Search for fairy tracks

Chapter 291 Assassination

After the masked man took away the green knife, the battle of the green knife came to an end. In these days of competition, this decent person has suffered the biggest loss. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his soldiers. Not only couldn't get the legendary ancient Yuanli, but also couldn't get it after discovering the green knife.

still lost a lot of power, and even the sword spirit almost fell here. Sadly, he finally made wedding clothes for others and let the mysterious masked man take away the green knife.

At this time, Zhang Xun and others are also preparing to leave Zhuyang City and return to the Shadow Kunlun Forum in Laoshan. Before leaving, Zhang Xun took Li Qianye to the Shennong altar and buried the body of Ming Ruins here.

Li Chiba stood in front of the grave of Ming Ruins and had no words for a long time. Although Mingxu is not his biological father, Li Lingbing's memory always affects Li Qianye. Li Qianye also had some feelings for this ruins. However, Li Qianye is the only descendant of Mingxu in the world. It is also best to let Li Qianye deal with the matter behind Mingxu.

Li Feng was determined to join Ying Kunlun. He was very anxious to learn that Zhang Xun and others were leaving, because Zhang Xun still did not promise him Li Feng, and when the Taixuan religion would be able to join Ying Kunlun. Zhang Xun didn't know how to respond to Li Feng and pushed all this to Mo Ling.

Mo Ling also doesn't want to be annoyed. Liu Yefeng came out to fool Li Feng. It is said that you want to join this shadow Kunlun, not to mention that you can join, that is to do something. Li Feng nodded repeatedly, saying that this was of course. Ying Kunlun is the first sect of China. That's not all cats and dogs can join.

Li Feng also patted this chest. Liu Yefeng promised that there was anything to test his mysterious religion, that is, Li Feng would definitely be able to do it. Liu Yefeng's eyes turned, and a lot of things happened for Li Feng to do. Li Feng was so scared that he had the idea of not joining Ying Kunlun.

However, Liu Yefeng said that this was a test of their mystery. The more seriously Kunlun tests you, the more important it is to you. This is a great blessing for you, and others can't get it. Li Feng nodded repeatedly by Liu Yefeng, looking like I will definitely perform well. Liu Yefeng also patted Li Feng, as if I was very optimistic about you.

In the primitive dense forest, there are no people all year round, and there are monsters everywhere, constantly roaring. In a cave, an old man held a green knife and looked at it in his hand. Behind him was a man standing respectfully on one side.

After seeing the green knife, the old man put down and said, "This Shennong altar and his party not only got the divine soldiers of the Qingling Demon Lord, but also killed Ming Ruins."

The man behind him said, "Master is wise. This Mingxu dares to betray the master. Of course, Master kills him. Mingxu is also worthy of death."

"Alas... I don't want to be a teacher. But all the things he did made me have to kill him. As he spoke, the old man picked up the green knife again and said, "This green knife is worthy of the Qingling Demon Lord, such a supreme magic soldier. Even if I use the assimilation of the lotus heart, I can't completely control the green knife, but just remove its consciousness.

"The divine soldiers of the Qingling Demon Lord have now fallen into the hands of your master. Even if you can't fully control this green knife now, you will have a chance to master it in the future. Master, your current practice of skills is unparalleled in the world. When the demon soul is refined and this green knife, will it still be your opponent in this world? I'm afraid that even the resurrebirth of the Qingling Demon Lord can't compare with you,"

"In the way! Xiu wants to say that the supreme existence of the Qingling Demon Lord can be compared with those of us. However, the demon soul of the teacher is about to be refined. At that time, we two masters and apprentices will be able to sweep the world and revive the supreme power of heaven!" The old man's eyes flashed countless lights, as if he was going to rule the world.

The man behind listened to this and bowed and said, "Disciple believes that this day will not be far away, and it will come soon!"

"Bear by the way, how did you do the thing that let you go to the Xuanyuan royal family?" The old man asked.

"The disciple checked it several times. The disciple felt that the Xuanyuan Sword and Hengzhu that day were not necessarily in this fallen imperial city."

"How to say this? The fallen imperial city is an important place for the Xuanyuan royal family. Although he is only sitting in Fancheng on the surface, there is a supreme killing array around this city. In today's world, no one can break this killing battle. This killing array was laid by a godless king in the Xuanyuan royal family in order to protect the safety of his descendants. Therefore, this fallen imperial city is the important place of the Xuanyuan royal family and the safest place. Xuanyuan Sword and Tianhengzhu are both supreme treasures. How can Xuanyuan Royal Family not put them in this safest place? The old man was very puzzled and waited for Li Yuan's explanation.

Li Yuan said, "Disciples also have such an idea. I think that the Xuanyuan royal family will definitely put this Xuanyuan sword in the fallen imperial city. However, in the fallen imperial city, the disciples explored many places and captured some people of the Xuanyuan royal family and searched for their divine thoughts, but they knew nothing.

