Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 66 Nightling guang

Master Chenguang and Jiang Yulang looked down the steps. The five old men, all of them were magnificent, but they didn't know each other. Master Chenguang walked down the steps and twisted the Buddha beads with one hand. "Amitabha, five benefactors, I don't know what you have done when you come to this temple today!"

Jin Ziyu was in front of him and asked with one hand, "Amitabha, master, it has always been good. Jin Ziyu is polite!"

Master Chenguang heard that Jin Ziyu quickly came forward, "Are you the first 'iron ruler old man' in Shandong?"

Jin Ziyu held his fist and said, "Yes, it's just an old man!"

The morning light was happy, "Haha, it turns out that there are distinguished guests visiting today!"

Jin Ziyu quickly called several brothers over and introduced them to Master Chenguang one by one. Master Chenguang saw that they were all great masters. How could they come to me today? It was really lucky for three lifetimes. At this time, Jiang Yulang also came to the stage. Everyone had seen each other. Jin Ziyu took Jiang Yulang's hand and said, "Jiang Shen Doctor, we are here today. First, we will visit Master Chenguang and you. In addition, there is another tricky thing to ask Dr. Jiang for help!"

Jiang Yulang was stunned, "Oh, I don't know what else you have to do with me?"

Of course, Jin Ziyu can't hide it, so he told the story one by one. In very detail, Jiang Yulang frowned as soon as he heard that Wang Yanling was poisoned and injured. He said that I had heard Wang Yanling's name for a long time. Unexpectedly, he was injured in the Jiang family and begged me. How could I stand by. Ma Shang promised to go with several elders to treat Wang Yanling's injury. Everyone was very happy. With the help of Dr. Jiang, there must be no problem!

Then it shouldn't be too late. Jiang Yulang said goodbye to the old abbot and had to go home to take the application before he could go. As soon as several old men heard it, they naturally made sense. They accompanied Jiang Yulang to Jiang Yulang's house. It was still the old man who opened the door. Seeing that the master came back, they were very happy. Everyone There was no time to rest in the room. Jiang Yulang took the application and went out and several old heroes back to Jiang's house. He had nothing to say on the way. He came back at noon. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted, "Guys, Jiang's magic doctor is here. Can you come out and pick it up?"

Before the words fell, the other four elders came out of the house and gathered around to have a look. Oh, this is the famous Jiang Yulang Jiang magic doctor. Didn't he say that this person is strange? Why is it so nice to invite?

Everyone is puzzled. In fact, they don't know Jiang Yulang's character. Although this person is strange, what he hates most in his life is the person who uses poison. Therefore, as soon as Wang Yanling heard that he was poisoned, he rushed to see what happened.

Everyone let Dr. Jiang into the house. Before Dr. Jiang went to bed, he looked at Wang Yanling lying in **. At first glance, he frowned and said that it was a vicious method. He actually killed such a poison in ten days. It seems that people who use poison are not good!

Jiang Yulang bent down to take Wang Yanling's pulse. His pulse was very weak. Then, his face was black and purple, and his chest was also very weak. Everyone asked, "Doctor, can Wang Daxia be saved?"

Jiang Yulang nodded, "For good that it's not too late!"

Everyone was very happy to hear it, because Wang Daxia was saved, but Dr. Jiang immediately put forward several requirements: first, the surrounding environment must be kept quiet, no noise, no interference; second, no one can enter the room without my permission; third, I Anything must be delivered immediately. Everyone nodded and agreed. Jiang Yulang said, "It's not too late. I'll do it right away!"

Everyone withdrew, leaving only one person. The ninth master Jiang Zhenxing helped in the room. Jiang Yulang motioned Jiang Zhenxing to take off Wang Yanling's coat. At a glance, I'm afraid that the poison gas would have to return to his heart in a few hours. At that time, even if a fairy caught Wang Yanling could not live. For your life, Jiang Yulang opened the medicine box and took out a bright knife from it, which was particularly delicate. He also took out two pipes and a blood bag from the box.

In fact, at that time, it was not called a blood bag, but a blood vessel. The blood inside was omnipotent, that is, the current type 0 blood. It quickly cut a small opening on Wang Yanling's left arm with a knife, cut a blood vessel and put the blood transfusion tube in, and cut Wang Yanling's right arm blood vessels, putting black and purple out. Of course, the speed of blood is very slow. Jiang Zhenxing looked aside and said in his heart that he had never seen such a healing method. I don't know what it was called. He also constantly praised it in his heart and found that the poison gas on Wang Yanling's body slowly receded. After a long time, the black and purple skin no longer existed and recovered as before. There was no trace at all, and the blood in the blood bag was almost lost. All the poisonous blood was released. Seeing the bright red blood, Jiang Yulang also breathed a sigh of relief. The patient was fine, but he needed more rest, and he would recover as before in time!

