Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 247 Burning

The matter of Yan Chifeng has basically been dealt with. Everyone ran back to the cross slope and had to take a detour. Originally, the straight distance was not very far, but this detour slightly delayed some efforts. It was not far from the cross slope. Someone with sharp eyes and exclaimed, "Ah~! Cross slope is on fire!"

Everyone was shocked first, and then stared at it. Isn't it? The thick smoke rolled and the flames flew. Sun Qiniang looked at it and collapsed on the ground. Yuer and Liu Ruyan quickly helped her up. Everyone quickly went back to the cross slope. When you came here, the house here, of course, also included the cross. Everything in Po's inn and so on caught fire, but it was strange that when everyone left, some of the original cross slope guys were still here, but there was such a big thing here, but there was no cry in it. Everyone was very strange. Mr. Zhao Qian saw that the situation was urgent. Wu Nengwu My lord, everyone was still on the cross slope when they left. Now they don't know where they have gone. Mr. Zhao Qian gave an order, "Guys, please use any tricks and put out the fire quickly!"

An order fell like a mountain, and there was a big river in front of it. As we said, everyone used various tools to quickly put out the fire. Sun Qiniang had not recovered yet, and her mind was also turning rapidly. Her heart said: Good cross slope, who can come here to set fire? These people under me have been loyal to me for many years. It is impossible for them to set fire. Are there intruders? My men are not weak. If they are all chivalrous, that's bragging, but ordinary people still can't get close to them. If they want to hit my cross slope, they can't resist for a while. What's going on?

Thousands of people, it was relatively easy to put out the fire, and finally controlled the fire. At a glance, it was really miserable. It was a mess here. Wang Yanling looked at it and said that the burning time of the fire had been some time. From the current situation, who did it?

Time passed minute by, and the fire was finally extinguished. There were still some sporadic fires in some places, and some places were still smoking. Wang Yanling, Tao Yuan, Yuer, Liu Ruyan, Sun Qiniang, Li Yutang and Mr. Zhao Qian first let the officers and soldiers camp outside to protect Lord Bao and the criminal Li Zhe. Several people went into the cross slope first and checked everywhere to see if they could find some clues. When they got inside, they picked up their noses and smelled them. It seemed that there was still some smell of burnt bodies. Everyone acted separately. Liu Ruyan and Yuer had always been next to Sun Qiniang, left and left and right, afraid that something would happen to her. Now her mood It can be imagined that Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan turned over things while looking for traces. Suddenly, they found that there seemed to be a weapon under a collapsed charred board. The two quickly came closer and lifted the board with tools. At first glance, it turned out to be a kitchen knife. The two looked at each other. I knew that this knife was the one held by the kitchen knife man. He said in his heart and vaguely found traces of being hit by weapons on the knife. As soon as the two of them thought, there must have been a battle here. The two continued to search along this line, and finally found a burnt body in a ruin not far away, which was completely different. Ah, but judging from the size and other love, it's probably a kitchen knife man. Wang Yanling shouted, "Sister, come here, we seem to have found something?"

Sun Qiniang quickly came close. When she took a closer look, others couldn't recognize it. She knew that it was the body of the kitchen knife man at a glance. Sun Qiniang knelt on the ground with tears on her face. "Good brother, I'm sorry for you. I didn't expect that it was a short day. , you are buried in the sea of fire. You have followed your sister for so many years, but now you have died on the cross slope. What face do you have to face the fellow villagers here!"

As he spoke, he reached out and picked up the kitchen knife of the man and pointed it at his neck, which was a knife. Wang Yanling wanted to commit suicide in front of his dead brothers. Wang Yanling came over and grabbed Sun Qiniang's wrist, "Sister, no, sister, please think, these good brothers can't die in vain. , we still have to avenge them. If you die, who will avenge them? Your own great revenge has not been avenged yet. If you die, I am even more sorry for your dead brothers and your dead father!"

