Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 125 Juxian Teahouse

Wang Yanling pulled the man in black and ran back to the Zhao's inn in one breath. Then he found that his body was soaked and gasping. Wang Yanling stopped and looked back. He wanted to see how the man in black was and whether he was injured, but when he turned around, he was shocked. He was holding a dress tightly in his hand. It was the night coat of the man in black. The man in black disappeared and ran away. He didn't pay attention to this move. Oh, Wang Yanling took this night coat and thought to himself. It seems that he doesn't want to leak his real identity. Oh, well, in a word, I did a good thing tonight. Look, the four days have passed. Go back to bed quickly and take it as if nothing has happened!

He went to the room, still the same way. He gently entered through the window, closed the window, and looked at another ** Tao Yuan. He still slept so sweetly. He also slept with his clothes. He fell asleep...

I was speechless all night. When I got up the next morning, it was already three poles a day. In fact, Lord Bao got up a long time ago. I just wanted them to have a good sleep and slow down. Everyone had finished washing up. It was already noon. The shopkeeper was very enthusiastic and asked, "How did you sleep last night?"

Lord Bao held his fist and said, "Old shopkeeper, we slept very well and are very comfortable. Thank you for your care!"

Shopkeeper Zhao waved his hand, "Everyone is hungry. I'm going to eat right away!"

After a while, the food was put on, and everyone chatted while eating. Wang Yanling asked, "Extrar, what did you gain from going out last night?"

Lord Bao smiled and said, "Of course there is a harvest, and we also heard a very important news!"

Wang Yanling looked at it and said, "What important news is convenient to talk about here?"

"What's inconvenient about that? Now everyone knows it. There are still two days, that is, the day after tomorrow, Li Zhe, the king of Cangzhou, will hold a martial arts competition in the military field, saying that he wants to select some martial arts champions. I don't know what to do?"

"Then shall we also open our eyes and see this bustle?"

"Yes, I have naturally considered this problem. I think we should go to this martial arts competition to see what Li Zhe wants to do and may find some hidden secrets!"

Of course, these words were all whispered. There is basically no one now, so it's very safe. At this time, when the stairs sounded and a young man came down from above. Wang Yanyi looked up and saw that it was the one who came to stay in the store last night. He was still dressed and didn't care too much about it. At another table. Sit down and order a few dishes, where to eat and drink...

While eating, I heard a burst of chaos outside. People shouted horses. Everyone didn't know what was going on. After a while, a group of people broke in from the outside. At first glance, they were in a bad position. They were all aggressive. Two catchers came inside and shouted loudly. "I said who is here? The shopkeeper's?!"

Master Zhao took a look and saw that the people in the government did not dare to offend him. He quickly greeted him with a smile, "Severa officials, come to our restaurant for dinner. I'll prepare it for you immediately. Please take a moment!"

In fact, they didn't just come here for free meals. Of course, it's better to have food. After listening to Mr. Zhao's words, several little guys also went down the slope. "Then we will thank the shopkeeper. Our brothers also take care of your business!"

It's just nonsense. Manager Zhao thought that these kids are the least stuffed. When did they pay for dinner, but there was no way, and they didn't dare to attack. They couldn't afford to offend them. At this table, they sat down against Lord Bao and others. After a while, they listed cups and plates. All of them were put up, and these people were not polite. They shook off their cheeks, raised their big teeth, and shouted while eating and drinking. They heard a boss say, "Damn it. Originally, Grandpa wanted to find a place to be happy today, but he didn't expect to suddenly take a job. What a mother's unlucky!"

The other head said, "What's your bad luck?" I was discussing things with my little beauty, and someone came to urge me. Alas, it's useless to complain. We just ate this bowl of rice. Hey, I said, I don't know who it was. I ate the bear's heart and swallowed the leopard. How dare I dared to go to the Cangzhou royal palace to assassinate Li Zhe. I heard that I almost hurt the prince. I really don't know the world. The highlands are thick!"

"Isn't it? You said that if you don't sleep well, you have to wander around in the middle of the night. Where are you going? Hey hey, it's a little interesting to go to the royal palace!"

