yao ding

Chapter 32 Charmism

Mei Glacier is located at the northern end of the Great Western Dynasty, forming a natural barrier, so that foreigners in the north cannot easily go south. And the existence of Meiliism also makes these foreigners dare not think about the territory of the Western Dynasty.

This is not to say how strong Meili Religion is, but because Meili Religion has many poisons that make these foreigners headaches! At that time, several large ethnic groups in the north united to invade the Great Western Dynasty. Unexpectedly, Hong Xingli, the leader of Meili, who only took three disciples and blocked several foreign troops in the northern suburbs of Meili Glacier.

There is no blood, no fight of gold and iron horses, but it makes several foreign armies return. They would rather be cut off their heads by the enemy's knife than die inexplicably in the hands of Hong Xingli! Under the pressure of this strong patriarch, these great foreigners in the north presented countless gold, silver and jewelry in exchange for the unique antidote of Meili religion.

After that, for decades, the foreigners in the north did not invade the territory of the Western Dynasty. Naturally, Meili Religion is also happy and leisurely, rising steadily and gently, and gradually becoming the first of the world's poison sects, ranking among the eight major sects!

Yun Yixian and the three came to the depths of the Meili glacier. Looking around, there was ice everywhere, with endless ups and downs and endless ice valleys, making this place with only hard ice also look so charming. There is nothing special about Meili Education in the depths of the Meili glacier. It is just a huge palace carved from ice.

The whole palace is full of ice, which looks like a pile of crystals. At this time, two teenagers were standing outside the palace door, holding wooden sticks in their hands and pointing at each other. When the two of them talk to each other, no one will go down. But the wooden stick in his hand was just held up, and no one would do it.

Seeing this, Yun Yixian was surprised and walked over and asked, "Two brothers, I don't know who won this fight?" The two teenagers also ignored Yun Yixian, and the one on the left said, "You have been hit by my 'seven-star broken soul'. Within seven steps, you must bleed to death with seven holes!" The one on the right said, "What if you win? If I don't take those seven steps, your 'seven-star broken soul' is a tonic! Let's look at the soles of your feet and hit my 'Yiyang Jiuli needle'. I won't let you sleep every night!" The one on the left said, "You are despicable!" The one on the right said, "You are so rude!"

Yun Yi listened that the two did not mean to stop at all, and he didn't know whether what they said was true or false, but it was better to stay away from them. If you accidentally get the poison they spilled, it's not a joke. He retreated to Menghan and asked softly, "What are these two people talking about 'seven stars broken souls' and 'the hot sun Jiuli needle'? Is it awesome?"

Meng Han's knowledge of poison is very extraordinary. Although Yun Yixian has been studying in Yuexingyuan for a period of time, after all, he is not good at learning, and he doesn't know much about the poison in this world. Menghan saw him ask, took his braids, thought for a while, and said, "I don't know that 'seven-star broken soul'. However, the 'Yang Jiuli needle' is a relatively vicious kind of hidden weapon. A person who has been hit by a needle is like being bitten by a mosquito, which is unbearable. However, this kind of needle does not go to other places, but specializes in picking springs, shining on the sea, hiding white and other places on the soles of the feet. Although it is a poisonous needle, it also has the effect of curing stomachache!"

"Ah? What are you talking about 'Chongquan' and 'Zhaohai'? Are there so many springs under your feet? Moreover, since it is a poison needle, how can it cure the disease? Yun Yi asked puzzledly.

"What water, spring, this is a acupuncture point! I don't know who you learned from that ability to bring people back to life, and you don't even know the acupuncture points! And why can't the poison needle cure the disease? It's three poisons! Poison is also medicine! Besides, do you think the two of them look like they are poisoned? Meng Han wrinkled his nose and said with an unhappy face.

Yun Yixian looked at the two people and saw that they were still noisy, but there was no sign of poisoning, but he was anxious to get rid of the poison on his body! So he rushed to the middle of the two and shouted loudly, "Two brothers! The master asked you to go to her quickly! It seems that the lord of the Western Emperor's Pavilion has come and wants you to deliver tea!"

The two listened to Yun Yixian's nonsense and didn't quarrel. They blushed and threw a bag of things to the other party. At the same time, they said, "This is the antidote. You can use it!" The two exchanged paper bags in their hands and walked quickly to the palace. Yun Yixian saw that they were so flustered and said doubtfully, "Am I really right? Anyway, follow the two of them in first and find Master Hong!"

Yun Yi waved to Menghan and Tie Ying behind him and followed the two teenagers into the ice palace. Although the two looked flustered, their feet were not chaotic at all. They walked around three big bends, walked past a pillar, took out tea from a room, and walked all the way west.

After a while, a fork in front of the two appeared. Hearing that both of them hummed with their noses, they walked left and right. Yun Yijian saw a fork in the road and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he heard Tie Ying say, "Since there is a fork in the road, I'll go to the left and you go to the right."

