Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 115 Micro Service Tour

The sudden surprise made Gu Xiaoyi sigh infinitely. How could it be so coincidental that he was saved by Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling, but some people must be confused. How could Tao Yuan and Wang Yanling appear here?

We have to explain. First of all, Tao Yuan has been injured in the ring since Qixing's ring, but Tao Yuan's foundation is profound. He returned to Luzhou Prefecture for recuperation. Every day, he uses internal force to adjust his breath, and with some good elixirs, his body recovers very quickly. Of course, Yuer is indispensable. The careful care is meticulous. During this period, Tao Yuan also enjoyed a period of high-level treatment, and all the knights also came to greet and visit. Lord Deng and Lord Bao also came to see a lot. In not many days, Tao Yuan recovered as before, and Meng Jiugong's body gradually recovered...

During this period, the officials of Luzhou Prefecture have not been idle. Zibohou Mansion went to the sky and turned into ruins, but they had to find some clues from it. The two adults felt that the matter was absolutely not that simple. There must be a big hand behind it controlling the overall situation. Who is it? Now I don't know, so I go to clean up the scene every day. These work day and night, and finally there are new discoveries...

One day, it was Zhang Zhaomalu's class, who took a group of people to Zibohou Mansion to continue searching. Their order was to search. According to the process, it was found that the pavilion with four people playing chess in the backyard we said before. Of course, the pavilion no longer exists, a piece of rubble. Everyone cleaned up the rubble and found that something was wrong on the ground. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a hole. Maybe it was a crack caused by the explosion. At first, they didn't pay attention to it. Later, they found that the soil fell down along the hole. The two quickly ordered people to dig the edge with tools and found that the hole was really not small. Below the steps. The two asked several brothers to watch on it and took some people into the hole. In fact, it was a tunnel. Zhang Zhao Malu was in front of him and walked down the steps. It was really difficult to be spacious inside. They didn't have to bend over with torches. The more they walked in, the wider they went out and found that they could go two miles. The light flashed in front of us, and everyone quickly walked forward. When we arrived at the entrance of the cave, there was a long river with nothing left. They went out of the cave, looked around, and argued in the direction. Zibohou Mansion was already far away. As soon as everyone discussed, this was an important clue. We had to go back and report it to the adults. Running back on the original road, Zhang Zhao ran to the front. As he was running, he suddenly slipped and fell. Ma Lu smiled, "Brother, your kung fu is useless. How can you run and fall down, haha!"

Zhang Zhao said, "A man has a mistake, and a horse has a leaky hoof. What is a fall? What's so slippery? If you step on it, you have to fall!"

As he spoke, he stood up and patted the dust on his body. He turned around and subconsciously looked at the ground. Suddenly, he found that there was something on the ground that was shining with fire. Zhang Zhao reached out and picked it up. At first glance, it was a bracelet, jade, very exquisite, but he couldn't call it. When Minger came, Malu looked at it and was happy again. "Brother, I don't think you fell. It's really time to fall. You also got a bracelet. It's really worth it!"

Zhang Zhao stared at him, "Brother, why do you say that? We have been with adults for many years, and this thing should be handed over. Maybe this thing may provide some important clues!"

Malu's eyes turned, "Brother, I think someone may have fled in a hurry and didn't notice that something had fallen. Will there be anything else in this hole!"

Zhang Zhao heard that what Ma Lu said was reasonable and quickly ordered people to search carefully in the cave. This search was really effective. Later, everyone gathered together and picked up a total of four things. In addition to Zhang Zhao's bracelet, he found two pearl necklaces and a brocade box. Opening the brocade box, he saw a dazzling one Ye Mingzhu, everyone did not dare to neglect and let some people stare here. The two ran back to the government office and reported to Lord Bao and Lord Deng.

When the two presented the things, the two adults were shocked and circulated to each other and asserted that these things must be items in the Zibohou's mansion, that is to say, someone escaped from the tunnel. Lord Bao sent a message and called Chunhong. Chunhong was a maid in the Zibohou mansion we talked about before, serving the old lady. After that, Chunhong had nothing to do. Lord Bao and Lord Deng gave her some money to do something in Luzhou. During this period, Chunhong also found a scholar. The two fell in love at first sight and got married. Now they have opened a grocery store, and their lives are also leisurely. Suddenly, they heard the summons and hurriedly When he came to the government office, he met two adults. Lord Bao put these four items in front of Chunhong, "Chunhong, look at these things. Have you ever seen them?"

