men were sharp-eyed and full of spirit. They knew at a glance that they were not ordinary people, but the practitioners.

The young man in white spoke when he came to Mu Nanqing, laughed and said, "Why doesn't the little lady talk?" With that, he moved his hands and feet and picked up Mu Nanqing's jaw with the fan in his hand, thinking that Mu Nanqing, who was against his head, raised his head.

Mu Nanqing has never experienced such things. For a moment, he was at a loss and didn't know what to do. He was about to cry. Zhang Xun was furious and wanted to go up to stop the man in white. Unexpectedly, he didn't wait for Zhang Xun to take action, and Li Qianye killed him.

"What have you done!? Take off your broken fan! He is as virtuous as a hooligan, but he still learns from other literati, holding a folding fan in his hand, and is vassal and elegant. Li Qianye pushed away the man in white and protected Mu Nanqing behind him.

"I don't look at your virtues, and I also want to flirt with my sister!? Pooh!” Li Chiba had a pair of beautiful eyes and glared at the man in white without fear.

The man in white was pushed back by Li Qianye and was helped by the two big men behind him to stabilize his body. Just as he was about to be angry, but after looking at Li Qianye, his elongated face changed again and came up again with a smile.

"Yo, there is another beauty, which is still a little more beautiful than the one just now. This personality is fierce again, which is exactly the taste of the master.

Li Chiba's eyes turned around, smiled and said, "Really? You are also Miss Heben's appetite. Come and give me a smile, too."

The prince was very happy when he heard the words, and he smiled at Li Qianye. The stupid appearance made the onlookers laugh loudly. The prince suddenly became angry and shouted, "Why are you laughing!? What's so funny!" Then he said to Li Chiba, "This sister, the sister just now, is it your sister?"

Li Chiba's eyes turned around, smiled amorously, and said, "This gentleman's words are really funny. How can there be so many sisters? But this is indeed my sister."

The prince in white looked at Li Qianye and then at Mu Nanqing. The more he looked at it, the more beautiful he felt, and the ha lazi was about to flow out. Not bad, not bad, it's really a beautiful sister. I am blessed today.

"Fas-in-law, we are here. Where have you been? My sister and I haven't seen you for a long time. Li Chiba suddenly said to Zhang Xun on one side.

Zhang Xun was called inexplicably by Li Qianye's father-in-law and did not react. Li Qianye saw Zhang Xun's inexplicable appearance, stared at him and said, "Fang, your two women are being teased on the street. Don't you care?"

Zhang Xun knew that it was absolutely not a good thing for Li Qianye to call him his father-in-law for no reason. However, even if Li Qianye doesn't do this, Zhang Xun still wants to teach this white man a good lesson. He dares to flirt with Mu Nanqing and Li Qianye, which is simply looking for death.