"What's the point? Is the royal palace a casual place to go? However, I heard from the people in the house that this man's martial arts skills are very good. With a big knife in his hand, he was almost captured by the people in the house. Do you think it's strange? Suddenly, there was rubble flying around in the room. Let this guy run away!"

"It's nothing. If we catch it, we are still happy at home today. Why do we have to move people to look for this person? You say so. What clues do you have to give to find someone? Did you draw a broken picture or there is no appearance? It's just a rough outline. Where can we find?"

"Oh, don't complain about the task assigned above. It's useless. It really doesn't work. Find a few similar ones, catch them back, eat quickly, and have to do something!"

Lord Bao and others are listening here, thinking, what the hell is this? Oh, I really didn't expect that the officials here were so arrogant and abused their power. It's really impossible not to investigate. Lord Bao secretly made up his mind to investigate to the end! Others felt the same way. They were very angry, but they didn't move. Wang Yanling knew what they were talking about, but they didn't say anything!

The man who was eating at the table listened while eating. He clenched his fists and did not attack...

After eating and drinking, Manager Zhao quickly came over, "Sirs, how's the food? If it's not enough, I'll bring you some dishes!"

"Okay, we're all full. Thank you for the wine and dinner, then we'll say goodbye!"

As they spoke, they went out with their weapons, got on the horse, walked on foot, and walked one by one.

The shopkeeper Zhao was also sweating profusely. Looking at their backs, he finally escaped the disaster. When he returned to the room, Lord Bao and others had almost eaten. The shopkeeper quickly made tea and tasted it for everyone. The prince also finished eating. As soon as he turned upstairs, there were only Lord Bao and Tao Yuan left downstairs. While drinking tea, he was indignant. "What kind of officials are these? It's okay if you don't think about the people. After listening to what they said, it's really lawless to 'catch a few people back'!"

Lord Bao asked, "I just learned from them that someone assassinated Li Zhe last night? Who will this person be?"

Wang Yanling looked at no one around and told what happened last night. As soon as everyone heard about it, they asked Wang Yanling, "Did you hear anything from the royal palace last night?"

Wang Yanling said, "I only care about pulling the man in black away. How can I care about anything else? It seems that the sinisterness of Cangzhou can't be made clear in one or two sentences. Fortunately, Jiang Dawang didn't come, so let him stay in Hulang Mountain for a long time!"

Tao Yuan said, "Why don't we go to his palace tonight? Maybe we can find something?"

Wang Yanling smiled bitterly, "There was an assassination last night. They must have been fully prepared to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. I'm afraid that they won't get any advantage if they go there tonight. The most afraid of is to expose the target, then the gains are not worth the loss. I think we'd better wait for the martial arts competition. Let's see what Li Zhe is going on!"

As soon as you hear it, Wang Yanling's words are reasonable, and that's the only way...

Although their voice was low, they didn't notice that these words were heard by one person...

These two days have passed so fast. Everyone hasn't gone anywhere. They are nourishing themselves in the inn, waiting for the arrival of the martial arts competition. Finally, they are looking forward to this day. Everyone got up early in the morning and changed their makeup separately, which is easy to walk. Those who don't have a beard and have any kind of beard. As soon as they go out, Manager Zhao happened to welcome him. At this point, he didn't know who it was. He took a closer look. He was happy and said that these people were really strange. We don't care about this. We can do whatever we like. Everyone ate breakfast and set out to the military field!

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining, and the temperature is also very suitable. When I come to the military field, I think I came early, but there are many people who came earlier than them. People are full of noise. This is a big event in Cangzhou. Who doesn't want to open their horizons and see the world? Take advantage of this one by one Neck, look inside. In fact, the people inside have not come yet. Everyone can't wait!

Lord Bao took a look, we should find a condescending position and look around. There is a teahouse in a good location. It is just condescending, very eye-catching and very clearly. Everyone came to this teahouse and looked at the four big words 'Juxian Teahouse' above. As soon as the four people arrived in front, the shopkeeper "I'm really sorry, our teahouse is full!"