Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 193 Conspiracy

Li Zhe, the king of Cangzhou, is also now due to the urgency of the situation. Seeing that he is about to plunge himself into a world of immortality, how can he calm down? He decided to preempt and destroy Bao Shirong and others in the King Kong Temple, so he organized a large number of soldiers and horses and Jianghu people. Of course, the newly added martial arts champion Li Yonghua Join it...

On this day, Li Zhe gathered all his new wives together, and Li Yonghua also participated as an exception. Li Zhe said, "Guys, you and Li Zhe and I have been here for more than ten years. How do I treat you?"

As soon as everyone heard this, they said in unison, "The prince is very kind to us, and we will not hesitate to break our bones for the prince!"

Li Zhe nodded, "Well, everyone is really my right-hand man. As the saying goes, I will use troops for a thousand days, so I am in trouble today. What do you think I should do?"

"The prince loves all of us. Now that the prince is in trouble, I will do my best to serve the prince!"

"Okay, everyone is so united, why worry about the big deal!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "It must be done! It must be done!"

Li Yonghua was also in the crowd, and he realized the seriousness of the situation. It seems that Li Zhe wants to gamble this time. Isn't Lord Bao and my sister dangerous? What can I think of to inform them in advance? He is secretly anxious, but he still can't get out. This meeting is of great importance. In the secret room, there are people guarding outside the door. It's easy to get in, but impossible to get out!

Listen to Li Zhe continue to say, "Guys, in this case, I will invite my military division Sa and Lu to send troops. Tonight we will secretly attack the King Kong Temple and annihilate a group of unknown guys!"

Sa and Lu walked forward, made a salute to Li Zhe, and then turned to face everyone, "All heroes, good men from all walks of life, now it's time to repay their kindness. On behalf of all people, I swear to heaven, everyone follows me: born as the prince, die is the prince's ghost, and follow the prince forever. !"

Good guy, when he shouted like this, the people below shouted loudly, and the sound shook the whole secret room. Li Yonghua also had to shout, pretending to open his mouth, facing the mouth shape, and meditated in his heart: It doesn't count... Not counting!

Everyone was excited and made an oath. After that, Sa and Lu continued to say, "We are now a family, and I'm not afraid that you know the inside story. In fact, the world is unfair, and the Song Dynasty is unfair. Everyone knows that our prince is the grandson of the emperor today, but he is quite neglected. Although in this small Cangzhou, There is no need to worry about eating and drinking, but the prince has great ambition. How can he stick to these floating clouds? Therefore, the prince has been determined to do a big cause since he was a child. So what is a big undertaking is to share half of the country? You have all followed the prince for many years. Someone once came to him to calculate. The prince himself is the emperor. As the saying goes, it is good. The world is the world of everyone, not the world of one person and one surname. Why can't the prince sit? So the prince decided to share the world with everyone. Since everyone made a wish, I will not shy away from it. The prince is our emperor!"

Good guy, as soon as he said this, it was amazing. Everyone's blood is boiling. These people know that now they are the same **. They can only rush forward and can't retreat, so they knelt down and kowtowed one after another, "H Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Hahahahaha" Li Zhe laughed and said, "The whole Qing family is flat!" Now that he has regarded himself as the emperor, everyone stood up. Sa and Lu continued, "Since everyone supports the prince so much, let's make an alliance to show our loyalty!"

In fact, the alliance is not only something that can be signed between the two countries or between the two tribes. It can also exist as something similar to a military order. Everyone broke the middle finger and wrote their names on the alliance, which became a cute single orchid spectrum. This thing is worth ten thousand dollars. In the Song Dynasty, this thing can make you eradicate these people, so for Li Zhe, this thing means how many people will work for him!

Everyone lined up and wrote their names on it one by one, and Li Yonghua was also among them. Yonghua said in his heart: No, if I write this blood book, I will be inseparable from them. When things are ruined, won't I be with them...

Yonghua didn't dare to think about it, but he still walked forward with the flow of people. Later, Li Yonghua suddenly remembered one thing: Yes, my original name is Liu Yonghua. Now in order to deceive Li Zhe, I write about Li Yonghua. What are you afraid of? In addition, I also secretly helped Lord Bao to eradicate these traitors together. I will make contributions later!

So he became very calm and wrote his names on the covenant one by one...

Li Zhe is watching his words and colors to see if you are sincere or not. After finishing it, Sa and Lu opened the conversation again, "Guys, now that we have written the alliance letter, so let's discuss the next specific plan. Tonight, we will go to King Kong Temple to take Bao Shirong, an old man and his party. Kill them, they are the biggest obstacle to our success, so everyone must share the same hatred tonight! There must be no mistake in annihilating them in one fell swoop!"

When everyone heard this, they all had their own ideas. Sa, Rusa and Lu looked at everyone, "The five tigers of the Kang family!"

Five people came out of the crowd, "There, please ask the national teacher to order!"

"Take your headquarters and have 100 dead soldiers we usually trained to seal the back door of the King Kong Temple and not let anyone go. When my order rings, you can start attacking from the direction of the back door!"


They agreed and went down to prepare...

Sa and Lu continued, "Wu Shisan hum!"

"There! Please ask the national teacher to order!"

"The three of you will take your headquarters and 100 dead men, block the left side of the King Kong Temple, and attack immediately as soon as my order is issued!"

They also went down to prepare, "Where is Li Yonghua?"

Hearing this, Yonghua called his head, quickly came out and held his fist, "Master, please order!"

"Wu Zhuangyuan, you came here for the prince. Although we haven't been in contact for a long time, the prince also appreciates you. The young man's future is boundless and works with the prince. Even if you choose the right person, now is a good opportunity for you to make contributions. Because you came late, you don't have your own people. I Give you a part of my men, plus 100 dead soldiers, and block the right side of the King Kong Temple. When my order is issued, I will immediately kill from the right side. There must be no mistake!"

"Yes!" Li Yonghua agreed and went down to prepare. As soon as he turned around, Sa and Lu spoke again, "Wait a minute, you are alone and it may be difficult to control your men and horses. I will add another deputy for you, Zhang Ren and Zhang Yi. You two assist the champion of martial arts. You must be left and protect his safety!"

"Yes, I understand!"

As soon as Li Yonghua heard it, he knew what was going on in his heart and said to himself: You old son of a bitch! I also put two eyeliners around me for fear of what I would do. I'm going to see if your eyeliner can block me, Li Yonghua!

Three people got orders to go down and prepare...

Sa and Lu finally said, "The rest of the people, follow the prince and for me, lead the brigade to raze the King Kong Temple to the ground tonight!" But everyone remember that the more mysterious our action is, the better, so I stipulate that everyone must change into dead clothes, which is conducive to the mutual recognition of our own people, and secondly, we can let the other know that we are people of unknown origin! In this way, we will feel more secure when doing things!"

Everyone claimed "yes"!

Sa and Lu looked at Li Zhe and said, "Your Majesty, do you see if there is anything missing!"

Li Zhe closed his eyes and thought, "Everyone prepare separately, and then leave the city in batches before dark, secretly ambush around the King Kong Temple, and wait for our brigade to confront it head-on and issue an order. Let's attack together!!!"