Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 89 Killing

The three heroes night explored the Zibohou Mansion and encountered an ambush. Fortunately, everyone had rich experience and almost passed the organ and came to a pavilion. Meng Jiugong came behind the person with his back to him out of curiosity and patted it so gently with his hand. Hearing the sound of "kab", everyone was shocked. Seeing that the dummy's arms were originally holding the left and right guardrail of the chair, he suddenly leaned back and shook his arms back, pinching Meng Jiugong's waist. Meng Jiugong also reacted too late, and the secret road was not good.

In an hour, the man's head suddenly turned around. The man was sitting, and his head turned this way, and his face was facing the front heart of Meng Jiugong. Meng Jiugong could not move now. The old man was sweating with his head. Bei Xia was shocked first. Later, when he saw it, he found that the dummy's mouth was open and knew that he was going to send a hidden weapon.

Beisha was also in a hurry. He said that if the hidden weapon was shot on Meng Jiugong's body, he would definitely die. Beixia rushed forward, and the turtle spirit seven treasure knives crossed. This move was good. His knife was very generous, and it was a precious blade. Such a horizontal one just blocked the whole facial features of the dummy, and he heard "tang Three sounds, shooting three poisonous nails from the fake man and hitting the knife of the North Man, and then watched the dummy close his mouth and twisting his head back. His hands also loosened and returned to their original position. Meng Jiugong also opened his eyes. Just now, he thought he was finished. He opened his eyes and looked at it. It was okay, Bei Xia stood next to him and understood what was going on. "Thank you, Beixia. If it hadn't been for you, my life would have been gone!"

Beixia is happy, and it's hard to say anything. Don't you say in your heart that you are looking for trouble?

Of course, this can't be said. Gu Sifang and Meng Jiugong are a deadly friendship. "Old friend, you are so old. How can you make such a mistake after walking around the world for decades? Knowing that there are many organs here, you dare to touch it everywhere!"

Meng Jiugong said, "Yes, yes, remember!" This matter is over...

They were about to pass by when they were stopped by Beixia, "Two old heroes, please think that Mr. Meng moved like this just now, which shows that this is a hidden organ. I'm afraid we are not so easy to go. We must be cautious!"

Beixia is still in front. This time, he didn't leave. He moved forward. Little by little, the turtle spirit seven treasure knives explored the way. They wanted to pass from the left. We said that there was a person sitting on the left, holding a cup of tea in his hand. Beixia was groping forward. Suddenly, he saw the man raising his right hand and the cup in his hand came out. In fact, it was not a cup. It was a cup-shaped big pimple. A steel wire came out of his right palm and raised the iron pimple. He didn't know how to design it. He went straight to the head of the Northern Xia and smashed it. The speed was too fast. The Northern Xia was moving forward. Suddenly, it was close and close. It was really difficult to dodge. The old man had been on guard for a long time. Prepared, the purple gold crutch in his hand swept out, hit the iron pimple, hit the iron pimple back in place, and shook the valley hero's arm sorely. He said that this mechanism was very powerful and powerful enough!

As soon as he withdrew his crutch, the fist came out again. In the same direction, the Northern Xia had not moved. In a hurry, the Northern Xia leaned back a little. The Guiling Seven Treasure Knife was a knife according to this thread. Suddenly, Mars splashed everywhere, the steel wire was cut off, and the iron pimple flew out. How far did it fall to the ground, and the rest of the steel The silk thread retracted, and then looked at the person on the left who didn't smile. His head went down and didn't move. They looked at it. It was good. It was dead, but they were happy too early. As soon as the string on this side broke, the mechanism on the right turned over. It was all connected. The one on the right used a fan, and then he suddenly put the fan. One horizontally, three meridian heart-questioning nails were hit from inside. Fortunately, the three people stood relatively backwards and retreated. The three heart-questioning nails were emptied, all of which were nailed to the opposite wall. The sparks emerged. The man's fan returned to its original position and did not move. The three knights looked at each other. Amitabha, it seems that it is really awesome. Li Chang spent a lot of money to ask the master to help him design the house...

They still have to go forward, bypassing from the left and being safe. They carefully walked down the steps. As soon as they reached the second step, an unexpected thing happened. We talked about four people, and we saw the one playing chess, and suddenly hit the chess pieces on the chessboard. The whole chessboard flew up, and the chess pieces on it were also hidden weapons. Thirty-two chess pieces were all smashed over. The three knights knew that the sound was wrong. There was a strong wind behind them. They quickly turned forward and shot out all their bodies. All 32 pieces fell to the ground, and the three knights fell on their feet. Earth, my heart says it's so dangerous! It's not over yet! As soon as their feet touched the ground, the ground cracked, and the northern hero exclaimed, "No, it's a pit!"

