Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 316 Stabbing Wild Boar

Zhao Yang took Wei Baode and Wei Wen out of Longtubo Mansion and came to Zipi Mountain. At a glance, it was really green. Oh, Zhao Yang couldn't help admiring and said a poem. Of course, it was improvised. "Today, I went out of my own house, but I came to Pergshan to hunt and burn. I didn't know the true face of this mountain, just because I took With a pen! Hahahaha!"

When you hear it, what the hell is this? This is not the right poem. And everyone doesn't look like a poem from Zhao Yang's mouth. Usually, Zhao Yang is a poem, song, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, flowers and grass, all of which are fine. But how can he be like a different person today? How can he be so shallow? Everyone didn't understand, but no one dared to ask. They all echoed, "Good poetry, good poetry!" Everyone shouted in unison!

Zhao Yang waved his hand and said, "What kind of good poem is this? Since everyone has said so, it doesn't matter if I'm writing a poem!" Look at Zipi Mountain from afar and see Zipi Mountain from a distance, but touch it with your hand. It is not a mountain. What kind of mountain is this? Well, this is not a poem. This is a brain teasers. If anyone can answer it, I will definitely have a lot of rewards when I go back. If I can't answer it, I will be punished when I go back!"

Wei Baode is a bodyguard-level figure. Zhao Yang just finished saying this sentence, and he immediately picked it up, "The rockery!"

Zhao Yang waved his hand, "Hahahaha, your answer is wrong, hahaha, who else, continue!"

Wei Wen thought for a moment, "It's the mountain painted in the painting!" Hahahaha, Wei Wen is still smart. It's true that he is the mountain in the painting! You people, only two people answered my question today, right or wrong, after all, so you guys should be careful when you go back and may be punished!" When Zhao Yang was talking, he smiled and there was no strange expression. Others didn't care. They thought that Zhao Yang's words were so casual. In fact, this matter was a fuse for Zhao Yang's encroachment!

As he spoke, he came to the inside of Zipi Mountain. When you look at this mountain from a distance, it is a lush piece, not very big, but when you get inside, it is really spectacular. It is green everywhere. As this color enters everyone's vision, everyone's mood has also become much better, very Shu Chang, to be honest, has stayed in the house for a long time, and rarely comes out. Even if he comes out, it's just a stroll on the street. This is a natural landscape, and they really seldom come! They entered the mountain. At the beginning, the road was still relatively wide, but later, it became narrower and narrower. Finally, they drilled into the woods, passed through a forest, and then to an open space. Suddenly, several wild rabbits appeared in front of them. Wei Wen and Wei Baode just wanted to talk and wanted to say, Count, you note Yes, there were several wild rabbits in front of them. Before they could say anything, they looked at Zhao Yang's bow and arrows, and three arrows left the string in an instant. With the sound, three wild rabbits were shot and fell down. Several servants quickly went over and picked up the three rabbits. At a glance, they were stunned for a long time. Each rabbit was stabbed in the throat by an arrow and died on the spot. Everyone exclaimed, "What a good archery. The count is really a divine arrow!" Everyone applauded. On the one hand, they really applauded. It is true that these three arrows hit the point. On the other hand, they also cater to the atmosphere at that time and flattered. Although Zhao Yang either raised flowers or planted grass in the house, he was a count after all. Although he did not care about the world, the corners of his mouth would also be very big. The influence, so people are like this. Zhao Yang laughed, "Hahaha, you're right. I'm a divine archer. Which one of you has my arrows? Let's come out and practice!" As soon as he said this, Wei Baode jumped out first, "Okay, since the count has such elegance, let's compare!"

Zhao Yang doesn't care about Wei Baode at all. "Well, Baode, you are also the personal bodyguard around me. Your martial arts can be said to be the first in my house, so we can compare well today. Although I didn't know martial arts before, now I can It's not me before, you have to be careful!"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Yang and flew up. He rose up, then turned over in the air, and then fell to the ground. He used the back-mounted archery method, which was very novel. Suddenly, a wild rabbit appeared in front of him. At this time, Wei Baode also saw that Wei Baode opened his bow and arrow and aimed at him. The wild rabbit is an arrow. His arrow has just been launched, and Zhao Yang's arrow has also been sent out. The two arrows went straight to the wild rabbit at the same time. The wild rabbit may also be panicked and don't know which arrow to hide. Looking at Zhao Yang's arrow, it is directly above the arrow that pierced Wei Baode's arrow. What a force? It directly shot Wei Baode's arrow into two sections with a click, and the arrow still did not stop. It directly stabbed the rabbit's abdomen and stabbed in. The tip of the arrow came out from the other side. The tip of the sword was bloody. The wild rabbit moved a few times and died. Everyone Look, okay, they all cheered one after another. Wei Baode saw that his arrow was shot into two segments by Zhao Yang's arrow. He was very unhappy, "Well, this time I was careless. Let's come again!" Wei Baode was unconvinced. The two ran into the wild boar forest, which was very dangerous. There may be traces of wild boars everywhere. Isn't it? Suddenly, a wild boar appeared in front of him, looking for food. He saw two people coming in their own direction, wild boar, this Animals have rough skin and thick flesh. It can be said that ordinary swords really can't hurt it, and ordinary bows and arrows are also difficult to hurt them. However, Zhao Yang and others bring ordinary arrows today. Generally, they rarely touch these things, so there is no research and no treasure! But since he saw the wild boar come out, Wei Baode was still the first to take out the arrow, put the bow and set the arrow at the wild boar. With a snap, the arrow only left the string, but when it hit the wild boar, the wild boar may have only been a little pain. There was no other reaction and was not moved. Zhao Yang Looking aside, he smiled and said to himself, how's it going? You have suffered a loss. How can wild boars be so easy to fight? Look at me. At this time, Wei Baode's second arrow shot out and hit the wild boar's mouth. The lips are actually a little thin. In this way, the head of the arrow is a tip. How can it not hurt when it pierces it? The wild boar may have been stung. He shouted and shouted directly to Wei Baode. He wanted to find Wei Baode for revenge. He rushed over. Wei Baode was shocked. Zhao Yang looked at me and took action when it was time to shoot. Then Zhao Yang was with a bow and arrow. The arrow on this bow was just twisted into flowers, and then let go. The arrow only shot out and shot directly at the neck of the wild boar. Because the wild boar was on the way, it was very difficult, but the arrow still shot on the neck of the wild boar, just stabbed in, shot from the other side, the wild boar hissing, and then fell down! Wei Baode saw that the wild boar was very fat, but later it still died. It was confirmed that it was dead. Wei Baode was relieved and admired Zhao Yang's archery very much. He kicked the wild boar's body with his foot and said with a smile, "Count, I really didn't expect that your archery was so amazing! "