Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 158 Fish Eyes Mixed Beads

Meng Jiugong and others rested in the North Mountain and prepared to sneak back to Cangzhou City and rush back to Zhao's inn when it was dark. At this time, it was dark. When they came to the foot of the mountain, they suddenly found a group of people and horses on the path, a total of five carriages, generally the same. Each car had a shed. It seemed that it was pulling people. In front is a group of horse teams, and there are some infantry behind. Because the path is not wide, there are no soldiers on both sides. At a glance, it is the people of the government. There is a big flag in front with a big 'Li' written on it, led by five horses. By the light, everyone saw that it was the five tigers of the Kang family under the king of Cangzhou, and they knew it was Li Zhe. No one knows what's on the big car in the back...

Meng Jiugong thought that this was a good opportunity. We could take the opportunity to sneak into the city. At this time, the carriage team passed by their side. There were several people behind the five carriages, no less, exactly eight people, and the carriage team passed by...

Everyone turned around to discuss what to do. Meng Jiugong said, "Guys, I think this is a great time to enter Cangzhou, and the city is also the safest place. I found that there are only eight infantry behind the carriage team to protect it. No matter what is on this car, let's leave it alone. Let's take it first. The eight officers and soldiers on the face were solved, and then I changed into their clothes and mixed into Cangzhou City. What do you think?

Everyone nodded and said good, so who will solve the eight officers and soldiers behind? The final decision was that except for the monk Xiaosu and Lin Laohan, all six people would go out, which must be foolproof. The rest of the people are waiting in the back...

Just talking about Gu Sifang and Meng Jiugong, the two followed the eight officers and soldiers at the fastest speed and saw that they did not have any awareness. The two used the method of acupuncture points with lightning, and nodded the eight officers and soldiers behind them in a few times. These guys still don't know what's going on? I can't move...

These guys will soon react. The six people quickly blocked the mouths of the eight people as quickly as possible. Gu Sifang and Meng Jiugong dragged two people alone, and the others dragged one by one and quickly dragged them to the woods. The team was not found at all...

When they got to the woods, they all knocked out these guys, and then everyone quickly changed their clothes. Although Xiaosu and Mr. Lin were physically injured, they forced themselves to change their clothes. Later, everyone discussed how about these officers and soldiers? Gu Sifang said, "Let's spare people. Let's put them here. When they wake up, they must return to Cangzhou City. We don't have to worry about it. As for whether there are beasts here in the middle of the night, it depends on their creation!"

Everyone agreed, and then left quickly. They quietly came to the back of the five cars, and no one found them...

They followed for a while and felt more mature. Meng Jiugong whispered to Gu Sifang, "Old man, I want to see what's in this car. Do you have this idea?"

Gu Sifang Yile said, "You and I want to go together, so who will go and have a look?"

At this moment, Gu Xiaoyi said, "Grandpa, why don't you call me? My body is also small, and it's really not easy for them to find me!"

The two old people agreed that Gu Xiaoyi made do with the back of the fifth car and clung to the car. The car was like a car in which a person was sitting in. There were small windows on both sides, and there were no windows in the back. Gu Xiaoyi rubbed forward and looked forward. He was afraid that he would be found by the people in front of him. He quietly came to the small window on the right. He carefully picked up a stone, stuffed it into the car, and then quickly withdrew to the back of the car. The stone fell into the car and made a bang, but the sound was limited to the people behind him. If there was someone in the car, there must be a reaction. But there was no reaction in the car. Gu Xiaoyi tried three times without any reaction. Later, Gu Xiaoyi was cruel and got into the car by himself. He lifted the curtain from the front. He went in and was also nervous for a while, but when he got into the car, he saw that there was indeed no one. Gu Xiaoyi gasped for half of the day. It slowed down a little. Today, the horse is also good and very docile. Maybe it's tired. Someone got on the car, and there is no response. In fact, these five cars are tied one by one, and there are chains in the middle. Gu Xiaoyi can't see anything in the car. He touched it back and forth with his hand and touched a very large box. Almost full of half of the car, Gu Xiaoyi touched it again, and finally found the lock of the box. When he touched it, the lock was on it and couldn't be opened. He tried to lift the box in the car, but he didn't lift it. Xiaoyi thought to himself: What a heavy box, what is in it?

