Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 276 The Truth of Death

Lord Bao left three people to protect Deng Jiuru. Deng Jiuru was very grateful and refused, but later he was forced to press down and decided so. Others followed Lord Bao to continue to go to Beijing. So how did Li Yutang and Sasen die? Here's an explanation...

That day, Wang Linlin escaped from the house. The two of them flew after him. The three began to run along Luzhou City, crossed the ridge of the house, and finally ran to the root of Dongcheng. Wang Linlin shook his body on the city horse road. Sasen and Li Yutang then arrived. Wang Linlin came to the top of the city. Thinking about it, Luzhou City I can't stay here. I have to get out of here quickly. He jumped down from the city. His kung fu, if it was difficult to jump down from the wall below, it was very easy to jump from above. As soon as he jumped down, Sasen and Li Yutang also jumped down. When they arrived outside the city, they ran again. Wang Linlin's feet were not slow, but not. I know what's wrong today. I can't run fast. My legs seem to be filled with lead. Sam and Li Yutang are not. They are determined to kill him, so they chase him desperately and run around. A broken temple flashed in front of them. It has been in disrepair. Many places have collapsed. Wang Linlin doesn't care if there is anything in it. Nothing. He went straight into the temple. As soon as he entered, Li Yutang and Sasen arrived. As soon as Sasen was about to enter, he was stopped by Li Yutang. "Son, you can't do this. I know you are eager to kill him, but you are too risky. I also hate him, not less than you, but he is in the dark. We are It's bright, and it's dark now. It's so dark tonight. Isn't it a loss if we go in? I think he should be very tired. Looking at the current situation, there are still a few hours left until the next morning. Let's wait until the next day, when it's dawn, and then settle accounts with him!"

As soon as he heard Sasen, what Uncle Li said was reasonable, so he did not chase him in. Wang Linlin went to the broken temple and had fire on his body, but he didn't dare to fight. He was afraid that the people outside would see the bright light, which was not good for him, so he casually touched it and touched a collapsed door panel! Lying on it was so tired. I really wanted to sleep comfortably, but he didn't dare to sleep. He said to himself, when I slept like this, they took the opportunity to touch in and kill me with a knife. Isn't it a loss? Anyway, I killed them first, and then I slept happily. What should I do? Question mark I believe that they are outside at this time, but they dare not come in easily for fear of being attacked by me. There has been no movement for such a long time. Haha, as expected by me, then I will take advantage of your psychology and wait for work!

This guy didn't want to sleep, but later thought about it. Even if they sleep by themselves, they must not dare to come in. Even if they come in, I should hide it secretly. They have to find it for a while first. In addition, if they fight alone and no one of them is my opponent, what am I afraid of? Will there be no sound when you come in? I can hear the sound. Sleep at ease! He slept...

Because he knows Li Yutang so well, Li Yutang really didn't dare to come in and stared outside. The two of them are also confused. Isn't it over if you stay alone and sleep alone? The two people's eyes were so big that they stared here. They were not tired, and they were also tired. As a result, they stared at them all night and didn't see anything abnormal inside. Finally, there was still no movement in the day. Sason really wanted to go in and catch people out, but Li Yutang disagreed. They were all in the dark. We were in the open place. So they didn't move. After several days in a row, several people didn't eat. There was water in Saison, and Wang Linlin didn't dare to move. He didn't eat, but there was also water to drink. So why didn't he go back and report it? If only one is left, it is not Wang Linlin's opponent at all, so no one dares to leave. In the end, Saison really can't stand it. "Uncle Li, we are in the dark. We are in the light. I admit it, but it's so consumed. When will it be the leader? No, I have to go in today!" Whether he is alive or death, I will meet him for a while!"

