Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 44 Paranormal

Before Tao Yuan could speak, Yuer said again, "What day is it today? Why are the guest rooms in Yingzhou full!?

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Are you from other places?"

Tao Yuan: "Yes, we went to Beijing to visit relatives!"

Shopkeeper: "No wonder your accent is not like the locals. You may not know what happened in Yingzhou. Tomorrow is very lively. It is the first day of the marriage competition. You are here! This store is full of heroes and martial arts heroes who live on both sides of water and drought. They are going to take the stage to the martial arts competition tomorrow!"

As soon as two people heard it, so that's it. What should we do now? There was only one room left. Tao Yuan subconsciously looked at Yuer. Yuer said, "Well, then let's both be wronged and give us that room."

The man promised to go and get ready. Tao Yuan couldn't help but be very embarrassed, but he couldn't stop him. What do you think this lonely man and woman sleeping in a room at night?

The two came to the room and saw that the cabin was not big, but very clean. The tables, chairs and benches were relatively simple. The only thing that made Tao Yuan feel unacceptable was that there was only one bed. How could this be? However, looking at Yuer's expression, she was leisurely and comfortable and there was nothing strange.

At night, Tao Yuan is a little uncomfortable. If she doesn't know that she is a girl, it makes sense, but now she knows that she is a girl. What if it spreads?

At dinner, Yuer looked at Tao Yuanle: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you eat? Are you still thinking about how to sleep at night? I have a way!"

Tao Yuan hurriedly asked, "What can I do?" Of course I slept **, and you slept on the ground!"

What did Tao Yuan hear? Let me sleep on the floor! This...

Yu'er continued, "Am I your lifesaver?"

Tao Yuan said, "Yes!"

"Then as a girl, you still have to pity the jade? Besides, we are brothers all the way. You are my brother, and my brother has to let his brother go!"

Tao Yuan was speechless and had to acquiesce! After eating for a while, Tao Yuan suddenly remembered something and asked, "Miss Yuer, I have something unknown. Let me teach you face to face!"

Yuer looked at Tao Yuan and said, "Tell me!"

"That night, I heard crying come to a courtyard, hanging upside down in the room, and listening to the truth. Suddenly, a person in the room shouted, 'You two don't have to be afraid, Tao Yuan is coming! With me, Tao Yuan, you will be safe! Is that person you?" As soon as Tao Yuan finished speaking, Yuer couldn't help laughing. "Hahaha" kept laughing, which made Tao Yuan smile in a panic. Later, Yuer put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth. "That's right, that person is me!"

Tao Yuan asked again, "Who pushed me down the slope?"

Yuer did not shy away from it, "It's me too!"

Tao Yuan was a little angry, but there was nothing he could do. Who let others save himself? Then how did you know that I pretended to be a bride and entered the mantis village?"

Yuer didn't agree, "If I don't have two brushes, how can I fool around in the world?" You can pretend to be a bride, but I can't pretend to be a family member?

Oh, Tao Yuan suddenly realized that she was the family who sent her relatives together. Yuer continued, "In order to save you, I took great pains to set them a fire in the backyard so that you can get out of danger. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for both of you and me to escape from the mantis village." Tao Yuan couldn't help admiring that this woman was really brave and resourceful, so she looked at Yuer again with the light. Yuer looked at her, "What are you looking at? Eat quickly!"

She finished eating, and nothing happened. Tao Yuan also finished eating. Yuer opened the window and looked out. The night scene in Yingzhou was very charming and deeply attracted Yuer. She saw the pavilions, the beautiful streets, and a prosperous scene. She said to herself, "If I could live such a life every day, it would be more What a happy thing!"

Looking back at Tao Yuan, "Brother Tao, why don't we go out for a walk?"

Tao Yuan was not in the mood to go out. He just wanted to have a good rest and wait for the road tomorrow, but he couldn't stand Yuer's to tosss. He said that he was working hard, so the two of them left the store and came to the most prosperous street in Yingzhou City called Ruby Street. This street was wide and long, with the largest number of people. They walked along the street and walked. As they walked, they were suddenly attracted by a building. The two came forward and saw a sign not far away, which said: Martial Arts Platform.

There is a pair of couplets on the left and right sides; the upper couplet: welcome the heroes of the three mountains and five mountains, and meet friends with martial arts; the lower couplet: looking forward to the heroes of the five lakes and the four seas, cooking wine and discussing swords.

The ring is not high, about one foot and three feet. Although it is not high, it may be difficult for ordinary people to go up if they don't walk the ladder. It is very wide and made of hardwood. It is very strong. There is a grandstand on both sides, and colorful flags are flying. Many people are still pointing below. Tao Yuan stopped a local and asked him: "This little Brother, may I ask why the front ring is standing?

The man looked at it and said, "You are not locals, are you? You can tell at a glance. Who doesn't know what this ring is for? Tomorrow is the first day of the martial arts competition for the daughter of the king of Yingzhou. Who doesn't watch this bustle?

Tao Yuan only understood. After walking around, Yuer was a little tired. "Brother Tao, let's go back and have a rest!"

The two returned to the store, and the shopkeeper greeted him, "How's it going? Are you two having a good time? Dude, bring two basins of foot washing water for the two guest officials!"

Everything was ready. Yuer was really rude. She took off her boots, lay down with her clothes, and lay down on ** and covered the quilt. She fell asleep. Tao Yuan saw that there was nothing she could do. She lay on the floor, lay on the ground and fell asleep in a daze...

In the middle of the night, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came from the outside, and then someone smashed the door of the store, but the sound was not loud. Tao Yuan woke up, looked at the moon, and judged the time. He said in his heart that it was so late, why did anyone come to stay in the store? Isn't this store full? At the same time, Yuer also woke up, sat up from ** and whispered to Tao Yuan, "I seem to hear something?"

Tao Yuan nodded to her. The two gently took the things and hid them around the door, just in case. If there is nothing wrong, it is naturally good. If there is, they must take precautions. After about a long time of incense, I heard a slight creaking sound on the floor, as if there were more than one person, and the two quickly raised their vigilance!