Several people exhaled and breathed their chests and held their breath up. Their bodies all soared into the air and could not fall to the ground. Look at a low room next to them. As soon as the three people changed their waists in the air, they came to the low room. As soon as they fell to the low room, with a "snoring" and the low room collapsed. Damn it! The three people were so scared that they were out of their possession. They raised their breath again, rose up and ran to the short wall. The three people fell on the short wall almost at the same time. Unexpectedly, the short wall fell down with a "Hla" sound. The three people saw that nothing could be touched in the yard. With the strength of several people, they bit With his last breath of strength, his teeth flew out desperately and did not dare to fall in the air. He jumped out of the wall of Hou's mansion with light skill. With three strokes, all three people fell to the ground. They gasped and had no strength at all. It can be said that they were physically and mentally exhausted...

Looking at the Beixia's face like dead ashes, Gu Sifang's face turned green. How long did Meng Jiugong spit out his tongue? For a long time, several people all recovered their breath, "It's so close!"

Everyone felt the same way. Beixia said, "This kind of organ is all designed with three rings of moons, which is the most powerful. I remember that when he came to Luzhou Prefecture to visit Taoyuan some time ago, he also visited Zibohou Mansion alone. As a result, he was ambushed and jumped out of the big wall after five dangers at night, which is regarded as picking up a life. The machine we experienced today. Guan was more cautious than that time. It seems that the Marquis Zibo's mansion can't get in. I think there are not only dense organs in the backyard, but also on both sides of the front!"

Gu Sifang said, "Then won't we come here for nothing tonight?"

Bei Xia said, "It's not true. After all, we know that the Zibohou Mansion has prepared in advance, and the organs are ambushed everywhere. Go back and tell everyone that it's better to make an early plan to see if there is any way to crack it!"

As soon as you hear it, what Beixia said is reasonable. At present, it can only be like this. I'm afraid that there is nothing to get in it. Moreover, their lives may be lost. They are not afraid of losing their lives, because this is not worth it. Why do they still want to do it?

So several people discussed and went back to the magistrate first to send a message to everyone to see what good advice they have...

They came back. As soon as they entered the room, people surrounded them. Lord Bao quickly asked, "How many people, how's it going?"

Bei Xia blushed, "Lord Bao, everyone, I'm ashamed and got nothing!"

As soon as you heard that Beixia is not such a person, there must be something difficult to say. Everyone asked, what's going on?

Beixia talked about it for a long time. Finally, Beixia said, "Your Excellency, I think Li Chang has been prepared for a long time. He is full of ambush in the courtyard of Zibohou Mansion. I'm not bragging about it. I won't talk about the two hermits. Their martial arts. I'm afraid none of us here can compare. The three of us went there and were at a loss when we met the authorities. We passed a few dangers, but it didn't help. Later, we barely escaped. I think we'd better sit down and discuss what to do next?

As soon as Lord Bao heard it, he smiled and said, "Six knights, thank you for your hard work. It's already very good to be able to do this. I'm afraid that others may not be able to come back! Sit down quickly and let's discuss it together!"

A few people sat down, and everyone sat down and worried. What should I do? Lord Bao asked, "Jiuru, you have been in Luzhou for many years. Who designed and helped the construction of this Zibohou Mansion?"

One sentence really reminded everyone. As soon as Bei Xia heard it, he took over the words, "Yes, if you know which master helped design the ambush, as long as you find this person, won't everything be fine?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Deng Jiuru. Lord Deng carefully recalled that he had been there when the Marquis of Zibo built the mansion, because at that time, Marquis Zibo had just been awarded the emperor. At that time, Li Chang, the Marquis of Zibo was good, especially his wife was virtuous, but later he changed. Lord Deng remembered that Li Chang also mentioned it to him. It is said that this Zibohou Mansion must be repaired differently from others. I did not hesitate to pay a lot of money to invite a great foreign master, who specializes in five elements of gossip, ambush, and then what happened? Lord Deng wants who this person is? After many years, my eyes finally lit up and I remembered, "Guys, I finally remembered a person. If I can get this person, the Purple Marquis's Mansion will definitely be broken!"

Everyone quickly asked, "Who is this person!"

Lord Deng said, "This man is called 'swallowing the universe' Ruan Lingyu!"

Everyone has heard of his name. No one in the world knows that there is a 'sleeved swallowing universe', but after saying this, Lord Deng frowned again. Everyone doesn't understand what's going on?

Lord Deng said, "But this man's dragon is unpredictable and doesn't know where he lives and how to find it?" At this moment, someone next to him was happy, "Don't worry. I know where he is!"