yao ding

Chapter 84 Characteristics of the Eight Sects

The speaker has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks extremely pleasing to the eye. Yun Yixian looked carefully, but it was a little similar to Feng Xiaoyao, the patriarch chasing the wind. I can't help saying, "I don't know what this brother has to do with Feng Xiaoyao, the patriarch of Chasing Fengjian?"

The young man in white smiled and said, "You little brother is so rude. Instead of asking my name first, he called the name of Xiaoyao Zhuangzhu. On the 11th, the owner of Xiaoyao is the father.

"Ah--" Yun Yixian and others all exclaimed. Although they knew that this guy must have something to do with chasing Fengjian, they never thought that the teenager in front of them would be the son of the patriarch of chasing Fengjian.

Yun Yixian was just slightly surprised, and then asked, "I don't know why Brother Feng came to this wilderness desert polar movie city?"

Feng Eleven smiled faintly: "The predecessor of Tianye, the tomb of the patriarch of Jiying City, once asked his father for help and asked us to chase the powerful disciples to explore one thing. This matter is also related to several people. I followed several people along the way and found that several people were outstanding in courage and intelligence. And he is so good that he dares to break into this Lin Bing well.

Yun Yixian exclaimed, "You followed us all the way. None of us found it, and you didn't lose it?"

Feng Eleven smiled faintly and said, "It's not strange. Chasing Fengjian has always been good at hiding things such as sneak attack and assassination. It's not difficult to track several people to come to this Lin Bingjing. I just saw several people encounter difficulties in this maze, so I planned to show up and meet them to help them.

Yun Yi said leisurely, "You just said that the predecessor of Tomb Tianye chased you and asked for help. Why don't you make it clear what is to be explored?

Feng Eleven said, "My father sent me here to find the ice and fire unicorn here and see what the water poppy on its head looks like."

Yun Yixian immediately said nervously, "We are determined to get this water poppy, but we won't let it be given to you." After all, it is about Yunyi's life, and it can't be easily handed over to others. Otherwise, what else can he exchange for the snake for venom? How about making an antidote that can relieve the strange poison on your body?

Feng Eleven smiled gently and said, "Brother, don't be nervous. It's useless for us to chase the water poppy. It's just a petal of the poppy. The rest part belongs to you brothers. I know that you want this water poppy to save the name, and of course I won't take advantage of people's danger.

Ling Xianning glanced at Feng Eleven faintly and smiled gently, "I don't know what you want to do with the petals of this poppy?"

Feng Eleven suddenly looked embarrassed and shook his head with a wry smile, "To tell you the truth, I'll tell you the truth. My father is romantic and show mercy everywhere. Almost everyone on the Dinghun Continent knows this. Therefore, my father was also evaluated as an unscrupulous wanderer who stole incense and jade everywhere.

When several people heard this, they all smiled at Feng Elevenhui. Presumably, as the son of Feng Xiaoyao, there must be a lot of pressure on them. It's really a dilemma that you can't fall into my reputation or be too romantic.

Feng Eleven saw the look of several people, but did not say anything. Then he said, "Although my father is romantic, the women who have feelings for him are inseparable from him. Although their father has not given them a name over the years, they still keep in touch with their father.

Is it really a good thing for Yun Yi to have so many confidants? In case several of them suddenly fight for jealousy, won't the wind be unspeakable?

Thinking of this, Yun Yixian couldn't help looking back at Lan Xiyan and said to herself, "I only like Lan'er alone in my life, and I won't change my mind. Even if Lan'er doesn't want me, I will use my actions to perse with her. Didn't someone say something, what is sincere, and the golden stone is open? I don't believe that Lan'er will care about my infatuation.

Yun Yixian suddenly smiled stupidly. Since Lan Xiyan could say his promise to wait for ten years by Jinghu, he believed that Lan Xiyan must still have his place in her heart.

Lan Xiyan suddenly giggled when she saw Yun Yixian. She didn't know why she suddenly **, and then she couldn't help being curious and asked Feng Eleven, "What happened later? Why did your father ask you to come to find this poppy?

Feng Eleven smiled bitterly and turned to several people and said, "It's not for his great career of picking up girls. My father went out this time and took a fancy to another beautiful woman. This beautiful woman is not a few years older than me, but she married very early, and her former husband also died early. This young beauty became a widow. Of course, her father couldn't bear it. In accordance with the principle of saving the beauty of the world between water and fire, her father confessed to the woman.

Yun Yixian's mind twitched a few times, and Feng Eleven's father was really unpredictable. However, thinking of Feng Xiaoyao's appearance at the Soul Fighting Conference that day, he suddenly smiled again. Feng Xiaoyao was much more handsome than an ordinary uncle, and he had been in a high position for a long time. The momentum of the superior man between his hands and feet was much more mature than that of ordinary handsome men. Such a man has a certain lethality for any woman.

Yun Yixian looked at the iron eagle and shook his head. He looked at Feng Eleven again and shook his head. He felt that only temperaments like Feng Xiaoyao and Wan Zonglin could be qualified to be a stallion. However, Yun Yixian suddenly thought evilly that since Feng Xiaoyao is so romantic, why is there only one son of Feng Eleven for so many years?

Feng Eleven continued to tell the glorious deeds of Feng Xiaoyao: "This beautiful woman was not moved by her father's confession, but asked her father to do something. As long as my father can do this, the beautiful woman will consider getting along with him. My father may have been carried away by beauty at that time and actually agreed to this matter.

