yao ding

Chapter 86 Unbreakable Battle

Obviously, everyone will do their best in this battle! Yun Yixian handed over the command to Feng Eleven, on the one hand, because he could stabilize Feng Eleven's heart, and on the other hand, because Feng Eleven knew more about this ice and fire unicorn than any of them.

And Feng Eleven did not excuse it at all, and now said to Yun Yixian, "If you let me command, it's not impossible. But I don't know the names of several people yet.

Yun Yixian smiled and said, "My name is Yun Yixian. This big man is Uncle Iron Eagle. Her name is Meng Han, my sister. With that, he turned around and pointed to Lan Xiyan and said, "This is my wife, and her name is Lan Xiyan."

As soon as Lan Xiyan was about to distinguish, she heard Yun Yixian continue to say, "This fairy is Ling Xianning, and she is a good friend of us. She brought us to this desert."

Ling Xianning shook her head slightly and felt puzzled by Yun Yi's words. Lan Xiyan quietly clenched her fist and waved to Yun Yixian.

This action was seen by Feng Eleven. He smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Yun is really comparable to his father. Hahaha. Let's go and meet the ice and fire unicorn!"

With that, he strode into the big hole. Yun Yixian and others hesitated for a moment and still followed in.

There is another hole in this big hole. A circular room with walls covered with amethyst. These amethyst emit a strange light, illuminating the room. In the middle of the room, there is a big egg more than one person tall. Next to this egg, there are four pillars rising from the sky.

Yun Yixian and others took a closer look at what the pillar was. It was clear that there were four hoofs. These four hooves are obviously the hooves of the ice and fire unicorn in the mouth of Wind Eleven, which is extremely huge. At this time, the giant beast was ringing its nose and motionless. Obviously, it was sleeping.

Yun Yi said angrily, "There must be a limit if it is huge!"

Feng Eleven smiled and said, "Mr. Yun, don't be nervous. Although this ice and fire unicorn looks very large, its real defense is not very high. We have a complete chance to defeat it!"

Yun Yi touched his forehead and said, "It seems that we can only attack its limbs. How can we defeat it?"

Feng Eleven said, "This... doesn't matter. Even if we attack its limbs, we can consume less than half of its health. At that time, you solved it as quickly as possible, otherwise the future troubles will be endless.

Yun Yixian nodded and said, "Give me the last blow, and you can rest assured. But before that, how can we reduce its health to less than half?

Feng Eleven glanced at Ling Xianning and said, "Miss Ling. I don't know how you have mastered Huo Yunzong's soul skills?

Ling Xianning was stunned when she heard Feng Eleven calling herself, but still replied, "I have dabbled in Huo Yunzong's eight spiritual skills. However, what I am best at using is the soul skills of wood and water systems.

Feng Eleven suddenly became extremely excited and said, "Great! I didn't expect you to be good at water and wood soul skills. In this way, our chances of winning are a little bigger.

Yun Yi asked puzzledly, "Why is Xianning good at water and wood soul skills, and the chances of winning will increase?"

Wind Eleven said, "It is not difficult to explain. In our team, Miss Ling can control the action of this ice and fire unicorn, and Miss Lan can weaken the strength of this ice and fire unicorn. Uncle Iron Eagle can defend against the attack of this ice and fire unicorn, and Sister Meng Han hides behind the team to output. As for Mr. Yun, you should take good care of everyone's injuries and treat them at any time. Moreover, in this battle, I will go around behind the ice and fire unicorn. I can't command well, but you, who stand behind the whole team and will not be attacked by the unicorn, should be the most suitable commander of this battle.

Yun Yi nodded casually and said, "I understand this. I should be the one who looks at the whole situation. But Brother Feng, what are you doing behind the ice and fire unicorn? Isn't that dangerous?"

Feng Eleven smiled faintly and said, "This ice and fire unicorn is huge. Of course, it will be slow to turn around. It is very safe for me to attack behind it. So, Mr. Yun, don't worry!"

Yun Yi said leisurely, "Okay, Brother Feng went to attack behind the ice and fire unicorn. Sister, you stand behind me and output. Uncle Iron Eagle is ready to open the top of the shield! Lan'er and Xianning, you two should pay attention to controlling the ice and fire unicorn at any time, and never let it launch skills easily.

Lan Xiyan and others nodded one after another. Yun Yi said leisurely, "Everyone stand in a good position. I'm going to open the monster!"

Seeing Yun Yixian holding his swords in his hand, several people did not hesitate or pause at all. The iron eagle came to the front of the ice and fire unicorn, while Feng Eleven opened its invisibility and sneaked behind the ice and fire unicorn.

Lan Xiyan stood on the left side of Meng Han, and the horizontal flute in her hand had sent out several hidden weapons, but they all arranged poison powder around the ice and fire unicorn. There was no direct attack. At the same time, she is also ready to share some of Yun Yixian's pressure in treatment.

