yao ding

Chapter 21 Advance! Meili Glacier!

"No!" Yun Yixian and Wan Zonglin answered almost at the same time. Meng Han's small body trembling and aggrieved face.

Seeing her like this, Yun Yixian quickly comforted her softly, "sister, look. Your strange uncle wants to take us to Tianyuan City. At least, we can save a lot of dangers on the way to Tianyuan City. When you get to Tianyuan City, your strange uncle won't leave us alone, right?

Wan Zonglin said quickly, "Hey, it's okay for this little girl to call me uncle. You, a young man, also call me uncle. Don't you want to break your life? Besides, who said I won't leave you alone. That day, on the edge of Mirror Lake, didn't you leave me alone and run away first!"

Yun Yixian looked embarrassed and said, "Use yours to escape. Fa, take us to Tianyuan City. I don't want to be caught by the bad woman who is the man's pet in this Qingshi Town.

Wanzong's muscles twitched on his face and pressed his forehead and said, "Okay. Who told me to be soft-hearted and didn't have the heart for you to be a pet for that woman. Also, my skill is called 'shrinking the ground'! Remember it clearly! Forget it! I'll pass this skill on to you and see if you can learn it. I don't have to take it with me to escape in the future!"

Yun Yi was extremely excited to hear that he was willing to pass on this skill to himself. He quickly and carefully recorded the formula taught by Wan Zong. Wan Zonglin was full of surprise and said to himself that this boy's understanding was really good. Unexpectedly, in such a short time, the formula gesture of "shrinking the ground" was clearly remembered.

Yun Yixian saw Wan Zong's nod and asked, "Senior, can I use this 'shrinking formula' now?"

Wan Zonglin put his hands on his chest and shook his head and said, "Little brother, your irritable personality still has to be changed. I haven't told you the precautions for this 'shrinking formula', are you in a hurry to escape? Although Mengxi got a few tricks from Xingying, it is not so difficult to crack it. I'm here, and she doesn't dare to do anything to you!"

Yun Yixian breathed a sigh of relief and knew that Wan Zonglin would not kill him for the time being. He quickly said respectfully, "Please give me some advice."

Wan Zong saw a "senior" and was even happy in his heart, unlike the "strange uncle" who opened his mouth and closed his mouth. Wanzong saw Yun Yi's modesty request for advice, so he slowly said, "It's impossible for this 'shrinking formula' to escape!"

"Ah?!" Yun Yixian was just thinking that with this skill, even if he meets someone who can't be beaten in the future, he can slip away with this move.

Wan Zong scolded angrily, "Ah, what! When this 'shrinking formula' is used, it is necessary to complete this lengthy spell, and the gestures and steps under your feet cannot be messed. It will take at least a minute to finish this. And in this minute, if you are touched, you will interrupt the operation of the 'shrinking formula'.

Yun Yi leisurely recalled that this "shrinking formula" can only be used without disturbing anyone. Wan Zonglin took him from Huo Yunzong to the morning fog forest that time, and it was indeed the "shrinking formula" used after leaving Huo Yunzong far away.

"So, if you want to escape, you'd better read the excerpt of the Secrets of the Western Emperor! The soul skill of the Western Emperor's Pavilion has been deduced from the march and battle for many times. When fighting, he takes the lead and has no money. He always tries his best to let the enemy attack himself rather than others. And this is the real reason why the Western Emperor's Pavilion is more respected than the other eight major sects. Wan Zong glanced at Yun Yixian's coat with deep meaning and said with a smile, "There is a soul skill in the Western Emperor's Pavilion that can make you not be harmed in a short time. If you reach the realm of soul respect, you can learn that soul skill. At that time, you may be able to use this 'shrinking formula' to escape.

Yun Yixian couldn't help touching his waist, but forgot that he had already thrown everything on his body into the ring. At this time, Wan Zonglin nodded with satisfaction. He could be sure that the transcript of the Secret of the Western Emperor was on Yun Yixian, but he had no intention of making it for himself.

Soon, it was noon. Yun Yixian was instructed by Wan Zonglin and was not afraid of Mengxi's pursuit and killing. Immediately, he carried out the "shrinking formula" and meditated on going to Tianyuan City. After a while, Yun Yixian and Meng Han appeared outside the city of Tianyuan City.

Tianyuan City is an important town in the north of the Daxi Dynasty and the only way to Meili Glacier. If you want to go to Meili Glacier, you can't buy a few clothes and ice wolves here. The ice wolves here are free-range, and there is not much difference from domestic dogs. However, these ice wolves are not afraid of the cold.

At this time, the whole Daxi Dynasty was in late spring, and after a while, it would be summer. But everyone in Tianyuan City is wrapped like a zongzi, as if it is not a hot summer, but a severe winter.

