Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 240 Get out

Murong Qingfeng's war in Dawang Mountain did not expect to suffer losses and was shaken far by the waves of cannons. Fortunately, he still held two people in his hand. Otherwise, his life would not be saved. After a period of chaos, the outside world became relatively calm. Murong Qingfeng thought: I have to leave here immediately. Ground, back to Yan Chifeng, I can't afford the power of this cannon. Hearing that there was indeed no movement outside, and his qi and blood had almost recovered. He tried to push up first. Many things were pressed on it without pushing. Murong Qingfeng eased a little, picked up 20% of his power, and used it. Bagua Taijitu, such an attack, knocked away those bits and pieces, such as bricks and tiles. He stood up from the ruins, and a burning smell pricked his nostrils, and a smell of blood. The two people who pressed on him had already died. He stretched his muscles and bones, and his internal organs were very dirty. Cool, coupled with the power of using the Eighty Taiji map just now, Murong Qingfeng's martial arts skills have dropped by at least 50%. This shot has jumped 50% of his power, but this is only temporary. After a few days, he can still recover and suffer internal injuries...

Get up and look around. I saw that the battle here was over. Why didn't these people look for me? Oh, what about him? In case so many people come again, they will have to exhaust me to death. I have to leave quickly. Thinking of this, he walked out of the ruins and secretly left Dawang Mountain. He still didn't know what happened in Dawang Mountain, and there was no one. He was really glad that he secretly went down Dawang Mountain and couldn't walk too fast. He was too anxious and his internal organs were uncomfortable. He hurried back to Yanchifeng the next morning. When he returned to Yanchifeng, he subconsciously touched his waist with his hand and broke it. His sword disappeared and disappeared. Oh, he couldn't even find Murong Qing's atmosphere. He really hated that his sword must be on the King's Mountain. Now Thinking of turning back, he didn't dare to have a cannon. He gritted his teeth, stamped his feet and went up the mountain, so as soon as he entered the hall, his face was so ugly. Everyone asked, he didn't want to say this shameful thing, but later there was no way to tell the story. Li Zhe heard it, his heart sank and said: Lian Wangshan is so difficult to deal with, not to mention the imperial court? Looking worried, Mr. Zhao Qian finished listening to it. On the surface, he was very sad, but he was already happy in his heart. He said that God really helped me. God helped him. Why is it so coincidental? What are you really thinking? And Murong Qingfeng now seems to have suffered internal injury. The war must not be as good as before and weakened him. Mr. Zhao Qian is secretly happy with their strength...

Sa and Lu said, "Mr. Murong, don't feel too sad. We will find the sword for you. Looking at your current appearance, you have suffered an internal injury. Hurry back to the house to rest. Yan Chifeng can't do without you!"

Murong Qingfeng nodded, "Well, that's it!"

Someone helped him back to his room. Li Zhe frowned and sighed. Mr. Zhao Qian hurried up to comfort him, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Aren't we strong now? Isn't the current strength much better than before? Your Majesty, I'm also sorry for the three generals, but think about it, they are not obedient at all and won't let them go. They have to go, and it turned out to be a big mistake. Your Majesty, let's grow wisdom!"

The words are happy lock. Mr. Zhao Qian advised Li Zhe that Li Zhe is better. "General Zhao, you are really my think tank. If you don't come to help, I'm afraid this Yan Chifeng will be difficult to protect!"

Now Li Zhe is really worried. This matter has passed, but Sa and Lu suddenly proposed to strictly guard Yan Chifeng. I'm afraid that the officers and soldiers in this place have known it, and they will also prevent mountain thieves from coming to attack. They should strictly guard every gate, find suspicious situations and quickly report them and order them to spread. It's down...

In the evening, Mr. Zhao Qian returned to his room and called Wu Fang, Li Biao, and Wang Cai. Everyone discussed the matter secretly. Mr. Zhao Qian said, "Now the time can't be delayed for too long. Tomorrow night, Wang Cai will get out of Yan Chifeng and return to the cross slope. Then my letter also has Zhang Yan Chifeng's The map is handed over to Wang Yanling, and there must be no mistake!"

Wang Cai agreed, "Yes! Lord, don't worry, you will definitely complete the task!"

"Don't rest in your room tonight. Go around and be smart. Now Sa and Lu have issued an order that the whole Yanchi Peak is under martial law. You must find a way out and reach the cross slope safely!"

"I understand!" After saying that, Wang Cai strolled around as if nothing had happened. Out of the yard, he wandered around...

Mr. Zhao Qian continued, "Li Biao, if things go well, I think the day we break the wild goose red peak should be the night after tomorrow. You must quietly ambush around the ecstasy hole before the night after tomorrow. At that time, I will send a signal to attack. Once you see my signal, these 500 The 'Death Master' must take down the ecstasy hole as soon as possible, and then the task is to guard against it, and even a fly is not allowed to put it in, understand?

"Yes, Li Biao understands!"

Mr. Qian continued, "Wu Fang, you have to secretly watch all the movements of Yan Chifeng. Once I send a signal to attack, you have to rush to Li Zhe's room and capture the king first. He is a rebel wanted by the state. If he runs away, it's for you! Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely beat the former enemy!"

"Well, my lord, where are you going?"

"Ha ha, I have to find an excuse to go to Wushan and pull all the people and horses in Wushan. I have calculated that it happens to arrive at Yanchifeng at night. As soon as we come in, we will approach the hall. In front of the hall, I will light a cannon and everyone will launch an attack on Yanchifeng!"

After the arrangement, Mr. Zhao Qian is also relieved. Mr. Zhao Qian is really handsome and talented. He sends troops and generals, and the leader is the way! As soon as everyone heard it, they were very impressed and went to rest separately. Mr. Zhao Qian couldn't sleep. After a while, someone knocked on the door, opened the door, and a person flashed in. Mr. Zhao Qian saw that it was Wang Cai. Wang Cai came back and lay in Mr. Zhao Qian's ear and whispered, "Your Excellency, the whole Yan Chifeng is heavily guarded. It's really can't get out!"

Mr. Zhao Qian frowned, "Is there no gap at all?"

"Well, it's really not. There are people from Yan Chifeng everywhere, and they are very closely guarded!"

"Hmm~~~! Let me think about it..." Mr. Zhao Qian paced back and forth in the room. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he came up with an idea! Wang Cai, do you remember the four heroes Wang Yanling fought with Murong Qingfeng together?

"I remember, of course, I remember that the four heroes were not his opponents, and later Murong Qingfeng shook down the mountain stream with a gossip Taiji map!"

"Bright, it's this mountain stream. Wang Yanling and other four heroes are not dead. Why? Because there is a big river below, and this river happens to lead to the cross slope. Wang Cai, do you have the courage to take a risk?

Wang Cai pulled his chest and said, "Your Excellency, after so many years, when have I been afraid of things? For the sake of the imperial court and for Lord Bao, I will risk it this time!"

"Good!" Mr. Zhao Qian patted Wang Cai on the shoulder, "You can teach him!"

Then the two discussed secretly for a while. Wang Cai nodded frequently, as if he understood what Mr. Zhao Qian meant. Later, after the discussion, he went back to his room. Mr. Zhao Qian also breathed a sigh of relief and slept quietly...

Time doesn't wait for anyone, but why is it so difficult during this period? Finally, Wang Cai began to take action, said goodbye to Mr. Zhao Qian and Wu Fang, and strolled around the Yanchifengyuan Gate alone...