Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 151 Flying Disaster

Nanxia and Wang Yu came to Yunting Temple. The monk was really good and very polite. They let the two of them into the lobby. When they looked at the center of the room, they were stunned. There was a broken bed in the middle, with a man lying straight on it. He was also a monk with candles lit next to them...

Nan Xia stopped and asked the monk, "Master, what's going on?"

It doesn't matter. The monk's tears fell down and he cried quietly...

Nan Xia and Wang Yu looked at each other and were puzzled. They helped the monk up and asked him what was going on. Finally, the monk had no choice but to tell the matter...

It turned out that it was the abbot of this temple, Master Qiu Yi. Look, there is a big difference between this temple and the temple. How majestic the Tailing Temple we mentioned before, but when we arrived at this Yunting Temple, it was deserted and deadly silent. Qiu Yi monk was kind-hearted and kind. Here Yunting Temple has been a monk for decades. Several disciples in distress have been accepted, and a total of dozens of people maintain Yunting Temple. In the past, this temple was good, but after a heavy rain, some dilapidated places were washed away. The jersey monk and his disciples discussed what to do?

There is usually no incense in our temple, and we don't even have any sesame oil money. Every day, we can get some food and survive. However, this Qiuyi monk knows medical skills, but he is good. Practitioning medicine has never been free. There's really nothing we can do...

I knew that one day, someone from the Cangzhou Palace said that the prince invited him to go there. Qiu Yi didn't know what was going on. How dare he not to obey? Then he came to the Cangzhou Royal Palace and saw Li Zhe. Li Zhe said, "Are you the Qiuyi monk of Yunting Temple?"

"To go back to the prince, the grass people are exactly Qiu Yi..."

"I heard that you know the art of practicing medicine. There is a person in my house who has a strange disease and many good men are not getting better, so I asked you to have a look. Are you sure?"

Qiu Yi just frowned and said to himself that I had never even seen what the patient looked like. How can I talk about whether I was sure?" Back to the prince, I have to go through a look to determine whether this disease can be cured?

Li Zhe nodded, "That's reasonable. Come on, take this monk to have a look!"

The men answered and led Qiu Yi to a room. The room was very shabby. It turned out to be a firewood room. It was quite humid. A moldy smell was straight to the nostrils. Qiu Yi frowned and put a bed in the corner of the innermost wall. There was a man lying on it. The leader used his hand. "That's her. You can see for yourself. I'll go out first. Call me if there's anything!"

After saying that, the man pushed out. Qiu Yi came to the bed and saw that it was a woman. The woman was a little beautiful, but now she couldn't. Her face was haggard, her little face was yellow, her lips were blue, her teeth were clenched, and her body trembled. Qiu Yi sat by the bedside. There was no man between the doctor and the patient. When the woman said that she was unfriendly, Qiu Yi grabbed the woman's hand and helped her grasp her pulse. Traditional Chinese medicine paid attention to looking, hearing and asking. The woman's pulse was unstable and very weak. Qiu Yi carefully observed and found that there seemed to be some scars on the woman's body, and there were scars on her neck, as if she was beaten with a whip, but How can Qiuyi take off the woman's clothes? It was through judgment that he finally concluded that the woman's internal organs had been severely damaged, and the water and rice did not enter. I'm afraid she will soon die...

Qiu Yi saw that the woman was hopeless. She turned around and wanted to go out to tell Li Zhe that it might be that he moved the woman like this. The woman had a feeling. He just wanted to go out, but he didn't know how the woman got a lot of strength and grabbed Qiu Yi's wrist. Qiu Yi was shocked. When she turned around, she saw the woman's eyes open and her lips trembling. It seemed that she had something to say. Qiu Yi knew that there was something wrong with her. Seeing that there was no one left and right, she put her ear close to the woman's mouth. The woman said to Qiu Yi in a weak voice, "Teacher and father, I'm a maid in Cangzhou Wangfu. I'm afraid that I will die soon. I don't regret my death. I have to announce Li Zhe's evil deeds to the world to let the world know what kind of wolf Li Zhe is. Please help me!"