Ling Xianning said, "Is this matter for your father to come to this Binglin well to collect a petal of that poppy?"

Feng Eleven smiled and said, "This fairy is really smart. It's not bad at all.

Ling Xianning's pretty face turned red. Although Yun Yixian always called them fairies, that was all told to her, Meng Han and Lan Xiyan. This time, she is an unfamiliar teenager and praises her as a fairy. Of course, she will feel a little embarrassed.

Yun Yixian suddenly said, "Since we all have the same purpose, it's better to go together. I don't know what the soul skill of chasing the wind is like.

Feng Eleven smiled. He once met Yun Yixian and knew that Yun Yixian was a disciple of Yue Xingyuan. From the weapons and recently used soul skills of several other people, it has long been judged which sect several people belong to. He arched his hand at Yun Yi and made a long speech.

Each of the eight sects has its own strengths. Xihuang Pavilion is good at resisting attacks, and everyone is indomitable. Huo Yunzong can stimulate the eight spirits and launch all kinds of gorgeous soul skills. Juehui Valley Lingyu pierces the heart, which makes people unable to guard against it. The poison and hidden weapons of Mei Lijiao can control the enemy and make it invisible. Yue Xingyuan's soul skill is extremely unbelievable. It can not only heal wounds in an instant, but also stimulate potential and improve its strength in a short period of time. What is even more admirable is that Yue Xingyuan can actually come back to life, which other sects can't do. The polar shadow city we live in is completely based on the amazing talent of the predecessors of Tomb Tianye, which can stand on this soul continent. The soul skill of the polar shadow city is to summon all kinds of monsters to fight instead of summoners. The method of fighting is also extremely free, but I heard that even the predecessor of Tomb Tianye, he can only summon at most. Ten monsters."

While listening to him, Yun Yixian silently remembered the characteristics of these sects. In the future, when he wants to establish sects, he can give full play to the advantages of these sects and avoid the shortcomings of these sects.

Tieying nodded slightly and didn't expect that Feng Eleven had remembered the characteristics of the eight sects so clearly at such a young age.

Lan Xiyan frowned and thought of a problem. It turned out that Yue Xingyuan had been suppressing Meili Religion and became the head of the world's medicine gate. The reason is that Meili Education does not have a soul skill that brings people back to life!

Ling Xianning just smiled faintly. Although she learned Huo Yunzong's soul skills, she also knows the characteristics of several other major sects, which is completely proud of her mother.

Seeing that several people listened carefully, Feng Eleven said proudly, "All major sects have their own characteristics and advantages. But we are not weak in chasing the wind, otherwise how can we be listed in the eight major sects?

Meng Han snorted and said, "No matter how powerful you chase the wind, you are not killed by Juehui Guke! Hey hey, let alone I didn't tell you, Juehui Valley is very good at tracking and hiding. Moreover, you chase the wind stream with daggers and daggers, and you can't attack remotely, which is doomed. It is impossible for you to chase the wind valley to compete with Juehui Valley.

Feng Eleven was not angry. Obviously, his self-restraint was excellent. He smiled faintly and said, "You are wrong. There is no such thing as who restrains whom. It's like the eight spiritual elements on this soul continent. Water restrains fire, and fire can also restrain water in turn. The wind restrains the soil, and the soil can also restrain the wind. Everything in heaven and earth is compatible with each other. Although we have many shortcomings in chasing the wind, we also have incomparable advantages in Juehui Valley.

Meng Han held his braids and asked, "What advantage is it? Isn't your advantage unplayable in front of Juehui Valley?"

Feng Eleven smiled and said, "Chasing the wind stream has an obvious advantage, that is, it has many hidden soul skills. Other sects can't do this. Moreover, no sect can compare the speed of chasing the wind. Suddenly, Feng Eleven smiled strangely and looked at several people around him: "One more thing is that chasing the wind stream can open all the locks under the sky, and other sects can't."

Meng Han shook his head, but couldn't figure out how to refute Feng Eleven, so he said, "Then how can you restrain Juehui Valley by chasing the wind stream?"

Wind Eleven said, "This is very simple. There is no doubt that the disciples of Juehui Valley and the disciples chasing the wind stream can win when their strength and combat experience are equal.

Meng Han thought for a moment and nodded and stopped talking. Yun Yixian suddenly came over and asked, "Since you are so familiar with the eight major sects, is it that others fight with you? You can definitely win?"

Feng Eleven quickly waved his hand and said, "How is this possible? Although I know more about the eight major sects, not everyone can see the soul skills of the eight major sects. Moreover, there is a strong middle hand in the Qingshan Tower outside the mountains. I dare not be invincible in the world.

Yun Yixian laughed and said, "I know you dare not. But do you know why Wan Zonglin, who is claimed to be invincible in the world, always likes to fight with Bu Rensha in the Baji Desert Valley? Is there any secret between the two of them?

Wind Eleven coughed and said, "I don't know... But there must be something extraordinary about the Baji Desert Valley to become one of the eight major sects."

Yun Yi said leisurely, "That's what I think. But Brother Feng, since you are looking for that water poppy, are you sure to defeat the ice and fire unicorn inside?

Feng Eleven looked at several people and turned around a few times. Suddenly, he clenched his fist and said firmly, "As long as several people cooperate well with me, I believe it will not be difficult for us to defeat this ice and fire unicorn!"