The walls of Tianyuan City are also all made of ice, towering into the clouds. The higher it goes up, the smaller the ice, and each piece is an extremely strong ten-thousand-year-old black ice. The ten-thousand-year-old black ice of Meili Glacier can be said to be everywhere. Rare things are precious, and the ten-thousand-year-old black ice of this charming glacier has become the most ordinary thing.

The gate of Tianyuan City is extremely open, as wide as four roads, and a heavy pontoon bridge is hanging high at this moment. Yunyi said leisurely, what's the use of this pontoon bridge? The outside of Tianyuan City is full of ice, and there is no moat at all.

Meng Han was looking around and saw a few crystal clear ice wolves and pulled the sled to the two. He was immediately shocked and shrank behind Yun Yixian. Yun Yijian saw that the ice wolf was pulling the sleigh and should not easily attack others. He walked over boldly and saw a strong old man sitting on the sleigh behind the ice wolf, wearing a felt hat, wearing leather and iron shoes.

Yun Yixian saluted the old man and said, "We are from the sky, and we want to go to the charming glacier to the north. I don't know if the old man can introduce us and how to get there?

The old man's face was so strong that he almost buried his eyes. At this moment, he squinted and said to Yun Yixian, "It's not difficult to go to Meili Glacier, but it's difficult to cross the Meili Rift Valley. You buy some ice wolves in Tianyuan City and take you there with a sleigh. Through this Tianyuan City, there is a large ice field. There are some fierce monsters on this ice field. It's better to find some mercenaries to escort them.

Yun Yi listened to the old man's details and couldn't help asking, "Old man, what is this mercenary?"

Meng Han opened his mouth wide, turned his face away, and put on an expression that I don't know this guy. She picked up her poor braids.

The old man listened to Yun Yixian's question and laughed, "Is it the first time for young people to go out? The experience is so short-sighted that a mercenary is the profession where you spend money and he works for you. Of course, there are also some mercenary regiments that fight for profit. However, most of the mercenaries are self-serving adventure teams. After all, there were few wars after the unification of the Daxi Dynasty. But in this soul continent, there are countless rare beasts, and some can also find ancient relics, and even get the legendary skill soul skills. They may become a generation of masters.

Yun Yixian nodded secretly. It seemed that it was better to find some mercenaries to escort her on this trip to Meili Glacier. After all, he is the one who licks blood with the tip of the knife and has experienced hundreds of battles. However, Yunyi forgot himself and was also a person who had experienced countless battles, big and small.

Farewell to the old man, Meng Han ran into Tianyuan City excitedly, shouted at the hard ice-cast road of Tianyuan City, and then leaned back, sat on the ground, and glided along the inertia.

There are not many people on the streets of Tianyuan City. Far less lively than Qingshi Town. The door is closed, and I'm afraid that a cool breeze will get into my home. Yun Yixian saw Menghan having a good time and didn't bother her. Just stand by the roadside and look at Meng Han.

Occasionally, several people who pulled the sled and slid looked at Meng Han's innocent and happy look. They all smiled and made way. Yun Yixian nodded apologetically to those people.

Tianyuan City is full of ice, and even the houses next to it are made of ice. Make the whole Tianyuan City look unique. And this ice city is also famous in the history of the Daxi Dynasty. Yun Yixian remembered that the ice city had resisted 99 foreign invasions until Yunyi's accession to the throne, with the power of the Meili religion in the Meili glacier and the Xihuang Pavilion in his hand, forced the alien tribe back hundreds of miles and cut the whole Meili glacier into the territory of the Daxi Dynasty.

In this Daxi Dynasty, there are many cities with a long history and unique styles like Tianyuan City. Yun Yixian can't help but yearn for it. Hurry up to Meili Glacier and you can see her quickly. Master Hong doesn't look like an unreasonable person. Maybe she will have a way to get rid of this poison on me!

Yun Yixian called Meng Han back and took her into a shop selling winter clothes. Meng Han refused to change it. She said, "My bloody red lotus is a baby who is warm in winter and cool in summer. I don't need to wear any winter clothes at all!" Yun Yixian couldn't help but feel relieved when she didn't feel cold at all. It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't feel cold at all! Is this dress on me also warm in winter and cool in summer...

Yun Yixian wondered for a moment and took off her clothes. Suddenly, a chill came, making the small sweat beads in Yun Yixian's pores show signs of ice. Yun Yixian hurriedly put on her clothes, apologized to the boss who sold winter clothes, and left with Meng Han.

The vendor selling winter clothes closed his eyes and never said a word to Yun Yixian, as if he had fallen asleep. But if you look carefully, there is already a string of bells in his hand!