Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 110 Zombie's Soul

Gu Sifang took the coffin of Mount Tai to go to Mount Tai. When he passed by Qingshui County, he encountered a strange thing. A group of people passed in front of him seven or eight times. The old man felt very strange and grabbed a man and put him in the woods, but what was stunned was that the man's eyes were open and motionless. , no pulse and heartbeat, no breathing, but you can still walk on the ground. It's really strange. Gu Sifang has walked around the world for so many years and has never seen such a strange thing. The old man judged from medical theory that people are indeed dead, but why they can still walk like normal people? This is puzzled. Gu Xiao Yi lowered his voice and asked, "Grandpa, what the hell is going on? I'm really a little panicked. We're not... Did you hit the hell?"

Gu Sifang stared, "Don't talk nonsense, there are no demons in the world! You must not let our drivers hear it. If they ask, you will be careless and fooled. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will be scared. At that time, no one will be left!"

Gu Xiaoyi understood what Grandpa meant and was also afraid. Although it was not dark, he couldn't stand such a thing happening during the day. Gu Xiaoyi relied on courage, "Grandpa, what should I do?"

Gu Sifang was also at a loss. He didn't know what to do next. At this time, the team of people turned back again. This time, they came straight to the woods where they rested. Maybe they found that one person was missing. They came to look for them. These drivers resting on the ground are almost resting on the ground. As soon as I poked my head and saw these people, my heart thumped. The drivers were puzzled and saw that this group of people's eyes were straight and walked this way. Everyone hid behind Gu Sifang and Gu Xiaoyi. Gu Xiaoyi had the courage and shook the whistle in his hand to stop the way. "Who are you? Give it to me? Stop and take a step forward. Don't blame me for being rude!"

I didn't know that this trick was to fool the children. It had no effect on these people as if he couldn't see it. He continued to move forward. Gu Xiaoyi really had no choice. He waved the whistle stick in his hand and ran to the buttocks of the person at the head. With a "pop", Gu Xiaoyi used 30% of force, but after the fight, Unexpectedly, this person did not respond and continued to move forward. Gu Xiaoyi was really anxious this time. This time, he used ten times of his strength. A whistle hit the front man's head. After hitting him, Gu Xiaoyi's arm was numb. The man was fine, but after hitting his head, this person changed greatly. Originally, his body was moving forward. In this fight, he suddenly turned around and faced Gu Xiaoyi. Originally, their arms did not move when they walked. This time, they ran forward and raised his left palm to hit Gu Xiaoyi's face. Gu Xiaoyi saw that this guy would move.

He did not dare to neglect and flashed to the side. The whistle in his hand was not waiting to be moved. Then he looked at the man's right palm and hit Gu Xiaoyi's front heart directly. Xiaoyi retreated back. The man's palm was empty, and the two people stood on the edge of the woods. Strangely, the other people faced the man who did it. Not moving, as if watching the battle for the master, the man who was captured by Gu Sifang unconsciously stood up and returned to the local area. Gu Sifang did not pay attention to him and had been watching the battle for Gu Xiaoyi. The old man frowned. He saw that the man actually used a cloak. The old man was puzzled and said this. There are not many people in the world who will wear palms. How can these be such palms...

For a while, Gu Xiaoyi and that man had fought for 40 rounds. The whistle in Gu Xiaoyi's hand hit at least a dozen sticks on this person, but he was fine. At this time, Gu Xiaoyi was already sweating profusely and gasping!

Gu Sifang looked bad and shouted later, "Xiaoyi, withdraw quickly and let Grandpa deal with him!"

Gu Xiaoyi was very tired. Hearing the shout, he quickly retreated, retreated behind his grandfather, and then looked at Gu Sifang. He leaned forward and shook his crutch. Why didn't the old man use his palm? The old man felt that this group of people seemed to be manipulated, so he did not dare to touch him directly with his body. He smashed Huashan with a crutch and smashed it down, just on the person's head. Gu Sifang's kung fu was strong enough. He heard it in his ear wheel, "click", and people noticed that the man's head was hit by the crutch. Two halves, but very shocking. The head was broken, and there was a head in it. As soon as the head came out, the old man found that this man's eyes were muttering, "How dare he pretend to be a ghost in broad daylight!" The old man suddenly thought of why touching their bodies was so hard, without pulse, heartbeat and breathing. It turned out that there was still a shell outside them!