After dressing the wound, Jiang Yulang stood up, opened all the windows, kept them well ventilated, changed the dirty air in the room, and walked out of the room. Everyone quickly gathered around and asked, "How's Dr. Jiang, how's Wang Yanling?"

Doctor Jiang smiled and said, "Don't worry, Wang Daxia is fine now, but he must rest and not be too hasty. At least seven days or half a month can recover as before!"

As soon as you hear it, that's okay, as long as it's good! Everyone quickly gave Jiang Yulang to the front hall and set up wine and hospitality. Of course, there was no one behind, so he left the fourth master's iron fungus. The eighth master was indifferent. Others accompanied Jiang's magic doctor to the front hall. Before the banquet, everyone couldn't help thanking him. Jiang Yulang waved his hand and said, "Guys, four of the five real people in the world have died. There is still a Hua Zhenliang left. Do you think she will give up?

Jin Ziyu said, "What Dr. Jiang said is true. If we punch them, we have to guard against them. We can't help but be fully prepared to adapt to all changes!"

They were discussing things in the room, and an old family ran in in a panic, "Old people, there is something wrong in the backyard!"

In a word, he scared the people here and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

The old family said, "There was a fight later. The fourth master, the eighth master and several people of unknown origin were led by an old man!"

As soon as everyone heard it, it was said that Cao Cao and Cao arrived. It was really fast. They didn't have the mood to eat and drink. They each pulled their own blades and ran back. When they came to the scene of the accident, didn't it? It turned into a piece. The fourth master's iron fungus was fighting against the demonized Zhenliang. The eighth master was fighting with a big black man, and next to him Standing several people, there were tall, short, fat and thin. There were a total of six people looking at them, one by one with their lips curled, and 120 people who didn't care. Everyone was found by these little ones. They turned around and stopped the way. Each of them had a long sword in their hand. Several old men looked at it and didn't know it. Jin Ziyu shook the iron ruler in her hand and came to the group of guys, "Who are you?" These guys sneered a few times, "The man who wants your life!"

As he spoke, one of the little boy danced his sword and stabbed with his sword. The old knight flashed aside and said that he didn't have time to talk nonsense with them. In a word, they were not good people and did not answer. They waved the iron ruler in their hands to return the frame. The two of them Standing in one place, the second master Yin Fengyou shook the weapon in his hand and tried to help the eldest brother, but was blocked by one person, "Come on, you and I fight against three lilies!"

When the words came to the blade, the long sword hit the second master Silver. The second master quickly returned the battle. The two of them fought together. The third master Tong Fengshan rushed forward and was stopped by others. The fifth master, the sixth master and the seventh master fought against the remaining three people respectively, leaving Jiang Zhenxing and the magic doctor Jiang Yulang, watching behind. The enemy has made a veritable eight-way response history. At this time, Jiang Laoxia's home is very lively. The sound of weapons and people's shouts are endless.

There is only one group of strengths and weaknesses that are obvious, that is, the group of the fourth master Tie Muer and Hua Zhenliang. The fourth master can't beat others, and now it is the end of the strong crossbow. Jiang Zhenxing, the ninth master, observed behind. The fourth brother couldn't stand it and shook the golden knife in his hand to fight against the Zhenliang. The two brothers and his arms could not fight against Huazhen. Liang, this demon is too powerful. He protects his body on the two wheels in his hand and protects his legs. The wind and rain are not transparent. The second old man will not turn down Zhenliang. I'm afraid he will suffer losses if it takes a longer time. Jiang Yulang looks behind him and can't apply for it. Why?

He doesn't say that he doesn't know martial arts, but he can do a little martial arts, but he is usually two or five eyes. I'm afraid he can fight ordinary people, but he can't go to the battlefield. He is an insider in treating diseases and saving people. He hasn't seen a battlefield like this. He is anxious to stand behind and has no choice but to see this sword and shadow...

Time passed minute by minute by second. Seeing that the sun was about to press the mountain, and there was no victory or defeat yet. Hua Zhenliang was also afraid of long dreams at night. Seeing that it was too late, I was afraid that he would not get a bargain if he fought again. Suddenly, he jumped out of the circle with a false move, stuffed two fingers into his mouth and whistled, which meant Even if he withdrew, the man no longer fell in love with war. He withdrew from the circle one after another, danced his sword and jumped up the house slope. When they left, everyone was exhausted and did not dare to chase him.

Everyone quickly went to the room to look at Wang Yanling lying **. Fortunately, Wang Yanling was not hurt, so everyone was released and sent someone to guard closely behind. Others returned to the front hall and sat there with a sigh. Why? It seems that it is far from over, and it may have just begun. Everyone doesn't listen to it. I don't know when someone will be harassed. It seems that Jiang Jia Tuo has no life to live in peace. Everyone knows Hua Zhenliang, but the other seven people who use long swords in their hands don't know it.