Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 30 The girl got out of danger

Everyone listened to each other, back and forth, just following what happened before,

When everyone heard it, especially Gu Sifang, the old man of the hermit tomb, it was really right to come to Luzhou this time. It was really a place to break the iron shoes. It took no time to come. Everyone was shocked. Xiao Chunhong touched her chest with her hand consciously, and the wound was faintly painful. Suddenly, she found that there seemed to be something in her arms.

She took out a letter and quickly opened it. At a glance, it was written by Zhang Ermu, which said some important things in the Hou Mansion, and even mentioned two people pretending to be maids, Feng Delong, a flying eagle on the grass, and Feng Dehu, who was a wind in the snow. They were all thieves and Bishui Lake. The two masters of Pansheling, Zhong Xiaoxiao and Ouyanghua,

Some of their dealings with Li Chang and the water spirit concept mentioned, etc. Of course, you can understand it, but you also have a little understanding. But this information completely answers the questions that the above people can't guess: first, of course, the messenger has already known, that it is the old man of the ancient tomb; second, the identity of the two maids has been confirmed; third, from these relationships and information, it can be seen that the water concept has been broken, and they must be hidden in the Zibohou Mansion.

Lord Deng ordered people to strictly protect Xiao Chunhong and let people live here to take care of them. Not to mention, everyone returned to the front hall again. The old man of the ancient tomb was anxious: "Your Excellency, everyone, please help me analyze where these girls abducted by them are now?"

As he was talking, he heard footsteps outside. As soon as the door opened, Wang Ren and Wang Yi walked in from the door. The two of them looked happy. They saw that there was an old man and a child in the room. There seemed to be something difficult to say. Lord Deng said, "Don't worry about the two teams. They are all of their own people!"

"Your Excellency, we were ordered to inspect the water spirit. After careful search, we found a basement with many bottles and cans in it, and many girls were also found!"

With this sentence, everyone in the room stood up, and the old tomb was cheered up: "Oh! This is true!"

"There is still a fake. I have brought people back. Please ask!"

When everyone came to the courtyard, they took a look, didn't they? There were exactly 24 girls standing side by side outside. Everyone was haggard and lowered their heads one by one. Xiao Chunhong forced herself to squeeze out the crowd with the pain. At a glance, she saw her sister Liu Xiaoling at a glance. She couldn't care about anything else and pulled her: "Sister, I miss my sister to death!"

After saying that, she had a headache and cried, and everyone advised her. After a while, Xiao Chunhong stopped her grief and wiped her tears. Seeing that Xiaoling had lost a lot of weight, Xiaoling had just been blindfolded. It turned out to be her sister. She jumped into her sister's arms again and cried;

When other women saw Chunhong, they seemed to have seen their relatives. They all woke up. Lord Deng smiled and said, "Women, I'm Deng Jiuru, the governor of Luzhou. I don't know if you have heard of it?"

I don't know which one knows about this registration. When everyone heard it, they quickly knelt down to see the lord, cried to the lord and begged the lord to make the decision. Lord Deng quickly raised everyone up: "Women, don't be afraid. I will make the decision for you!"

Lord Deng ordered Zhang Zhao, Malu, Wang Ren and Wang Yi to take good care of the people. After they had a good rest, they questioned one by one. Fortunately, these people were rescued in time without being hurt.

In order to prevent, Lord Deng and the public discussed. Because the matter is important, these are future witnesses, so they should be strictly protected. Nanxia, Beixia and Dongxia asked for instructions one after another. Finally, it was determined that Beixia and Dongxia were responsible for the day, and Nanxia and Xixia were responsible for the night. The three-class servant also guarded day and night and did not dare to slack off at all. At the same time, they sent eyeliner to stare at Zibohou's house and observe every move there.

When everything was arranged, Tao Yuan and the old man of the ancient tomb asked, "Your Excellency, they have arranged it. What should we do?"

Lord Deng smiled and said, "You still have a heavy responsibility. We don't have conclusive evidence to bring down Li Chang. We only have those 20 girls now. They may still know a little about it. The only thing that knows Li Chang is the maid Chunhong. Only some human certificates are not enough. It is necessary to Only by catching his confidant can he ask for a more favorable confession. This is not enough. Li Chang's criminal evidence must be provided, which is material evidence. At that time, it is also difficult to distinguish him, so if you want to beat him, you must completely eradicate the villain once and leave no future trouble! So a task fell on the two of them.

"What task? Your Excellency, just say it!"

"Now it has been determined that the four people who escaped from Shuilingguan are in Zibohou Mansion. Presumably, they dare not leave the house during the day, but at night, Li Chang is ully tricky and will definitely try to get them to leave the Hou Mansion and fly away. This is the first possibility, and the second possibility is Li Chang may Killing people, now he knows that the matter has been exposed, and he knows that he will definitely not stop, so this possibility cannot be ruled out, so you two have to work hard tonight and must come back alive!" The two hurriedly stood up: "Follow your instructions!"

The two returned to their respective rooms and fell asleep one after another. In fact, they closed their eyes to refresh themselves.

In the evening, the two of them had a full meal and changed into a nocturnal clothes. There was nothing hanging all over their bodies. Tao Yuan's back was the cosmic front, the belt was a hundred treasure bag, and there was a golden arrow in the back, the arrow buckled the treasure bow, and the veil covered his face;

The old man of the ancient tomb was also dressed in night clothes, carrying purple and gold crutches. He had to bring a hundred treasure bags and cover his face with light gauze. The two went to the front hall to meet the adults. Lord Deng looked at it: "Brother Xian, senior, it must be very dangerous to go this time. I hope you can win and succeed!"

There is no need to say anything else. The two of them flew to the room in the hospital and disappeared.

Today, there is no moon, and there are only some stars in the sky. With the brilliance of the stars, the two came to the Marquis's Mansion and were silent, but they looked down. The back house of the Hou Mansion was faintly lit. The two wink at each other and circled to the backyard wall. The last time they and the Northern Xia entered the Marquis's Mansion,

Tao Yuan thought for a moment: "Senior, I think you should act separately. First, the goal together is too big and easy to be found. Second, in case we all fail, isn't it a failure?"

The old man of the ancient tomb nodded and ran to the east courtyard wall. Let's talk about Tao Yuan first, and carefully listen to no sound in the courtyard. Under the cover of the night, he flew over the wall, his legs fell to the dust, touched it along the root of the wall, and came to the last moon door hole. The shadow lived and heard that there was nothing wrong. He turned the door hole and walked forward and came to the place of the light, but Tao Yuan a little What is puzzled is how many things have happened recently. How can the guards in Hou's mansion be so loose?

Tao Yuan was thinking about it, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong around him. In an instant, the light was bright, shining like day!