Ling Xianning came to the right side of Meng Han, sat on the ground, pressed her fingers on the strings, and calmly waited for Yun Yixian's next command. She knew that her control was crucial in this battle, and there could be no blindness at all.

Meng Han stood behind Yun Yixian, adjusted to the most comfortable angle, and was very excited. After all, it was the first time for her to face such a powerful monster. She knows that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, she can accumulate extremely valuable experience.

Yun Yixian, standing behind the iron eagle, suddenly shouted, "Sister, shoot arrows! Uncle Iron Eagle, pay attention to the hatred!" Saying a few blessing soul skills immediately fell on the iron eagle.

The iron eagle was absorbed, and the axe and shield in his hand were slightly raised, ready to withstand the attack of the ice and fire unicorn at any time. Meng Han heard Yun Yixian's words without any hesitation. A sharp arrow immediately flew out and went straight to the front hoof of the ice and fire unicorn!

Yun Yixian was surprised and said, "You actually shot your toes?"

Meng Han shouted behind him, "What toes?! This guy's hoof is full of bones. I think it's covered with scales. It must not hurt to shoot, but the hoofs are different. They are all bones. If you hit my arrow, it will definitely hurt!"

Sure enough, Meng Han's words just fell. The ice and fire unicorn suddenly charged Meng Han. The iron eagle suddenly felt an invisible pressure coming to his face. Will this big guy hurt so much when he is shot in the toe? He thought like this in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all, and the giant shield immediately met the ice and fire unicorn.

Feng Eleven suddenly lost his temper when he saw the ice and fire unicorn and knew that Yun Yixian decided to fight, so he didn't stop for a moment. He pulled out two daggers with both hands and fiercely crossed the hind legs of the ice and fire unicorn.

Yun Yixian and others' eyes were blocked by the ice and fire unicorn, and they could not see the situation of Wind Eleven. Therefore, Yun Yixian did not command how Feng Eleven should fight, because he knew that Feng Eleven must have his own way of fighting.

is different from Iron Eagle and others. Wind Eleven has just temporarily joined this team. Yun Yixian knew very well that if he easily commanded Feng Eleven, it would probably cause ideological disunity, which would lead to the destruction of the whole army. Of course, Yun Yixian doesn't want to see such a result.

However, Tieying, Lan Xiyan and others have experienced many battles with Yun Yixian along the way and trust Yun Yixian very much. Therefore, they will not hesitate to carry out what Yun Yixian said. In this way, Yun Yixian was also good at commanding the team.

Feng Eleven suddenly found that his speed could not keep up with the speed of the ice and fire unicorn, and he couldn't help but be shocked. In addition to being able to hide their split, the most commendable thing about chasing the wind and stream is the unparalleled speed. However, in the face of the speed of this ice and fire unicorn, Wind Eleven obviously fell down.

The iron eagle saw Wind Eleven chasing the ice and fire unicorn behind the ice and fire unicorn. He knew that he must stop the impact of the ice and fire unicorn. His feet supported the ground, and the shield was on the front chest of the ice and fire unicorn. The big axe in his hand attacked the ice and fire unicorn one after another.

Meng Han did not shoot arrows at this time. She knew very well that if she continued to output. Then the hatred of the ice and fire unicorn will certainly not shift, so that she can't guarantee her own safety and thus drag down the whole team.

Lan Xiyan suddenly played the flute at this moment. Suddenly, the speed of the ice and fire unicorn dropped a little. Feng Eleven secretly congratulated himself that with such a powerful teammate, it should not be a problem to kill this ice and fire unicorn.

Yun Yixian looked solemn and watched the iron eagle resist the impact of the ice and fire unicorn. He was a little flustered. If the ice and fire unicorn suddenly launched a soul skill at this time, the iron eagle would definitely be finished. The Yifeng sword in his hand kept waving, and one rejuvenation fell on the iron eagle.

What Yun Yixian didn't expect was that this ice and fire unicorn's soul skills were unparalleled. Even the body is so strong. She looked back at Ling Xianning and suddenly said, "Xianning, is your wooden soul skill fixed?"

Ling Xianning was obviously stunned for a moment. She grew up in Meili Glacier and has not experienced many real battles. Therefore, her actual combat experience is obviously not as rich as Lan Xiyan. At this time, the ice and fire unicorn launched a charge. The most important thing she should do is not to stand here and watch Lan Xiyan deal with it, but to try her best to launch a soul skill that can slow down or stabilize the momentum of the ice and fire unicorn.

Hearing Yun Yixian's words, Ling Xianning suddenly reacted and immediately began to play with the strings. After a few wonderful notes. Ling Xianning shouted in a crisp voice: "Flower God Protects - Tianxiang National Color - Charm!"

Yun Yixian was suddenly scared by Ling Xianning's shouting. What? I asked you to slow down, but you actually used charm? What kind of soul skill is this?