Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 63 Dark Chencang

Fight for 50 rounds, and suddenly an unexpected thing happened!

Wang Yanling fought hard. Suddenly, he saw the golden crown Taoist's wrist turn over, and the sword went straight to the monk's lower abdomen and stabbed away. He was fighting against Wang Yanling. Then pay attention to this hand, and he didn't expect that his own people could stab his own people! This sword just pierced the monk's lower abdomen, and the tip of the sword came out from behind. The old monk was in pain, "Ah!!!"

with a scream, and then looked at the golden crown Taoist hand retreating back, jumping out of the circle. The old monk put a stick on the ground as a stick, and looked back at the golden crown Taoist, "You, you, why did you want to kill me? I won't die... No name!"

After saying that, he fell to the ground and died in anger. Wang Yanling looked at the real thing and said to himself what was going on?

Is this golden crown Taoist crazy? He didn't move, and there was a group of people behind him. At a glance, they all stuck out their tongues and what's wrong with talking in their hearts. Why did the mouse move back in the knife nest? Did the golden crown Taoist take the wrong medicine? They were thinking about it. Looking at the golden crown Taoist and retreated back, the big sword went straight to Jiang's camel. Jiang's camel was stupid and looked at The previous scene was stunned and didn't know what to do there with his mouth open. At this time, the golden crown Taoist's sword arrived, and he did not guard it in advance. This sword just pierced Jiang Zichao's chest, and the sword seedlings came out from behind. Jiang Zichao realized the pain. It was impossible to fight back again. He pointed to his right hand, "You , you, even kill me...!"

After saying that, he went back to that world...

At a glance, all the thieves were all stupid and at a loss. Then they saw that the golden crown Taoist did not stop. As soon as the sword retreated, they ran to the group of thieves and got off the guy. "Puffing" was like cutting melons and cutting vegetables. In an hour, there was no one left, and all of them died! Unfortunately, I don't know why I died! What a sadness!

It's all over. The golden crown Taoist looked at Wang Yanling with a smile, "How about Wang Daxia? You don't have to bother, the old man will finish it for you! Hahahaha!" Wang Yanling didn't understand what was going on, so she asked, "Master, what do you mean!"

The old man said happily, "Wang Daxia, can't you see it yet? I don't plan to do anything with them. They usually do all kinds of evil. I am alone and alone, and I don't have the opportunity to walk for heaven. Today, you have helped me. Finally, you can eradicate the traitors of one side and breathe for the people!"

Wang Yanling was also skeptical. Jinguan Taoist continued, "Wang Hero, if you don't dislike it, how about you and my room?"

Wang Yanling is trying to figure out what's going on? So he didn't refuse. He followed Lao Dao into the hall. The two sat down. These guys ate well at night. The big fish and meat had not moved their chopsticks. The old Tao poured a glass of wine for Wang Yanling and filled himself. He picked up the glass and looked at Wang Yanling, "Wang Hao, in fact, the poor Tao has heard your name for a long time. Today, I can see the truth. It's Sansheng who is lucky. Come here, you and I have a drink, and I have a lot to say in my heart!"

As he said, he raised his neck and dried the glass of wine. Wang Yanling didn't drink it. He looked at it and laughed, "Is it possible that I still have more Wang heroes? All right!"

As he spoke, he picked up Wang Yanling's glass of wine and drank it, and then poured two cups again. "Do you have any scruples this time?"

Wang Yanling observed his words and looked at his sincerity. When he saw that the old man was sincere, he put down half of his hanging heart. Looking at the wine, there was nothing abnormal in it, so he drank it all. The light wind outside floated in, and a smell of blood pierced his nostrils. The old man said, "Wang, this smell is really bad. I lit the sandalwood! "

turned around and lit the sandalwood beside him. Suddenly, cigarettes were everywhere, and the smell of sandalwood permeated the whole hall. The old man returned to his seat and filled Wang Yanling with a glass of wine. "Wang, I will treat you with this glass of wine. Even if we meet for the first time, I admire you very much. I will do it first!"

He took a sip and drank it. Wang Yanling looked at it. He was old-fashioned and warm-hearted, and his neck was dry, but when he just finished drinking this glass of wine, he felt a little dizzy, huh? Wang Yanlingxin said, haven't I slept well for many days? Or a little tired? No! When I thought of something wrong, I felt that the world was spinning, and the secret road was not good! Lie down on the table and be unconscious!

The Golden Crown Taoist laughed wildly, "Hahahahahahaha, hahaha!" After laughing wildly, he pointed to Wang Yanling with his hand and said, "Get up! Hit it! Aren't you good at martial arts? Why don't you move? You killed so many people, and I didn't expect you to die in my hands today!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the big sword, held the sword in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword at Wang Yanling, and said a word in his mouth, "Two brothers, today I will avenge you!" For this hatred, I killed all my good friends at all costs in exchange for your trust. I didn't expect you to really get into my trap. They all died because of you, but you can't blame me. In this way, it's cheap for me to kill you with one sword. I'm going to open your heart!"

