Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 84 Peach Blossom

Ten female assassins want to kill Bao Shirong. Although Lord Bao said that he had practiced martial arts for a few days, how could he stand it when so many people went together?

forced him to pedal backwards, and the officers and soldiers outside arrived. The doors and windows were closed. Zhao Yun didn't see well and had to break in. He ordered several brothers in the forward camp to open the door. At that time, the door was too thin. Can't it be opened?

After hula, they broke into the house. Seeing that the ten assassins were not good, they quickly divided into two groups. Nine of them blocked the door, stopped the officers and soldiers, and fought a battle. The remaining one was distracted as soon as he entered the front. Lord Bao quickly used Shang Fang's sword to fight out. Can that touch it?

He has suffered a loss. The assassin quickly turned his wrist, and the sword went down to the plate and directly hit Lord Bao's weakness. A cold light of the sword arrived. Lord Bao looked at it and couldn't avoid it. He could only wait to die. He heard "bang" and "flopping" in his ear wheel, and then heard a scream "Ah! ~~”

Lord Bao also thought that he had stabbed it. He called it himself. He opened his eyes and saw that it was not the case. There were two people standing in front of him. Then he saw the sword in the assassin's hand fall to the ground. A pen had been deeply inserted into the assassin's weakness. Lord Bao put the Buddha in his dream. It turned out that he The person is not someone else, but Yuer...

How did Yuer come from?

We have also said that Yuer and Tao Yuan couldn't sleep. When they came out of the room, they seemed to find something. One of them went to protect Eou Chen, and Yuer went to protect Lord Bao. Yuer did not appear directly. Her shadow was in a hidden place. She saw what happened outside clearly, but the matter The piece developed too fast. For a moment, all the rooms were killed by assassins. As soon as he wanted to fly to the room, he found that the assassins picked up a lot of tiles and threw them down. The tiles flew around. She didn't have a chance. Suddenly, she saw that all these assassins fell into the house from the house. She was anxious. Others entered from outside the house, and she flew into the house. Looking into the room, the assassin was about to attack Lord Bao. In a hurry, Yuer threw out her right hand pen and hit it on the assassin's sword. When the assassin was stunned, Yuer shot down from the roof and sent her left hand pen directly into the assassin's body, so she heard a lot of inaudible voices. Lord Bao Peace of mind, in fact, he is not afraid of death. This is the normal reaction of people in this situation!

Yuer came inside and quickly joined the regiment. From the back of the assassin, the guy came down. Longfeng danced with two pens. In front of them were officers and soldiers, and behind were Yuer. Where could the assassin resist such a two sides? In an assions, more than half of them were killed and injured in an in an eyes, and there were only a few people left. One of them was in charge. At a glance, the general situation had gone. , shouted at the people around him, "Guys, let's go!"

The roof was open, and we also said that their light skills were good. The remaining four people, with the tip of the sword, rushed up. As soon as Yuer saw it, it was not so easy to leave. Two pens flew together, and their bodies also got up. Among them, the two pens pierced into the hearts of the two assassins respectively, and Yuer reached out and grabbed another in the air. An assassin's ankle was dragged back to the ground. The officers and soldiers rushed up, raised their knives and cut them. They were stopped by Lord Bao, "Stop, you have to live!"

In a word, I reminded everyone, what should I do if they are all dead? That's death without proof!

Yuer saw that there was no danger in the room, "Protect Lord Bao!"

After saying that, she nodded her feet and flew to the house. At a glance, the assassin was fleeing to the east. Yuer pressed the double pen and chased after her. The two ran down one after the other. The assassin ran back and the person behind her caught up. Her feet tightened up. It was really difficult for Yuer to chase her, because The assassin's light skills are not weak. Yuer and the assassin can travel dozens of miles away. A temple flashed in front of him. The assassin entered the temple and disappeared. This is Yuer has also caught him and entered the courtyard in a flash. She doesn't know where it is. When she comes to the courtyard, it is dark and she can't see anything. Yueyue found that there seemed to be a light shaking in the backyard, and Yuer picked up two pens and passed by...

In the book, this temple is called 'Lu Yunguan'. The master is two people, an old man and a nun. The old Taoist gave him the nickname 'Lu Feng Taoist'. This nun's name is 'Yunyang Lao Ni'. There is nothing good, but they all have kung fu... Yu'er came to the light with two pens and heard someone inside saying, "Why did you come back alone?"

A woman's voice said, "Master, uncle, my sisters are all dead in Xingyuan!"

A man's voice, "What about your brothers?"

"I don't know. I didn't see them when I came out. By the way, Master, uncle, there is another person chasing me. I'm afraid it has arrived at our temple now!"

"Insurable Heaven! How can you bring people to our temple? Didn't that reveal our whereabouts?"

Yuer looked at the figure outside. This man seemed to kneel down. "Master, uncle, the disciple is very anxious and doesn't think so much. Please do it!"

There was an old woman's voice, "Forget it, brother, what are you afraid of when you come alone? Are you and I afraid that we can't deal with her?"

"Sister, I'm not worried about him alone, but that there will be a brigade behind him. If the officers and soldiers come, I'm afraid our temple will not be guaranteed!"