When Qiu Yi heard this, he was very scared. He said to himself: I am a monk, and I can do anything, but when I saw that the woman was very pitiful and she was about to die, I agreed...

So Qiu Yi nodded and agreed, and the woman said intermittently, "Teacher's father, one day Li Zhe's painstaking efforts** said that he hadn't heard the sound made when people were tortured for a long time. Coincidentally that day, I accidentally broke a vase. Li Zhe saw that he had a chance, so he asked someone to hang me on the beam. Several evil people The slave beat me in turn with a whip. I shouted 'Forgive my life, spare my life', but they ignored it and continued to beat me. How could a woman stand it, so Li Zhe achieved his goal. As soon as he was in a good mood and put me down, I knew that I couldn't do it. Li Zhe saw that I was about to die. Just put me in this firewood room. He definitely can't let himself participate in this matter, so he thought about the trick of finding Langzhong outside the house. Master, you must be careful. He may not be kind to you!"

As soon as the monk Qiu Yi heard this, he sweated and said to himself that he had no grievances with Li Zhe. Why did he hurt me? Impossible!

What else did this woman want to say? Suddenly, as soon as the door opened, more than a dozen people broke in from the outside, holding weapons in their hands and surrounded Qiu Yi. "Well, you big monk, our prince asked you to see a doctor. You actually had an affair with this woman. What do you want to do? We have long seen that you have something to do. Our prince respects you as a guest of honor. You actually have such an idea. Tell me, what did that woman say to you?

Monk Qiuyi, what's the matter? I didn't do anything. Monk Qiuyi suddenly stood up, "Guys, the prince asked me to see the patients here. I'm just seeing a doctor. What evidence do you have to prove our fore affairs?"

"What evidence? Do you still need evidence? Call me!"

With a fight, his men got off the guy. Qiu Yi was still not convinced. "I want to see the prince and make it clear!"

It's useless to shout. These people ignored it at all. At first glance, there was really nothing there was, and I couldn't take this immediate loss. He really practiced martial arts for a few days. The old monk shook his hands and returned it back. The evil slave dared to fight back!?

It became more and more serious. Qiu Yi was difficult to beat the four hands with two fists. Finally, he asked others to beat him, and his body was bruised. Qiu Yi finished looking at it and quickly protected his head with his hands. He said in his heart that you can do whatever you want!

These evil slaves came up with a stick. In the end, Qiu Yi's monk was unconscious, and he didn't know how long it had been. Qiu Yi understood and saw that he was already on death row in the magistrate's office!

Dragging his scarred body, Qiu Yi shouted injustice with his best, but to no avail. Who could listen to him? Later, he shouted was boring. He lay on the grass and fell asleep. For several days in a row, he did not give water or food. Qiu Yi felt that he was no longer able to beat Qiu Yi. In fact, Qiu Yi was It's unbearable, but with one breath, I can still hold on until now. In the end, the old monk was out of breath...

The prisoner died on death row. Mei Youqian, the magistrate, took a look. This didn't work. It was immediately the reason why Zhang Bang announced the incident. He said that the monk Qiuyi, the abbot of Yunting Temple, had an affair with Cuilian, the maid of the Cangzhou Royal Palace, and both of them had committed suicide...

What should I do if a person dies? I won't have a grudge after death, so I notified the people who came to Yunting Temple to carry the body back. How to bury it was their own business. Hearing this, the monk of Yunting Temple cried and brought back the old monk's body back. Of course, they also saw the content of the notice. Who didn't know what was going on, but What can I do? Put the old abbot's body on the lobby and chant the scriptures every day. Today is the third day, and it will be ready to be cremated on the fourth day, otherwise the body will be broken...

Nanxia and Wang Yu came up at this junctures. The monk only knew what happened with the old abbot, but he didn't know what happened in the Cangzhou Royal Mansion, so as soon as Nanxia and Wang Yu heard it, they were very resentful, but there was no evidence. What can I do if there is no proof?

When they were talking, they saw the old abbot Qiu Yi suddenly stand up from **!!!