Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 183 Recognize of Old Friends

Four people were killed in the king village, and then a fire turned the king of the village into a sea of fire. People lit the hall, and then heard people in all directions shouting to put out the fire quickly. People shouted and came from all directions. The four people quickly pulled away. Everyone here, the whole hell village was With such a shout, many people who have fallen asleep can't sleep well. Who dares to sleep get up one after another and join the ranks of fire fighting...

Several people came to the place where there was no one to watch, and there was a bad anger in their hearts. Yuer suddenly remembered one thing, "Brother Tao, do you think Sister Shishi and Brother Xu San will be in Yanwangzhai?"

As soon as she reminded her, Tao Yuan remembered and discussed it. When everyone heard it, well, everyone collectively searched in the Yanwangzhai. The one said that he was not afraid of being discovered. Of course, he was not afraid. Who are these people? The rest of the people in the Yanwangzhai are just scattered soldiers. Where It can still resist them. Moreover, there is still a fire here, and no one will care about it. They grabbed a tongue very smoothly. When they asked, it was really unlucky. Zheng Shishi and Third Master Xu were put in the prison. People asked the boy to lead the way and came to the prison of Hell.

This prison is really very strong. It is like a copper wall and an iron wall. I don't know how many innocent people and how many good people there will be here. Everyone forced them to open the door of the prison. Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingyuan put the wind outside. Tao Yuan and Yuer pressed their necks with knives on their necks. They grabbed a head looking at the cell and found him. Where Zheng Shishi was, Tao Yuan shouted, "Hurry up, open the door!"

How dare this boy not obey? Quickly pulled out the key and opened the prison door. Yuer flashed and came in. At a glance, there was a man lying on the ground, covered with blood all over his body. It seemed that he had suffered a lot. Lying on the ground, just like a dead man, Yu'er quickly came to this person's side, wrapped her bun, and took a closer look through the firelight. It's her sister Shishi, but now she is unconscious. She touched her chest, and her heart is still beating, and there is still hot air on her body, which means that she is not dead. Yuer quickly carried Zheng Shishi on her body and out of the cell. Then Tao Yuan asked the prison leader to lead him to Third Master Xu's detention place, and the prison leader opened the door. Tao Yuan punched the old man, knocked him to the ground, and then turned around and came in. Third Master Xu's situation was not as good as Zheng Shishi. Although he was not dead, he was seriously injured. Now it was no different from the dead man. Tao Yuan looked at it and felt uncomfortable. He quickly carried him up quickly. When he went outside, several people would make up. Let the master hold Master Xu and come to the cell for the second time. The big sword shook, clicked a few swords, and destroyed all the doors of the prison. There were still many people inside. I don't know how they came in. In a word, these people captured by the Yanwangzhai are definitely not bad people. These people are thousands of people. Thank you. After coming out, there was a young man with a tiger head and a tiger brain. "Thank you very much for your great kindness and saving us. We are all from Shangqiu. As for how we were caught by them, I don't need to talk about it in detail. We are really grateful and have nothing to repay. I think this The two injuries were more serious, so we carried them on a soft bed and sent them to Shangqiu City, which was also a great reward for your kindness!"

Everyone heard it, it was good, so they didn't refuse. How could there be no soft bed? Then put a ** face, and everyone left the king of hell village and rushed to Shangqiu city. As for the people in hell are dead or alive, no one will think about this. Anyway, all the head of the people are gone, and the birds are flying headless. The leaders of the hell village are dead, and the little ones are not in the climate, and naturally they will disperse... ( People have changed their night clothes)

The next morning, everyone entered Shangqiu City and inquired about it. There were really many good doctors here. Among them, there was a doctor surnamed Meng. He was very nice. Everyone carried him to Dr. Meng. The old Meng is in his sixties this year, but he is strong. Looking at so many people, he is extraordinary. Ah, two people were brought in, and Tao Yuan clenched his fist, "Old man, I can't bear to disturb you so early. Looking at your age..."

"Young man, the doctor's parents' heart, bring it in quickly and let me check it!"

Mr. Meng is really a good person and warm-hearted. People carried Mr. Xu and Zheng Shishi into the house. Mr. Mr. Meng looked at Zheng Shishi first and took a look. Although he was injured all over, he did not die. Then he looked at Mr. Xu, the old man frowned. He said to himself, fortunately, these people sent him early. If it would be late, I'm afraid His life is over. This old man also knows the two of them. One is a famous actor in Shangqiu City. Who doesn't know? He knows Third Master Xu, who is usually very popular. Then the old gentleman waved his hand and called his wife over. "Old lady, today you and I are selling old. These two people are saved!"

Then he looked at Tao Yuan and Yuer, "How about you guys, just avoid it for the time being? Let's talk to you when we're all done. How about it?"

As soon as everyone heard it, people naturally had to avoid curing their diseases. As soon as they turned around, they came out, sat down at the stone table in the yard, waiting anxiously...

After a long time, Mr. Meng and the old woman came out, sweating profusely. Tao Yuan and Yuer quickly stood up and said, "How are you two old people?"

"Young man, everyone, don't worry, they are out of danger. As long as they rest, they will soon recover!"

When everyone heard this, they were happy. Tao Yuan reached out and took out a bag of silver from his arms and handed it to the old gentleman, "Old man, this is a little meaning of ours. Please accept it!"

Mr. Meng took a look and said, "Hahaha, young man, take back the money. I don't take a penny. Listen to me and talk about the reason. Zheng Shishi is a famous actor in Shangqiu, and she is usually kind and kind. I respect her person very much. In addition, Third Master Xu started the game in Shangqiu City, and his popularity is also very popular. We usually have a lot of contacts. Not to mention how deep our friendship is, at least we are also friends, so I don't want any money. What's more, some time ago, I also heard about the destruction of the Linglong Pavilion and the Xu family's bodyguard Bureau in Shangqiu. I was sad. I also shed a few tears. I didn't expect that the two of them could still It's really lucky to escape from death. It's nothing to cure some injuries!"

Tao Yuan blushed and picked up the silver, "Then we will thank you here!"

"Hahaha, you don't have to do this. It's almost noon now. Why don't you have lunch at my house?"

As soon as people heard it, this old man was really good. Well, everyone agreed. The old man ordered his men to make a rich table of food. Everyone talked while eating. The king's village was broken, but the only regret was that the national teacher Sa and Lu didn't know when they would run away...

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, Tao Yuan hasn't waited to talk yet. Mr. Meng spoke first, "I don't think these two will be fine for a while. If you don't mind, believe me, this old bastard, I suggest leaving them in our home for peaceful recuperation!"

Tao Yuan saw that there was no better old man than this old man. He fell down and worshipped him. The old man quickly picked him up, "Haha, everyone is welcome, so it's settled!"

After chatting for a while, people left. Before leaving, Tao Yuan said, "Old man, this time we are going to Bianliang, Tokyo to do business. When we come back from doing things, we will visit the house. I think Brother Xu San and Sister Zheng should be much better at that time. At that time, we will talk about it again, so we will leave first!"

Everyone separately, this time the killing group was also eradicated. Tao Yuan and Yuer said goodbye to the master and uncle. They were together for a day or two, and they had to be separated again. Tao Yuan was really reluctant. Xiao Jingxuan said, "Apprentice, protect the country and serve the court is what a man should do. You can let go and do it. Master and your uncle will be proud of you!"

Then he turned around and looked at Yuer, "Tao Yuan can have a wife like you, so it's not in vain for his life!!!"