As they were talking, they heard a "meow" outside, and the people in the room blew up the temple. They came to the courtyard with their swords and flew to the courtyard. At a glance, it turned out to be a cat!

He was so angry that he killed the cat with a knife. Yuer looked at it in the room. The old way was hateful. He wanted to go back to send a letter to everyone, but he was afraid that they would run away. This is a thief's nest. Lao Dao came out to kill a cat, which made Yuer very angry and said to himself: It's really a beast, and he didn't even let go of an animal!

Thinking of this, she didn't say hello. Her body floated down. In the air, she opened her bow left and right. She ran to this old way. The old way suddenly felt that the evil wind on her head was not good. She looked up and saw that it was a man with two weapons in her hand and smashed it down. The old way was also stupid. You said that you didn't have no time. You heard the golden wind. Ring, won't you just avoid it?

Why are you still looking up? At this time, Yuer's two pens arrived. At a glance, the old man couldn't avoid it. The knife in his hand crossed the top, and the two pens just hit the knife. Yuer's dragon and phoenix double pens were not light. The left pen was 20 catties, and the right pen was 36 catties. Moreover, it was smashed from the top to bottom and one catty. It's full of strength. The old-fashioned single knife is also weighs more than ten catties, and the single knife is one side, which can only be pushed up with one hand. This time, I suffered a big loss. The two pens just hit the single knife and hit the single knife down. The two pens are not too stable. The knife is relatively slippery. The two pens are slightly divided into two sides, although some strength is broken. , but there is still 70% of the strength left, which just hit the old man's two shoulders, "click" and smashed the old man's shoulder blades!

In fact, the old man's kung fu is not weak, but the environment and psychology are affected, and as soon as he was in a hurry, he made a big taboo. As a result, he smashed the old man's shoulder blades in a round. The old man's painful "Ouch" sounded. Yuer did not kill him at first sight, and made up another foot below. Lao Dao was in pain and couldn't avoid it. He was kicking on his lower abdomen. He was so strong that he kicked Lao Dao away. Behind him was a rockery. Lao Dao's body was hitting the rockery. He should have hit the rockery at once. Lao Dao's body also fell behind, and Yuer was about to fly forward. , want to see if the old way is dead or alive. If you don't die, you will make up for it. If you die, you will also want to cut off his head. Yuer is also be unyielding. As soon as she was about to go forward, she felt that there was a "hung" behind her back. If the bad wind was not good, she knew it was not good. Someone sneaked in the back and quickly rushed to the side to avoid attacks and wait for her. Turning around and looking, an old nun stood in front of her, with a fierce face and a sword in her hand. There was really a man in black next to her. Yuer carefully identified it. It was the one who escaped from Xingyuan. The old nun was angry and did not say anything. As soon as she entered forward, she stabbed her with her sword. Yuer shook her pen and returned it. Both of them In one place, the nun was really powerful. She played 30 rounds with Yuer without winning or losing. At a glance, it was difficult for the master to beat her alone. He shook the sword in his hand and joined the battle group. Yuer was one against two...

Dare to say that there are not only these people, but also people in the temple. As soon as they heard the noise, they came one after another. More than 20 little Taoist nuns came all of a sudden. When they came up, they surrounded Yuer and raised their swords at the same time, so they got off the guy. This time, Yuer couldn't eat it. Gu Zuo couldn't take care of the back, and Gu Zuo couldn't look to the right, but anyway, it was Gritting his teeth, at this critical moment, a man came to the room and shouted, "Yumei, don't worry! Brother Fool has arrived!" As soon as the words fell, the bow string sounded. After the sound, three thieves fell to the ground. The bow string sounded again, and another three thieves fell to the ground. Five times in a row, 15 people were laid down. Then the man came to the battlefield from the room and put down with his big sword in his hand to join the regiment. The sword was light, and the sword was bloody. ! Who is coming? It is Tao Yuan, Tao Dongtian! How did he come here? This is not surprising. The former said that after Lord Bao's affairs were over, we quickly went to another yard with people to see what had happened to Grandpa Chen. As a result, when we came here, the battle was over and a living man was caught. Although he was seriously injured, Lord Bao came forward to shock his father-in-law and also took his own I told everyone about the situation. Eunuch Chen is much calmer now, so he said to Lord Bao, "Lord Bao, if Mr. Tao hadn't saved today, I'm afraid my life would be gone!" Lord Bao patted Tao Yuan on the shoulder, "Tao Xia, thank you for your hard work today! It's the same there. If it hadn't been for Yuer's rescue, I'm afraid I would have been auspicious!" Tao Yuan looked into the crowd and asked quickly, "Lord Bao, where is Yuer now?" This question, Lord Bao suddenly realized, "Yes, I forgot when I was in a hurry. There were ten female assassins in total. One of them ran away, and Yuer went to chase her!" Tao Yuan was shocked, "Your Excellency, which direction did Yuer chase?" Zhao Yun looked at him and said, "Tao Xia, go east!" Tao Yuan said to you, "I'll go and have a look. Let's wait here!" Wang Yu and Ma Xue also followed. Lord Bao agreed and felt that Tao Yuan was alone, but the two of them went to the courtyard to find Tao Yuan, and there was no trace!