Li Yutang saw that there was no way to persuade him, so let's go in together. The two of them quietly entered the ruined temple with the guy in their hands. It is estimated that this villain will be in the lobby. Although it is full of dust and there are cobwebs everywhere, it is spacious after all. In front, Li Yutang was behind, and the two slowly approached the lobby. Several door panels had not collapsed. As soon as Saison approached the door panel in front of him, the door panel fell to Sasen with a 'kab'. Sasen's eyes were quick and quickly. He quickly turned around and dodged. His back was facing another door panel. I really didn't expect that this was With a striking move, a cold sword pierced Saison's back heart through the door panel and pierced its former heart. Saison screamed, "Ah~~~!" At this time, the sword had withdrawn, and Sason lay in a pool of blood with the door panel. The silver bow let go, and the silver arrow fell to the ground and died. Li Yutang was behind him. When the first door panel hit it, it almost hit Li Yutang. Sason's death was just a momentary thing. Li Yutang was shocked and saw that Sason had After death, he was very sad and indignant. He rushed into the lobby. Wang Linlin, who was facing him, had already set up his posture. The two fought in the lobby of the broken temple and fought in a dust. Wang Linlin had a plan and said that you, Li Yutang, didn't you, were fighting fiercely? I made a trick to break a thousand pounds. Suddenly, while Li Yutang was not paying attention, there was dust everywhere, very fine. He suddenly grabbed a handful of soil and coldly looked at Li Yutang's face door. You give me a move! Li Yutang never thought that he would use this hand. He did not avoid it. The fine soil was sprinkled on his face and fascinated his eyes. He was so stunned that Wang Linlin's sword arrived. He plunged in from Li Yutang's soft ribs and came out from the other side. Wang Linlin was afraid that he would not die, so he forced Li Yutang to come. In front of a table, he was resisted by the table. Li Yutang shouted. Wang Linlin saw that it was almost done. The sword retreated back. Li Yutang struggled a few times, but finally failed to come back to life. He crooked and lay on the table and died!

At this time, Wang Linlin felt that his whole body was soaked. This guy was afraid that they were not dead thoroughly, so he came to check their bodies separately. They were indeed dead. Then he was relieved and sat down and rested for a while. Suddenly, he thought of killing them, but the government here was absolutely Yes, I won't stand by. I'm a wanted criminal in the country, so I have to leave here immediately. He stood up and came outside. Where am I going? When he thought about it, I'm afraid I can't stay in the Central Plains. Otherwise, I can't go back to the Yellow Head Country. No, no, I came out from there by myself. I abandoned them first. They can't want me anymore. No, I can't go back. Where can I go? Go to the mountains and hide in the mountains and forests. No, that kind of life is not what I want. What I want is glory and wealth. What should I do?

Finally, his eyes lit up and remembered a good place. At the beginning, there were too many people and the goal was too big to go to Goryeo. Now I am alone. How can I not go to Goryeo? Isn't it good that no one knows me when I get there? Besides, with my skills, it's not impossible to get an official in Goryeo, but I smile and don't smile. Oh, there is Murong Qingfeng? I don't know if this guy is dead? Alas~! What about him? If he dies, of course I can be a top official. If he doesn't die, isn't it just my backer? Hey hey, it makes sense. How can I be so smart!!!

Thinking of this, this guy sped away in the direction of Goryeo, but he didn't dare to walk the road. He had to walk at night and had to take the path. As for whether he can get to Goryeo, or what, that's a matter of the future. Let's talk about it when you meet him!

Speaking of Lord Bao, Deng Jiuru has been sending them out of the west gate and waved goodbye. The brigade pulled out and rushed to Kaifeng. It's not far from Kaifeng, but everyone's mood can't be mentioned. They always hope that things can be over as soon as possible and enjoy the time without war, but Wang Linlin doesn't Except, Murong Qingfeng will not be eliminated, and it is even more difficult to live a peaceful life!

On this day, the brigade finally arrived in Shangqiu City, a town that everyone is familiar with. At the east gate, there was a long queue to welcome Lord Bao and his party, which can also be said to receive the wind and dust for Lord Bao!