Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 251 Thoughtfulness

Everyone unanimously sent Yuer to teach Li Zhe. They wanted to know through Li Zhe's mouth what medicine they gave to Lord Bao and what the solution was. Yuer can really say that although Li Zhe closed his eyes, his ears were good. He had been listening to Yuer's words and was also calculating in his heart, although his hands and feet could not move. , but his head can think that he is thinking that Yuer, a girl, is extremely clever. Is she acting with herself? What does she want to achieve?

Yuer finished speaking and looked at Li Zhe's expression, which seemed to be a little relieved. Yuer looked at it and said that she couldn't say more today, and the strong medicine could not be overdose, so she picked up the medicine bowl and said, "Your Majesty, you'd better drink the medicine. In this situation, no matter who sees it, it's not good!"

After saying that, I really cared. I was afraid that this bowl of medicine would be too hot, so I scooped up a spoonful and looked at Li Zhe, "Your Majesty, open your eyes. No matter what you think, you have to think about your body!"

As he spoke, he slowly handed the medicine to Li Zhe's mouth. Yuer thought, "If this doesn't work, I don't want to help him up, so she put the bowl on the table again, "Come on!"

There have been waiting there for a long time outside the door. Two maid-like people came in, who were also found now. After coming in, they saluted Yuer first, and Yuer waved her hand, "Come on, help the prince up first, and I'll give him medicine!"

These two people don't know what's going on. Is it temporary? It's paid to pay for how much money it is every day. At that time, there were many people doing this kind of work, and there was no danger. As long as you talk less, a lot of words have been arranged before. They helped Li Zhe up and moved Li Zhe like this. Li Zhe was really a little reluctant. He opened his eyes and scared the two of them. At a glance, he saw Yuer and stared at him. He couldn't speak and trembled all over. That means that if it hadn't been for you people, I wouldn't have fallen to this point!

Yuer didn't care. She gently put the medicine on his mouth and smiled and prepared to feed him. As soon as she approached his mouth, Li Zhe couldn't move his body and his head could move. He suddenly shook his head and touched the spoon in Yuer's hand on one side, just touching the medicine bowl. Yuer didn't pay attention to it, even with the spoon. All the bowls fell to the ground and fell to pieces. Yuer was stunned and did not attack. Her expression was very helpless. "Your Majesty, why are you so hard to take your body as a bet? Alas...!"

Yuer sighed, bent down, picked up the fragments of the smashed bowl, and accidentally cut her finger. The two maids saw, "Miss, your finger has been cut! Hurry up and bandage it, or you will get infected!"

Yuer waved her hand and said, "It's okay. Since the prince refuses to take the medicine, I won't force it. Xiaohong and Xiaoyue, clean up the house and serve the prince to sleep!"

The two agreed, and Yuer withdrew. The two served Li Zhe to sleep. Anyway, Li Zhe's body was not at his command, so he had to obey others and lay down again. He talked about Li Zhe's previous life in the Cangzhou royal palace. This kind of life was too miserable. It was really a heaven and one underground. It feels like entering hell. It's really miserable, but it's already like this. What can he do? He is no longer the powerful Li Zhe who has been doing all day. Now the scenery is no longer. That night, Li Zhe's thoughts are constantly turning, remembering what Yuer said, thinking over and over again, and then a little moved. Shake, because the current death is not controlled by him. What do you mean? He can't do it even if he wants to commit suicide. Li Zhe thought, I really have to drink the medicine. What if it gets better? What if my grandfather gives me extrajudity when I arrive in the capital? Can't I see the sun again? Thinking about these things, he didn't sleep all night...

The next day, Yu'er wrapped a medicinal cloth in her hand and came to visit Li Zhe. This time, there was not only medicine, but also a bowl of porridge and some pickles, which still let the two of them help Li Zhe up. Yu'er said, "Your Majesty, you have to exercise every day. You can't always * * Lie down, just like we let you sit up every day. If you don't exercise, you really can't recover. When Langzhong bandaged the wound on my hand last night, I asked them carefully. They said that although the prince's injury is serious, it is not an incurable disease. If you insist on taking medicine every day, you insist on doing it every day. Some restorative exercises will have a good day. I don't think the prince wants his body to recover as soon as possible!"

Then he peeked at Li Zhe. Li Zhe's expression was a little better than yesterday, and he was not so rigid. Yuer continued, "Come on! Prince, you must be hungry. Try the cooking skills of this cross slope. Although it is just a bowl of porridge, it must be incomparable with your royal palace, but it also has a different flavor. Come on, I'll feed you!"

As he spoke, he put a spoonful of porridge and a little side dish in it to Li Zhe's mouth. Although Li Zhe couldn't speak, he could open his mouth and eat. At first, he still reluctantly opened his mouth and said that his enemy was so kind-hearted? Yesterday was an enemy, and today is a friend. Are you so kind to me? Later, I was really hungry. I opened my mouth and ate it one by one. When I was hungry, I ate bran as sweet as honey. This is not true at all. Not to mention, this cross slope porridge is really good. In addition to the exquisite side dishes, some people must be confused. Isn't this cross slope burned by a big fire? Moreover, Wang Linlin still lit a fire from the kitchen first. How can she cook now? Aren't there officers and soldiers? Besides, in this generation, Cross Slope is a piece of place, and there are still some places that have not been burned, right? There are places for cooking! Aren't all the people dead? Everyone is dead. Isn't Sun Qiniang still there? Besides, officers and soldiers are stationed here these days. What do they eat? Someone else transferred people from Tai'an Prefecture, food, grass and things, everything...

Li Zhe was really appetizing and ate a lot. He ate several bowls of porridge in a row. Later, he told Yuer with an expression. Yuer smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you can't eat too much. You have to do it step by step..."

Then he served Li Zhe to rest. In this way, everyone was anxious for three consecutive days, but this matter could not be rushed. Looking at Lord Bao and others getting thinner and thinner, no one's heart was happy. On the third night, Yuer came again and still fed Li Zhe and gave medicine. Li Zhe's spirit was much better than before. , his attitude and opinion on Yuer have changed a little, and he is not so hostile, but he can't communicate with words. This time, Yuer gave him the meal and gave him the medicine. He sat alone in the room in a daze. Li Zhe sat **. Yu'er's side of his face was facing him, and he was fascinated by the light. Suddenly, his eyes Tears fell down one by one, and sometimes sighed, and unconsciously said, "Grandpa, how good it would be if you were still alive now. Let's go to watch the popularity of the night sky, catch fireflies together, and look at the beautiful ocean together, but it's impossible now." After that, he lay down When he cried on the table, Li Zhe saw clearly and knew in his heart that his grandfather died miserably in the King Kong Temple because of himself. Li Zhe's desire to survive was strong, and everyone's desire to survive would be very strong when he reached a certain limit, but after reaching a certain level, he would still think Is there any guilt for the change? Yes, who doesn't have a family? Who has no relatives? Think about your own palace. There are countless people who have died in their hands. If everyone comes to avenge themselves, how many times will they die? I'm afraid that he will be reborn countless times. Li Zhe's thought began to recall what he had done. This account can't be finished...