Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 38 Selling Art

In the book, the girl's surname is Hao and her name is Hao Guihua. Her father is a businessman. Although he doesn't make a lot of money every year, she still has a surplus to support her family. Her mother Li and her family of three are doing well...

When the girl Hao Guihua went outside, she saw everything and was dazzling. She and the maid walked along the street. They happened to pass by a crossroads and saw many people in front of them, beating gongs and drums. I don't know why Hao Guihua was so lively, so she said to the girl, "Let's go there. Let's see what's interesting?"

The maid didn't want to go, but later let the young lady say that she was also happy. The two of them squeezed through the crowd one after the other and came into it. At a glance, it turned out that they were fighting for their skills. There was an open space, and there was a weapon shelf on the ground, with the blade of Class 18, and there were also some auxiliary tools, such as stone piers, stone locks, etc. Wait, there are three young men and an elderly old man. At a cold glance, they seem to be a little sick. In fact, it is true that these people also fled here. Because they want to live, they have to sell their art...

Listen to the old man's first speech: "Fathers and fellow villagers, the children and teachers who punched and kicked a leg, the little old man was forced to move away because of the disaster at home. He came to the precious land. He was not familiar with the land and came out to eat. First of all, thank you very much for your support to our men. I would like to thank you here! "

The old man made a bow when he said this, and then said, "Ex trouble, everyone, if you have money, you can hold a money field, and if you don't have money, I thank you again!" He bowed again, and then he said, "Let's practice. Saner, come on, you can practice a boxing for everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, a young man came over. He was dry and energetic and very thin. He could see that he was malnourished. He came to the center of the field, arched his hand to everyone and said 'go'. First, a horse stepped steadily, and then he raised his breath and practiced a set of long fists. There were both laymen and insiders. OK, the layman looks at the surface. At a glance, the young man's arms are shaking together. It's good, and he exclaims from time to time;

The insider took a look and saw that it was very ordinary, very ordinary long fist, and there was nothing new, but he didn't say anything else. After the young man finished practicing, there was a lot of sweat on his head. Someone quickly took a towel to wipe his sweat. The old man came over: "Guys, make a fool, show up for it."

That means that you will be rewarded with a few money, but it's strange that there is no one who gives money. The old man blushed: "Okay, everyone, maybe our three children are not practicing well. You don't feel anything new. Second brother, come and practice a flower gun!"

Look at a young man who came out of the team, he was strong, but his face was not very good. He picked up a flower gun from the weapon shelf and first made a move called 'Golden Rooster Nod'. He turned his wrist and shook hard. One gun head turned into three gun heads, and then turned into six gun heads with force, which was enough. Yes, everyone applauded and cheered. The man moved his arms, stepped on the plum blossom steps under his feet, and practiced a six-in-one gun. This gun was all working. Everyone applauded loudly. When the young man finished practicing, he was also sighing and sweating. At this time, the old man came again: "Guys, you are ugly, support it! ~”

Still no one paid, and the old man couldn't hang on his face and said, "Guys, do you think our men are not practicing well enough? If that's the case, please let me know. Our men will practice again. We have escaped from sadness. If one side is in trouble, we will support us. I heard that life here is relatively rich. When I came here, I really didn't expect that it turned out to be such a way to treat people. As soon as the words fell, he threw a few taels of silver from the crowd and fell to the ground with a crack. "Old man, I'll support you."

Everyone looked at it and showed this person. It was the Hao girl and the maid. Everyone saw that she was a big girl and was good-looking, but these people knew in their hearts that this was a hornet's nest. The old man looked up and down at the girl and nodded, "Thank you for your generosity."

He bent down to pick up the silver on the ground. Just before he wanted to pick it up, his hand was about to touch the silver and was trampled on by one foot. The old man was shocked and quickly stopped to look at the four people from the crowd. Then he looked at the four kids curled their lips and looked down on their faces. Their hair was still four colors. A yellow hair, a red hair, a green hair, and a white hair. The old man didn't know him at a glance: "Excuse me, what does this mean?"

The yellow-haired man said, "Are you new here? You know the rules of the ground, and you don't say hello to our brothers. Who approves you to perform here? Did you ask about the price?"

The old man heard: "Six people, we are here for the first time, and we really don't know what the rules are. Please forgive me."

"Oku, old man, you are a first-time offender. Forget it today, but we have to take the money, and you can keep a penny!"

"Sir uncles, it's convenient for you!" Anyway, the four kids didn't agree. Later, the yellow-haired looked hard. They knocked the old man to the ground with one punch and his face were bruised. The three young people didn't do it anymore and came up to fight with these four kids. It doesn't matter. More and more people watched the bustle. Some people said, "This is not from the West. Is the father and son of the Sun family who fled sadly? Why did you come here?"

"Isn't it? They don't know that there are four ghosts of the Huang family in Songlin Town. Isn't there something wrong?"

Everything was said. The strong dragon did not suppress the local snake and couldn't beat others. Later, the four ghosts were forced to turn around in the field. At this time, someone came from the government, and everyone flashed to both sides, "Don't fight, stop!"

A leader came to the scene, and the two sides stopped and listened to the leader say, "I already know everything about your affairs. I think that's it. You divide the money into two, half of which is given to the Sun family and his son as medical expenses, and the other half to the Huang family. I think that's it!"

At a glance, the father and son of the Sun family had no choice but to apologize. When they left, everyone thought it was over and suddenly heard the yellow-haired ghost shout, "Wait a minute, who threw the silver? Stand up with me!"

As soon as everyone heard it, they quickly hid and exposed Hao Guihua and the maid. The boy looked at Hao Guihua and sucked away his soul at that time. Oh, why didn't I know that there was such a beautiful girl in Songlin Town?

Thinking about moving forward, he said, "Miss, did you throw the silver just now?"

The girl looked at him and felt a burst of nausea. Without answering, she turned around and left. The yellow-haired man just wanted to chase him, but was stopped by the other three ghosts, "Brother, this is in broad daylight, and there are people at the door next to it. I'm afraid it's not appropriate?"

This guy suddenly woke up and said, "Yes, yes, you send someone to stare at her to see whose girl she is!"