He put the sword back, came to the courtyard with Wang Yanling, tied Wang Yanling on a pillar with a rope, and then took a copper basin full of water and put it on the table. He reached out a bright dagger from his waist and came to Wang Yanling and cut open his clothes, revealing his front heart. Wang Yan Ling is no different from the dead now. She doesn't know anything. You don't know the pain even if you hit him. Looking at the old dagger at Wang Yanling's front heart, it's a knife.

If a knife is pierced, Wang Yanling's life can't be saved. In an instant, a person came to the wall of the yard. This person looked at it. It's not good. Someone was murdered. He was also in a hurry. He rushed forward, and the golden knife in his hand ran to the back of the evil road and cut it. "Wow" arrived. Just as he was about to do it, he heard that the evil wind behind him was not good. If he stabbed in with a dagger, his life would be gone. He quickly flashed aside and looked back. He saw an old man standing in front of him. In fact, he was not very old. His three wisp of ink and five facial features were correct, and he had a golden knife in his hand. At a glance, he knew him, it was the Jiang family. Jiang Zhenxing, the ninth old 'Golden Knife King' in Shandong, Jiang Daxia, came really in time!

How did he get here?

In fact, it's not surprising. Wang Yanling fought in front of him, and the old man thought in his heart: Look, he came to me to avoid the rain and caused so much trouble. He fought alone in front of him. I was also a martial arts practitioner, but he hid behind him. What kind of style is this? My nickname is also one of the ten elders in Shandong. What a shame! They are not afraid to sacrifice their lives to protect our father and son. I am the father of the party, and I actually live here!

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable it was. Later, he gritted his teeth and came out from behind. He was just in time for Wang Yanling's room to chase Jiang Zitao. He was afraid that Wang Yanling was at a loss, and he also followed closely behind him and was reluctant, but his feet could not compare with Wang Yanling, so he opened the distance. , but in this direction, he judged that he must have gone to Jiang Zi Tuo's house. He knew where Jiang Zi Tuo lived, so he went there directly, but he came a step late. When he entered their house, he looked into the room again. ** There was a man lying down and had died. If he took a closer look, it was Jiang Zi Tuo's son, Lao Xia Yi. Thinking about it, he didn't have time to stay here and jumped out of the back window. He came to the backyard and carefully analyzed it. He knew that Jiang Ziju must have run away. Where can he run? Is there any place he can hide or hide near here?

Later, I thought that the owner of Jindouzhai and Jiang Zijuan were good, so the old man rushed to Jindouzhai with a golden knife on his back. His speed was not very fast. In addition, the old man was also a few years old, and he wasted thinking on the road. When he rushed to Jindouzhai, he went to the wall and looked in the courtyard. Seeing that the evil way was about to kill Wang Yanling, he gave the evil way from behind! This is what happened in the past!

Lao Dao looked back and saw that it was the old Jiang's head. He was angry and pointed with his hand, "The surname is Jiang! What are you going to do?! Could it be that you and this doll are also in the same group!?"

Jiang Zhenxing twisted his beard, "Yes, the old man came for him!"

The old man didn't want to talk nonsense. He pulled out the big sword and fought with Jiang Zhenxing. Let's seek truth from facts. Jiang Zhenxing's kung can't beat the old way, but the old man just fought with Wang Yanling, and later killed so many people and consumed a certain amount of physical strength. Jiang Zhenxing just came here and was full of physical strength, so for half a while The meeting can't be divided into 30 rounds. The old Jiang also risked himself. He has never used so much force. He danced the golden knife and flipped up and down. The wind and rain are impenetrable, and the old way is even worse. The big sword starts up and down, dancing like a sword mountain. After a long time, Jiang Zhenxing can't stand it, the old man What I'm tired of is booing and gasping. When it comes to the move, it's a little messy. One move is not as good as one move. One move is not as good as one move. It is forced to retreat one after another. Only the merit of the fight is not enough to fight back. If you delay a little longer, the old knight's life is worried. At this critical moment, there is another person from the room. He is also an old man in the room. At a glance, Jiang Zhenxing almost couldn't stand it and roared, "Ninth brother, don't be afraid. The third brother has arrived!!!"

His voice was loud, and his legs fell to the dust as he was talking. Jiang Zhenxing was familiar with his voice and looked at "Oh". The person who came was none other than that was Tong Fengshan, the third old 'tiger-headed king' in Shandong. He was holding a dragon stick in his hand. Jiang Zhenxing was immediately refreshed and said, "Third brother, you It was just in time. Tong Fengshan came down and shook the dragon's stick to let Jiang Zhenxing. He was the enemy of Kong Yiji. The old man was not very tired now. At a glance, he came to help again, and he couldn't help bumping up. He shouted, "Okay! Today, either the fish is dead or the net is broken!"