What Wang Yanling said was a famous saying. Everyone also advised her. Finally, Sun Qiniang's hand softened, the kitchen knife fell to the ground, and she sat on the ground and cried. Yuer and Liu Ruyan also cried with her. At this moment, someone shouted, "We found that Lord Wu still has Wang Cai. They are not dead. Come here quickly!"

This sentence raised everyone's hearts. When everyone heard it, there were still alive. They quickly came to see what was going on. At this time, Sun Qiniang was framed by Yuer and Liu Ruyan and came to the scene. At a glance, yes, both of them got into a big iron cabinet when the fire broke out. The fire started. The two of them were closing the lid. It was very suffocating. The air inside was not enough, so now they were unconscious. Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan came to check Wu Neng and Wang Cai. After the examination, neither of them was injured, just because of lack of oxygen. They quickly let him We breathed fresh air and did some restorative training. It took a long time for these two to wake up and breathe fresh air. Finally, they recovered, but it was still slightly thin. Wu Neng is a civil official. Now his face is blue, his lips are trembling, and his whole body seems to be frozen. Wang Caibang young man, some time ago He was a little injured, but recovered quickly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an acquaintance. He also had tears in his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, Sun Qiniang grabbed Wang Cai's collar and said, "Say! What the hell is going on here? Who set the fire? How did our people die? Why didn't you die?"

Sun Qiniang's mood is understandable. This time, she also exerted too much force. Wang Cai's eyes turned up and turned his back. Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan quickly came to persuade him, "Sister, what are you doing? Wang Cai must have his reason. You have to wait for him to say it. When he finishes, if he is wrong, you can punish him. If he has other secrets, we can't kill good people by mistake!"

Sun Qiniang's anger and blood calmed down a little. She let go of Wang Cai and retreated back. Wang Yanling winked, and Yuer and Liu Ruyan fell in love with it left and right. Soon Wang Cai woke up and everyone quickly gathered around. Wang Cai took a sip of water first. Wang Yanling asked, "Wang Cai, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. Excited, slowly say everything you know!"

Wang Cai nodded, "Dear knights, since you left..."

What's going on? After Wang Yanling and Tao Yuan and others rushed to Yanchifeng with the brigade, there were not many people left in the family. In addition to dozens of cross slope clerks, Wu Neng and Wang Cai did not leave any soldiers. They left, and there was nothing at home. Wu Neng put up the official airs again. Wang Cai was his. Naturally, his men had to obey his orders. Wu Neng sat there and said, "Wang Cai, you know everything about me. What do you think about the ideas I gave them?"

"Adults are really smart, and I'm afraid only you can come up with such an idea!"

Wang Cai made him a cup of tea, and the two chatted in the room. Wu Neng drank tea while thinking about the beautiful story of his promotion and making a fortune. How wonderful it was to think that he could save Lord Bao and get the appreciation of his old man...

It's evening. The kitchen knife man is bored and unwilling to talk to Wu Neng and others. He is impatient with these guys. He is willing to be with Sun Qiniang. Even if he looks at Sun Qiniang's figure, he is happy. That is, the secret love he has been very satisfied in the past few years. Everyone left. Originally, he also wanted to follow him. Later, he thought that it would be good that he didn't cause trouble to others, so he didn't tell them what he really thought, so he felt a burst of bored and came to the edge of the river. He was in a daze here, and no one asked him where he had gone. He sat by the river in a daze and drank muffled wine. It was late in the middle of the night. When the night wind blew like this, he felt a little cold. As soon as he stood up and wanted to go back, he found something drifting from the upstream. He rubbed his eyes carefully through the moonlight. It turned out to be a person. He didn't know who it was, but he died. Is there any reason not to be saved?

His water quality was so good that he rescued the man ashore. At first glance, he was a middle-aged man with water and a sword in his hand. He didn't know him. Looking at his appearance, unlike a bad guy, he thought that saving people's lives is better than building a seven-level buoy. I'll take him back to the cross slope. The boss's wife has to come back. Appreciate me very much!

In this way, he carried this to the cross slope, but how much disaster this person will bring to them!