When the ancient heroes asked this question, these people did not show weakness. At first glance, they had been seen through and came up to besiege together. Gu Xiaoyi also understood at this time and asked the carmen to retreat. Where did the carmen see this? They were so scared that they hid behind the trees and had everything. At this time, Gu Sifang and Gu Xiaoyi had They fought together with this group of people. There were many of these people. They put the coffin on the ground, dozens of people beat two people, and all of whom were put on their palms, making the two of them tired and gasp. Gu Xiaoyi's whistle stick basically had no effect on people. Although Gu Sifang said that he knocked overturned several people, he was unable to do it. , there are many first people, and the second one has a shell on his body, which is very hard and can't beat. The two of them are about to suffer losses. A person came from the road as if flying, fast enough!

This man came to the scene of the accident, made a big calculation in his hand, and rushed into the encirclement circle after a few strokes. Gu's master and grandson were overjoyed. It was Wang Renwei, the shopkeeper of Zenlin. The three of them were back to back. Now is not the time to chat, Wang Renwei said, "Old hero, You beat down their hood with a walking stick, and I have my own way to deal with it!" It's not easy to say. The old hero shook his spirit and his crutches danced like flying. Looking at Wang Renwei, as long as Gu Sifang shot down a person's hood, Wang Renwei followed the situation and threw the abacus beads out, specializing in hitting this person's eyes. Wang Renwei really worked hard on the abacus. One hit them accurately, not a short time, beat these people. I had to cry for my father and mother. After death and injury, the remaining people did not dare to stand forward and shrink back to reveal the three people. Ouch, the three people were so tired.

Before everyone could catch their breath, suddenly the coffin on the ground flew up and went straight to the three of them. The three people flashed to the side. The coffin happened to meet a tree opposite, "Cock", and the coffin burst. After a stream of white smoke, one person stood in front of him!

The three people stared at this person, and then looked at the white face, which was scary. When they took a closer look, this face was not fake. He was dressed in white clothes. His eyes were like electricity and his hands were behind his back. They looked at the three people in front of him. Everyone looked at it and didn't know him. After looking at it for a long time, this person came to the three people. As soon as he spoke, he said a little shrill, "Ha ha ha, you are really bold. You dare to come to my territory toss around and kill and hurt my brother! Do you want to leave here safely? It's more than heaven! Do you volunteer to tie it, or let me work hard!"

Wang Renwei walked to the front and hugged his fist, "This hero, who the hell are you? Can you sign up!"

"Hmm!" This man curled his lips, "It's up to you, the pheasant has no name, the straw shoes have no size, and you still ask for my name and surname, and you deserve it!" He paused for a moment, "I'd like to hear who you are, report your names, and then go to the Lord of Hell to report to you!"

This guy is really crazy. Wang Renwei also took a breath to take a breath, "Okay, let's talk quickly. I'm the shopkeeper of Jilu Zenlin in Furong Town, not far from Qingshui County. Wang Renwei, who is known as the 'iron abacus', is also~~!" I also deliberately pulled a long tone!

When this guy heard this, he shook his head, "Wang Renwei, I haven't heard of it! Who are you?" He pointed to Gu's grandson. Before Gu Sifang could speak, Gu Xiaoyi jumped to the front, "You guys are so boring. Do you know who I am? Gu Xiaoyi, a young chivalrous man, is known as the 'Red Boy'! Do you know who is behind me? That's my grandfather, who is known as the 'Old Tomb Old Man'!

When this person heard this, he also took a breath of cold air and looked up and down carefully, "Oh, you are Chenzhou's hermit valley! But today, no matter what I am, the word 'death' comes here!"

After saying that, he explored his palms and went straight to the four directions, and the four directions did not show weakness. As soon as he leaned forward, the two came together and fought in one place! Hanging palms against gossip series palms, the two of them stretched out their hands for 30 rounds, and there was no point to win or lose. Gu Sifang lived in Chenzhou for a long time. He knew that there were not many people in the world who would wear palms, but it was really not simple for this person to practice the hanging palms to be so amazing. Look at this, it's not easy to win the other party, but yes It is also difficult for Fang to win Gu Sifang, which is called meeting opponents and meeting good talents.

Gu Xiaoyi and Wang Renwei gave the old chivalrous objective enemies behind. At a glance, if it takes a long time and it's dark, it may not be okay. It's not a way to go on like this. Once the two discuss it, let's not watch it behind. Let's go together! Thinking of this, the two of them rushed forward and shook their weapons and joined the regiment. The three of them attacked together. This person couldn't stand it. This person saw that the situation was not good for him, and it was going to be dark. He was happy. As long as it was dark, it would be our world...