"If you do this, it's useless. This Xuanyuan royal family, not the emperor and the practitioners, will not know these things. This Xuanyuan sword and Hengzhu that day are mostly in this fallen imperial city, but they are also difficult to find. You'd better not go first. This matter will be done by the teacher himself. What you have to do now is to hunt the power of all parties and use your nine ghost soul refining skills to ingest their innate souls. The magic soul of the teacher has reached the last critical moment, and a large number of powerful innate souls are needed to sacrifice.

"Disciples know!"

The decent attack on Kunlun twice failed, and it was at the Shennong altar again, which suffered heavy losses. Recently, it has calmed down and is no longer thinking about what to do. And Zhang Xun also knows that decent people will not give up. After all, Yu Wenxuan, the former head of Qixianmen, died in the hands of people in Kunlun.

And the sword spirit and Hongxuan have also been injured by the people in Kunlun, and countless disciples have died. How can this decent person give up? He will definitely come to his shadow Kunlun to settle this comparison.

The last time he went to the Shennong altar, Zhang Xun was very shocked. I was shocked to see so many masters, but to see those magic soldiers. Zhang Xun now knows that even if a person is not strong, as long as he has an extremely powerful divine soldier, he can be invincible.

Just like the power of weak water education, its own strength is not as good as Hongxuan. However, with the magic soldier pattern, it was able to suppress Luo Haojiao. Although it was not killed, it finally injured Luo Haojiao. You know, Na Hongxuan can't deal with Luo Zhuo. However, this weak water religion is capable of relying on divine soldiers. And Xuanyuan Yu, his own strength is just British. But it has Xuanyuan Sword, which can actually compete with the three masters of the heavenly extreme period, which shows the beauty of this divine soldier.

Zhang Xun also wants to have his own magic soldier. Thinking of his sword, Zhang Xunjue's sword must have been a supreme soldier before. But now in his hands, it has become an ordinary sword. Of course, this is ordinary, but it is said that the power of this sword has become ordinary.

Thunderstorm is to tell Zhang Xun that he wants to turn a weapon into a supreme soldier. The most basic thing is that the material of the weapon itself is not ordinary. If it is an ordinary weapon, even if there are anti-sky means, it can't be turned into a powerful divine soldier.

After listening to the thunderstorm, Zhang Xun was a little confused. My sword is composed of light and sometimes turns into light. I don't know the material of this sword.

Zhang Xun has been constantly forging his sword during this period. Many lines were depicted and entered into the sword, but Zhang Xun found that these lines were useless after entering the sword, and the sword had not changed at all.

This made Zhang Xun very puzzled. He went to ask about the thunderstorm, but he didn't know what the reason was. Li Qianye reminded Zhang Xun to take out the "qi" in his body and inject it into the sword again. After all, the "qi" also existed in the sword before. Let's see if there is any change.

At the beginning, Zhang Xun also didn't know where the "qi" in his body came from. After he told some strange things about himself to the thunderstorm and others, the thunderstorm and others were also surprised. They didn't expect that there would still be such a thing in the world.

Later, everyone analyzed one by one and came to a conclusion that most of the "qi" in Zhang Xun's body entered Zhang Xun's body in this sword. Zhang Xun thought about it carefully and felt that it should be the same. Then Zhang Xun controlled the "qi" and wanted it to appear into the sword, but found that it could not be done at all.

That "qi" can't leave Zhang Xun's body at all. Zhang Xun tried many times, but it was useless. In the end, he had to give up. They also thought of many ways for the thunderstorm, but they couldn't change the sword at all.

Zhang Xun can only give up, thinking that the stronger the sword may be, the more powerful it will be.

The days of stability did not last long. It was only half a year, and another earth-shaking event happened in the cultivation world of China. Shadow Kunlun Kui's doorkeeper, Mu Lingkong, was actually killed. The news came out, which set off a stormy wave.

Who is this Mu Lingkong? That is the doorkeeper of Shadow Kunlun and one of the four guardians of Shadow Kunlun. His skill is also very high, and it has reached the middle of the world. Such a master was killed, which has to be talked about a lot.

Zhang Xun, as the owner of the Shadow Kunlun Gate, of course, knew the news at the first time. The place where Mu Lingkong was killed is on this island on the river in Baidi City. There is a stronghold on the island. Mu Lingkong is also in the past because of some things.

But as soon as I arrived on the island, I was intercepted. The man's skills were extremely high. Mu Lingkong only had more than ten moves with him, but he couldn't resist and was killed by that man. Then the man left without being cruel to his entourage.

This man intercepted Mu Lingkong here. Obviously, he knew Mu Lingkong's whereabouts and ambushed for a long time. The people of Kuimen were also doubting whether there was an internal traitor and leaked Mu Lingkong's whereabouts, which gave this person a chance to ambush and kill Mu Lingkong on this island.

However, after investigation, there is no such suspicion among the disciples in the Kuimen. Moreover, on the island where the Mu Lingkong incident happened, all the disciples, one who did not stay, were killed, and there was no clue at all.

