Yanling Cave Sky

Chapter 373 The Truth

The third prince was losing his temper in the study. Suddenly, someone from the door came to report that Bao Shirong and other twelve people asked to see him. Good boy, the temple was blown up in the room. No one knew what was going on. No one could figure out how Bao Shirong escaped, but they were a little curious about Bao Shirong. At this time, that The shopkeeper of Lianpu is dead, but it still doesn't seem to be dead completely. At a glance, the warriors hit the fire. The boy's vitality is very tenacious. It seems that he still wants to see the last side of Bao Shirong and wants to explain the story to him clearly, but how can there be such an opportunity? Looking at these warriors, each holding their swords and aimed at the shopkeeper, they got off the guy. After a divine chop, they scattered everything on the shopkeeper's body, and the shopkeeper was also the place to make it! This is what happened to him! After cutting him down, everyone began to clean up this guy! Throw it away! As for where he threw it, it has nothing to do with this book, just know that he is dead!

The third prince's face is pale, but when he comes, he can't be seen. "Okay, let's line up to welcome him. I'd like to see if this Bao Shirong has three heads and six arms. You guys, go and change all your clothes and wait for me in the hall!"

These people all went down. The third prince had a tiger's face. After that, the guys changed their clothes. The third prince looked carefully and there was no clue that could be found by Bao Shirong. After that, the brigade set out and opened the middle door to welcome Bao Shirong. Anyway, this is a matter of the two countries, not you. No matter what deep hatred there is in private, it still has to pass on the surface. In this way, the middle door was opened, and then the third prince led these warriors out. At a glance, there were twelve people standing in front of him. This time, Bao Shirong changed into official uniforms. This time it was different, representing the Song Dynasty. The third prince came forward, and Bao Shirong saw When he arrived at the third prince, he bowed and saluted, "Bao Shirong, the envoy of the Song Dynasty, see the third prince!" The third prince was also full of smiles and quickly came to return the gift. "Hahaha, oh, it turned out to be the special envo of the Song Dynasty, Lord Bao of Kaifeng Mansion. He has heard of his name for a long time, but he has never seen it. Today, he is really lucky to live! Come on, let's go to the house for a chat!"

On the surface, it seems very polite, but in the heart, there is an idea of treating the other party to death, but on the surface, it can't be brought out at all. Bao Shirong and the third prince are well-known! In this way, everyone entered the third prince's house, and then came to the hall, where the third prince was allowed to sit down! The servant put tea, and the others were divided into two compartments. The third prince first said, "Lord Bao, this time you must come here for no reason. There must be a big reason to come to my Goryeo!"

Bao Shirong nodded, "Prince Mingjian, this time I am shouldering the heavy responsibility of eternal cultivation of the two countries. I have come all the way to Goryeo. Naturally, I will go to Xijing to meet the king of Korea and discuss the good things of the alliance between the two countries!" The third prince looked at it and said to himself, if he saw my father, it would be more than that. It seems that Bao Shirong's purpose is not just these, but to kill me with a pole. If so, I can't let you see my father. I want you to die in Tokugawa Prefecture! The third prince thought about it and asked, "Lord Bao, nothing happened on the way to Goryeo!? I heard that the border is not very peaceful recently!"

In fact, this sentence is to test whether Bao Shirong has encountered an attack, but I just want to know how Bao Shirong escaped the chain of Pu's disaster? Bao Shirong looked at the third prince with an eager expression! Then he said, "Our Song Dynasty was very stable and united, and there was nothing dangerous. Oh, by the way, although the border seems to be a little chaotic, nothing has happened near our side of the Song Dynasty. I think all the people have lived and worked in peace and contentment! Nothing? However, when I arrived at this side of Korea, I found that there was an uncertain expression on everyone's face. Why is that? I hope the third prince can explain!" As soon as the third prince heard it, he pushed everything on my side, and it was all bad. It was really unreasonable, but he was also very urban. When he heard this, he also changed the topic, "Ah ha ha ha ha, alas, I am now in Dechuan Prefecture. I found that it is not far from here, in the border area between our two countries. , there is a place called Lian Huanpu. It seems that there are often thieves and grass bandits. Because it neither belongs to the jurisdiction of the Song Dynasty nor to the jurisdiction of Goryeo, it has always been very chaotic. I think since Lord Bao came to Dechuan in the morning, he must have lived there last night. Since nothing happened, However, it's good. I think that place will have to be well managed by our two countries in the future. Otherwise, Taiwan is really too bad! I don't know if I'm right?"

Lord Bao said from the bottom of my heart, according to your truth, I understand that you sent the people sent last night. I finally knew it. Fortunately, there were master help. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will all be ghosts under your knife! What happened last night? In fact, Bao Shirong and others did eat rosemone. They didn't know that there was medicine in it at that time. In fact, there were so many masters present that they couldn't find the medicine in it. They really couldn't check it. After eating, they returned to the room and felt a little heavy. They lay down one by one ** and fainted. I fell asleep and didn't know anything, but only one person was sober. Who? At this time, there was still a person in the room. In fact, this person has been here for a long time, and the room has not moved. Although he did not move, no one found him, but he saw everything! I saw everything, and I said to myself, this is also a disaster for Bao Shirong. It seems that it's right for me to come! Who is this person? It is the head of the four masters of the Great Baiyun Mountain, Lei Ming and Lei Laoxia! This old man is very active or quiet. He travels all over the world, travels through famous mountains and rivers, and makes friends with martial arts heroes everywhere. This time he has arrived at the border, and he happened to encounter this matter! But Mr. Lei began to think that this store, from top to bottom, from inside to outside, is not a good thing, okay! Just give him a big move, so the old knight caught all the people in the store while everyone was asleep, and then poured ecstasy. This medicine was not Lei Laoxia's, but the store itself. Then he checked it out. Coincidentally, there were exactly twelve people, and there was no more than one. It's three women and nine men!