yao ding

Chapter 28 Moon Shadow! The ultimate of summoning!

"You killed my mount and wanted to leave like this? Don't ask if the scepter in my hand agrees or disagrees!" The hot woman stared at Yun Yixian and the other three with an angry face.

Yun Yixian was on alert, and his two swords had been held in his hand, wondering who the woman who suddenly appeared was. If she is the person who fired his long sword with stone bullets before, then she, together with Iron Eagle and Meng Han, may not be the opponent of this woman.

"This elder sister, you said that this demon wolf is your mount, but what evidence do you have?" Tieying suddenly stood up and asked, for the worldly wisdom, Tieying is still much more experienced than Yun Yixian. As soon as the woman heard the sword eyebrows twist, a pair of apricot core eyes opened, and scolded angrily, "I said mine is mine. Is it possible that you can subdue a seventh-order warcraft as a mount?"

When Iron Eagle saw that the woman looked down on him, he said, "Even if I can't accept the seventh-order Warcraft, I can't listen to your words. Just believe that this Warcraft is your mount." The woman laughed and said, "So, you guys are going to toast and not drink punishment! I just heard from you that you were going to drink. Just in time, I'll reward you with a few altars!"

Meng Han picked up the long bow and hid behind Yun Yixian, and Yun Yixian's two swords also slowly poked out, and the iron eagle tightened the axe and shield. The two sides were tense for a while, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. The woman twisted her neck and smiled, "I usually can't bear to take out this adult wine. Since you are good wine, sit down and drink a few jars with me!" With that, his left hand pulled out a leather whip from somewhere. The leather whip waved in the air, as if to cut a cut through the sky, and a purple electric Thunderbolt tiger landed, tied with several jars of wine.

Yun Yi was shocked to see that she could summon a tiger by opening an opening. When he saw the wine jar on the tiger, he was even more uncertain. He was not sure whether the man in front of him was an enemy or a friend. The woman shook the whip, and a jar of wine flew into the arms of the iron eagle. The iron eagle quickly put down the axe and took down the jar of wine.

The woman saw him take down the wine jar, nodded, and her right scepter pointed slightly, and then another jar of wine reached the tip of the scepter. The woman put away the whip, clasped the wine jar with one hand, and drank loudly at the mouth of the wine jar!

Seeing that the woman's drinking posture was not inferior to the man, Tie Ying thought that she could not be looked down on. She also threw a shield, raised her hands over the wine jar, leaned back, and let the wine lean down and poured it into her mouth.

The woman poured a few mouthfuls, looked at the iron eagle and raised the wine jar and said with a smile, "Refreshing! I don't know how to call it?" Iron Eagle swallowed a mouthful of liquor and said, "My name is Iron Eagle!" He only introduced himself, but did not introduce Yun Yixian and Meng Han, just to make the woman feel that she was not familiar with Yun Yixian.

The woman sneered and asked Yun Yixian, "I just saw that the two swords you used were released thousands of times in a flash, and their strength is not weak. I just don't know, what's the name of your two swords?

Yun Yi said leisurely, "You don't ask me for my name, but you ask me the name of my sword. I don't know what it is." Seeing that the woman was still looking up and drinking, she seemed to be not interested in him at all, so she said lightly, "I accidentally got these two swords, and I haven't given any names yet."

The woman put down the wine jar, touched the back of the tiger, and yawned, "Since there is no name, I'll take it for you. The one in your right hand that can transform a variety of weapons is called 'stream cloud'. The one without a blade in the left hand is called 'Yifeng'.

Yun Yixian listened to what she said very smoothly, as if she had known the two swords in his hand for a long time. She was puzzled and asked, "Have you seen my two swords?" The woman frowned and said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. I won't answer any questions I don't want to answer!" Looking at the iron eagle who was touching his head in a daze, the woman smiled again and said, "But I'll answer this question. Save you trouble in the future. This 'Yifeng Sword' is a famous magic soldier that the door owner's father has become famous. I don't know what the characteristics are. And the 'Ryuyun Sword' was worn by Prince Rui in those years, which can transform various weapons, but it is very magical. After Prince Rui was unfortunately killed, this 'flowing cloud sword' disappeared. I didn't expect to see it again in your hands today.

