Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 36 Yin's Inn

Everyone came to the door and told Tao Yuan to write down one by one. Later, they all wanted to send Tao Yuan a ride, but Tao Yuan refused. "Brothers, the task is arduous, but the family needs someone to arrange it. I don't know what Li Chang will do now. I'm afraid the days before I come back. It's not very good. Although he is not as strong as us in Luzhou, it is only superficial. It can be imagined from the evidence and information we have obtained that he may have dealings with many Jianghu people. I hope you guys should be more cautious!"

Everyone nodded, and everyone had endless words. Tao Yuan saw that it was not early. The sun had risen so high that he had to leave. Tao Yuan waved goodbye to everyone and flew to the horse. (The endorsement in the book, although this horse was only an ordinary horse, it was also picked and picked from the horse pile, so his feet The force is not bad), according to a very compact calculation, it took eight days to reach Bianliang, but the matter was urgent and couldn't help delay. Tao Yuan got on the horse, waved the whip, "Pa", the horse raised its front hoof, hissed, fell down, opened its four hooves, and ran out from the west gate...

Leaving Luzhou City, Tao Yuan thought wildly: I rushed to Bianliang, Tokyo alone. I was alone, and there would be so long on the road. I had to stay awake at all times. Just in case, I refused everyone to come with me for their safety. In addition, I also acted alone. Convenient, in fact, I also know that my family needs people more, and I am also worried about the safety of Lord Deng. I have one life, but Lord Deng is different. His generation of clean officials can benefit the people...

There was nothing on the way. Seeing that it was getting late, a town flashed in front of him. Tao Yuan knew that this town was called Songlin Town. The town was not big, but it was quite lively. It was for buying and selling, carrying bags, and selling everything. But now everyone is busy closing the stall and going home. Tao Yuan got off the horse and led the horse. Walking in the town, I was going to find a shop to live in. I walked a while and found an inn called Yin's Inn. Tao Yuan looked at it. The size of the inn was not big, but it was very clean. Tao Yuan just led the horse by. The people inside were sharp-eyed, and a fast-step meteor usually came out. Seeing that this man was not very old. But at first glance, he is a shrewd and capable man, "Sung, are you a top-notch or staying in a hotel? Although our store is small, it is comfortable and very clean. You will love it!" At this time, a man about 50 years old came out, "guest, I'm very happy that you can come to the shop. We still have several rooms here, which are prepared for you like this!"

Tao Yuan saw that these two people were polite and difficult to refuse, so he gave the horse to the shopkeeper, "You must be the shopkeeper, right?"

Tao Yuan asked the old man, and the old man nodded, "Yes, I opened this inn. Please don't ask Yin, come and invite the guest!"

Saying this, he let Tao Yuan into the inn and ordered people to clean up a room. On the third floor, Tao Yuan entered the room and saw that it was spacious and bright, with several lights lit. The satin bedding was completely new. A large Eight Immortal Table, next to a few brightly carved chairs, pushed the window open, and there was a breath of fresh air. Blowing in, Tao Yuan's heart was very comfortable, and the man asked, "Guest, what do you need?"

Tao Yuan was a little hungry and rushed all day. "Man, there is food in the store. Prepare some for me. Anything is fine!"

"We don't have it here, but we have regular meals, such as peanuts, pickles, and ordinary stir-fried dishes. What do you want?"

"Give me four side dishes, just rice as the staple food!"

"Would you like some wine? You must be a little tired from riding a horse. Drink some wine to relieve your fatigue.

Tao Yuan thought for a moment, "I don't want the wine. I have to rest early tonight. Go and prepare it!"

The guy went down. Tao Yuan closed the door and looked out of the window. Now it was already dark, but the sky was full of stars. Facing the sky, Tao Yuan sighed infinitely in his heart: I don't know if he can reach the capital smoothly this time, I don't know if he can successfully turn the memorial to the emperor, and I don't know what's going on at home now. What's going on? What is Brother Deng doing? What is Brother Beixia doing? What are the other brothers doing?

He was also thinking nonsense. A knock on the door interrupted Tao Yuan's thoughts and turned around, "Come in!"

As soon as the door opened, it was the guy with a tray in his hand, four dishes inside, and a large bowl of rice. Tao Yuan looked at his appetite: a plate of peanuts, a plate of fried tofu, a plate of scrambled eggs with mushrooms, and a plate of sugary cabbage.

The man put the food on the table and asked, "Do you think this dish is okay?" If it doesn't suit your appetite, I'll change it for you." The man was very pertinent, and Tao Yuan waved his hand: "Little brother, go ahead. This dish is just right!"

The clerk went down. After about half an hour, Tao Yuan almost ate. He put his chopsticks on the table and stood up and slipped away. At this time, the clerk came up again and brought a basin of hot water, "Sung, have you eaten?"

Tao Yuan nodded, and the clerk continued, "I brought you a basin of hot water. You are working hard enough to soak your feet and relieve fatigue." Tao Yuan saw that the little guy was really sensible and smiled at him. Tao Yuan burned his feet. The clerk took the basin away. Tao Yuan closed the door and turned off the light. He lay with his clothes and put the sword beside him. The treasure bag and the application were hung on the wall. The light outside shined into the house and shone on Tao Yuan's body. Tao Yuan remembered what happened these days. I really haven't had a good night's sleep. Except for a war or a war, I didn't think about it later. I fell asleep in a drowsiness...

Unconsciously, it was midnight. It was quiet outside. The whole town was silent. Tao Yuan was sleeping fragrantly, but Tao Yuan was a martial artist after all. Although he was asleep, his ears were not idle, and it seemed to hear a cry. Tao Yuan thought he was dreaming, but it was not like a dream. He suddenly He opened his eyes and sat up. He pricked up and listened carefully. There were people crying, but the voice was very low, that is, Tao Yuan. Others could not hear him at all. Tao Yuan was puzzled. He wondered who cried in the middle of the night and why?

He felt that the sound seemed to come from the yard. Tao Yuan didn't want to go out. He slept until the next day to do business. He hurried to Tokyo, but the cry made him a little irritable. He held a big sword and didn't go through the door. He stared at the back window with his feet. His waist and eyes worked hard. A cloud turned in the air and went up. Fangpo, he put his hand on the pergola to check where the sound came from!