Zhang Xun and Thunderstorm also quickly came to Kuimen. After Zhang Xun and others looked at Mu Lingkong's body, they were all shocked. I came to a conclusion that this Mu Lingkong was not killed by others, but by the Jiuyou Liyuan.

Because Mu Lingkong's innate soul was no more, he was taken away. In this world of cultivation, when it comes to drawing people's innate souls, then they will think of this Jiuyou Liyuan. Because of this Jiuyou Liyuan's skills, Jiuyou's soul refining skills, are specially used to absorb other people's innate souls.

Although this is a little far-fetched. After all, in this world of cultivation, there are many powers. What kind of people will have it? It can't be guaranteed that there are people who have practiced such a skill like this Jiuyou Liyuan. But even so, it's just a guess. The gap between Jiuyou Liyuan is still the biggest.

came to this conclusion, and the people in the door were extremely angry. This Li Yuan was once a member of Yingkunlun. After all, his sect, Jiuyouzong, also joined Yingkunlun in those years. However, in the last reconstruction, no one came to the Jiuyou Sect, and Ying Kunlun removed the Jiuyou Sect.

But even if you are not from the same lineage, you can't do such a vicious thing. Although Kuimen and Jiuyouzong have no intersection, there is no deep hatred. For what reason did Li Yuan come to kill Mu Lingkong? Is it just to be able to practice its skills? If so, Li Yuan is too vicious.

The people in the door are furious. They are respected as women, and they are also like women, and they don't fight for anything with the people in this world of cultivation. It can be said that there are some weaknesses of women. However, there is no dispute with the world, and some people are unwilling to let them go, which can be regarded as bullying them to get home.

Immediately, an elder of Kuimen proposed to go to the territory of the Jiuyou Sect, flatten the Jiuyou Sect, kill the Li Yuan, and avenge Mu Lingkong. Zhang Xun and others were also furious, but they did not lose their minds like these Kuimen elders.

is also to comfort these disciples to calm down and not be excited. Since Li Yuan dares to kill Mu Lingkong, there must be a reason for his unscrupulousness. If you kill him rashly, it may be bad to fall into the conspiracy and trick of Jiuyou Sect.

The elders also feel that it makes sense. However, I don't want to let Li Yuan go unpunished like this. In this way, Mu Lingkong will not close his eyes. There are several elders who are going to go to the Jiuyouzong to have a look and ask Li Yuan for an explanation.

Zhang Xun knew that it could not be stopped, so they went. These elders also said that they are also Shouyuan, and there is no pity to be killed by Li Yuan. However, if they see Li Yuan, they will definitely smash Li Yuan to pieces.

But a few days later, those elders came back safely. This time, these elders did not find the Liyuan, and the Jiuyouzong also disappeared. I don't know where he went. In this way, the elder Kuimen suspected that Mu Lingkong was killed by Li Yuan.

After all, all this Jiuyouzong has done is like doing something to run away.

If Li Yuan was not found, the disciples had to bury Mu Lingkong first. Then he let his eldest disciple, Mu Suyao, be the new leader. Mu Suyao is the new leader, and no one is convinced. Mu Suyao's skill is not low among her peers.

He is good at dealing with people and things. Over the years, as a senior sister, she has also done his job well. Several elders are very satisfied with Mu Suyao. In this way, Mu Suyao became the new head of Kuimen without dispute. However, the guardian of the shadow Kunlun was replaced by an elder Kuimen.

After all, Mu Suyao is just in the upper position, and her skills are not good enough to do this protection. Although Mo Ling is not much higher than Mu Suyao's practice, after all, his prestige in the Mingxiao school is much higher than that of Mu Suyao in this gate.

The first thing Mu Suyao did when she took office was to announce that Kuimen and Li Yuan were not the same. All Kuimen disciples wanted to take killing Li Yuan as their duty and avenge Mu Lingkong. In the following period, Kuimen disciples went everywhere to find the Liyuan, but they could not find their whereabouts at all.

After half a year, no trace of Li Yuan was found. Just when the people in this door didn't know what to do, another big thing happened in the world of cultivation. That day, the sword spirit of the Sword Villa was also killed.

The death of Jianling is more shocking the Xiuzhen world than the death of Mu Lingkong. How capable this sword spirit is, and he was killed inexplicably. Who is the person who killed the sword spirit is? I heard from the disciples of Tianjian Villa that the sword spirit was attacked and killed on the back mountain of Tianji Villa when he realized the Tao on the cliff.

According to the disciples who saw it, Jianling was enlightening at that time and lowered all his vigilance around him. The Kendo Cliff is the heavy land of Tianjian Villa, and Jianling would not expect that someone would attack and kill him there. However, after the sword spirit killer appeared, there were only more than ten moves to kill the sword spirit. Then he went away.

In the world of cultivation, there are also many discussions about the death of Jianling and the death of Mu Lingkong six months ago. I don't know if these two things are related.