Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 24 Li Chang comes up

Who is the old man who came? He is a famous hermit in Chenzhou. His surname is Gu Sifang, and he was nicknamed the old tomb.

He is 66 years old this year. Because he rarely walks around the world, most people only know his name and have not seen him, so all the knights present do not know him, but they have long heard the name of the old man of the ancient tomb. Everyone quickly came forward to salute. This is an old man, and Gu Daxia also returned it with courtesy, and everyone is distinguished by the guests. Gu Daxia called the child in front of him: "Let me introduce him to you. This is my grandson, Gu Xiaoyi. He is 13 years old. He is very naughty. After learning martial arts from me for a few days, I gave him a nickname called Red Boy."

Everyone laughed, and the children were also very sensible and salute you one after another. Tao Yuan asked, "Senior Gu, you have lived in Chenzhou for a long time, and now you have suddenly visited Luzhou. I'm afraid it's not just to visit the mountains and rivers, right?"

The old man of the ancient tomb nodded: "You're right. I have lived in Chenzhou for a long time and don't ask about the world. I'm happy to raise my old age at home. However, the Chenzhou government was a little overwhelmed by many cases that happened in Chenzhou some time ago. Their eighth class governor is a good friend of mine. He asked me for help many times. I politely refused, but later, the magistrate ordered all his family into prison and gave him a 100-day deadline to solve the case. Otherwise, his family would be sentenced to death. I was also very angry at that time, thinking how could this government do this? Later, he came to me again. I really couldn't excuse myself, so I accepted it. After a few days of unannounced visits in Chenzhou, there was no result. I suspected that the offist had left Chenzhou. I searched everywhere and found Luzhou.

"What is the case that makes you come up in person?"

Beixia eagerly asked, Gu Laoxia, "There has been a series of girl disappearances in Chenzhou, and there is no clue so far." Alas," Tao Yuan said, "Actually, we don't have peace these days."

Tao Yuan told Gu Daxia what happened these days, and finally said, "It's not clear who the person who helped us is now?"

"It's my grandfather", Red Boy Gu Xiaoyi said, and the old man of the ancient tomb stared at him fiercely, but he had already said it and couldn't take it back. He nodded: "Yes, it's old!"

Everyone hurried forward to thank him, and Grandhero Gu waved his hand, "It's just a small favor, thank you!"

Tao Yuan said, "Old man, do you think any clues will be found in Luzhou in the disappearance of this girl?"

"It's hard to say, but it's not that there is no such possibility. According to the current situation, we can only take a step at it."

Lord Deng said, "Old man, if you need our help, please let me know!"

Gu Laoxia stood up quickly and said, "I really want it, so let's help the fish, water and fish." Everyone was happy...

Everyone was chatting in the room, and Zhang Zhao hurried in. Today, Zhang Zhao was very tired. This time, it has been three times. Ma Lu went up and said, "I said that you have taken medicine today for the third time. You are panicked. Are you in such a hurry?"

Zhang Zhao ignored it, "Your Excellency, a woman just fainted at the gate of the government office. Please go and have a look!"