Chunhong took it over and looked at it carefully, and suddenly became interested in this bracelet. "Your Excellency, this bracelet, yes, Li Chang once brought this jade bracelet. I've seen it. This is Li Chang's thing!"

"Are you sure this is Li Chang's thing?"

"Yes, my lord, you are very kind to me. How dare the little girl deceive you? This is indeed Li Chang's thing. I haven't seen the rest, but Li Chang has not received bribes for a day or two. Seeing that these things should be given to him by others, this bracelet also seems to have some origin!?

Lord Bao's eyes lit up, "Chunhong, what do you mean by saying that the bracelet has some origin?"

Chunhong frowned and thought carefully, "Oh, I remember, my lord, it's like this. This bracelet is called Yulong Fire. It seems that when Li Chang held a birthday banquet, a king gave it to him. It was very precious. He also couldn't put it down. It seemed that he also held a special banquet to appreciate it. Bracelet, I was also present at that time. I saw that the light in his room dimmed, brought clear water with a golden basin, and then put the bracelet into the water. After a while, I saw that the bracelet changed, as if two dragons were swimming in the water, emitting bursts of fire. The people present were all awe!"

Lord Deng didn't think much about anything else. He thought that this was just a valuable bracelet, but Lord Bao repeatedly said, "Yulong ground fire, jade dragon ground fire... Why are you so familiar with it?"

Lord Deng asked, "Do you think of anything?"

Lord Bao's eyes suddenly lit up, "I remember that this jade dragon fire was originally a national treasure. Later, when the emperor appointed Li Zhe as the king of Cangzhou, he gave it to him, and now this treasure appears in the Zibohou Mansion, which Li Chang brought. What does this mean? It is very likely that Li Chang is not dead and escapes from the tunnel, so where can he go? Cangzhou!"

When everyone heard it, the adult analysis was very correct. What should we do? Everyone sat down and discussed it well, and finally made a decision. Lord Bao personally wanted to visit Cangzhou to make a secret plan. So who will follow? Lord Deng said, "Now that Li Chang has been eradicated on the ground in Luzhou, nothing has happened. Zhang Zhao, Malu, Wang Ren and Wang Yi are enough. No one can do it when they go to Cangzhou? You'd better take the rest with you!"

Later, it was decided to send out all of them. Lord Bao was the leader, Tao Yuan, Yuer, Meng Jiugong, the four chivalrous men in the east, west, north and south, as well as Zhang Feng, Zhao Yun, Wang Yu and Ma Xue. There were 12 people in total. The officers and soldiers could not be brought with them. If there were too many people, it was also eye-catching. The target was too big and it was easy to be found. Of course, these twelve people were all dressed up. Outside, you can't call the original name. Lord Bao is called outside. Everyone pretends to be a passenger who is a businessman, hides sharp blades, rides horses, and drives cars. Lord Bao has to get on the car. The group of people set off immediately...

As he walked, Lord Bao felt that more than a dozen people were also more conspicuous. What should he do? Later, after discussion, he first sent a vanguard officer to stand in front of him. Later, he decided to let Tao Yuan, Yuer and Meng Jiugong. After all, they are a family. As a vanguard officer, he opened the way in front, and the remaining few people protected Lord Bao to move forward...

Let's not mention the people behind, but the three men and three horses rushed forward. How can it be so coincidental? They came to Qingshui County this day and entered the jurisdiction of Cangzhou. They stood in front and felt very lonely when they came to the town. They first found a shop to live in. The small shop was not big, but the shopkeepers and the guys were all Very enthusiastic, Tao Yuan asked, "What's the name of the shopkeeper?"

"Your surname is Li, Muzi Li!"

"Well, shopkeeper Li, I don't know something. I hope you can ask for advice?"

"Sir, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. As long as I know, I will tell you the truth!"

"Okay, why do we feel so deserted when we enter Qingshui County? It seems that no one is here?"

"Alas!" Manager Li sighed, "Son, you don't know the situation here. In fact, I shouldn't have said it, because there is no difference between saying it and not!"

As soon as Tao Yuan heard this, he had something to say, "Shopkeeper Li, if you have anything to say, come out of your mouth and enter my ear. At this, do you think it?"

Shopkeeper Li looked at it and said, "Well, since the guest officer said so, I will tell you the truth, but after that, don't be afraid!"

Tao Yuanyi Le said, "What's the matter, our courage is not so small!" It's okay for you to say it, but you must make things clear and thorough!"

Shopkeeper Li looked at the fact that there were not many people eating now. Their table was still relatively quiet, and they happened to sit on the chair and lowered his voice, "Guys, it's not far from us. There is a place called 'Ghost Wangchuan'!"