Yun Yixian hurriedly asked, "Prince Rui was unfortunately killed. How did he get killed?" Because he knew that the woman's "Prince Rui" was his biological father, but he didn't know anything about the storm in those years.

The woman frowned and said, "I don't want to answer this question. Now let's discuss how you want to compensate me for this mount?

"Mount?" Yun Yi glanced at the wolf corpse still on the ice field and couldn't help having a headache. This woman is obviously not easy to deal with, and she will definitely not give up if she kills her mount. He was anxious and said, "This senior, not to mention that your mount has been doing bad in this ice for a long time. Just because it blocks our way and kills many of our brothers, we have a reason to kill it.

"Hahaha." The woman laughed three times and said, "That's a good reason. But what I want to know is, how are you going to compensate me?" And the scepter in her hand has pointed far away to Yun Yixian.

Although Yun Yixian was nervous, he refused to show it at all. He said neither humble nor arrogantly, "Since we killed your mount, I will compensate you. You can make a price for as much as you want. If you deliberately make things difficult for us, then the 'flowing cloud' and 'wind' in my hand are not easy to provoke!"

The woman held her cheek, her eyes flowed, and looked at Yun Yixian with great interest. For a long time, he said, "Oh, your child is really interesting. I just don't know if you can pay my price!"

Yun Yixian silently counted the money he brought. The box left by his godfather alone was worth a lot. Not to mention that the more than 3,000 amethyst coins I got in that red-roof house have not been moved much. Immediately, he sniffed and said, "If you can't get out, it's up to me. Just make an offer!"

The woman said, "Okay. I don't make it difficult for you either. Anyway, the star shadow and shadow are near here. I'm afraid it's unlikely that you want to leave this viruous ice field alive. In this case, I don't disdain to deal with the dead. A seven-order warcraft, if you die, you will die, and I don't feel much pain! Your name is Yun Yixian, right? What a rotten name!"

"My name is rotten or not, it's none of your business! Besides, why do you think that the stars and shadows can leave my life? Who are you again?!" Yun Yixian listened to her say that her name was rotten and immediately became extremely angry.

At this moment, Iron Eagle has come behind Yun Yixian, clenching his weapons with both hands and ready to fight this woman at any time. Meng Han saw the strangeness of the iron eagle and was also on guard. Just waiting for this woman to be in trouble, they are so adaptable.

The woman listened to Yun Yixian's words and said with a smile, "Yes, your name has nothing to do with me. My name is Yueying, and it's no big deal to tell you. As for the star shadow and shadow can leave your life, I have no doubt at all. After all, they are not as talkative as me! Well, I've drunk the wine, and the words are over! See you next time, I will be a killer!" After saying that, the scepter waved, and the sky drew a gap again.

"Wait!" Tie Ying suddenly leaned forward, and Yueying turned around and asked, "If you want to drink, come to me next time!" Iron Eagle touched his head and shook his head, "No..." Yueying smiled and said, "What is that? Don't you want to go back with me and taste my whip?

The iron eagle's whole head suddenly turned red, his strong muscles also trembled, and his heart trembled. Seeing him like this, Yue Ying suddenly smiled and said, "Here you are. If you miss me, blow your breath on it, and I can summon you to your side!"

Yun Yi's legs were weak when he heard it. It's really incredible that this woman named Yueying can summon human beings! Yueying caught a glimpse of Yun Yixian's appearance and smiled, "Brother Yun, don't you want to part with me?"

Yun Yixian shook his head in a hurry and said, "I hope you can leave quickly and go as far as possible. It's better never let me see it again!" Yueying said angrily, "Hum! It's easy if you don't want to see me. I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to kill you, so I'll teach you a lesson!"

Yun Yixian suddenly felt a murderous atmosphere covering him, but the moon shadow did not move at all, but stepped into the void and disappeared long ago. Yun Yixian was puzzled, but a few vines suddenly appeared under his feet, which instantly wrapped around Yun Yixian's whole body, making him unable to move. And on this vine, there are many fragrant flowers. The worst thing is that there is a bee on every flower!

Is this the lesson from Yue Ying?! Yun Yixian was regretting, but the bee had already left the petals and rushed to the tip of his nose!