Yun Yixian had to stay in Menghan, walked to the right fork in the road, and told Tie Ying to be careful all the way. Unexpectedly, before the three separated, the iron eagle stepped on the corridor on the left, and countless ice cones shot at him! The iron eagle hurriedly raised its shield and blocked all the ice cones.

Yun Yixian was quite surprised to see the situation and asked, "Brother Tieying, can you see the organs on this road clearly?" Tieying frowned and said, "Although I have seen many traps on the battlefield, there is no way to eliminate these traps." Yun Yixian clenched his fists, closed his eyes for a moment, and said, "Don't move later. I'll try it first. If you succeed, you can follow me."

Iron Eagle and Meng Han nodded, watched Yun Yixian turn the "flowing cloud" into a shield in his hand, and walked to the fork in front of them. Suddenly, there was a cold hum in the nose, and there was no movement around, but the pressure suddenly became a little less. Yun Yixian just thought that since the two teenagers could pass through this corridor, he could also try.

Taking a few steps towards the corridor on the left, Yun Yixian looked around carefully and saw that it was no different, so he took dozens of steps forward, then turned back and said to Tie Ying and said, "It seems that this method is useful. When we go there, just hum with our noses!"

Iron Eagle and Meng Han looked at each other. Can this method work? However, when I saw Yun Yixian passing just now, it was not touched by the mechanism, and it was safer for the three of them to move forward together. At that moment, he followed Yun Yixian through the corridor. The shield in the hands of Iron Eagle and Yun Yixian never put down, but no mechanism was triggered by them along the way.

Tie Ying saw it across the corridor and gasped, "This mechanism is really interesting. What should we do now? Those two kids have been lost by us!" Yun Yixian looked left and right, and suddenly remembered the scene of him jumping on the Xingyuan, and said, "No matter how many, if you encounter a fork in the road, go to the left. I think I can always meet the disciples of Mei Lijiao.

Meng Han made a circle behind Yun Yixian with his fingers, thinking that if he walked all the way to the left, wouldn't he have to go back to the original place in the end? However, she thought that there was no other way at this moment, just follow the way Yun Yi said. It's best to meet the disciples of Meili Sect. If you don't meet them, the worst thing is to return to this place.

Yun Yixian just wants to get rid of the poison from her body quickly at this moment. Only by living can we bring stability and happiness to the people around us. His pace is much faster than usual. After all, this Meili religion is his last hope. The sect that can use poison the most in the world. If he can't get the poison out of his body, he will be really desperate.

Yun Yixian still remembers clearly what the girl said to him more than a year ago: "It's a pity that you are not the one taught by us, otherwise I can ask the master to help you detoxify." Then as long as he becomes a member of Mei Lijiao, Master Hong should relieve the poison on his body.

Another three big bends, Yun Yixian and the three finally saw a house different from other rooms. In addition to ice and jade, this house is much more luxurious than other rooms. Yun Yixian didn't want to think about it, so she reached out and knocked on the door and shouted outside the door: "The younger generation is called Yun Yixian. I specially came to Meili to teach teachers and learn art, and I hope that Master Hong can complete it."

A voice suddenly floated out of the room and said, "Yun Yixian? Aren't you the disciple Yue Xingyuan who was abdiced by Wan Zonglin? Why did you come to my Mei Lijiao?

Yun Yixian was overjoyed, and this voice was the voice of Master Hong. That day, on Huo Yunzong Square, Master Hong was also the one who took the lead for him, and Yun Yixian still had a good impression on her. Hearing Master Hong's inquiry, he said truthfully, "The younger generation is extremely poisonous, but he is not a disciple of the Meili religion. The younger generation once heard that the master's hands and eyes were clear, which would definitely relieve the poison on my body. However, the rules of Meili religion do not understand the poison of outsiders, so the younger generation dared to worship the Meili religion.

Master Hong listened to what he said and sighed, "Oh! At such a young age, you have been attacked so viciously. This poison is invisible andzhi, but it makes you worry about your life. Since you know that I can't understand the poison of outsiders, why do you come from being boring?

Seeing that she seemed unwilling to relieve the poison on her body, her face darkened and her heart was gloomy. He clenched his fists and made up his mind. Even if Master Hong can't get the poison out of his body, he has to find ways to prolong his life in these three years.

When Master Hong saw that he didn't answer, he said, "If you want to worship me, there is nothing you can do. If I really have the final say, I will accept you. However, the elders of the French kings I taught are difficult to deal with. If you can make them promise to worship you, I will naturally try my best to get rid of the poison in you!"

Hearing what she said, Yun Yixian didn't want how difficult these elder kings were to deal with. He immediately asked, "Where are these elder kings now?"

Master Hong said, "In the room in front of you, there are a few people sitting next to me!"