Xiaoyi was puzzled, but he couldn't open the box, so he gave up the box and touched the edge of the car for a long time, but didn't touch anything. Gu Xiaoyi said, I'll go down and tell Grandpa about it first and let them find a way to see what's in the box!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoyi secretly got off the car and came to the back to tell his grandfather about this matter. Wang Renwei said, "Leave this matter to me. Unlocking is also my specialty!"

Wang Renwei sneaked into the car and touched the lock. He knew that there was a three-ring moon elephant nose lock. Wang Renwei said: I used to be a locksmith, and there was really no lock that I couldn't open. He began to work in it. He still opened it blindly and there was no light...

After about 15 minutes, Wang Renwei opened the box. He gently lifted the lid of the box. Of course, when he lifted it, it could not be high, and it would reach the roof of the car. A gap that could be put his hand in. Wang Renwei held it in one hand and reached in the other hand and touched it very regularly. He took out a piece of something very hard, stuffed it into his arms, and took another piece. He took a total of eight pieces, which were heavy. After finishing his work, he covered the box, locked it, rested for a while, then got out of the car and came to the back...

nodded to everyone, which means that things have been done, but the current situation is not easy to take them out. Although these things are very heavy in your arms, you still have to bear them, because now is not the time to make big moves, and you are afraid of being discovered...

As he spoke, he arrived at the north gate, and the officers and soldiers in the city shouted, "Who is the man under the city?" Now the gate has been closed. If you want to enter the city, you can enter it tomorrow morning!"

led by the five tigers of the Kang family looked up. Kang Wanchun, the big tiger, looked up at the city and shouted, "Who is on duty in the next few days? Don't you know us? We were ordered by the prince to go out to do things. The prince made it clear that he would come back as soon as the matter was done. We can't delay. Do you still dare not let us enter the city?!

After a while, the leader may have come and looked down with the firelight, "Is it Master Kang in the city?"

Kang Wanchun nodded, "It's me. Open the gate quickly. We're going to the royal palace to make an intersection!"

"Okay, wait a moment!"

After a while, the gate of the north city opened and the convoy drove into the city. The eight people were a little nervous. They tried to press their hats down and entered Cangzhou City smoothly...

When they arrived in the city, they beat around the bush and rushed to the Cangzhou Palace. How could they follow them to the Palace? After another alley, several people quickly withdrew. Meng Jiugong took out a bag. The bag was not small. He opened the bag and took out a lot of beggar's clothes. Because few people paid attention to this, everyone changed their clothes and rushed to the Zhao's inn in the east of the city. Everyone was still worried. Just in front of them came. A broken carriage, the owner of the car didn't know what to do today. It was very late. Eight people said that it was safer for us to get on the bus to go to the Zhao's Inn. In a hurry, they called the owner of the car over. The owner of the car drank wine and saw that it was a group of beggars. As soon as he wanted to scold him, Meng Jiugong went up and choked him. As soon as this guy was out of breath, he was energetic and said for his life. Meng Jiugong said, "Don't quarrel. We want to borrow your car. Here are five taels of silver. I think it's almost done. You can rest for a while!"

Before the owner of the car could react, Meng Jiugong put his hand into it and pinched the guy. Then several people got into the car. The car was big enough for eight people. Wang Renwei drove the broken car. Who could pay attention to a beggar driving the car, so it came smoothly. After Zhao's inn, eight people got out of the car. Wang Renwei patted the back of the horse and the carriage went forward. These people entered the inn. This is what happened in the past...